New Hampshire Becomes Second U.S. State To Ban Chemtrails

New Hampshire has become the second U.S. state to potentially outlaw the spraying of aerosolized particulate matter into the skies – a phenomenon commonly referred to as “chemtrails.”
Texas made history last year when state representatives looked into changing the law to ban dangerous atmospheric aerosol spraying without prior approval and testing of the chemicals being sprayed.
According to New Hampwhire House Bill 1700 (HB1700):
[E]stablishes a regulatory process to prevent the intentional release of polluting emissions, in New Hampshire’s atmosphere and at ground level and provides penalties for violations. This bill requires reports of such violations to be made by state officials and members of the public to the department of environmental services air resources division of compliance and requires New Hampshire county sheriffs carry to enforce the provisions. reports: What emissions? The intentional release of polluting emissions, including cloud seeding, weather modification, excessive electromagnetic radio frequency, and microwave radiation.
The general court finds that many atmospheric activities such as weather modification, stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI), solar radiation modification (SRM), and other forms of geoengineering, involving the intentional release of polluting emissions, harm human health and safety, the environment, agriculture, wildlife, aviation, state security, and the economy of the state of New Hampshire.
Without using the word chem-trails, which can trigger people, the bill does address a genuine set of circumstances. From public figures to leading universities, there is chatter about aerosolizing the atmosphere with material to block the sun. We have less information about what that means than we did about the COVID vaccines, and we can assume it is neither safe nor effective.
Absent the knowledge or understanding, knowing that the agents or agencies likely to suggest or attempt such a thing will lie about it. That our elites have, at best, a declining opinion of human life and, at worst, a commitment to end it in their depopulation quest, this is not a ridiculous piece of legislation.
One of the sponsors is a friend, so I’d expect them to offer some follow-up, but if I’m honest, I don’t know how far this bill will likely go. I hope we get some vigorous debate in the comments, but the current makeup of the State House and Senate do not suggest to me success with the understanding that you are guaranteed to miss 100% of the shots you never take.
There are factions who mean to spread things in the air above us. They are not shy about it, and if we lack any sense of transparency, limits, or regulation, we might find ourselves subject to man-caused atmospheric effects without knowledge of recourse.
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
It is in such powerful unity conscious of True and Pure Spirit, as We the People of GOD unit becomes a power nothing can stop. Its closing to a point beyond where by that its now at the point of NO Return where Enough is really Enough.
My prayers are in hope ye all can agree!
Question is when shall the action of such power be able to rise and stop the all evil and its cascades of rooted destruction upon this earth. By many a dimension of day to day feature still in Strife of ability to perform the right thing.
Inner thought of such whilst in daily prayer of duty an answer in charge of what is much to be done. That came out in an old and simple term.
Talk is talk and talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words alone. Amazing we have come this far under a completely lawlessness of the lands and the truth not yet be answered or much of its value has become hidden to the ones trying to speak it, those to behold its key values and yet so much still is possibly in the facade its purse of hold has taken the steps away. Does not matter upon what lands. The care to know to listen to the heart beat of Mother GOD Earth and know she is crying deeply by such.
Yet I repeat. For this evil as it has been able to Triumph to the now is that, Good men still do nothing.
human unity consciousness are becoming wider ,stronger and stronger,from peoples protest against government slavery,unity of government world leaders,Isolation & separation of evil leaders,
Step in the right direction: "Banning Chem Trail and checker boarding skies of Pure Poison" Rather large Request?. STOP IMMEDIATELY. World Wide programs currently in 7×24 action.
So very sorry to again provide the "follow the science" follow a very special heart so dedicated changing full life career function to deliver a heart dedicate Message that this destruction of all earth eco systems elimination of many species now extinct and to covering the all syndrome. Simply profound honorable for such force giving testimony to the now every one wake the life up. is –>>
Dane Wigington of has of all the "Finite Detail" science, video, posted finds all, picture proof and info's by such the surmounts of billions of tons of this emission content along by its all varying formula's for the emission ACID WASH Raiding of our Skies all heavier content after ignition by HAARP High power Microwave projected technologies programed executions.
