Section Two: Advising Leadership about the Background of the Event

 Section Two: Background

leadershipbigThis section has three parts, the first explains the suppressed history that has been treated as myth and fantasy, the second part explains about the Event which includes actions of the positive forces on our planet as well as the frequency shift that will accompany these actions. The third part goes into detail about what we can expect after the Event. It is the longest of the four sections, and it is a lot of information. Enjoy! 

Our Suppressed History

Earth and the inhabitants have been in a type of imprisonment and planetary quarantine since the times of Atlantis. At that time the planet was secretly invaded as a hostile force manipulated the planet into an advanced forms of warfare that almost destroyed the planet. The light forces withdrew from the battle in order to save the planet from becoming another asteroid belt. They promised to return to achieve victory and to liberate the peoples of earth from the hostile force.

It does sound like a fantasy but it is not. We do not want to go into great detail on this subject but the fact remains we of earth are not alone, we never have been alone, and we never will be alone. This universe is teeming with intelligent sentient life. Furthermore our planet has been experiencing ongoing interactions with ET races since time immemorial. This must be understood to truly grasp what is taking place at this time on our planet.

Without going into metaphysical details that are unimportant to the “Event” we must realize that life is sacred and a beautiful gift that must be respected. Unfortunately some beings have not been able to manifest this realization and they have been the cause for much of the universal discord, fear anxiety and destruction on our world.

The world’s societies and political and financial structures that have been corrupted by forces of greed, lust for power, hostile intent, and malicious manipulation are being orchestrated by very sophisticated beings, principalities, and powers. Most of these forces are unknown and unseen by the world at large. They are so far advanced technologically and they have hidden themselves so well that understanding what has been the real situation is nearly impossible for the average individual to discern. We have been easily manipulated; and the nature of the dastardly plans includes genocide and destruction of life upon our world. Imagine someone with a Master’s degree in child psychology manipulating an innocent child of four, and you will have some idea of the cunning nature of these selfish individuals.

These reprehensible beings have exercised their will against the very fabric of light and life for long enough. Now, they need to be arrested and stopped. The center of creation itself has decreed that they must be removed from positions of influence to receive healing and to understand the deep consequences of their actions so that the suffering of life on our world can come to an end.

Just as we have criminals who make hostile takeovers on “turf wars” on earth, the same thing has happened on a planetary level throughout the history of our galaxy. Our planet was involved in an invasion many thousands of years ago. The result has been ongoing genetic manipulation, implantation technologies and mind control via a very sophisticated technology of which we have been unaware.

We have been controlled and manipulated by what some call “The dark side”. Most people have relegated these advanced manipulations that are the cause of myth and many of the more convoluted histories to fantasy. There are different levels to this hostile force but on earth their agents could be called The Cabal.

We have always been responsible for our actions but the influence to distort our consciousness has been a formidable foe. In fact this negative mental virus dominates most of the world. We are now at the crossroads and an end must come to this tyranny and the attempt to enslave our planet.

To make things simple we will not designate the cabal as ET or human they are simply selfish criminals guilty of crimes against humanity. This site has provided numerous links to other sources to provide ample evidence for these indictments of genocide, genetic, manipulation, murder, theft, racketeering, treason, mind control, genocide, genetic altering, poisoning of Water. Air, Food to name a few. The list is too long and to depressing to detail here but we have links.

This will come as a shock to many but there are members of the worlds military and intelligence agencies that have been involved in on going interactions with ET races for over 60 years. These ET interactions are not limited to governmental agencies in fact the open minded elite intelligentsia of the worlds science technological vocations have been physically contacted or communicated with as well. Many of these interactions have been very benevolent, positive and even highly spiritual in nature.

There are many members of regular civilian population and society who also have been having informational exchanges of varying degrees with our brothers and sisters or space family. Unfortunately not all contacts have been of a positive nature and this has led to much confusion. This confusion must end.

