Sometimes hundreds and even thousands of years of history unfold in a matter of weeks. Think of the sacking of Rome or the first unification of China. We are in such a moment now. The entire Western control matrix is collapsing and we are headed for some sort of climax.

The biggest sign of this in the past week has been the awakening of the majority of the Western population to elite pedophile blackmail and weather warfare. The people in the truth movement have known about this for a long time. However, we have been in a bubble and preaching to the choir for most of this time. The vast majority of the people remained clueless. What is different now is people who don’t pay attention to the news and only read gossip columns are becoming aware en masse. More importantly, the military and intelligence community are now finally taking action as a result.

Let us start with the elite pedophile blackmail network. The Puff Diddy or Sean Combs trial is what is waking people up to this reality. The actor portraying General Michael Flynn, for example, is telling the world “The Diddy case is going to implicate musicians, sports players, politicians and media…These people are psychopaths. They’re evil. They’re satanic.”

The Khazarian Mafia’s use of “celebrities” and celebrity culture to control the masses is now blowing up their faces. The musician Justin Bieber came out in 2017 to say he has “woken up” to the “evils of the music industry” that is “controlled by the absolute worst kind of people – pedophiles.”

Describing a party on tour – attended by the upper echelon of the music business, including executive VPs of development, producers, power agents and international financiers – Bieber said he was encouraged to sexually abuse a young child who had been brought to the party for the sexual gratification of the industry elite.

“I didn’t want to do this. I really didn’t. They said this kid was drugged, it was horrible,” Bieber said, explaining that it was made clear to him that he would gain entry to the “business side of the industry” if he “joined the club” by passing the initiation rites.

“I wouldn’t just be a performer, I’d be a mogul. That path would open up for me like it did for Jay-Z.”

“It’s the difference between being a millionaire and being a billionaire.”

But Bieber told the congregation that he couldn’t do it.

“To join the club I’d have to do bad things to this poor kid. But then I realized that even that wasn’t enough for them. I’d also have to kill this little child.”

“I got told they secretly film these parties. Once they’ve got you on video doing something like that, they own you.”

“They said this kid was raped by a few different guys. They said he was bleeding. I got out of there but I heard he died and that haunts me.”

The original link I had for this story was replaced with a report from the Australian Parliament on “foreign election interference.” The next five links were also debunking this. Yet, after that hundreds and probably thousands and possibly millions of links had the original story. Here it is:

The story was buried when it originally came to light but now everybody is hearing about it. This means the BlackRock and Vanguard controllers of Google are losing the ability to shape the narrative.

In another example, Oprah’s spiritual adviser John of God kept young women captive in remote farms where he impregnated them and murdered them after 10 years of giving birth. These babies were then sold to elite VIPs around the world. John of God is closely tied to Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell and Marina Abramovich, among others. This is not a conspiracy theory, this is a conspiracy fact. He was found guilty of this by a Brazilian court.

These stories are important because they reveal the network of pedophile blackmail control used on most Western politicians. The trail leads to the Satanic state of Israel. Why else do you think politicians like Canadian “opposition leader” Pierre Poilievre would come out publicly and say an Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities would be a “gift to humanity.” 

Why is he calling for what amounts to triggering nuclear Armageddon?

Now take a tour of the US Congress and Senate  and ask yourselves why they represent Israel and not their own constituents. I guarantee you they are all bribed and blackmailed.

People like Elon Musk are also now coming out and talking about this. He said, “I think part of why Kamala Harris is getting so much support is that if [Donald] Trump wins, that Epstein client list is going to become public and some of those billionaires behind Kamala are terrified of that outcome.” Musk names Reid Hoffman and Bill Gates are being implicated.


In an attempt to exonerate himself, Gates appeared on Australian TV and admitted to “having dinner with Epstein.” He visited Epstein’s island 37 times! That’s not just having a few dinners


Musk says “Between Diddy and Epstein there’s probably several thousand hours of footage here.”

FBI investigators on the Diddy case have seized snuff tapes recorded by Jay-Z and Beyoncé, exposing their role in a series of ritual killings and sacrifices of A-list stars and their family members, including children, an industry insider reveals.

Our own sources say Diddy is making a plea bargain with the Justice Department and has provided them with tapes of Barack “Thunder of Satan” Obama raping and murdering a child.

This is important because Kamala Harris is just a human-robot remotely controlled by Obama as the video below demonstrates.

Malik Obama believes his half-brother former President Barack Obama is “still running the country.” However, it appears even Obama is being blackmailed by someone else.

So the question now is who are the ultimate controllers? This was the subject of a high-level meeting last weekend between representatives of the US military and Asian Secret Societies held in Japan. The meeting resulted in an agreement to




dismantle the State of Israel where the ultimate control resides. It will be replaced by the State of Judea which will grant full citizenship to all residents. The Jews will be protected and the Satanists rounded up. They also agreed the Satanic Chabad cult was a legitimate military target that will be taken out. Chabad has been forensically identified as the group controlling the ongoing plot to start World War III, kill 90% of humanity and enslave the survivors.

Here you can watch their leader Benyamin Netanyahu brag in 2006 that “The secret is we have America…we have the Senate, the Congress and a record strong Jewish lobby on our side.”

This was decades ago, the control over the US is much greater now.

