“The Hibiru Hosting Tribes are the 12 original Hebrew tribes that incarnated into the area of the planet known as Israel today. Temple Mount is the location of the 2D planetary Stargate, thus this is a hotly contested area for the Controller forces who desire to completely dominate the region. Before the rise of the Black Nobility behind the Vatican City, Carthage was the bustling capital of the ancient Carthaginian civilization in what is now Tunisia, the northernmost point of Africa. Carthage was one of the most important trading hubs of the Ancient Mediterranean world and one of the most affluent cities, from which descended the contemporary lineages of the Canaanites, which later became the bloodlines of the Black Nobility and Khazars. The Black Nobility branch went on to found the secret society power centers in Italy and Switzerland, such as through the VaticanKnights of Malta and Venetians, which would grow into occupying one sector of the unholy trinity of its current globalist power base. It appears that the NAA’s Hyksos Kings and Khazar preferred lineages gathered this esoteric knowledge about the Universal Tree of Life from the Melchizedek teachings that were given by the Aryans when they came to the Carpathian basin. They rebranded it into the controlling narratives to serve them as the exalted Hibiru Tribes chosen ones, a process of name stealing over many generations. They rewrote the knowledge to suit themselves in the Talmud-Kabbalah based distorted teachings designed for amplifying their ruling power. This is the ruse of the Satanic forces, who want to steal creation and life force away from humanity, and thus steal the inherent knowledge of humanities own consciousness bodies away from them. Hence, the Star of David is used in Black Magic by people that have been taught to defile its true meaning in occult rituals by the Imposter Spirit and NAA. This is to prevent the true meaning of its use to inspire unity in human beings. The Khazars are the present occupants of Israel that are now behind the globalist push to instigate world wars and fully occupy Ukraine. These are Satanic-led imposters who present themselves deceptively to the public leaders of the Jewish people, in order to infiltrate into the local culture with a benign storefront, yet behind closed doors are heavily organized in practicing Satanic Blood Cult worshipping rituals across the planetary grid network as demanded by the invading NAA forces. It is these groups that were originally behind the creation of the Jewish state of Israel, and are not to be confused with the Jewish people, many of whom have no idea this is happening within their top politicians and religious leadership. Some of them are practicing Satanists yet call themselves Jewish, while behind closed doors are using Child Blood Sacrifice to the Alien Gods via the Synagogue of Satan.”

~Lisa Renee


Source: https://ascensionavatar.wordpress.com

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