Maine Mom, RN, Paid Ultimate Price Trusting Her Doctors

A toxicology report shows that a new mom in Maine was right. Her baby, Sawyer, died when he was just eight weeks and six days old, just 34 hours after being vaccinated.
On October 20, 2022, Melissa, who herself is a registered nurse, took her baby to the pediatrician. Baby Sawyer had a rash around his torso that just wouldn’t go away. The pediatrician diagnosed him with a viral infection, which was causing the rash.
The doctor gave her Eucerin cream and told her to monitor her son’s temperature for a possible fever.
Seven days later, on October 27, 2022, Melissa went to the same pediatrician for her son’s well-child check-up. At that two-month check-up, Melissa asked the doctor if they should wait on the two-month vaccinations because her baby was still sick.
The doctor said no.
Although Baby Sawyer still had a rash, he didn’t have a fever. And Since Baby Sawyer didn’t have a fever during the appointment, the doctor insisted it would be perfectly safe for the baby to get all his recommended vaccines.
Even though her intuition, as both a nurse and a mom, was that they should wait until the baby was feeling better, Melissa trusted her doctor.
That turned out to be the biggest mistake of her life.
Four Shots to “Protect” Against 8 Childhood Illnesses
At that visit, the baby was given:
Prevnar 13
Pediarix (a combination vaccine that contains DTaP, IPV, and hepatitis B)
It’s worth noting that a new version of Pediarix was approved by the FDA in 2019, making this formulation one of the newer vaccinations on the market.
By the time Melissa got home that day, Baby Sawyer was screaming like he had never screamed before.
More experienced moms, moms whose babies have suffered brain damage, would recognize that heartbreaking sound as the “DTP scream”—a high-pitched uncontrollable almost inhuman expression of agony.
Melissa’s pediatrician had told her during the appointment to give the baby acetaminophen to help make him more comfortable. Even though Baby Sawyer didn’t have a fever, Melissa gave him a partial dose of baby Tylenol for discomfort.
The next morning, on October 28, 2022, the baby was still acting fussy and uncomfortable.
Melissa gave him more Tylenol, held him, and rocked him. He drank five ounces of expressed breastmilk from a bottle.
Limp and Unmoving
When her husband got home from work, they put the baby down in his bassinette for a nap. This was around 5:30 p.m. Her husband then ran out to get some food for dinner.
Melissa, who worked remotely, heard the baby fussing around 6:15 p.m. Her husband went in to check on him. He readjusted him, and rubbed his back as Fathers do. Baby Sawyer fell back to sleep.
Sawyer was asleep off and on for about four hours, during which time she and her husband both checked on him. They also had a baby monitor and it was easy to hear the baby anyway because their home is small.
But the last time Melissa went to check on Baby Sawyer, the baby wasn’t moving or breathing. She picked him up out of the bassinette and the baby was completely limp and lifeless. Melissa started screaming. Her husband, who was the last one to see him alive, rushed in to help his wife.
Unable to Revive the Baby
They immediately called 911.
When the emergency medical technicians arrived, they did everything they could to revive the baby. But they were unable to save him.
Baby Sawyer was pronounced dead at 10:51 that night.
His tiny body was put in a body bag and taken away by the Brookings-Smith Funeral Home.
The Penobscot County Sheriff’s office and the state police had also responded to investigate. Because it was an infant death, the state of Maine opened a formal investigation and ordered an autopsy.
The autopsy was performed the next day, on October 29, 2022.
A Bogus Report?
The Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Mark Flomenbaum, determined that the cause of death was “asphyxiation due to inappropriate sleep position and environment.”
His report essentially blamed the parents, citing a “sub-optimal sleeping environment,” for purportedly causing their infant’s death.
The Parents Become Suspects
At this point, law enforcement began questioning Melissa and her husband as if they were murder suspects.
One asked Melissa if she thought her husband could have hurt the baby, implying that her husband might have suffocated their son on purpose.
She was also asked her if her husband had been drinking and whether he had a problem with alcohol.
However, the investigators found no evidence of foul play.
According to the pathology report, the child was “well developed” and had no signs of injury or bruising on his body.
Baby Sawyer’s death was ruled an accident and the case was closed.
Melissa Tells Everyone the Baby Was Just Vaccinated
Melissa, who was devastated, mentioned to anyone who would listen that her son had just been vaccinated.
Though she did not know why her son had died, she did not understand how the timing could be coincidental.
Her intuition would not allow her to ignore the fact that her healthy baby had a viral infection, got four vaccines against eight illnesses, and died the next day.
How could that possibly be a coincidence?
Researching on-line, Melissa found a pathology protocol, a list of recommended tests for infants when over-vaccination is a suspected culprit.
She emailed the state medical examiner, Dr. Mark Flomenbaum. She formally requested that the tests on the protocol list she’d found be performed to explore if vaccinations may have played a role in her son’s death.
Here’s the email Melissa sent to the Medical Examiner. I have reprinted it in its entirety:
“I am writing to you to formally request the following additional pathology assays, analyses and tests be performed on my son Sawyer Kendall DOB 8/27/22 post-mortem blood and tissue samples and to preserve the samples and data they reveal for my legal counsel to review.
Infant Vaccines Autopsy Tests
· CRP (C-reactive protein: if inflammation is high, that would indicate vaccines were to blame as a small infant or toddler could not generate such results) This would indicate severe brain inflammation.
· Test for liver enzymes
· Test for heavy metals, especially Hg and Al in blood and brain tissue
· Test for formaldehyde and Formalin–in particular, which would come from vaccines. Even though the body manufactures a little formaldehyde, large amounts would implicate formaldehyde, or Formalin, especially in vaccines.
