Letters to the Resistance Movement

All readers of the Prepare for Change website are invited to communicate with the Resistance Movement. After discussing this with Cobra we have discovered that members of the RM desire more information from us, the surface?population of Earth.

Cobra has passed this information to us:

(PFC0517) ?Lynn? – Cobra, is the RM the ones that give you feed-back on our meditations, you know the strength of it and the numbers.

COBRA –?Yes, yes.? (OK)

Lynn? – Are we as surface humans? able to communicate with them telepathically.

COBRA –?It is possible.? It has happened in a few instances but its not very common and very few people from the surface have enough awareness of the RM to hear that telepathic contact.

Lynn? – Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.?

COBRA –?Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would be a great idea. (wow, thats a great idea.? Thank you Cobra.) (PFC0517)

In order to facilitate this for all people and make it easy for both us and the RM, we are using this page with its comment section for this purpose. The idea is simple, go to the bottom of the page and use the comment box to share your feelings about the situation on Earth.

So please ask your?questions or make your comment with your Letter to the Resistance in the comments below.

Published July 5, 2017

[NOTE: Please do not criticize or comment on other’s letters in reply, this page is meant to enable a free exchange from our readers with the Resistance Movement, so please do not respond as though the letters are to YOU.]


  1. I am experiencing and hearing of large business deals of positive people and organizations being stalled and endlessly delayed for odd reasons. These deals would benefit many who would apply their profits to serving others in many ways. Is it possible that the deals by positive people are being hampered by dark entities getting in the way, causing banks and government agencies to stall and delay at every turn? After hearing much positive news of how controlling elites are losing their power, its not unreasonable to believe that dark elites are getting desperate and working every angle against light workers. If it is the case, what can we do to clear these dark forces from our activities and move forward to complete these deals?
    Thank you.

  2. The problem with humanity is that everything is rigged. Great intellect and creativity is the biggest curse. The suppression starts from childhood, there are many who manage to get away from it, only to find themselves unable to manifest anything at all. If you want to dive into creativity you either stay permanently poor, because only "certain art or creativity" is valuable in societies, in every field. OR, you give away your precious spark to "them". I can't even bear to watch music videos anymore. Artists are nothing but slave puppets, and it is horrifying to watch society enjoy their suffering. Everything is in front of our eyes, but we cannot see it. Others pain is called art, its enjoyment. If you want to dive into intelligence, nothing is better. The only advancements supported are those that support an agenda. You can't even form a company without carbon footprint goals, 2030 goals and other NWO bs. Even before you open company, you have to sell your stock to fund. If someone wants to stay away from all that and have peace, they are just manual workers, where their joy of creativity and intellect is never fulfilled. Even charity doesn't serve humanity: It is formed to keep extreme poor even more dependent on the current system. Without corrupting ourselves we simply cannot exist. The only freedom is which way you choose to serve the system.
    Why would anyone want to wake up in a world where everything good and beautiful is inverted towards its worst possible expression? How can we want to take action seeing it feeding the darkness one way or another? People just shut down deep inside themselves, even those who are awake. People attack each other, on physical and emotional levels. We are programmed to keep each other in check. Those who see through it and don't participate suffer extreme loneliness. We can't even go to an empty land and plant potatoes to survive. We have to pay tax. So we have to work. The only way to change all this is a collective effort. But whenever a collective shift comes, it is also manipulated and it becomes a bloodbath. It becomes hate and blue team- read team. Black and White, us and them bs again. And people stay in that crazed duality. "They" still end at top and have a laugh as they dine on us. (literally and metaphorically)
    I can't imagine beings who don't live this for themselves ever be able understand us. 🙂

  3. What we call chemtrails, the toxins being sprayed in the air and the affecting the weather with technology in a harmful manner, this needs to be stopped asap! They have doubled down all around the world and it has affected not only our health, but the health of animals. Also the soils immune system and that of plants and made it very difficult to cultivate and grow food. And in the country called Canada they have planned for us droughts and many fires all over for this coming year. This needs to be put to an end before it can begin. I'm sure they are planning this in other countries around the world as well. Please aid humanity. I wish i as a person could do more to stop this! I have done everything i can in my power, please this needs to stop!