To insure the planetary liberation process the benevolent forces of ET Races have been making plans with various elite corps of earth based military and law enforcement personnel to insure the joint action of arrest of these criminal conspirators. These plans are quite detailed and they have made every allowance for every contingency to insure non-violent arrests and total victory.

The plan of action has been to amass enough evidence to arrest these criminals. The evidence has been in hand for decades in but these criminals are in control the worlds media and military forces as well as the financial institutions and many other key aspects of our societal structure as well. These individuals and their secret societies are deeply involved in the politics and literally control the worlds view by manipulation. The arrests of these individuals has been a long slow and arduous task and the worlds peoples owe a great debt to the brave individuals who have had to remain hidden to see that justice is restored to our planet.

There are very wise beings and spiritual forces who have been promising for a very long time that the curtain will come down on the travesty which is the tyrannical exploitation of an entire planet and all of its life streams. This promise is soon to be realized as ET races will soon coordinate the plan for the liberation of or world, The Agarthan Network, The RM and the earth based ground crew populace will also be very involved in these physical arrests.

Unbeknownst to many there have been major battles inside the earths crust caverns and in outer space as well. This has been kept secret for various reasons and both side has their reasons for keeping this under wraps. The time for secrecy is over and the truth must be revealed.

There are advanced technologies which can influence and control human emotions and feelings in a powerful way. These have been and are being used against the average unaware human to his detriment. We earth humans as it now stands are not capable of overcoming these technologies at our current level of development and therefore we are being aided by benevolent forces who can match and neutralize these advanced technologies all at once.

Before the actual arrests can take place various elements of the electronic fence and implant matrix which manipulates the human consciousness field must be bought down. This aspect of the preparations is currently in progress and must be completed before the final enforcement actions are enacted. This will take time and no man or angel knows the hour it will happen when it happens and most likely will come like a thief in the night.

We of prepare for change have great faith that what is known as the Compression Breakthrough will occur in the not too distant future however patience is key to remaining stable as we prepare to be of service to our fellow man who for the most part will have no idea exactly what is taking place.

This general apathy and drowsy malaise which is firmly embedded in the human population is now being dispelled by awake and aware individuals who are stepping into their truth and declaring their support for the light forces. This is the purpose of this website, to awaken people to the immanent changes so they are not caught unaware. The more people who know what is transpiring and are active in supporting the “Event in a peaceful way the better off the planet will be. The smoother the transition the quicker we can partake in greater revelations.

One of the main plans for THE EVENT to be successful is to disable the central banking system, which is the root of the manipulation, and control system on planet earth. There have been tests in this vital aspect of the Events implementation and they have been successful. It is unfortunate but necessary that the worlds population will be somewhat disrupted by the closing of the worlds banking system but this is necessary to cripple the criminals to insure they cannot continue to wreak havoc at the time of THE EVENT.

The ET forces have very advanced technologies and they will act as the eyes and ears for the worlds police forces during the actual arrests. This will insure a minimal amount of violence takes place and insure the safety of the police forces.

All in all thousands of years of preparation have been involved in making the way for this planetary liberation process and it is important that you who read these words know and respect the wisdom behind the patience to insure our success. The delays are necessary as this is a fluid model of interaction and the human element comes into play. Rest assured all haste is being made to end the suffering artificially created on our planet.

Research the links here on this website if you doubt the criminal activity. Research the mountains of evidence of extra terrestrial life. Do not look for evidence in your mafia controlled mainstream media as this is controlled by the puppet masters and is designed to confuse and mislead you.

Make no mistakes where you stand we cannot serve ignorance superstition and fear any longer. The whole truth is here and it is setting us free but we must take its hand. THE EVENT is a righteous and just cause and will take place as planned. Please be prepared and think about the information we have shared here and see if there are any other suggestions you might have to prepare for this momentous period.

What is THE EVENT?

