In the book ‘Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History’, authors Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk, provide a meticulously researched and footnoted account, challenging the prevailing narrative that vaccines single-handedly prevented masses of deaths. Their work is an eye-opening exploration of the forgotten history of infectious diseases, vaccination and public health policies.

The book was published in 2013. Ten years later, after more experience and research, the authors released a ‘10th Anniversary Edition’ to which the authors added more than 200 pages, more than 350 references and more charts to challenge traditional medical dogma.

Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases. If the medical profession could systematically misinterpret and ignore key historical information, the question must be asked, “What else is ignored and misinterpreted today?” the authors ask.

The book has an accompanying website, ‘Dissolving Illusions’, which provides charts, resources, free chapters and the following overview:

On Tuesday, Roman Bystrianyk joined PANDA, formerly Pandemics Data & Analytics, to highlight and discuss some of the information in Dissolving Illusions.

Bystrianyk has been researching the history of diseases and vaccines since 1998. He has an extensive background in health and nutrition as well as a BSc in engineering and an MSc in computer science.

Dissolving Illusions wasn’t just a solo effort, Bystrianyk said.  “There’s a lot of people … a lot of people did a lot of gathering of data, there’s a lot of people that supported me and there’s all these brilliant doctors that have been lost to history that wrote a lot of stuff that was really important,” he said.

Bystrianyk briefly discussed the US data on measles.  The collection of data on measles began in 1900.  By the time a vaccine was rolled out for measles in 1963, the measles mortality rate had already decreased by 98.6%. “The vaccine came in way after the mortality rate had already dropped,” he said.

England began gathering data on measles in 1838. The mortality rate decreases gradually from an initial high and then significantly drops from the 1920s.  From the mid-1900s the measles mortality rate in England is virtually zero.  “They started vaccinating in 1968 in England and by that point, they had almost a 100% [99.8%] decline in mortality rate from measles,” Bystrianyk said. “So, basically, the problem was solved by the time they started vaccinating.”

Displaying graphs of the data for whooping cough, Bystrianyk demonstrated that it was the same – the mortality rate was already very low before the vaccination campaigns. Whooping cough is also known as pertussis or the 100-day cough.

In the US a vaccine for whooping cough was introduced in the late 1940s.  “By that point [there] was already a 92% decrease in mortality,” he said.  “In England, they began vaccinating in 1957 when they already had an almost 100% [99.7%] decline in mortality rate.”

Not only did the vaccines not contribute to reduced mortality but data from Sweden conclusively shows that the whooping cough vaccines were ineffective.  In 1978, examinations showed that 84% of children who were verified to have the pertussis bacteria had previously received three doses of vaccine.

“[Sweden] deemed the DTP [diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis] vaccine ineffective and they were concerned about its safety so they discontinued vaccination in 1979,” Bystrianyk said.  In the following 17 years, there was no increase in the whooping cough mortality rate.  “So, despite having no vaccination programme, there was no problem in Sweden.”  From 1981 to 1993, 8 children were recorded as dying from pertussis, 0.6 children per year.  The odds of children dying from whooping cough in Sweden when there was no national vaccination programme were 1 in 13 million.

Bystrianyk also demonstrated that scarlet fever, typhoid, and tuberculosis (“TB”) show the same pattern of mortality decline before a vaccine is introduced. “The [vaccines] came in well after the majority of the problem has been solved,” he said.

Influenza (“flu”) shows a similar pattern.  The US began vaccinating for flu in the late 1970s.  By this time, there had already been a 90% decrease in the flu mortality rate.  Showing a graph representing flu data in the US since national vaccination programmes began Bystrianyk said, “There’s no real decrease in death rate [from the flu] after 40 years of vaccination.”

A 2023 paper published in Cell Host & Microbe, for which Anthony Fauci was a co-author, stated:

“These vaccines don’t work in reducing mortality rates.  They’re still working on it after 60 years,” Bystrianyk said.