  4. Hello! Rm,this is Billsune from Taiwan.
    Frist i want thank for all light being who help Earth liberation.Love u guys~
    I have some question,Hope i can have the answer. Thank you
    1.If a place have been bury Cintamani stones,But people who live there still have negative emotion or thought even bad thing keep happend on them
    What could happen? Is there any way to help them?
    2.At 2023/12/27 Moring i had a dream,I saw Europe from high altitude orbit,there is a though or voice told me i have to join the Ascension comference,but in that dream i told "it": I dont have enough money to pay Air tickets and hotel expense
    They told me use Fundraising,I did in dream and only took few day to have money i need.
    After that my dream end and wake up and i write down this dream
    two days later 12/29 Corba update the info about Ascension comference in Phoenix
    Is that a prophetic dream ? or is a message from light being who want told me i have to go ?

  5. I was drawn to this page by a series of circumstances on the night of Halloween 2023, when the veil is thinnest. My internal guidance is guided by the eternal. Humanity is NOW at the proverbial crossroad. From my vantage point, having had a near death experience and angelic protection, and now at my 70th year on Earth, I sincerely believe we all must reconcile the opposites, love and fear, the organic and the synthetic, etc. We will find our way out of the current darkness if, with humility and a sincere desire to know and act upon truth, we express that truth when moved by Spirit every day. My message to the RM is simply ask the Creator for divine intervention and then be still and await the guidance that comes forth. For a long time, I wanted to call the Pentagon and tell the "white hats" that they have the "green light", but after much contemplation I received that this message is not just for the positive military, but for all of us, including myself. As a shaman of the world, I feel empathy for the tremendous suffering, especially among the children. This suffering must be addressed but it is in the Creator's hands. As one of the People, one of God's children, I reaffirm my pledge to do what I can from my humble position to relieve as much suffering as possible and bring joy and humor, healing and inspiration to this troubled world. So be it.

  6. Hello members of the resistance, I am a lightworker, just today I suffered severe trauma both physically and mentally, which is difficult to talk about, I have been commanding 1221, praying for the protection of the light forces, but it is useless, I was still violated. I didn't expect that in this final stage, I encountered these… How I wish I could be saved, I was so helpless, so desperate, I wished I could be given more protection and help

  7. To Cobra and RM: I Like Yolanda Or Someone Like Her Who Is Similar! Can You Or White Hats Arrange Something!? I’m at wits end in so many ways and I survived so much! I Am In The United States, Proud Born Citizen and Biden’s regime has given Me extreme strain! Biden’s regime does feel like China, more so for Me than most other people for a number of reasons which I obviously will not go into! Social media and other phenomena have been disastrous for Me because of clowns! Thank You! Oh and I don’t want to go abroad, She Can Visit Here To Stay And Make A Home Somewhere Great!

  8. Die Chimera attackiert uns mit Strahlenwaffen, sie bedrohen uns das sie aus uns Tomaten Sahne Suppe machen, folglich uns zerstückeln, sie manifestieren sich immer wieder physisch um uns einzuschüchtern, sie lassen Gliedmassen taub werden, spielen unheimlich perverse Spiele und blockieren die wahren und mutigen Seelen die das System sprengen in einer so grausamen Art das es in Worten nicht zu fassen ist. Sie regen Pädophilie an, bei den liebevollsten Seelen, sie schiessen mit Blitzen auf uns und geben uns Stromschläge wenn wir uns zu weit aus der Matrix raus bewegen, sie schüchtern uns ein und sie blockieren uns in dem sie sich ständig zwischen uns aufbauen, wir schaffen es immer wieder Starke und wunderbare durchbrüche mit Liebevollen Frequenzen zu erlangen. Dennoch leben wir in extremer Gefahr und riskieren täglich Leib und leben, je stärker wir erwachen und die Leute aufrütteln wollen, desto mehr umgeben sie uns und isolieren uns in sagen wir mal virtuellen parallel Realitäten. In gewisser Weise haben sie den Körper komplett blockiert und wenden dafür wahrlich sehr viel kraft auf, sie lenken Wasser in unsere Füsse oder lassen uns an Körperteilen starke einstiche durch Mikrowelle erfahren, sie shape shiften und bedrohen uns mit dem Tod. Sie hetzen die Polizei auf uns, sie hetzen unsere eigenen Kinder die wir schützen wollen gegen uns, sie senden uns Rechnungen über Dinge die wir nie gekauft haben, sie spalten Familien und sie lassen immer wieder die Drohung aufkommen das sie uns und unsere Familie töten wenn wir nicht schweigen. Ich bin aber sehr stark und Beuge mich nur der göttlichen Liebe. Sie haben Angst sonst würden sie mich nicht so attackieren. Dennoch brauchen wir extrem dringend Interventionen der Lichtkräfte und der Quelle selbst, da wir hier wirklich leiden auf einem unfassbaren Niveau, sie setzen auch extrem viele Klone und Hologramme ein, so das wir keinen mehr vertrauen können. Ich weiss wer meine Zwillingsseele ist und wir lieben uns, aber sie blockieren unsere Verbindung extrem.
    Wir sind in Lebensgefahr und brauchen Hilfe.