THE EVENT will be a moment of breakthrough for the planet which will be physical and non physical planes

On the non physical plane:

  • There will be a big wave or flash of Divine energy and light coming from the Galactic Central sun (which is called Alohae in the Pleiadean language) going towards the surface of the planet. It will be a flash or special kind of light from the Sun that permeates the earth and humanity. It will calm humanity in the light of love energy and end duality. It’s a magnificent energy not seen or felt before on earth. Everyone on earth will feel and know something has happened. It will be a surprise as to when it will happen, even for us. It’s never happened before.
  • It may be a major shock to some but for those who are aware of THE EVENT, it will be recognized as positive change whose time has come. This divine flash will trigger spiritual forces, Extra Terrestrials, Agarthan Network Peoples and the Planet X and Earth based Resistance Movement to begin to put long awaited plans into action. These plans are the enforcement of what is know as the Galactic Codex (link to cobras site)
  • Motherships will move into the earths atmosphere invisibly to raise the vibrations of the earths atmosphere and to help the populace acclimatize their consciousness fields as the electronic fence matrix is bought down once and for all time. They will not reveal or announce themselves publicly for quite some time although there will be increased physical sightings to prepare the world to accept their presence.

On the physical plane there will be:

  • The earths military and police forces will move into action to insure there is no rioting and to safe guard vital infrastructure from false flag cabal attacks designed to create panic and fear based reactions.
  • The arrest of the Cabal members who have led the way will be the most significant part of THE EVENT.
  • The res-set of the Financial Systems: the entire central banking system and all banks computers will be shut down and will not be able to be bought online, so all banks will close until further notice.
  • The main media stations will be taken over by civil authorities who will remove censors and cabal based programs and agendas.
  • Disclosure – The release of secret documents and events including ET information will begin some time after the actual event. Many of the world mysteries will be revealed / who killed Kennedy / CIA drug dealing / the true the forces behind all the world wars / ongoing depopulation agendas / HAARP/ vaccination’s / Secret space Program / Mind Control / financial crimes and many many things that will shock many people!
  • The beginning of a new fair financial system with prosperity funds and worldwide trusts for healing the planet will eventually be implemented.
  • NEW Government/Political system, Education system, Health care system, History lessons, etc. etc.Awakening of humanity slowly and gradually to the existence of positive non-terrestrial races and our galactic connections.
  • Introduction of new advanced technology.
  • The Techniques for spiritual growth will be shared as we learn who we are where we come from. We will discern our unique purpose and our life’s path will reveal itself to us individually.
  • There will be artifacts bought forward from ancient repositories revealing the truth of man interaction with ETs in our recent history. We will understand our cosmic heritage. Ancient sites will unearth space ships from our past and we will have physical proof of ancient technologies.
  • There will be a host of advanced healing technologies released which have been suppressed to keep the Cabal rich and you in suffering. Eventually The present medical system will alter radically in the light of more advanced forms of treatment.
  • Free energy devices will be available for your home and car and an end to fossil fuels and other toxic technologies.
  • Eventually public trials to expose what has been going on to insure a mass catharsis of healing and eventual forgiveness / criminals will get desperately needed healing and counseling for their distorted minds.

Keep in mind the details that are given here are most likely NOT an exact description of everything that may happen. However these are the basic plans, as it is understood at this time. It is indicated that certain aspects of this plan will be enacted. Human freewill plays a central part in this process and the enactment of the plans will be a fluid model that may change hourly to be determined by the progress we make during THE EVENT.

This “event” is not intended to be an Earth type revolution where there are risks taken to innocent people’s lives. IT is for this reason that we are called to service to insure a peaceful transition. This massive action demands the type of precision that only The Godhead Him/Herself can decide upon.

It is time now for everyone on this planet to understand that this future coming changes are NOT in the hands of some mad people who might make wrong decisions that might lead to bloodshed.

The coming ‘Event’ will NOT be a bloody revolution. The ‘Event itself is a lawful enforcement of existing planetary laws. Furthermore this is also an enforcement of the “Galactic Codex”. On the day of the “Event” the entire world will be informed that there is now, Peace on Earth, and a return to freedom for the peoples of Earth.

