- The WHO’s Dr Tedros said threat of another pandemic can’t be kicked down road
- He unveiled new global scheme to spot and track the most dangerous pathogens
The planet should be ready for a disease even deadlier than Covid, the head of the World Health Organisation warned yesterday.
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told the World Health Assembly forum that the threat of another public health crisis could not be kicked ‘down the road’.
He also claimed that, despite the darkest days of the pandemic being consigned to history, a doomsday Covid variant with the power to send the world back to square one could still spawn.
In Geneva, Switzerland, Dr Tedros said : ‘The threat of another variant emerging that causes new surges of disease and death remains. And the threat of another pathogen emerging with even deadlier potential remains.’

Despite Covid no longer being a global health emergency, the health threat is not over, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (pictured) told the World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva, Switzerland, yesterday

In 2018, the WHO identified nine priority diseases (listed) that pose the biggest risk to public health. They were deemed to be most risky due to a lack of treatments or their ability to cause a pandemic
He was speaking as the WHO unveiled a new global scheme to spot and track the most dangerous pathogens at an annual meeting of its 194 member states.
No specific diseases were named. But ‘Disease X’ — a place-holder given to a devastating pathogen not yet discovered — is on the UN agency’s list of pressing threats.
Dr Tedros’ comments come after the WHO earlier this month declared that Covid was no longer a public health emergency of international concern.
Instead, the virus is now considered an ‘established and ongoing health issue’.
It marked a major step and came three years after a cluster of Chinese residents in the city of Wuhan came down with a mysterious illness in December 2019.
At the WHA’s 76th meeting, the WHO launched the International Pathogen Surveillance Network (IPSN). It will give all nations access to genomic sequencing to identify and respond to emerging disease threats using genomics.
Genomics – the study of the genetic material found in a virus – helps scientists spot mutations that can make a pathogen more infectious or deadly.
Scientists can then develop treatments and vaccines that work against them, while nations can mount a timely response.
The IPSN will see researchers, governments, charitable foundations and the private sector work together to monitor bugs.
Dr Tedros said: ‘We cannot kick this can down the road.
‘When the next pandemic comes knocking – and it will – we must be ready to answer decisively, collectively and equitably.’
The WHO has identified nine priority diseases that pose the biggest risk to public health. They were deemed to be most risky due to a lack of treatments or their ability to cause a pandemic.
Covid is on the list, along with Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever, a disease transmitted by ticks which kills 30 per cent of those it hospitalises.
Ebola, which kills around half of those it infects, is another. It causes vomiting, diarrhoea, a rash, yellowing of the skin and eyes and bleeding from multiple orifices, including the eyes, ears and mouth.
Marburg, one of the deadliest pathogens ever discovered, with a case-fatality ratio of 88 per cent, is also a threat. It causes similar symptoms to Ebola.
Lassa fever, which is mild or causes no symptoms in 80 per cent of cases, kills around 1 to 3 per cent of those it infects. It is endemic in parts of West Africa but just 11 cases and one death have been recorded in the UK.
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) are also on the WHO’s pandemic watch-list.