  9. Dear RM
    I want to explain you in what suffering we live here.We are targeted with the directed weapon and economically.I am also under constant attack.If I earn any money a l w a y s appears the debt from the thin air amd embargo.It has taken me months to fight with it.I won finaly but they never return my money.It would have been easy to reject it if I had got money for a lawyer.At the moment , when I got retired continously appears " debts" created by falsificaciones of my ex.And again no money for the lawyer.I describe my situation because I know a lot of similar cases.Here to live, to move around you need money.To have money you must work.Most jobs are slavery work.You haven't much time left to relax, you cannot have any joy..The next proble are suicides .A lot of people couldn't stay the suffering and choose to die.For example: a 13 years old boy suicided and wrote the farewell letter, that he cannot live in the world that bad people don't respect good sincere people and the life is a nightmare for the good ones…
    We are even told now how to live, how to spend time, what to eat…they want we all live according to their rules , if not…you are punished. There are more and more hoteles people, who cannot get the job because they are homeless.The governors of this planet put deliberately, people in situations of such suffering, that you cannot even imagine.Without money, here, in this World you are deprimen of the basisc: home and food and joy.
    I know what is it because I lost my home too.The suffering now is intollerable, people are desparate and they observe how live the so called " élites ", who use their treasures without any shame and do everything to enslave the world popularidad more and more.It could have the very bad finish.People all over the world have enough all of these.The Angel is growing, I know thanks the people I am in touch, from many continents. This Angel gets furious and furious and can end with blood.We all have limits…

  10. To the RM.
    I am sensing that many Lightworkers are becoming exhausted for a number of reasons. As those who are evolving rise in the Light having to stay for too long in this swampy 3D is like continually being pulled on by quicksand. Eventually exhaustion sets in and the gains in Light feel exhausted too. It doesn’t help that the media is still allowed to broadly brainwash the greater population. Those same media outlets would reverse the false brainwashing by offering truth. The surface “movie” has run its course. “Set the Earth free. Give her Cosmic victory.” This should be the mantra now.

  11. Stop spreading the desire for human unity on the surface. Human beings are so different and subject to different ideologies. Life experiences are so different that seeing each other would only be unbelievable.
    It is a ridiculous act for a segment of the awakened population to chant hymns 24/7 and feel that everything is fine. It is unacceptable to give up one's mission in order to live and therefore to go to hell.
    Stop demanding solidarity from surface humans, the diversity of conflicts created by the Galactic Federation should not be left to surface humans.
    One more question, resistance movement, are you really able to read the human mind? Or are you just looking at our words like idiots? Or is this whole blog a social experiment?

  12. Dear RM

    Nice to meet you.

    Is there any way to undo someone who has fallen into the dark as a result of being taken advantage of by an Alcon in his desire to be seen as special?

    These people are unaware that they are possessed by Alcon.

    Discussions with them will not make them understand and will only suck our energy away.

    You state that you do not understand why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors are fighting each other.

    But …

    It is impossible to get people possessed by evil invisibles, alcons, and other parasites to listen to us.

    That manipulated free will and true free will are two different things.
    That manipulated and created free will is no longer free will.
    Could you please appeal to the source?

    With that in mind, could you please ask the source to remove all evil entities that are possessing important people because they are violating free will?