We will all need to remain calm and to support this transition process to a non-violent and peaceful society. We will need all the help we can get, from people all over the world to insure our success.

The world’s current political leadership most likely knows nothing about the intended changes at this time. Very few of the worlds major political criminals and players will still be in positions of influence after THE EVENT. So we must realize the real changes will come from concerned citizens like us who are committed to finding solutions. After finding answers to the worlds problems we must follow up with actions to manifest the changes in the New society.

Be aware, the changes that will come will be fast and powerful. Though much of the long-range plans will be implemented gradually, many things, such as the media stations will be liberated immediately. This will smooth things over and calm people around the world. For the most part, white hat civil authorities will be given prepared and responsible guidance to leadership –and this applies also to the general population. This will be through existing forms of media. Newspapers, television, radio, and some websites will be the most effective and comprehensive source of knowledge about what is transpiring.

We must support and reinforce these peaceful directives as firmly and as confidently as possible. Rest assured, the people are generally peaceful and well intentioned. Keep in mind the reasons for the “EVENT” will not be known by 90% of the world’s people. Nor will they have any idea what is transpiring or why.

The television will reveal the truth to them over time, because the forces of light will control the satellites and the communication systems. The few media moguls who secretly own all of the world major media and are in charge of systematic mind control (such as, Murdoch, the Rockefellers and the Rothschild’s) will either be arrested or rendered impotent. Their censors will be removed as civil authorities will be directed to insure the dissemination of truth from the time of THE EVENT until forevermore. The cabal-controlled, script reading, MK Ultra victims –also know as ‘talking heads” – will be replaced by responsible reporters. The satellites will be in control of the Resistance Movement and other supporting forces.

The media will give us an honest detailed report of what is going very soon after the arrest process begins. This will hopefully calm the populace and insure people are getting the information necessary to help them and their families.

What Can You Do Before THE EVENT

We are about to enjoy both a non-violent liberation of the planet along with a bright and beautiful future for ALL of humanity.

Since we do not know the exact day, month, or year of THE EVENT it would be wise to follow a few simple rules of precaution:

  1. Keep an extra 2 weeks of food and water on hand starting now.
  2. Make sure you and your loved ones have an up to date supply of any medicines that might be required.
  3. Keep extra cash hidden away at your home.
  4. Gas up your vehicle when the tank is ½ empty.
  5. Stay in touch with this website for updates.
  6. Educate yourself, friends and family members.
  7. Join one of the 6 task force areas – on this web-site and assist in the liberation of our beautiful planet.
  8. Get together in groups each Sunday and do the Planetary Liberation Meditation and focus on bringing in The Divine Goddess Energy. Info on
  9. Be sure to remain calm and centered and to encourage others to do the same they will be looking for answers and you will be able to help them so study and prepare yourself to be of service.


The actual arrests of Cabal members is intended to take no more than 72 hours on world wide action and enforcement sweep. However the human element will come into play and the initial arrests may take longer. Still the entire process is expected to last no more than 2 weeks. There may be ongoing arrests of smaller fish in the months that follow!

During this 2-week time period the banks will have been closed. Hopefully at this time the media will have been releasing massive amounts of evidence of the far ranging criminal actions promulgated by those major players, both known and unknown to the public eye. This will be a relief for many and riveting news for all. Overall this be a strong cause and impetus for change.

What will come next is up to humanity as a whole. How fast and how well humanity adapts to the revelations on the world stage in regards to the arrests of these criminals will determine the next stage of our planets growth. There will most certainly be a process of denial, shock and anger over what has been going on.  Acts of revenge and violence or acting out will not be tolerated. We hope our group will be instrumental in educating the populace and preventing fear based reactions and hostile actions by those in their communities!

