What are they planning? Dr. McCullough thinks it might involve the food supply.

After warning us for months that 2024 could see another deadly pandemic, the medical establishment and governmental health organizations are sounding the alarm bells on bird flu.

Not only are they drawing comparisons to COVID-19, they are in fact claiming that bird flu has the potential to be 100 TIMES MORE DEADLY!

Now Dr. Peter McCullough has weighed in:

Fear Mongering, Food Supply Threat, Virus with a Deadly Past, BARDA Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccines–A Perfect Storm is Brewing . . .

Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum (WEF) believe we should reduce our reliance on animal food products as part of their globalist views. Thus, a food scare in Westernized countries with market recalls and destruction of poultry and meat would further dystopian goals for the Davos club]. H5N1 has a historical fatality rate of 52.16% in humans, and fear alone could drive considerable anxiety in large populations not only about exposure through food, but pets, and other humans.

“It’s difficult to determine if H5N1 is the next ‘Disease X’ at the moment. It’s possible due to the abundance of GOF research and biotech interests, ready-made vaccines, and powerful drivers of mass panic in the wings. If more cases occur in clusters or bona fide outbreaks with human-to-human transmission, we could be well on our way to a 2024 avian influenza pandemic crisis.

Be Prepared

Now is not the time to panic, nor is this the time to be complacent – now is the time to be prepared.

Be PREPARED, not SCARED! Get the prescription drugs you need to keep your family safe from bird flu, COVID, or whatever the globalists throw at us next!

2024 is the Year to be Prepared

We know what the globalists did in 2020, and we know they will do whatever they can to maintain power, which makes 2024 a potentially very dangerous year for Americans.

Unlike 2020, you don’t have to be caught unprepared and that’s where The Wellness Company comes in.

The Wellness Company and its great doctors – like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Drew, Dr. Harvey Risch, and Dr. Jim Thorp – are regularly in the media fighting against the broken medical establishment.

Dr. Thorp, one of the nation’s leading critics of corrupt Big Pharma, believes that now – more than ever – people should be prepared for the next pandemic:

 “I’ve strongly recommended “stockpiling” critical medications including antibiotics since the turn of the century. This has been an incredible investment as many friends, family, and patients have benefited. Now, in the winter of 2024, this recommendation is even more crucial.”

From vigilantnews.com

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