    I am Japanese and do not speak English, so I apologize if my translation is incorrect.

    Dear loved ones, thanks for reading.

    (I will not mention my name because I will be attacked.excuse me.)

  13. Dear RM:
    Thank you for your healing. I'm moving on with my life. Let the unpleasant wind blow away. My family told me to keep my negativity down and everything would be fine. A lot of things happened that I didn't mean… I was attacked by energy and lost consciousness, possessed, said hurtful things… At that time, I had lost all sense of the world… No matter what happens, light will never fail… The Chinese medicine therapist told me to just erase the memory… Start a new life, never think of sad things, like a piece of white paper from scratch. Maybe I'll meet again when the Event happens… In the future, don't always make strange jokes to get people wrong… I want to rest…

  14. To the non-human beings who help us:

    Hello Dear Friends,
    I am very happy that Prepare for Change, offers us the possibility, and the freedom to transmit our human thoughts to those who show an interest in our existence, and who, most certainly, commit themselves at the cost of their lives to help us.
    Thank you very much, thank you sincerely, to those who help us in a subtle and discreet way, to those who love us, and whose greatness of soul allows them to override our weaknesses and infirmities as alienated humans for too long.
    Thank you to those who work freely, and without sparing any effort, for the coherence of this region of the Universe.
    Thank you to all those who inspire us, who send us good information aiming to enlighten us, to open us, to blossom, to go beyond our words and what they carry of heaviness and involuntarily badly controlled thoughts.
    As you know, our language through words locks our capacities, since our birth. We must now make a superhuman effort to implement other ways of communicating with those who are not human. The human word carries too much that is specifically human, that delves deeply into multiple man-made domains: sociology, psychology, history, tradition, religion, philosophy, etc. One could then say that mathematics constitutes an alternative "universal" language, free of these referential attachments. And that this "universal" language would be a very good way to communicate objectively with our non-human friends. But I think we would be wrong in this case as well, and I am not sure that our mathematics is universally objective. I have a strong intuition that 1+1 is not always equal to 2 everywhere, and that 0 does not mean "nothing".
    The question of the best language for communication remains. Few humans are able to communicate without words and without logical coding systems.
    So I am asking for help to communicate with those who love us. May they deign to show us the way to exchanges that would allow us to overcome the stage of blockage due to the inadequate mode of communication.
    In fact, I volunteer to help in this sense, and to participate in our elevation with the help of those who want to help us, by exchanging and informing about what can contribute to the resolution of the great questions they are concerned about and which directly concern men.
    Please excuse me if my English is very approximate, I have translated it from French, with the means of the internet.
    Thank you for taking the time to read me.
    The BEST for YOU and us together!

    Rachid B HDBA

    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

  15. Dear RM:
    The reasons for a team's misjudgment are as follows:
    1.Whether Yueran has a sexual life and takes advantage of it for profit, which is the point they are concerned about;
    2.Someone who can't tell whether yueran or someone else is connected to the Island of Light and interstellar contact explods their chat history for others to explore, causing a secondary misunderstanding;
    3.Men and women have different psychology;
    4. Whether Yue Ran is really sick or play, this is the point they pay attention to;
    5.Whether Yueran and the guy's dreams are manipulated is their concern.
    6.The amount of money yueran received was so large that they, especially one sister, had self-doubt that no one believed her when she called for help.
    7.Xin zhai trauma, they put Yue Ran as the heart zhai, heart zhai had also been hospitalized, and Tencent meeting was recently sealed badly, they will think of the heart zhai, but Yue Ran never did such a thing;
    8.Yue Ran did a lot of things for a team, once mentioned that they dreamed of being undercover, they were afraid of Yue Ran undercover for two years;
    9.Misconceptions about soul mates and soul families;
    10.I feel unworthy to be loved, that I have given so much and have not received material response, and that I feel wronged (unfortunately, I am now seriously ill and incapable);
    11.Don't understand women's freedom of expression, think too seriously;
    12.The fears of recent events need an outlet. Those are the trigger points.
    Please strongly intervene so that Yueran can continue to perform its mission safely!
    Hope they can give Yue Ran a chance to speak, also hope to know my situation and trust my person can help clarify, implore strongly intervene!

