Teacher-whistleblower Mary Creedon worked in the Irish school system for 30 years but has resigned over the content she found in the school program designated SPHE (social, personal and health education) aimed at 12-14 year olds. She was a co-ordinator for this program in her school, and went on a curriculum-update course for those teaching it. She came away horrified. Our own editorial view at ER and as a former educator ourselves is that teachers should boycott it and protest against any intervention by outside groups. It is truly disgusting and horrific.

And wouldn’t you know it? Satanism creeps into the new curriculum.

The interview is around 28 minutes.



The SPHE course has new content resources and methods which she believes breach the Children’s First act. She’s calling for its closure.

  • On this training course, a video was shown on masturbation with animated cartoon characters. A visual map was given showing all kinds of couples engaging in different types of intercourse, including anal. (These are shown.)  Research from Dr. Kate Dawson was discussed which basically said ‘it’s OK to watch porn’. Teachers were also given explicitly sexualized statements that they had to categorize involving all sorts of inappropriate concepts such as ‘orgasm’ that students would be expected to form opinions on, which they then would have to discuss with their friends. She says this is not age-appropriate. And it assumes that children watch porn in the first place. The researcher discussed had already set up porn literacy programs in Ireland. She had gone into schools and produced a porn alphabet with students. Parents were horrified when they found out, and closed this porn literacy program down.
  • Pornography is now in the curriculum for this level so teachers have the authority to teach about it. Pornography is already a problem among children, but they’re not safeguarding children against it. They’re taking an entirely different approach where pornography is regarded as totally acceptable and ‘ethical’.
  • Porn is an industry. They can stop pornography going onto children’s phones. This has been done in other countries such as in France. Teachers will become puppets of this industry and children’s perspectives will be skewed.
  • Students are now NOT allowed to bring their phones into the classroom, and it’s hardly surprising since students would record their classes.
  • She specifies more about the activities modelled to her colleagues (e.g. creating genitalia out of play-doh) where the topics of conversation around that activity (e.g. how big should the penis be?) would be absolutely inappropriate for children of that age.
  • Remarkably (perhaps not), a video the teachers were presented with showing children’s artwork (from Wales) around sexual topics was Satanic in her view. Scissors were being shown cutting a clay penis against a blood-red background of testicles. A child was shown in a mask with horns. She said the arts and crafts work depicted people as subhuman. There were 34 teachers watching this presentation who were stunned into silence.
  • Students’ sexual questions that they might have were modelled, which anticipated concepts of orgasm, chest binder, homosexual sex and anal sex, including ‘how does one give head?’ Nothing about morality was talked about. Teachers are acting in loco parentis, as parents on behalf of the children. So if a child were to ask a parent such types of questions, that would raise alarm bells and become a safeguarding issue. If children do actually ask such questions in school, the parent would be alerted and brought into the school to discuss why the child was asking such a question.
  • Sexual words and phrases such as ‘rimming’ and ‘fisting’ were presented as part of the course to be categorized by students, words which even the teachers themselves didn’t know. Students would learn the formal meanings of these words.
  • There was no discussion whatever on gender identity because it was assumed everybody was on board that with that theory. Debates were encouraged about food or substance abuse, but not about gender identity. If a student does show or ask about gender dysphoria, teachers are only allowed to affirm the choice of the student.
  • Teachers were also expected to introduce themselves to students by specifying which pronouns they preferred to use about themselves. When Creedon objected to this, she got an ideological reply.
  • The origin of all this is a Marxist named Paolo Freire that they got lectured on. They were taught that all education is political, and had to think how they could apply Marxist policies in schools. So this type of education is nothing more than indoctrination. They were also told that they had to use this perspective across all curriculum subjects, not just the SPHE class. And if it’s fed throughout all the curriculum, and through events scheduled during the school year, it thus becomes harder for parents to have their children opt out.  If it’s a stand-alone unit, then parents can have their child skip that course under the law, but they’ve designed it so that this becomes impossible for parents. Creedon is appealing to parents to understand that their position has been weakened because, under the new curriculum, parents won’t know when this type of material is being taught. ‘Take ownership back of your children.’  Parents can’t see the textbooks because they are not allowed to be taken home, so parents need to wake up and join the dots on what’s going on. Ditto with their phones not being allowed in class. Further, there is a rule that says ‘what is shared in the class must stay in the class’.  Teachers have been allowed an opt-out for themselves if they feel uncomfortable with it. This sexualized ideology only gets passed on if teachers choose to do it. They themselves are responsible for this happening. The SPHE can be a very good, useful course for the students but it’s the controversial, sexualized aspect that is the problem.
  • However, if teachers don’t want to teach it, then it’s been officially suggested that outside NGOs such as those dealing with transgender concerns may come in and do it.
  • This isn’t sex education; it’s warped education. It’s going to ruin a generation of children and we need to stop it.


Source: https://www.thelibertybeacon.com

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