(if one does pay attention to watching the skies you might catch the Chevron wave relay of such energy powered Beams lined up in the skies from HAARP Stations) or certain reflective rainbow like illuminations on a clear day very rare now we too have undergone 35+ days of nonstop overcast blinding the sun blockage to earth surface in Central Ontario Canada Ground Zero for such heavy bomb runs right in the middle of Canadian Westerly wind patterns, ends up flowing right east pounding Quebec New Brunswick Halifax of their last 20 "Plus years" of wicked heavy snow falls Buffalo included with never before 6 feet of snow drops Plus in 1 night! and no one has a clue as to why?. Consider as well when the jets performing circular patterns are spinning up tornado hurricane energies to which compound out to form in the Atlantic to only cause havoc upon the southern regional coast lines. Catching a familiar view now!
Situation if there is a Clear Window lasting 2hr or so is quickly bomb patched to recover the over cast free points and all is blocked of any sun light getting thru. This is the daily happening right the now in writing.
This all acid rain and chemical residue falls on the earth every twig branch trunk, needle, peddle all crop/gardens adding to the glyphosate poisoning it is being manually sprayed upon, Foods are the double whammy of source now per poison emission by product we all eat now. "Box Bag Can and Bottle"
Enjoy its breaking down the human gnome faster than consciousness admits to understand let alone blindly ACCEPT TRUTH why constant headache an Gut issue. The Paid for Medical Industry simply like the Military industrial complex systems much partnering by effect. Living central Ont Canada its destruction like many parts of well sure its everywhere. Trees are the largest suffering feature we have on the planet to provide balance, recycle carbon dioxides to oxygen, and provide life. Signs showing now in vary rapid decay to simply tree embodiment is simple melting in of its standings upon its very own roots. Breakage mid, or life line position, canopies are all opening up trees once thick are now all thinned to see right thru, majestic grand trees are all breaking apart melting and punk dying inside outwards.
Forests all rising off the ground floor to see right thru a once thick life giving provision. Molds and bacterial fungus viral infection to tree bark is eating the tree from the outside in causing such death of process to speed up, its death to carnage effects and all too a deal of deadman standing. Guess this relates both standard human and all tree life.
All species that relied upon this no longer have its "Forest coverage and protection" Flora and Fauna and any new Regeneration is Stunted before it reaches life sustaining support and simply die off acid burned. Lands are also being micro-washed away little by little by the mass force of the ever increasing Heavy Rains that are smashing the ground, rocks are raising from depths unknown as to even have ever seen their hidden existence prior, Grounds over Roots washing away no longer supporting the grand tree's of its standing positions and heavy winds, many it does not matter size. Resulting simply fall over and crash. Deer and many other animals apex predators are roaming directly to house hold or local towns knowing to ask compassion in feeding them. Some Carry this love in feeding and many others ignorant to their Reason Why? as to raiding anything edible. There is nothing sustainable to all the living wild.
Guess to think no one sees the forest for the tree's or the trees no longer showing to be forests " Any Longer " by term. Going quick.
So if those bureaucratic mind set ie: " reports: What emissions?" {ARE} either completely ignorant and avoid seeing actual nor care to take little time out to view "The Dimming" the truth hiding behind 4wall cement headed day in/out standards of living. My only thought to emit "Loser's all of you" The burning both side candle wick the back side is burning faster than what is in your human view point to blind your own destiny let alone shortening all of our life term abilities.
No wonder the ones being 90+ dying now are the last ever of humans that left living length to term, Considering they also suffered all the similar wars and pre-trial start ups "Then" thinking only the once in their life time now, Our current young might not live to 50 let alone 75 or great. Think one at age 55 plans of retirement 65/67 will ever have anything left to live in once old term "Golden Years of life". These whom are Good men to make the right ground banning decisions. Just killed you, themselves for not acting correctly and all mankind before you may get your own chance to retire with seeing nothing but dead lands mass.
Its already too late for you and all you effect by your lack of "Good men doing the all Right Thing"
Consider life's only thing left now… THE RIGHT CHOICE. if it be a last plea to simply the asking?