  16. Dear RM:
    To all those who have helped me and listened to me, I would like to thank you very much for listening to me. I'm sorry if it's a programming trigger, but it doesn't mean I'm actually going to do it. I sincerely hope that you can forgive me for this inner garbage which I believe everyone may have. I have never implemented my dark side. Please strongly intervene! Let all the projection of the curtain be transformed into light! As for the financial support involved, I will pay it back when I am able. And I did call 120 before. At that time, I was in danger of my life. I'm sorry to disturb you.

  17. Dear RM:
    Now I have returned home to Guangdong for treatment of stomach and other physical diseases, which are very serious. Please inform the person who has suddenly changed his/her mind so that he/she can come to their senses and continue to observe who is involved with the Island of Light and the energy operation without delay. Please strongly intervene! Please delete this letter when you realize it. Please let this person see this letter. Strongly intervene! I implore you to strongly intervene in the aperture all those who attack me because of the curtain, I implore you to strongly intervene!Ask this person to contact me directly.I have been unable to pay the rent, although related to the events and the interstellar contact (I have already contacted the related person, and he has indicated that dream, rehearsed many times, and with the island and a team of the ascension of light, he dreamed Cobra to build the island of light, I also dreamed about in a power point to meet Cobra), if the person fails to fulfill its mission, So I'm sorry that I have to return this room and can't go back to Chengdu. Please strongly intervene and let this person see this message. I have been isolated for a long time, because of the mistakes of some people, I do not care about, strongly request to intervene in the construction of the Island of Light, let it become an ark! The office building is related to the relevant person I contacted (the person's task is also to protect the sudden change), so far it does not have much connection with the previous person. Please strongly intervene!

  18. Dear RM:
    Now I have returned home to Guangdong for treatment of stomach and other physical diseases, which are very serious. Please inform the person who has suddenly changed his/her mind so that he/she can come to their senses and continue to observe who is involved with the Island of Light and the energy operation without delay. Please strongly intervene! Please delete this letter when you realize it. Please let this person see this letter. Strongly intervene! I implore you to strongly intervene in the aperture all those who attack me because of the curtain, I implore you to strongly intervene!Ask this person to contact me directly.

  19. Dear RM:
    I am now under fire for triggering the curtain by anchoring the accelerated timeline of light, deadly enough. Request strong intervention! I know that whenever I want to give up and not be understood by everyone, you always remind me to stick to it. Many places where others have anchored, you remind me to anchor again, because this is my unique blueprint and I can make the most of it… Can greatly alleviate much disharmony and suffering… I'm sure you can see… But I'm so tired today… So tired… I just want to close my eyes… Really want to just close your eyes… I'm very tired… Please strongly intervene! Please strongly intervene! I hope to get help by the end of the week… Repair all kinds of confusion and trauma caused by the curtain… I wish I could be happy too… I've been sad for a long time… I was worried that I might not make it through the Event… Even if my blueprints speed up the Event…


  20. Dear RM:
    Recently many remarks and energy attacks, causing me to be in danger, last night my heart chakra was continuously attacked, again request strong intervention! Many people's negative emotions burst, negative consciousness erodes many people's minds, I hope to be protected, strongly request intervention!


  21. Dear RM:
    Long time no see. I'm writing again. I found that what I said yesterday needed to be adjusted. I pleaded in early June strongly involved in my work and life, I am hunting for a job of work, can let me to divine blueprint (antiquities energy anchor) in the form of a stable job, because no one can replace me to do this no matter how hard I will do my best, I sincerely hope to get more support) of the light and the power of love, in my health, Intervene in all the factors that may cause me to leave Chengdu, intervene in all the situations that will interfere with my memory and understanding, intervene in all the interpersonal relationships that clearly understand my real situation, including those who know what happened to me recently but still trust me, strongly request intervention! I hope that someone with the same guidance will come to me as soon as possible and help me deal with what is happening to me, because anchoring the energy of relics is very important… This is my unique blueprint, no one can anchor it for me… I want protection and support, it's hard to face this impasse alone… I don't want to die, I don't want to leave Chengdu, and I don't want to meet anyone or anything that interferes with my free will or even scares me… To distance myself from conflict, from anyone or anything that might stifle my spiritual growth… Please help send them love and light. Please intervene as soon as possible to transmute the negative collective consciousness on the surface of the earth. This is what has hurt me this time and I wish to transmute into love and light. Please help me to remove these negative energy marks from me so that I can continue my mission. I know that because the curtain is twisted, it is common sense to say that one person can not be changed into another one overnight. I believe that you have been watching me, how can I avoid your eyes. Please help me remove all negative energy, negative chat messages, including all kinds of interference, heal my body and mind, which has been overwhelmed these days… I sincerely hope that awakened lightworkers with the same guidance will come and help me immediately… I really want to sing, I really want to sing… But I just want to sing in an audio way. No matter what happens, I still trust everyone.

