By Catherine Salgado,

I’ll take Basic Stupidity for $100, Alex. Apparently the president of the Olympics committee played hooky during second grade biology class, because he claims there is no sound scientific way of determining an athlete’s sex.

The International Olympics Committee (IOC) delivered a knockout punch to women’s rights, allowing two biological males to compete in women’s boxing. Unsurprisingly, the males pummeled their way to victory, taking the gold and silver medals. Now the ignorant imbecile in charge of the IOC is declaring that there is no scientific way of establishing anyone’s sex beyond all reasonable doubt.

Not the Bee transcribed Thomas Bach’s insane comments:

We have said from the very beginning. If someone is presenting us scientifically a solid system how to identify men and women who were the first ones to do it? We do not like this uncertainty. We do not like it for the overall situation. We do not like it for nobody. So we would be more than pleased to look into it. But what is not possible … is someone saying ‘this is not a woman’ by looking at somebody or by falling prey to a defamation campaign.

No one “fell prey” to a defamation campaign except the bloodied female boxers maligned for objecting to fighting biological males. We must ask Bach: “Y” are chromosomes such a difficult concept for him?

As it happens, any of us looking at a picture of the boxers in question could indeed have guessed that they were not women, but since rumor has it that at least one has a rare sex development disease, there is a more scientifically solid way of testing for an individual’s sex. If one’s chromosomes are male, that will show up on the test, and in fact it did. For Bach’s benefit:

[Boxer Imane] Khelif previously failed a sex test, having XY (ie., male) chromosomes, and was not allowed to compete at the Delhi world championships last year, according to The Telegraph. The International Boxing Association (IBA) noted that Khelif and Taiwan’s Lin Yu-ting, also allowed in the Olympics, were disqualified for being chromosomally male. An unconfirmed report is that Khelif has a disorder of sex development (DSD).

Again, these boxers were previously tested, scientifically proven to be males, and therefore disqualified from a major sporting event. But the IOC is guilty of ignoring GK Chesterton’s warning, “Do not be so open-minded that your brains fall out.”

Thomas Bach — I would call him a man, but we’re not supposed to assume gender just by looking at people, according to him — just proved why he should not be on the IOC.

Broken dreams and broken noses are the legacy of radical gender ideology. Whether an individual is a transgender or has a rare sexual condition, if he is a biological male, he cannot be allowed to compete with women. No exceptions. It is too dangerous and unfair for the female athletes, as boxers like Angela Carini found out this Olympics.

The Olympics used to be the ultimate arena for proving athletic excellence. Now it has become a battleground for woke ideology, just like everything else. There is nothing wokeness cannot ruin. Thomas Bach earned a gold medal in Marxist propagandizing.



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  1. This is exactly what the Radical Feminists wanted 'total Gender recognition'. Whether a person was CIS female, Lesbian or Trans, they were to be legally considered to be ALL Females.
    In the 70's it was against women taking testosterone to become Butch women. Lesbians competing in Women's tennis was considered 'unequal competition'. Now it's Trans.
    If these mentally deranged Trans people are being welcomed with open arms by radical feminists. Then who are we mere males to say anything against it. This is 'secret woman's business' and should be left to 'women' (what ever that is) to be decided. In the end, men will simply sit back and laugh at how well women have reorgnaised the world in just over 100years of being allowed too. And trust me, women (the majority of whom know what one is) will want it back the way it was, warts n all.

  2. Mr. Bach, if you don't know the difference between a man and a woman, which a 5-year-old child can tell, then look at the primary sexual organs first. If you still don't know, do the sex chromosome test. XX means female, XY means male (elementary school biology 101).

    If you still don't know, it means that you must have been bribed, blackmailed or threatened to play the monumental idiot. In this case, you have no business at the top of the IOC, or any other institution, for that matter.

    If you genuinely believe what you have said, you'd be better off in a mental hospital, before you do more harm.


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