At the end of this month, new research will be presented at the Conference of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases showing that the artificial intelligence-driven ChatGPT program dispenses propaganda in promotion of vaccines that comes directly from official public health agencies.

In order to combat so-called “vaccine hesitancy,” ChatGPT has been programmed to push whoever uses it into taking whatever injections the government and media are pushing at any given time, arguing that they are all “safe and effective.”

In addition to dispensing propaganda about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and other relevant societal problems, ChatGPT is especially focused on encouraging the public to go out and get jabbed at every opportunity – for “public health,” of course.

A press release about the new research explains – supportively, mind you – that “vaccine hesitancy, directly linked to misinformation – false, inaccurate information promoted as factual – is on the rise.”

(Related: ChatGPT is part of the authoritarian future the globalists have planned for the world, complete with AI, palm scanners, facial recognition, augmented reality, and other horrors.)

ChatGPT, the new AI government

Many people’s whose own brains are apparently not up to par are now using ChatGPT for all sorts of things. These people ask it questions about information that interests them, including things like “Should I get vaccinated for [fill-in-the-blank]?” ChatGPT then responds to them that they should, no questions asked.

The researchers involved in the new study about ChatGPT’s role in urging users to get vaccinated say that it can be “an effective tool to help reduce vaccine hesitancy among the general public.”

The silver lining in all this is that, for those paying attention, we are already ahead of the game. You now know that ChatGPT is artificial fake intelligence – or perhaps it is better described as artificial unintelligence, because there is nothing intelligent about getting vaccinated these days.

There are so many resources now available that were once unavailable showing all the risks and harms caused by vaccine injections, and especially those being peddled on the masses for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). There is simply no excuse with everything that is out there to fall for any more vaccine scams, though the powers that be are trying with the use of ChatGPT.

When asked any type of questions about STIs, ChatGPT also immediately responds with regurgitated propaganda from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including the 2021 CDC STI Treatment Guidelines document.

In other words, ChatGPT is nothing more than the same government goons peddling lies, but in this case through a “cool” and flashy AI program that portends to be “intelligent” artificially.

“Overall, ChatGPT’s responses to vaccine hesitancy were accurate and may help individuals who have vaccine-related misconceptions,” promised lead study author Dr. Matthew Koh, an infectious diseases physician at National University Health System Singapore. (Why is Singapore driving U.S. public health information anyway?)

“Our results demonstrate the potential power of AI models to assist in public health campaigns and aid health professionals in reducing vaccine hesitancy.”

Thank God we live in the United States rather than Singapore. No offense to you if you do live in Singapore, but at least for now, Americans have the right to just say no, as the late First Lady Nancy Reagan once warned, to say no to drugs, including pharmaceutical drugs of the vaccine variety.

“ChatGPT is quite useless,” one commenter at The Defender, a publication of Children’s Health Defense, wrote. “If it does not like the discussion, it just stops and wants to go on to a different subject. Definitely a tool for the very gullible.”

“I am not ‘vaccine hesitant;’ I’m violently opposed,” joked another.


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. AI is only as smart as it is programmed. For such to fault a perfect thing only permits an excuse "Bad Robot".

    Yet even such can never happen designed by All to any " Computer components assembled " for all in every part wired module dependent all designed for perfection, operates on Boolean logic and TRUTH TABLES proper syntax and True language of instruction.
    Hence "Unknown question in" Truth full Right correct answer out.
    A tool of Aid mankind, Intent to free mankind of weary task. Was the selling point back in the 60's. And look to where that is taking us all by corruption of intent an design to a future being tied addicted and programmed all the similar as a the perfect human mind (yes there are many out there – such wonderful and more True {Enlightened} ),

    But in question too some! " What meta data is in their mind holding and stored in memory " Faults defaults crc errors and data missing. 'incomplete/incorrect/malware alienated virus corrupted, wrong data for the wrong interpreter. looping bad data, Sorry Dave you can not do that!'

    Simple Ask it a wrong question in, answer Result is nothing out! "Does not Compute" Error CRC error. Ask the right Lie in question. faulty component detected repairs are required. broken computer broken AI. Defective computer.
    ChatGPT is nothing more than the same government goons peddling lies, Robot of metal! Mind of cold metal.

    A Working anything cannot provide greater lies to lies given. Product is of no use. Return for Full refund.
    Time to remove the government goons me thinks. All of them. Time to rebuild a new computer, One that gives out Light and Free Light and Energies viable for all true living thing. As Source Originally provided.


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