Media Group Newsletter Sign-up

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  1. Can anyone answer this for me please… I've been receiving the PrepareForChange newsletter every day for a few years, but stopped receiving it a couple of days ago. Did I unsubscribe by mistake? Has there been a change and newsletters are no longer being sent ? Or did something happen with another technical issue ? Can someone please tell me how to find a 'subscribe' link, so I can resubscribe just to make sure, if you feel that would be appropriate. I haven't been able to find one.
    Any answer at all would be great… whenever I've sent e-mail to the contact@prepareforchange address, I've never received a reply ! Thanks… Shahaylu.

  2. I'm suffering from V2k i stumbled on this web site iv been going through this for some time now i need help. please. my number house number is 5755371038 or 5752185083 keep trying to reach as my phone doesnt all ways work. PLEASE HELP

  3. I get your newsletter every day but stopped receiving it today. It is my only source for daily reading and news. I miss you guys! Did I unsubscribe by mistake? Or did something happen to you? Please send me your newsletters again! Thanks

  4. Iam so pleased that I found this place, am trained reiki, but I felt like I was losing my mind to the dark, and I won’t the light back thank for all that you are doing


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