Entire banking system in Cuba collapses, citizens left penniless and desperate.


A dire situation unfolds in Cuba as the entire financial banking system collapses overnight, leaving citizens stunned and destitute. Reports reveal that bank accounts have been emptied, and ATMs are devoid of cash, plunging the population into a state of desperation and fear.

Communist Cuba Is on the Brink of Collapse

The Caribbean island is going through its harshest economic crisis in three decades. 

The world should prepare for an eventual and sorely needed regime change.

March 19, 2024 at 5:00 AM CDT Updated on March 19, 2024 at 9:04 AM CDT

A Banking Crisis Could Be Closer Than You Think

It’s tempting to conclude that we’ve dodged a bullet since Silicon Valley Bank 
collapsed a year ago. Not so fast. We may still be in the line of fire.

By Mark Hulbert Feb 22, 2024, 2:00 am EST

HAVANA (AP) — Alejandro Fonseca stood in line for several hours outside a bank in Havana hoping to withdraw Cuban pesos from an ATM, but when it was almost his turn, the cash ran out.

He angrily hopped on his electric tricycle and traveled several kilometers to another branch where he finally managed to withdraw some money after wasting the entire morning.

“It shouldn’t be so difficult to get the money you earn by working,” the 23-year-old Fonseca told The Associated Press in a recent interview.


h/t Guest

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  1. changes is happening, transformation of global financial system is occuring White Hat and awaken human are gainning more sucess in the battle against the evil ruler of planet earth, the Dark unseen global occult power structure who run planet government is on its end game, they lost in every main battle front,


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