Greetings from Portland, Oregon!
Exciting times are upon us! We are blessed to be able to participate in one of the greatest Shifts of the Ages. Many gathering here have been consciously preparing for this time for decades, whereas others have been more recently called to awakening. Wherever each individual lies within the spectrum of Light, each is a precious part of the whole: a unique expression of Divine Essence. It is through this that we are weaving a magnificent tapestry of Oneness, to enable humanity and our beautiful planet Earth, to transition together into the Golden Age of Peace.

What is our mission? At the Prepare for Change website, we are joined in spirit by a common goal: planetary liberation. We recognize that the existing institutions and structures that are sustained by the few for their own benefit, must be peacefully removed. Our hearts and intuition tell us that an equitable system in which all people can thrive, is our birthright to bring forth. We have individually asked ourselves, “What is in my heart to give”?
From humble beginnings, we are endeavoring to form a grass roots infrastructure which will facilitate a smooth transition during the Event – the physical liberation of our world – and to enable our brothers and sisters worldwide to recognize that these changes which are upon us are a celebration of the continuing evolution of consciousness. We recognize that each human being has an important role to play in the manifestation of the Divine Plan. And we recognize that NOW is the time to release the past, and focus on creating a new paradigm of love, limitlessness and unprecedented grace, for ourselves and all of humanity.
The Truth shall prevail. Love is the Law. Victory of the Light!
If you are in the Portland area and would like to participate in any of the six Event support groups: leadership, media, healing, new technology, renaissance or finance, please contact me at [email protected]. Let’s join together, as we begin to create a New Society!
Anya Love
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Is there another meeting scheduled anytime soon? Today is Sept. 1, 2013 and I have apparently missed the first one or two. I am interested in joining the group in the Portland area. I am in Hillsboro, OR.
Hello Noelle, as far as i can see here:
there is not any new meetup scheduled. But you can ALWAYS join and suggest yours so that others can join you too.
Its not that the only person who is allowed to suggest a meeting is the Coordinator of each Support Group.
Another thing you CAN do is to become a Coordinator in your own group in Hillsboro, so that you don’t have to drive all these miles in order
to get to Portland. If this is the case let me know and i will add it in the table with all the other Support Groups, ok ?!
If you need anything else please let us know 😉
Mike and everyone else . Lets get this going , I was at the first 2 meetings with Anya but she is down at Shasta for a while and somewhat out of contact . We are planning a solstice campout near 3 sisters ect . I am in Beaverton and ready to roll on some things . I am going to do a peace meditation tomorrow at 2.11 PDT just like last week . I really think its working . Someone call me , Darrel 503-643-2497
Thanks for your message Darrel, many people around the globe are participating and that is indeed working, no doubt! Do you want me to forward your message to someone cause personally there are not many things i can do with your number. One way or another, happy MeetUps Bright One.* 😉
Noelle , I was part of the first 2 meetings and am very interested to continue . I am in Beaverton . Please contact me . Darrel 503-643-2497 or [email protected]
Hi Everyone, here’s the link for the meetup group. We’ve scheduled something for Sunday, August 4th at 7pm. The location is still under discussion.
Victory of the LIGHT!
eddie_on_drums and AutoCAD 2013 here in Eugene as well. I have little HD camcorder and a DSLR with a 200mm zoom great for sky watching on Spencer Butte. I have provided a link to some of the photographs I have taken from Spencer Butte a few years ago. I feel that I may be of some assistance in either drafting/design or photography/video and audio recording/editing on a small scale. Victory of the LIGHT!
Thanks Eddie! Glad to see you from the blog 🙂 We just might need some of your talents to get the word out !
Will forward to you the email that just went out about our first meeting being planned, for Sunday August 4th.
Love and Lightness !
Hi! I’m an Accountant living in Eugene and I’m very interested in participating. Keep me posted.
Wonderful Kelly ! We have made note of your contact information, and please stay tuned to the site as well. Thank you !
I’m in Sherwood- would like to learn more about helping.
Hi Gregg, awesome !
Thanks for joining in, your presence is appreciated !
Right now we are connecting together and more details will be available shortly, as membership develops. We have a very good foundation to build on. I will be posting more info as well as connecting through email.
Which of the 6 groups would you like to participate in ?
Can you explain the new renaissance group?
In the broadest sense it is similar to the Renaissance of the 14th – 15th centuries in Europe where there was a cultural awakening, and a resurgence in the arts. It covers spirituality, arts, and education, and will have a strong focus on the restitution of the true Mystery schools. There will also be projects announced on the Portal 2012 site in the near future,
As far as the immediate activities during the Event, there is a focus on providing entertainment and educational events which will promote an atmosphere of celebration, calm, and a sharing of information and knowledge, and will involve working with the Media group as well.
Not exactly sure about the who/what/why/how??? A very Dear friend sent me in your direction 🙂
Thanks the fun way things go sometimes Julia, we welcome you here warmly to please feel at home !
Hi Anya,
We are in beautiful Bend, Oregon…. some groups here are just starting to become more cohesive and talk about the transition…. exciting times ahead…!
All the best…
That IS exciting Mark, thanks for the report. Please keep us abreast of the activities down in Bend, we are all going to be expanding into Oneness !
Hey Anya, I’m in Grants Pass… Let’s keep in touch. Please send me your email. Thanks.
Hey there Heli, thanks so much for coming on board ! Great to see you here, and looks like we might be called Portland Plus 🙂 I’ll be in touch for sure.
Please let me know when and what I can do! I am interested in joining the group!
Thank you!
Hi Deborah ! Thanks for your response to our membership call. There was an enormous worldwide response to the general announcement on Cobra’s blog, which is now being processed into a data base. Once we are complete with that, we will have a better idea of what our local membership is, and can proceed with organizing. Namasté … Looking forward to sharing this amazing experience together !
Happiest of mornings Anya! I live in Eugene and am ready to participate in the leadership group. Let’s get this glorious party started!!
Michael ! Happy to hear from you in Eugene ! Great to hear that you’re on the team … great times await us, let’s start co-creating.
Hi anya, we are planning on moving to OR by the end of the summer. If Portland is where we should end up. I will attend. Otherwise, thanks for what you are doing. 😉
Portland is a really special place Amy, but please keep in touch wherever you land. It would be awesome for you to be in the network. Thanks for responding.