The sudden drastic changes of THE EVENT will bring turmoil to some and relief to others. The weeping and gnashing of teeth by many is to be expected but we are strong and we must pick up the pieces of our shattered beliefs and realities. We can reassemble them into the righteous pure expressions of love and beauty that will be a cause for joy. It is expected that many of the old programs of fear of change will persist in many people reactions. Have no fear or apathy in this regard as the victory of light is assured and our planets liberation from tyranny is a cause for celebration! We as a whole planet will bring in a bright new era unseen on this world since its creation!

Below are some possible scenarios that may develop after THE EVENT.  The statements and ideas presented here may seem like a fantasy to some, paradise to others and even hell on earth to a few. The intent is not to dictate what will happen but to prepare you for some the POSSIBLE changes that may occur.

Military Presence

It is hoped that shortly after the arrests the military will be able to stand down and the temporary state of confusion will end. The military and police may have a increased presence initially but there will be orders to remain non violent. Transgressions will be dealt with. It is hoped that the populace will be less prone to over reaction and panic after the electronic fence, Cabal and the media fear machine is rendered inoperative. Your help in this process is vital!

Work and Leadership

The worlds populace will be encouraged to back to work as the plans to restore the governance of the people for the people and by the people proceeds apace. There will most likely be new elections within a short period of time. However the choices of leadership will not be paid for and the election process will be just, transparent in its fairness and honesty. It may be required that you actually attend meetings to learn who and what and who you are voting for! Imagine no more voting by what slogan you hear on TV. It may be possible If you choose not to learn and attend the meetings and learn who and what you are voting for that you do not get to vote. Why have someone just push a button because they like the sound of a name?


After the banks reopen everyone will still have their money. Criminals and banksters and the big boy stock manipulators will find they have no money! These trillions of dollars will be used for good. It is planned that there will be world trusts established to insure the clothing, sheltering and feeding of the worlds homeless. The aged, sick and infirmed will be considered first. The misplaced children and unwanted of the world will find loving families and places will be provided for healing and nurturing of those who have suffered under the old false regimes of the world.


Science will blow the lid off of the repressed ideas and false understanding of physics and we will learn the truth of what has been happening in outer space. Science boards will establish what technologies are harmful and toxic and these will be banned. Alternative solutions will be sought out and chosen by those best suited to the task. Many careers will end and vast changes in the work forces of the world are anticipated.

New Technologies

New technologies will be released that will to create not only free energy but create advanced communication resources world wide. Satellite’s will be repositioned and space debris will be cleared. Wondrous secrets of nature will be revealed to heal many diseases. The truth of why we get ill and how our thoughts create our reality will be taught openly and the causes of many diseases and ills in our societies will be eradicated immediately and many will find an end to pain and suffering rapidly.


We will purify the earth’s elements and the water and the air will be cleansed and healed in time. Huge water projects will commence. Dams will be removed and the water will flow as nature intended it. Vast desalination plants will be built and the desserts will be irragated and mankind will never go thirsty or hungry again.


Old outdated and useless technologies will be recycled as we create sustainable and viable living environments that are in harmony with nature and our fellow life streams. Over time people will realize it is time to get busy and be part of the solution. Many individuals will literally explode with creativity and progress is expected to be very rapid.

Food Production

Toxic food facilities will be retooled to provide healthy local fare their community’s populace. Genetically altered foods will be destroyed. Monsanto and other companies will be closed and those responsible will be dealt with. No more insecticides or pesticides will be allowed. The horrible treatment of animals in slaughterhouses will be outlawed and man will learn the error of his ways and the planet will eventually become vegetarian. The lion will lay down with the lamb.

Trade Unions

Vocational boards and unions in the various technological crafts probably will be established world wide to tackle the issue of retooling our society in the light of the immense freedom of information that will come forward. As the suppressed forms of communication and energy technologies are freely revealed there will be a need for major systems analyses and subsequent plans of action. Civil engineering will be paramount to return the earth to its pristine state. Massive transportation alternatives will be begun and the result will be clean air and less stress for the entire planet. Collectively it will be realized we are stewards of the earth, and the culture will shift dramatically to enact this birthright and responsibility.