This graphic, from March 2020, showed the Covid pandemic in a visual timeline comparing it to history’s most deadly pandemics. It shows the bubonic plague, also known as the Black Death, was the most lethal of all diseases, killing roughly 200million people in the 14th century. However, Covid is shown as killing 6,400 people at this point. The WHO estimates it has now killed 20million
MERS causes a fever and cough which can develop into pneumonia and breathing difficulties. It was first spotted in the Middle East in 2012 and kills around 35 per cent of those it infects.
SARS, first identified in China in 2003, was the first severe and infectious new disease this century, has a case fatality ratio of three per cent.
Nipah virus, first spotted in humans in 1998, causes a flu-like illness which can develop into breathing difficulties. It kills around three-quarters of those with confirmed infections.
The WHO is also concerned about Rift Valley fever, spread by infected animals and usually spotted in sub-Saharan Africa. It kills around one per cent of those infected.
Zika virus, another pathogen of concern, is mainly spread by mosquitos and is usually mild. Severe cases are rare, but it can cause complications for pregnant woman and babies.
The UN health agency has also warned about ‘Disease X’, reflecting the fact that the next pandemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease.
WHO officials are currently working on an updated list.
From dailymail.co.uk
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
Consider the Facts. Is it simple or not simple. Your a human being, Living Breathing, you have a full life of experience knowledge loved, give love know what the definition of right and wrong is. understand the Mores and morals of etiquette, a learned of many all things to your own capacity. You feel counted and know your just like all the other "Humans" on this planet.
Yet some few of these other humans care not for you to live any longer. They decided by a long term in planning a cast of methods to murder you erase you, take all your lively items and claim them for themselves.
And your now okay with that, Just be careful as to what wolf you feed.
Do you care that it does not matter, to what you feed. {The Wolf is going to eat you no matter what you feed him} 1st 2nd or the 100th to X-time.
Remember he "might look" defenseless and weak. Maybe spinless and amoeba like regardless, Poor little xyz, Just 1 howl and "The Entire Pack" will be onto your flesh and you will be eaten up in seconds. "Ever watch a wolf/coyote pack devour a deer" about 22 minutes and the skull is only thing left maybe a few ribs. How about a tiger eat a hyena ? How about a Big Grey Owl eat a full grown mallard Duck. They keep coming back until every bone is gone and eaten. Just like this Tedros wolf, he is expressing we are going to eat every single one of you after we kill "the All of You".
The PLAN was to genocide 7.5 billion peoples on this planet and your just rightly all okay by that. Their executed plan had a few issues, The Who are known as to being all part construct accessory to a major crime, an now Express we're going to try a 2nd or 3rd or 4th time to succeed at making it happen, We have Help. off and on this world all the tools and own everything and have all the money to make it happen. We're getting rid of the human race Chimera and Orion group of AI under-lords and their AI-master-god will be masters of this planet and all things. We own the world the all everything and now all the people, by the technology patients injected into everyone it is ours.
Guess its simply roll over and ask for our bellies to be rubbed. Just one last time.
Think the world has gone lawless for enough.
As they manufacture all the diseases and put them on to humanity for hatred, profit control and domination they should know what comes next regards that. But are they going to get to continue on with any of this or are they going to be meeting their maker at last ridding the planet of a demonic cancer. I hope it is the latter. https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-black-nobility-jesuit-order-founders-of-fascism-freemasonry-illuminati-the-vatican-and-zionism
I used to think the same way. Are you familiar with Fall of the Cabal with Janet Ossenbaard? She left FOTC about a month and 1/2 ago. She is expressing sentiments that I have been concidering, that we may be prolonging their stay and power with our hate. We have been feeling this slow, sticky energy for some time and have been waiting for more people to wake up, as in the 100th monkey effect. What if our hate is "feeding the wrong wolf"? The more we focus on them, the cabal, the more attention and energy they receive from us. The more negative thought forms are expressed, the more loosh is provided. How can we move forward if always focusing on those negative emotions? What if we sent positive thoughts, like love and forgiveness to help them heal? Are we to be jury, judge and executioner, or leave it in the hands of a higher power who can see thier past and what may have lead them to this behavior? Just some food for thought! Be careful which wolf you feed it too! : )
These people do not want to heal they are not normal they are Luciferin's and want to continue on with world domination and their wicked plan for full power over the planet . Anyone who wanted to change over and was genuine were welcome to they have has lots more time and endless chances but they just lie; and want to continue on being at war with Humanity. They are what they are and they have no intentions of changing. I do not hate these people I just know it is us or them and it is not going to be us any more if we can help it. I am not trying to be a jury I am a witness to the murder of innocent people and all the wicked things they are doing to hurt everyone in the world with zero remorse . Action has to be taken to stop them and God agrees with that you can only kill in self defence or to save an innocent that is the laws of the higher power GOD and our side is following these laws. We are not executioners we are defending ourselves from an enemy determined to kill us all and take us into hell on earth. Not quite the same thing and frankly they do not need you to defend them You would be better thinking about all they people they are poisoning murdering destroying starving and blighting in every way possible – have some prayers for them .
As a funeral director who has been very vocal about this covid lie – i tellyou all i now place record numbers of young vaccine receipients into coffins
They do not die from covid, they die form these vaccines they have been poisoned with.
May God save us from the WEF and WHO demons