Russian special forces have rescued hundreds of enslaved children from a factory farm in the Ukrainian Carpathian mountains, as President Putin’s campaign against the global adrenochrome industry intensifies…


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Believe to think: Shock and Awe methods are to awaken more to the horrific acts these "Named" are did, do, have done, their minion followers still perform and bring these disgusting people to consciousness of pure true evil to their core by acts they feel they can feed on like carrion GODs perfect design of human free feature. And do just as they please. Its really getting annoying and frustrating is all we seem to see. Such swamp gas of story after story in all of its repeatable screenings of educated truths. Consider this reaches all time historical to the now. How can anyone consider forgiveness to such knowing it all. Consider the battles still being fought unknown to our also senses to right in knowledge of this "Light vs Dark" tackle. Hard part is in a form like a spectrum in layers of our own pass knowing now that such has taken place. We're part of that blame to name and such that we are to reject rebuke and make the corrective change. Man did to man himself man can correct the man problem himself. Better part if tribunals and indictments have do and are taking place. Most all named are already processed and we are only seeing replicant dummy rubber heads in their position. ( to me its still the same until known dead and gone ) is more the got that one gone next. This is the hard part this is one name on the list gone term "arrested and executed" Least the paper trail picture to go with it here possibly is that gentle break to such done. After the factor. As so much of other named names same or many awaiting tribunal and or life term jailed. That does not cut the head off the whole hydra snake And tongues should be removed in term so their silky evil never vibrates any longer. Its still a current dog act chasing the tail of the same repeat by name is much the process now just acting for the name presence. This is the continued pain of it all. Benefits are all hope of dark winding down before our eye's. But sleepers are sleepers and none see to notice and only act as usual. Asleep.

  2. Howcome we can never see a single photo or video footage of these places, only "whistleblowers" talking about them? How long have we been told about such places, without a single piece of evidence? We are supposed to believe the story, hook, line and sinker, along with the promise that all those responsible for the horrors will be held to account.
    If there is evidence, why is it never made available for the public, especially for investigative journalists?

    Who benefits?

    • While I somewhat agree with you Cassandra, there have been photo's on the net showing the kids in cardboard boxes, that had been there so long that their hands and feet were distorted. They've shown bunkers of these factories and job postings for positions in these places. I've also seen company 'inventory' records, harvesting quotas and disposal dates against these 'assets'. Have I seen photo's of the exact locations and inside the halls? NO. I've seen vids of organ harvesting of young kids in real time. I'm a bit like you. I want to see the evidence, hard evidence, more than just the average joe could stand, 'beyond ANY doubt'.
      Everyone has seen Abromovic by now, but she has already been captured and executed years ago. Along with the Podesta Bros and the Clintons. You have to understand that the Internet is being scrubbed. It's an age old tactic of the Satanists. 'Scrub all evidence of the past and create a new one through lies and propaganda'. That's their 'Modus Operandi'. Who do you think burnt down the Library of Alexandria? What did the Satanists of the Soviet Union do to history and Religion in that country? They erased it as quick as it came up and deleted anyone that was alive to remember it. Now that the Kabal have AI, it's almost impossible to find anything on the main platforms anymore. Don't stop seeking the truth, but dig even harder for it. Try the Dark Web, if you have the stomach for it. You'll find what you're looking for there in spades.


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