    If the change-maker wants to contact me, he can call me on my cell phone.

    Thank you for your help.



  22. Dear RM:
    I now realize the museum becomes the formal work is not the only choice, they may also be my bondage, the major focus is actually the sanxingdui and sanxingdui relics, pleaded with strong step in my life, in my all aspects of the isolated state (it makes me very pain), involved in the work and life of I, let I can in the form of divine blueprint for my work, Intervention in my health, intervention in all the factors that may cause me to leave Chengdu, intervention in all my interpersonal relationships that clearly understand my real situation, including knowing what happened to me recently without my own initiative but still trust me, strongly request intervention! I hope the person who suddenly changed his mind comes to me as soon as possible to help me deal with what happened to me, because the anchoring of cultural energy is very important… And it's my unique blueprint, no one can anchor it for me… I want to be protected and supported, and it's hard to be alone in the current standoff… I don't want to die, I don't want to leave Chengdu, I don't want to meet anyone or anything that interferes with my free will, or even scares me… Keep me away from conflict, from anyone or anything that might stifle my spiritual growth… Don't even bother me on the Internet… Please help me remove all negative chat records, including yesterday's interference, I really want to sing, I really want to sing… But I just want to sing in an audio way…

  23. Dear RM:
    Hello, my name is Yolanda, from Chengdu,and all I do (including practicing inner guidance, sometimes guidance is wrong but I never do channelism) is to help people and trigger the first event timeline, all caring is real caring, "love" is the way we evolved… Today, I revealed my exam place to a stranger, who wanted to support the museum and deleted me as soon as they heard I was a light worker… And told relevant people that I was harassing… Today, I was really scared and frightened, I retreat does not go back to my teacher's house, as long as these are not things I compromise, but I unwilling so went back, I'm not voluntarily, I am not afraid dead, I just want to light workers can realize the importance of museum work, especially the sanxingdui, this is my unique divine blueprint, no one can replace me, I also don't know I had to go to university or to sites is for clean energy, announced it was not until this year, many things are as my broken programming in hindsight, I really don't lie, because I know yourself lying is against your conscience will let oneself uncomfortable, to happy I from 2017 began to be true to yourself, Is made up of allocution to is also associated with human evolution, "love" is our topic, I thought before aperture have love will reduce a lot of conflict, and I said some words is want you to confront her repressed trauma without any critical point, and I in January and march to pray ourselves when the target scene representation (this is the psychology of healing way), To my surprise, the light forces agreed, and I didn't realize it until I said some words myself… Because they will not be finish fry something according to the ordinary people, I really request you strongly involved in my life, let everybody can agree to realize my work no one can take the place of (don't really want to become a formal work, as long as it can go in sanxingdui energy purification) and so on do, this is the first article will trigger a time line, I request a strong intervention! I already have a day job singing (no regular salary but I hope it will keep me going from now on) and I want to have an audience that will help me as well… I'm not going to die, am I? I hope you can help me to clear up the misunderstanding, I want immediate protection, I do not want to die, this must be awakening light support, because today has shown that unawakened people can not work together for a long time… I want you to get strongly involved! Please strongly intervene! Let the relevant people who can safely help me get to my home and help me through all the obstacles! I really want everyone to be safe, I will fight to the death to protect, but also I want everyone to understand, I want everyone to remember once said to me, those vows… I don't want to be alone anymore…

    Thank you for your help.


  24. Dear RM:
    Hello, my name is Yolanda,from China. Last year, I came to Nanjing to anchor the holy Light, bury pearls, recuperate and pursue my dream (to change today's education).