· Test brain tissue for Hg and Al, which would indicate those metals crossed the blood brain barrier and may have been the precipitating factor in the child’s demise, as they are potent neurotoxins and can cause encephalopathy.
Cytokine panel:
1. Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β) — IL-1beta is one of the key mediators of the inflammatory response to physical stress.
2. Interleukin-6 (IL-6)
3. Interleukin-8 (IL-8)
4. Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) TNF-α is a growth factor for immune cells and osteoclasts, the cells that break down bone.
5. Fibrinogen
6. Vitamin C assay
7. Titer levels on all the vaccines. If they are sky high, that could make a case for molecular mimicry causing death.
Parents of deceased infant Sawyer”
Medical Examiner Brushes Off Possible Vaccine Link, Refuses to Investigate Further
Flomenbaum’s office, which has come under scrutiny several times in the past, refused to perform any of the tests Melissa requested.
Sandra Slemmer, Medicolegal death investigator for the State of Maine, explained to Melissa via email that:
“Dr. Flomenbaum and I reviewed your correspondence to Office of Chief Medical Examiner (OCME). I will do my best to address all of your requests and concerns. If you have more questions, please feel free to contact me.”
Slemmer’s email, in a screenshot below, asserts that heavy metals do not cause SIDS, so additional testing was not necessary.
However, Slemmer’s office did not list the cause of Baby Sawyer’s death as SIDS.
But their emailed response further claims that if there were heavy metals in his system, the amounts would be “so small” that these metals would not be a contributing factor in his demise.
The email also claims that the description of the baby’s sleeping environment was “compelling,” and therefore they saw no reason to perform any additional tests.
The entire email suggests that before they even did any testing on Baby Sawyer’s body, the Medical Examiner’s office had already determined the cause of his death.

Melissa Contacts Health Choice Maine
Since she was unable to get the Medical Examiner to do any further investigation of her baby’s death, Melissa reached out to Health Choice Maine.
Health Choice Maine is a statewide non-profit that works to protect families and restore medical freedom in Maine. I spoke at their conference, Find Your Light, a year ago.
Tiffany Kreck, Health Choice Maine’s Executive Director, met with Melissa and helped her to build a timeline of evidence and documentation. They decided they needed to find a new pathologist, someone willing to order additional testing.
Health Choice Maine started an exhaustive search to find a competent pathologist.
“We searched the entire country,” Kreck told me when I spoke to her by phone. “We came up empty handed. No medical professional wants to touch this issue. They are terrified of losing their career and their ability to support their families.
”It took four months,” she continued, “utilizing every network we had. We finally found one person who, seeing the grief of the mother, agreed to order the tests.”
Working with the fluid and tissue samples collected by the state medical examiner, this pathologist did as many of the suggested tests as he could.
The results of this report were shared with the family and with Health Choice Maine on August 3, 2023.
Told She Had an “Adjustment Disorder”
In the meantime, trying to deal with the unfathomable grief of losing her only child, Melissa went to a psychiatrist in March of 2023, five months after her son died.
Instead of sympathy, however, Melissa was met with a cold diagnosis.
She was told she was having an “adjustment disorder.”
The therapist recommended mood stabilizers and anti-depressants. Melissa left the therapist’s office crying. She felt like she was going crazy. Was she a bad mom? Had she done something wrong? Was there something wrong with her because she couldn’t let it go and was still grieving?
Explosive Results: Baby Sawyer Died From Vaccine Poisoning
The aluminum concentration in the baby’s blood was at adult toxicity levels.
Baby Sawyer had 95 micrograms per liter, which far, far exceeds safety amounts.
Several of the vaccines Baby Sawyer received, including Hib and Pediarix, contained high amounts of aluminum.
So the medical examiner’s office was wrong in assuming (without ever testing it) that heavy metals did not contribute or even cause the death.
“This additional pathology report shows how much our medical examiners don’t know because they won’t look. How many other parents have been blamed for their infants’ death that were innocent?” Kreck said.
“These tests must be standard in all unexplained infant death.”
Challenging the Cause of Death
Health Choice Maine is working with attorneys to find out how to challenge the cause of death listed on Baby Sawyer’s death certificate and file a Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) claim.
“Follow your instincts, even when everyone’s telling you you’re wrong,” Kreck says.
“Vaccines are implicated far more often in infant deaths than parents realize.”
About the Author: Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., is an award-winning investigative journalist and book author. A champion of medical freedom and gentle parenting practices, she has published articles in the New York Times, the Washington Post, and on the cover of Smithsonian Magazine. She has produced audio features and written dozens of in-depth cover stories for Jefferson Public Radio and has been a prolific journalist at The Epoch Times. Due to a recent diagnosis of ocular melanoma and the need for an enucleation, however, she has been unable to work and Substack is now her only source of income. Support medical freedom and independent journalism by becoming a paid subscriber to Vibrant Life, which costs less than the price of one cup of coffee per month. Or cut out the middle man and Venmo her directly: @Jennifer-Margulis-2.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
They need to stop giving babies these vaccines they are causing autism and other diseases. This is a horrifying story that us utterly heart breaking I do not trust doctors any more and have not for a long time now.
Those medical "Professionals" are in too deep.
They must know by now if they didn't before.
How they deal with it and how the Law deals with them remains to be seen.
But one thing is for certain those who have suffered and or lost loved ones will be asking questions.
That's not including those who lost out financially and those still struggling