Davos24 Bombshell Video: F**k You at the World Economic Forum (WEF)


This is a Montage by Damon Imani

Known for his satirical approach, Imani draws attention to societal and political issues.

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Rachel ! answer your Q the easy.
    1st look at your feet. Stand in front of a mirror.n.take long hard glance. anyone there. Why there you are. Rachel White Hat #469 in the present! front and standing. You've been a White Hat the moment you knew something was wrong with this picture and volunteer the opposition that BS of everything is right out side your door and does or seems to be non-stop crap. Let alone see into its evil reveal.

    In some of my long dialog. A mentioned Schmicks a grain of the you me as we all are !, and all that also see the same to know its run by these demons and their dark evil insane goo.

    Count your self as a wonderful footing in a task even you did not know participating in. Happy to be aboard.

    ps: Yes we together all, schmicks do add up, in making a difference. Patience and virtue to Gods forces how ever the water person the cook the paper runner the all. All that see become aware to know such.

    Award position to such forces how little we may or may not believe to think being a part of such a grand process for change.
    And you don't even have to raise a hand and pledge any allegiance none other your-self. If you wish of one
    as too I've shared my own repeat as many times to wish- Shower in Light. Its all free protection guidance life force as shared by Ashtar !
    "I Stand in the Light of GOD"

    Go ye and smile with joy. Nothing can stop you now.

  2. Bravery! someone defiant faces a fire dragon? an example a good man trying. Shown here, Leadership role of expression.n.stand. Rest are simply words. Yet so are their words and all action imposed. Their decision murder every person on the earth and take all for themselves. They feel so, planned as such from generation to now generation. Anyone understand "enabled start date" Erect the guide written in stone #1: rule the world under 500million, yet all is unknown or ignored as 'x' care not. World populace the fodder, few are brainwashed to follow puppet orders to perform their bidding.

    Once they have this earth, puppets too shall be ash. A choice? live short or live long. Its those whom vision to live long are now being tested as to how much more they feel to accept is okay, or bow down to the knifes edge.
    It is all our choice to reason to weigh such. Comes down to good men doing the right thing.

    Those stabbed forgot to view the disclosure. Now wear the mark. Those trying to help those help all simply wasting time until darkness is removed from every corner sewer swamp cave/tunnel, castle, they hide.n.puppet control from.
    What choice shall we make today, Or for tomorrow maybe is the choice to action. There are no rules they play from but constrict all to follow theirs! "obey give us your money" (taxed to the hilt) free money to kill you.n.all. Or As it is Use your own labor reward {another trick} against you to kill you the easier. simple mind possession control, candy coated lies!
    As the box closes, lemmings to the edge. Riddle riddle. Down to the last few we might rightly make. When the cage 'is' down upon the mouse. And no where to go. Await the green acrid smoke.
    Simply a choice by window opportune.
    Who is actually of one to believe control, who is, and who is acting by the short chain attached. Self now is an illusion. Actions speak more loud than words. ?

  3. If there are white hat's where are they? we want you to take action at that meeting and arrest everyone at it. The voice of the people has mentioned that they have trafficked children down there to use for their usual sacrifices and enjoyment . I applaud that man for saying what we are all saying to DAVOS and the WEF so called New World Order – Fuck you and you are arrested for crimes against humanity and pick up those kids. ARREST THEM NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing gets done we know who they are and we know where Chabad is let us see the White hats stop talking and start acting and all the other talkers Like Kim Goguen who is supposed to have a standing army and many hats prove themselves by taking ACTION – no more talk. I won't hold my breath though.

  4. my heart goes out to such bravery and only a very few words Prized.
    direct and Precise!
    Ah the smell of napalm in the daytime wuf wuf seems like like Victory!

  5. If Davos is undergoing and all are contained in such facility. Would not a "Clear and Present Danger" be a slight idea to those with a jet or 2 and couple hellfires Lars lite rockets. Solve an issue.


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