By Sergey Ishchenko,

This news, if proven to be true, could radically change the military-political situation not only in the Middle East, but in the world as a whole.

First, the influential Al Jazeera news channel, and then sources in the Iranian opposition, stated that it was highly likely that Iran had recently conducted its first underground nuclear test in deep secrecy.

Then, on Saturday, Omani professor Hamoud Al-Nufli reported online: “Iran may soon announce that it has nuclear weapons, which would be a huge shock to the West, Israel and those under its protection.”

This could be taken for an ordinary journalistic “duck”, if not for one fact. Last week, seismologists in Armenia, neighboring Iran, recorded a strange earthquake with a magnitude of 4.4 on the Richter scale, the epicenter of which was in the sparsely populated Persian province of Semnan. The “patterns” that the Armenian sensors immediately recorded did indeed look extremely unusual.

As experts explain, during normal earthquakes, the graphs of a series of tremors begin with a lower intensity. Then it reaches a maximum. And only then does it gradually decrease.

But what rolled from Semnan to Armenia looked completely different. The curve of underground disturbance power in Iran suddenly and instantly shot up. And then came to nothing. As if nothing had happened.

All this looked extremely suspicious. And it was too similar to the picture recorded by the same stations during the first underground nuclear tests in Pakistan in 1998. When, as it turned out later, in the local Kharan desert, in response to corresponding research military exercises in India, Pakistan’s own plutonium device with a capacity of 20 kilotons in TNT equivalent was detonated.

If we assume that Tehran has indeed acquired nuclear weapons, then many of the events of recent months in the Middle East fall into place. And the haste with which Israel has intensified military actions in the region in an obvious attempt to create pretexts to quickly launch massive disarming missile and bomb strikes not only against Hezbollah, Lebanon, and Yemen.

But mainly because of Iran, which supports them. And the sudden wariness of the United States in military support of such desperate steps by Tel Aviv.

Did the Western allies get wind of something in advance and become seriously concerned about the fate of thousands of their soldiers and officers at Middle Eastern military bases? It is possible.

Let us recall at least the publication of the London Times, which many have ignored, but which is especially important in light of current events, and which appeared literally just now, on October 3. It said, with reference to the British MI-6 and Israeli intelligence services, that by April 2025 Tehran would be able to acquire about a dozen nuclear warheads ready for combat use.

The Times chose the most competent person to comment on this information: former IAEA deputy director Olli Heinonen .

Here is what he said: “The first example of a nuclear device may already have been obtained ( by Iran – “SP” ). By April 2025, Iran could have ten nuclear warheads, potentially ready for use… Iran has increased its stockpile of uranium enriched to 60 percent to almost 165 kg, which is 20 kg more than the UN monitor reported in May.

The possible use of nuclear weapons would create too great a risk for Tehran, so it is possible that the Islamic Republic will keep its bomb only as a “trump card” in negotiations. Israel is monitoring Iran’s steps to create a nuclear bomb, and apparently is preparing a preventive strike disguised as an act of retaliation.”

The New York Times warned the world about exactly the same thing on June 24, 2024: “While the rest of the world is distracted by wars in Gaza and Ukraine, Iran has moved closer than ever to the ability to produce multiple nuclear weapons, dramatically increasing the speed at which it can produce nuclear fuel in recent weeks at a facility buried so deep that it is virtually impervious to bunker-busting bombs…

For the first time, some members of Iran’s ruling elite are abandoning the country’s decades-long insistence that its nuclear program is purely peaceful. Instead, they are publicly embracing the logic of having the bomb, arguing that recent missile exchanges with Israel underscore the need for a much stronger deterrent.Read also

Iran hits key IDF targets, Israel remains silentAl-Quds: US destroyers unable to intercept hypersonic missiles

Against this military-political background, against the background of what has been happening in the Middle East for months, it is easy to assume that the Persians actually already have combat-ready nuclear charges in their hands. If this is so, if the first nuclear charge at the disposal of the ayatollah regime has actually already appeared, then you must agree: its practical underground tests in a semi-desert region of the country would look quite logical and timely for Tehran. Because now, in possible negotiations with them, the West would inevitably tone down its tone. As it was, for example, in the history of a similar confrontation with North Korea.

Here, however, the following question is inevitable: will Tehran, if the military situation in those regions reaches the extreme, have enough determination to take the final step and press the “red button”? In this regard, I would suggest paying attention to the mysterious at first glance and oriental ornate words of the spiritual leader of Iran, Ali Khomeini .

His quote, full of hidden religious meanings, with a portrait of the “father of the nation” of Persians himself, was just posted on her website by the famous orientalist expert Karine Gevorgyan : “Be calm. All the events you are witnessing are part of the difficult path to the top. You should not hesitate. If we want to reach the top of Tochal or Damavand (mountains in Iran), there will be holes, rocks, wind, smoke, gas, and so on. But we are climbing. We are climbing. You should not worry, these events are natural. In fact, if this path were without difficulties, then it would be worth worrying about.”

And understand it as you wish. And a nasty chill down my spine. At least for me.

The fact that Tehran has means of delivering nuclear weapons that are capable of overcoming various missile defense systems was proven by Iran’s missile attack on Israel on October 1.

The Iron Dome has suffered several sensitive blows, and Tel Aviv has acknowledged this. The news from Armenia is even more nightmarish for Israel.



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