By Caitlin Johnstone,

It is a well-documented fact that under the western empire not only are our political systems aggressively manipulated by the rich and powerful for the benefit of the rich and powerful, but public opinion is as well. Insane systems which rely on exploitation, injustice, ecocide, militarism and war are actively normalized via mass-scale psychological manipulation,…

One of the biggest lies we are sold in western politics is that election results paint an accurate picture of what the public truly wants. We are told that candidates who promote peace and economic justice lose elections because their platforms are unpopular with the wider public, as though the people are organically coming into worldviews which support poverty, inequality, war and militarism all on their own.

“Socialism just isn’t popular!” we are told, as though we don’t live under a capitalist empire that has spent generations violently stomping out socialism wherever it pops up and brainwashing the public into despising socialism at home.

“Americans just don’t care that much about foreign policy,” we’re told, as though Americans aren’t being propagandized to the gills every day of their lives into seeing their government’s bloodthirsty warmongering as normal and acceptable.

It is a well-documented fact that under the western empire not only are our political systems aggressively manipulated by the rich and powerful for the benefit of the rich and powerful, but public opinion is as well. Insane systems which rely on exploitation, injustice, ecocide, militarism and war are actively normalized via mass-scale psychological manipulation, and we are then presented with candidates and platforms which support those systems and told that anything else is fringe commie extremism.

If left to their own devices nobody would organically come to the conclusion that there should be people living on the streets while investment properties are left empty, that normal people should be working two jobs to feed and house their families while Machiavellian plutocrats amass billions of dollars, that we should be destroying the ecosystem we depend on for survival to increase profits for corporate shareholders, or that we should be encircling the planet with war machinery to terrorize and murder any population on earth who disobeys the dictates of Washington. But that’s what our elections serve us up year after year, decade after decade — because no part of this is organic.

So now we’re seeing a US election where two tyrannical capitalist warmongers are squaring off against each other, appealing to the votes of America’s two mainstream political factions which are only mainstream because vast fortunes have been poured into propaganda manipulations to make them mainstream. Then you’ve got candidates like Jill Stein saying normal, sane and common sense things about peace and justice while being framed as an extremist lunatic by the consent manufacturers of the mainstream press. And when Stein loses in this aggressively manipulated information environment within this aggressively manipulated electoral system, it will be framed as evidence that her politics were seen as too fringe and kooky for the mainstream public.

Whenever I talk about this dynamic during a high-profile election season I am always inundated with a deluge of knee jerk point-missers asking “Well who SHOULD we vote for then??”, which is kind of like Morpheus telling Neo he’s been living his whole life in the matrix and Neo going, “Okay but how do I get my boss to give me a raise in my cubicle job where I work?” It doesn’t matter, Neo. The whole thing’s an illusion. What matters is getting people to open their eyes to this reality so that real meaningful action can be taken.

If you’re having a dream about being chased by a lynch mob, your only concern is making sure your own interests win out over the interests of the mob. When you wake up from the dream, you don’t spend the rest of your day wondering how you’re going to get away from the mob. You concern yourself with your real material interests in your waking life.

That’s what this should be like. If you really grasp what’s being pointed to here, you won’t keep getting swept up in the mass psychosis of election season hysteria, and party politics won’t have any gravitational pull on your mind. Instead, your focus will be on helping people to realize that this is all a carefully manufactured illusion, because until enough of us are awake to the real world, there’ll be no chance of using the power of our numbers to overthrow the tyrants who’ve been pulling the wool over our eyes this entire time.



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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Our democracy no longer represents the people.

    How Do We Begin To Reinvent Capitalism?

  2. As has the any thing so titled rightly. Could pretty much consider the whole gambit of all and any government structure
    Yet of all times, we have been as we always are or of the any Now Times, in that position unknowingly casting confidence nominee words of elect parse true. Feature and positional duty be operated on the all best "Safety of Nation"
    Yet we have such a clown show on all sector as to the entire grounds of any current and that to strive "ANY" are nothing fit nor is any thing supporting its deception tactic for anything to value stepping forward.

    Quote" Nobody would vote for the this BS without "EXTENSIVE Manipulation! " enQ. that has always been the swindle Past Present and "What?" for an Expected Future.? Cough cough,
    The LIES! there always has been manipulation and great deception as to any of these puppet marionettes have purposely enacted upon all thing of any thought to so call ruling establishment. Stepping back from this and many things. thinking Turning on ones TV Set might provide entertainment.
    All along { its in our Face and TVs, .n.all Media Channel } played out by non-integral-actors puppets rubber heads fake heads, masked look a like's. Bulldozing nothing but spoils and Lies forced to believe in. Sure seems all of them must have Regressed to such 5yr olds bickering over no more cookies and skim milk. Or who stole my graham cracker Bull.S..t. What a Clown show it all has become.

    Start from there "Again": an lets change to make it a new step. It certainly did work well until " Rocki-fellah's" thought they can create a dance step possession all that fall in line by, Wrecked it all.
    Here we are to what have we become by such? Broken nations over running of mice rats and clowns, food shortage eco-Systems depleted. so Many non-human species Land Air and Waters Oceans 'now extinct or almost' With even threats once again of Nuclear Exchange n.Destroy it All!. Amazing we are this far Degraded ruled by propaganda. Box it up get it out of Presence be a good promo.
    Start reStart it off to a Great Return " In God We Trust " and by the Creator "GOD ATON OF LIGHT" his Right full Laws Provided to guide and support all mankind Equally" tik toc.

  3. Obviously, this is an excellent interpretaton of the big picture of the world in which we are sojouning. I shall make a special point to mull it over again when I am tempted to beat up some Demo'rat.

  4. If you're accusing Trump, Then you haven't looked up. Executive order 13 8 4 8 13 8 5 1 13 9 12 13 9 17 13 9 5 9. Might give you a better understanding while you're writing your article of what's actually taking place.

  5. August 6th , 2024

    Truth honor & Integrity Special – The current STATE of events NOW

    with Thomas Williams

    Biden has gone Missing, Trump assassination Fake,

    Kamela's husband and New Uk prime minister and Zelensky are Zionist's

    Usa aka Israel Genocide of Palestine, Crowdstrike False Flag !

    Thomas confirms Kim Goguen stopped been trustee of the Global Trust

    containing quad trillions in 2020 due to dereliction of duty

    and is Chipped with a Marduk Chip and Much Much More !!!

    • Biden went missing almost ten years ago. The guy in the rubber mask is any bodies guess. According to Ashley Bidden it's his twin brother, Beau. What we see on TV, net etc. is a Body Double of Trump who is really protected along with family in Sheyenne Mountain military base. The world is/was run by Zionists who are now on their last legs. Klown Schwab is dead. Died in GITMO hospital. Israel thang is a no brainer. But Kim Goguen??? You should have some justification for that one. 'Thomas who'??? Kim talked about the Marduke chip,,,, If they've thrown her under the bus, they must have someone even better in mind…not worse. Assuming 'White Hats' are still in control. And why wouldn't they be? The rest of the world is plodding along quietly and is no longer under the direct control of the Cabal, as they are either gone, in hiding or too busy with America, France and South America…you have to understand that "there's only so many stupid Zionists to 'round!"


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