
Home Financial Bill Maher Rips San Francisco’s ‘Crazy’ Reparations Plan: ‘Doesn’t Have a History...

Bill Maher Rips San Francisco’s ‘Crazy’ Reparations Plan: ‘Doesn’t Have a History of Slavery – This Is Madness’


by David Hawkins,

“Real Time” host Bill Maher has slammed San Francisco’s “crazy” reparations plan.

The plan would give African American residents millions of dollars, homes for $1, and a tax-free life.

Maher had former presidential candidate Andrew Yang and Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) on his show last night.

Maher asked them if the reparation proposal is going “too far,” saying it’s “quite a lot” to hand out $5 million to anyone who qualifies.

Maher said: “I mean it seems like, you know, when people ask why are you talking against the woke craziness- because it’s crazy. Isn’t that crazy? And by the way, San Francisco doesn’t have a history of slavery or anything like that, you know.

“It would cost every citizen left $600,000 each.

“This is madness, is it not?”

“Even I didn’t go this far,” Yang joked about his 2020 campaign pledge to give everyone a universal basic income.

Watch the following video:

“Real Time” host Bill Maher took a blowtorch towards San Francisco’s “crazy” reparations plan that would give Black residents millions of dollars.

“We have a lot of people at various stages of public office who are putting out bills and policies that are more for the messaging and stoking the fires on social media than actually trying to get something passed.”

Maher said of the recent bank collapses:

“And interest rates spiked because of inflation, that’s why they had to — okay, so, when uncle sugar was very generous during COVID, that was the result of that.

“That’s what caused the inflation — a lot of what caused the inflation.

“You cannot put $6 trillion that you don’t have in people’s pockets and not expect some inflation.

“That’s what caused this rate hike and so, it’s all connected.”

Maher then called out the University of Michigan saying the college has “142” DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) staff members on its payroll.

He said:

“That’s a lot, is it not? Has it become a cottage industry?

“I mean, is it something where these are jobs now?

“And these people ever gonna want to give up their jobs?”


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  1. They will never get it because they would be opening a can of worms of having to give Reparations to the Irish Slave descendants, which outweigh blacks by 2 to 1.

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