New Jobs

The tremendous changes that are needed to make our world sustainable non-toxic and viable will require a complete retooling of our society as we know it. Many companies and jobs will be lost and some of them will end almost overnight. Financial assistance will be given to those who are misplaced. Job placement will be a top priority to insure people have a chance to serve their fellow man in a safe and productive way. The volume of new projects and humanitarian projects will be so vast and far reaching that none will be left without something to do.


The world’s religions will face harsh repercussions as the truth of the teachers whom they claim to represent is revealed. The spiritual core of these messages will remain intact as the revelations of love, truth, harmony and peace that they truly are. The true essence of the spiritual revelations will be magnified. The dogma, dead rituals and control aspects of the Religions will be exposed for the abomination that they are. This will be the cause of much despair amongst the masses of the faithful who have not established a true relationship with the light within. This cannot be avoided, as the creator never intended for any one man, priest or book to act as an interpreter of the living word of god that exists in each of us.

Those who have sought to exploit their self appointed positions of authority as “Religious Leaders” for profit power and even fame will see their dominions end rapidly. The real and true essence of the ancient teachings will be reinvigorated as the deceptions and falsehoods of the priesthoods are exposed for what they have done. They repression of ancient scrolls and the true meaning of the great teachers will be explained in their true form.

The great messages of wisdom from the ancient and recent past will be bought to the fore. The lineages of light and love that have remained intact and hidden will now continue to flourish in the light of the new day of freedom. There will be new temples built to foster the advanced science of spiritual growth. Glorious places of beauty may manifest where beings will rejoice together and worship God. These will not be religions or secular cults that seek to divide and destroy other peoples  by negating other viewpoints. The game of manipulation will be exposed and no one will be able to place themselves above others for control. True spiritual leadership will be evidenced by those who live exemplary lives in balance with themselves, nature and the world around them.

Those innocent and sincere seekers and followers of the various faiths will have to learn and grow to take responsibility for their own spiritual growth and not rely on others to tell them what to believe. Most of the innocent faithful followers have sincere intent and a pure desire to do good and these actions have been the power that has kept the priesthoods viable for so long. The entirety of humanity has learned much in the way of truth through the secular Religions despite the malicious perversions instigated by priesthoods. Even the priesthoods themselves are filled with innocent victims of false information and concepts. There will be great strides in the process of spiritual development and these will be taught openly and freely to the world at large.


This may be hard for some people completely programmed by fear and a lack of understanding that we are all one people, but there will be no borders. Immediately after “THE EVENT” borders and checkpoints will come down. There will be no restriction on anybody in the world going anywhere. After all no one owns the earth and there are no lines drawn except on maps and in peoples limited thinking. No more TSA molestations and you can keep your shoes on! If this is too radical for you sorry you will have to get used to it. It is one of the major lies and programs to keep people separated and in fear and this will end.


The lawmakers created the lawbreakers and most laws created under the false political system will be repealed. The common law dictates will be reintroduced into society and taught in a fresh new form and will be a cause for joy. The prison systems will be ended as they exist now and most people will be released immediately. Some prisoners will need counseling and they will be rehabilitated. Programs to reinstate them into society after they are healed of their destructive tendencies will be welcomed by all.

Money System

The financial world will see changes so dramatic that it will bring a sigh of relief from everyone everywhere. Except perhaps for those who have made their way unfairly at the expense of others. Stock markets will close forever and companies will be forced to buy back their stock. Many companies and most banks will cease to exist in their current form. There will be no more credit cards.