    In nanjing during this period, I began to work in nanjing when almost sleep only four hours a day, then have another female colleague and I work together, to share my mission, is she let me feel what is love and rich, in that she would often take care of me, after I body hemorrhage due to strain, she advised me to rest to resign, and then just miao miao, I quit, Thinking of resigning at least to move forward, a male lightworker in the Philippines and a female lightworker in Guangdong began to support me financially for my recuperation and postgraduate entrance examination.

    During that period of postgraduate entrance examination, it was also the time to bury treasure beads. Although there had been some bad things, I carried them over and avoided many bad things.

    In November, when I took the postgraduate entrance exam, something happened at the exam site. I did not want to be disturbed by people and things at home to pursue my dream, so I chose to stay in Nanjing at this time, because staying in Nanjing can at least move forward.

    Later, it was the promotion of divine Intervention, and I moved to a different place to help with this. During this period, my mobile phone was used to make posters, write questionnaires and collect everyone's questionnaire works for everyone's reference. Among them, my mobile phone card was scrapped, and my computer was suddenly scrapped a few days before divine Intervention Meditation in December. Filipino male lightman helped me buy a computer in time to support the follow-up mission

    From meditation and three or four days, actually some propaganda is not enough, and only a few people, so I think of a way to, directly to the temporary propaganda team door is open, let many people scan code in to help, I and several other electrician to promote the material to them, because of the group of people only need publicity, so they can one more things, was thinking even if more than one person to also go, Did not expect in the divine intervention that day miracle, the number of people in the broadcast room soared

    In fact, I was forbidden to speak about this number for two or three times during this period. Each time, I was caught off guard. The Filipino male light worker lent my number to me in time, and I changed my name to the name of the current number

    Later, I went to the hospital because of overwork (originally the body was a state of heavy bleeding when tired), because some kind electricians helped me carry it over

    Later, I have been looking for a job and applying for a resume, but nanjing has been accounting and other messy things, SO I had to change to Chengdu to see if there is a solution. In fact, MY body is better than before, and I still often faint

    Recently, I am preparing for the museum exam, hoping to become an archeologist, which is something I love

    Among them, 80,000 female optical workers in Guangdong received funding from August last year to April this year

    Filipino male lightworkers received 14,000 grants from May of last year to January of this year

    From May last year to March this year, thousands of grants from Guangxi Women Optical Workers and others were provided, and there were also many material grants (mainly to help me regulate my body).

    But recently many people began to have to claim for me, controlled by energy cause I sank into the embarrassing situation, I need to improve the energy that nanjing research various solutions actually almost crazy, because it is can't bear to look at the situation on the nanjing, a lot of negative energy, in fact, the money is the manifestation of the law of manifestation (if need me to solve also request coordination). It is not that I want to cheat money, and some words are to clean up or explain some unresolved things to seek solutions, but I have been slandered since yesterday, please restore the truth of the matter and strongly intervene! I recently took an important exam in Chengdu. I know it must be related to something important. After all, if you follow the steps, you will lead to an ideal life (the general direction remains unchanged: cross-cultural communication).


  25. Dear RM:
    Hello, my name is Yolanda.Icome,from China.Last year, I came to Nanjing to anchor holy light, bury treasure beads, recuperate and pursue my dream.

    In nanjing during this period, I began to work in nanjing when almost sleep only four hours a day, then have another female colleague and I work together, to share my mission, is she let me feel what is love and rich, in that she would often take care of me, after I body hemorrhage due to strain, she advised me to rest to resign, and then just miao miao, I quit, Thinking of resigning at least to move forward, a male lightworker in the Philippines and a female lightworker in Guangdong began to support me financially for my recuperation and postgraduate entrance examination.

    During that period of postgraduate entrance examination, it was also the time to bury treasure beads. Although there had been some bad things, I carried them over and avoided many bad things.

    In November, when I took the postgraduate entrance exam, something happened at the exam site. I did not want to be disturbed by people and things at home to pursue my dream, so I chose to stay in Nanjing at this time, because staying in Nanjing can at least move forward.