There is also a video you can watch here:

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Albeit good someone of few has researched much history from 1st expression of "Said" considered Virus or "Health" damage Diseases. If in time shared 1900 of Measles with its 1st premiere of 1963 vaccine to "What Prevent or simply water down its disease" Man has evolved and accumulated some Resistance as to how our Body Make Up Works to Learn to adapt and be immune. Human bodies are resilient to many things of this world. Yet there is a natural cure to all. Not a treatment current medical protocols give forth in "treat not cure."
    Still the Sleight of hand in all things pertaining to all this disease came more to about consider 1st Quarter give or take a horseshoe impress around 1804's then to now time-frame. Is such journal effect upon man kinds daily life. ( here drink from this well or this oil tainted well, its water your thirsty it tastes good Drink, eat the shinny red Witch o'Wests apple tastes good as some do. ).

    The Truth relates more as to a historical Statement consider even biblical. This planet is of living man and all things upon it "ALL ARE MAN MADE" consider the spectrum of mind set. These 1 percent types who even before dating long time prior to even before Christ. Had the Plan to Rule this world planet and pitching stones against walls to start. Reach the Times of now and consider Nothing as vast History told has been in some case told to believe much is a lie. Or man made to make believe it is. By even a more spell cast designed treatment, of words in particular order and audio intent to dialog execution to such phrases tempting. Or force ppl too or say this group is the cause. Scream if you have too. They'll suck it in and do as told.

    So who is adding Ink to the Waters and coloring it to "their perspective". Depending on source All "Ailments to man kinds sufferings" Are/is industrial Chemistry resource to creations. To cause harm period. Play the Litmus test. Call it the Allergy Test "Scratch"
    line up 100 ppl – scratch them with essence of Willow Tree. of the 100 how many might show a swelling to scratch? 1,2, 10 30. Does not matter. Create the scratch they all will show the swelled Spot call it a virus and spread it. Spray it on a few 10 dollar bills and scatter to the wind in a busy street any city. 10 floating pc of monopoly paper guaranteed picked up and hand feld to the trick.
    Tricks like this are all Gov sponsored. Add now greater technologies from a compound microscope to "Crisper Technologies" Mass Spectral Analysis Technologies" Common chemistry from a compound microscope, just opened the universal languages of Make to be sure to trigger molecular chain of event fires in the human gnome and DNA.
    So the now who gives a crap over such. Just shut up and take your morning vitamins with your coffee mix and suffer the greater tricks they play on the minds and bodies of human experimentation and Acid rains poured down upon your heads by such. And we still believe in their Lies. Chem Trails don't exist.

    Better yet! Obtain, make create a nasty looking picture, Annotate a various written Phrase to cause influence words under a picture display such by media formats and eyes will deceive to cause people run out in droves " I don't want that gimmie the pill fix " I 'll take a 100 to prevent that. ( whats in the pill ) usually the same thing. A nasty mind set "The Trigger to cause" "Game of Musical chaired tricks."

    Simply consider it! ' the catalysts ' to your ability to live another second in time. From shorter longer gestation in time to life span which also seems to always change by Man Made Sciences. As long Male can live to expectant ages of 77 thru to some Female 86 now age 88, reaching the 120's any time, is no time to die. Wake up its time to Die!. When are we going to see eye to eye truth to truth nail to nail Nose to Nose and ACCEPTANCE someone is trying to simply kill us by slip trips and falls and make it look like Blame something else killed, done it.

    Why not simply douse that Q-Tip with Sodium Azide if it happens upon one who is allergetic to such and they die. or die in time after it takes its catching effectiveness to cause Cancers. another man made ailment. Say it was the Virus. oh really! ?

    Yet in justice of truth. Some one on the other side of this 'Lifes Fog' is pulling a trigger. or has had pulled a trigger.
    How about CIA air powered Ice Dart at 100 feet. Frozen of a poison undetectable. Same thing.

    Believe the Lie or Avoid the Lie.

    Bless those whom simply wish to see to learn to know the truth. He who knows the truth may such truth set all free.
    Hear Ye – Hear Ye the …. coats have come, taken over, rooted into all things, and are forcing the "us" to believe in the them is right. "NOT" !


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