An open honest and transparent financial system backed by real gold is the first step. Then as the madness of money itself is exposed and the success of the universal economic system is implemented people will heal. As we learn the proper relationship to the finacial life the actual use of money will eventually be replaced by a credit system. This means you will not have to carry money around. This is not the NWO version of control as this will be an open system monitored and violators will be expunged from positions of responsibility immediately. The new system will not be allowed to be tampered with. It is hoped that by the time of its implementation most of humanity will be healed from the old ways that created the sickness of desire for material wealth. The fear of lack and insecurity, which bred the illnesses of theft and greed, will have been healed.


The worlds taxation systems, which are another form of repression and control to oppress the peoples of the earth will be eradicated very soon after THE EVENT. They have been used to finance our destruction and the funds will be put to better use after THE EVENT.There are plans to have a sales tax on all newly purchased items. It has been suggested this will be around %15 but this will be worked on and agreed upon as we move forward with these changes.

Humanity will realize that the real goal of life in not accumulation of physical gold but in realizing the alchemical process of transmuting themselves into instruments of divine will and love. By helping others and serving toward the community’s happiness and success it will be seen we all achieve as one.

New Wages

There is a strong possibility there will be no longer vast differences in financial remunerations. In other words there may be a limit on how much a person may earn in relation to another. It does not serve the laws of balance to have someone in one part of the world earning 2000 times what another earns for their time. Right now the discrepancy between earners is in some cases in the millions!

Unlimited Abundance

Innovation and prosperity and abundance will be encouraged and celebrated. There will be no limit to luxury and the quality. Art and Music, Science and education itself will see entire paradigm shifts and this will create a sense of purpose and hope for the worlds populace.

Go to Section Three: Whom Do you Contact?


  1. I personally support it very much. Admirably, the content and arrangement of this article are in place. However, in terms of the design of the mental system, this seems to be our tragedy, a more relaxed slavery. I earnestly hope to talk with you about this part after joining the resistance movement in a very short period of time recently.

  2. Please consider Hanomy system at as a part of this. I just finished reading this page for the first time and I am shocked that Hanomy’s goal is very much to accomplish what you are talking about here. I am available to talk voice and walk you through Hanomy if you have 1 to 1.5 hours free. Please hear me out and maybe Hanomy is a better solution. Hanomy is a WORLDWIDE paradigm shift in the social, financial, and political system to harmonize living for all. We can do it now because of the level of technology and knowledge we now have. [email protected] Highlights of Hanomy:

    • Fundamental human needs met throughout life’s existence
    • Basic human rights observed everywhere
    • Sovereign debts worldwide are settled and eliminated
    • Upheld liberty and freedom
    • Financial contributions drawn from a portion of idle/unutilized money
    • No taxes on income, profit or spending
    • Interest charges and usury practices abolished
    • Power of money creation where it belongs – the people
    • An end to the fractional reserve system
    • Upheld free market principles (true capitalism but with social responsibility)
    • Decreased or dissolved inflation and hyperinflation
    • Reduced income inequality
    • An end to corporate welfare
    • Advanced technology benefiting humanity
    • Freedom of time for quality of life and caregiving
    • Prohibited conditions for authoritarianism
    • Preserved sovereignty and respected borders
    • An end to “modern day slavery” (this includes you)
    • Improved care of the environment and world resources
    • A world we’re proud to claim and pass along

  3. Much diffrent than what the ‘hidden hand’ had to say about the event, see below:

    For the majority of Humans on the earth who could be considered shall we say “luke warm”, they will experience a period of (what will feel ‘ecstatic’) zero-point time, where you feel totally at One with The Creator, giving you an encouraging reminder and glimpse of who you really are, before the veil of forgetfulness once again descends upon you, and you will be transported to another 3rd Density planet (a kind of ‘Earth Replica’), to continue working upon yourselves and learning that life here is all about making choices .
    Seems like the hidden had was wrong or spreading disinfo ??? Maybe Cobra can address what the ‘hidden had’ said about the event.

  4. In the MONEY SYSTEM section I suggest including the eventual Resource Based Economy or moneyless society. Money has become irrelevant and will be even more irrelevant after the event. For a monetary system to continue just does not correlate with true Liberation.


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