    Later, it was the promotion of divine Intervention, and I moved to a different place to help with this. During this period, my mobile phone was used to make posters, write questionnaires and collect everyone's questionnaire works for everyone's reference. Among them, my mobile phone card was scrapped, and my computer was suddenly scrapped a few days before divine Intervention Meditation in December. Filipino male lightman helped me buy a computer in time to support the follow-up mission

    From meditation and three or four days, actually some propaganda is not enough, and only a few people, so I think of a way to, directly to the temporary propaganda team door is open, let many people scan code in to help, I and several other electrician to promote the material to them, because of the group of people only need publicity, so they can one more things, was thinking even if more than one person to also go, Did not expect in the divine intervention that day miracle, the number of people in the broadcast room soared

    In fact, I was forbidden to speak about this number for two or three times during this period. Each time, I was caught off guard. The Filipino male light worker lent my number to me in time, and I changed my name to the name of the current number

    Later, I went to the hospital because of overwork (originally the body was a state of heavy bleeding when tired), because some kind electricians helped me carry it over

    Later, I have been looking for a job and applying for a resume, but nanjing has been accounting and other messy things, SO I had to change to Chengdu to see if there is a solution. In fact, MY body is better than before, and I still often faint

    Recently, I am preparing for the museum exam, hoping to become an archeologist. I also like Sanxingdui Museum very much, which is my passion

    But recently many people began to have to claim for me, controlled by energy cause I sank into the embarrassing situation, I need to improve the energy that nanjing research various solutions actually almost crazy, because it is can't bear to look at the situation on the nanjing, a lot of negative energy, in fact, the money is the manifestation of the law of manifestation (if need me to solve also request coordination). It is not that I want to cheat money, and some words are to clean up or explain some unresolved things to seek solutions, but I have been slandered since yesterday, please restore the truth of the matter and strongly intervene! I recently took an important exam in Chengdu. I know it must be related to something important. After all, if you follow the steps, you will lead to an ideal life.

    Thank you for your hellp!


  26. Dear RM:
    Hello, my name is Yolanda,from China. Last year, I came to Nanjing to anchor holy Light, do light grid work, nourish my body and pursue my dream. During this time, my spiritual level increased and I made many things manifest and accomplished many things using the law of manifestation. But recently, someone was manipulated to slander me, which led me into an embarrassing situation. I almost went crazy about Nanjing. In fact, the money is the manifestation of the law of manifestation, not me to cheat money, but I have been slandering since yesterday, I request you to restore the truth and strongly intervene! Intense involvement in my life, finances, and relationships! I have a very important examination in Chengdu recently, after all, if you follow the guidance, you will lead to the ideal life, please strongly intervene! I have no psychic, I hope everyone can be themselves, request strong intervention!

    Here are the articles that defamed me:

    ​Personnel changes and important updates announcements

    Voice working Group staff – Yueran, due to personal development and other reasons, will be removed from the team any work and staff position, thank her for her dedication and efforts.

    Recently it has been heard and confirmed that from time to time some people in the group and even in the spiritual circle exercise inappropriate behavior to satisfy their personal goals.

    It is known that some people will use the following operation methods to achieve personal goals:
    1. Describe their own poor, life, family difficulties to elicit sympathy for the person.
    2. Mesmerize the target with the use of soul connection and unsubstantiated subjective consciousness that the target is his or her soul mate.
    3. Pretending to receive guidance in the name of "higher self soul", using a suggestive way to encourage the target to support the person's "light grid task".
    4. The person may also be in the name of others or in the name of their own endorsement to beautify their own behavior, to "enlighten, educate" some people.

    The ultimate goal of the above three techniques is to obtain material and monetary benefits from the target, which has been proven and involves multiple victims, as well as some people who are unaware that they are victims.

    In addition to the improper acquisition of money, the person also falsely claimed that the target was his soul mate with several different targets at the same time.

    If you have a known/unknown contact and the following happens, please be sure to identify yourself to be careful of fraud:
    There are people who ask for money, who are called their soul mates, who claim to have important light grid tasks, who often receive weird and incorrect messages, or who claim to have strong intuitions that lead them to contact you.

    If you encounter the above situation, please be sure to contact the staff to ensure their spiritual and money and property safety, but also to maintain a good aperture of the environment.

    Thank you for your help.



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