These people are now using a 100% computer graphic Benyamin Netanyahu to try to maintain control. In the video below Netanyahu says Israel has eliminated Hezbollah leader Nasrallah himself, his successor, and the successor to his successor.” Notice the glitches in the video and the cut segments.  

Netanyahu is long gone and the reality is the Israeli military is being soundly defeated.

Polish intelligence informs us that “As a result of Iran’s retaliation against Israel, 29 Israeli F35 aircraft, an airport and air base near Tel Aviv, a fuel base, many Merkava tanks, the headquarters of Mossad, secret agents and strategic radar stations in Israel were destroyed according to reports from Al-Jazeera, Hindustan Times, China News, Pakistani PTV, Russia Today etc.

British intelligence and CIA sources confirm that Israel will soon cease to exist. Here is what the head of MI6 had to say:

“The [Israeli] aggression is excessive and it does amount to war crimes. It needs to be ended. What that means in international law and the law of war is the response by Israel is disproportionate and excessive, the scope is not simply a response to neutralize the opponent it is to exterminate an entire civilian population – this a war crime and a crime against humanity – genocide. Jabalia and Northern Gaza are the sites of the crime whilst all eyes are distracted with Lebanon. A multi-pronged approach designed as such to scatter attention and make the offensive more stealth-like. It needs to end either voluntarily by Jerusalem or by enforcement by the international community.”

You won’t see this in the US Corporate media but that does not change the reality. Israel has ended.

Another reality is that the KM is about to lose its ability to control us through weather warfare.


For example, Representative Marjorie Talyor Greene posted on X that “Yes they can control the weather…It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.” She wrote this in response to the hurricanes that hit North Carolina and Florida. It got over 50 million views and prompted hundreds of millions of online searches on the topic.

Again the KM-controlled corporations like Google tried desperately to quash this information. The first 20 or so items on Google about her statement were efforts to debunk it. They even deleted the notes I had about this from my computer. But again the control failed because people have learned the top search results on Google are censorship and dig deeper. Also, people like me have learned to always make backups on a removable hard disk.

The KM are increasingly resorting to weather manipulation these days because it seems to be one of the last secret weapons they have to try to control the masses with. This is now coming out big time.

In another example, Polish intelligence informs us the companies listed on the FEMA website as doing the North Carolina Hurricane Helen victim’s home inspections are owned by Vanguard & BlackRock. So the same company that owns majority of the lithium mine in the area is “inspecting” the victim’s properties they want.

In Florida, there was a massive evacuation due to Hurricane Milton. This is I-75 in Tampa.

There were also 126 tornado warnings issued in Florida last week, the SECOND MOST of all time in a single state in USA history.

This can be done with weather modification machines. Have you ever seen tornadoes forming over the mountains?

It sure looks like there’s a hurricane and tornado machine somewhere.

Did you know there was an actual Hurricane tabletop exercise from 2009 where Tampa Bay took a direct hit from a VERY devastating Category 5 Hurricane named Phoenix IN THE MONTH OF OCTOBER & the results are CATASTROPHIC.

Guess what, Bill Gates is funding funding Tampa’s move to remake 40 waterfront acres into a 15-MINUTE CITY.

The same thing happened in Acapulco Mexico while everyone’s eyes were on Florida. Again, it is clearing out residents to make a 15-minute city.

You can’t make this up.

In Wyoming meanwhile, there is a fire with over 73,000 acres lit up with no end in sight. The cause? Lightning…but here’s the catch—there was no storm.

Could this somehow be connected to the Bill Gates Nuclear Plant he’s planning to build there?

We hear Bill Gates is being terminated. If this is true it will appear in all the news as an announcement of his death. Personally, I would prefer that he appear in front of a war crimes tribunal and then face justice.

Using weather warfare against civilians is one of his many war crimes. Want to know how people like him can do this? Look no further…than the HAARP machines around the world.

“We have strong evidence that NOAA, a former UNITED STATES franchise, issued cloud-seeding contracts that have resulted in both Hurricane Helene and Hurricane Milton.  We have additional evidence that broadcast transmission towers licensed by the FCC have been used to guide these unnatural storms,” says Judge Anna von Reitz.

She adds “We recently intercepted a convoy of trucks loaded with firearms, grenades, water cannons and similar stocks and supplies of war headed to FEMA camps in the disaster area.  It is apparent that the sender’s intent was to arm FEMA as a foreign mercenary force operating on State land, impacting a multi-state area.  We have, therefore, confiscated these armaments and are investigating the source.”  

In Florida too, there is a pushback. Governor Ron DeSantis says: “FEMA’s not running the show! You are not going to see FEMA running amok in Florida. I’m the sheriff that’s in charge here!”

With this sort of pushback happening the Deep State demonrats and their backers are trying every way they can to steal the election. 

Illegal immigration populations have increased by hundreds of percent in swing states during the Biden-Harris administration, according to court filings.

Georgia – 401%

North Carolina – 446%

Pennsylvania – 241%

Arizona – 734%

Nevada – 562%

Michigan – 775% Wisconsin – 467%

They are also trying to make Kamala Harris appear as if she actually has a functioning brain.

Donald J. Trump

(@realDonaldTrump) on X

A giant Fake News Scam by CBS &

60 Minutes. Her REAL ANSWER WAS CRAZY, OR DUMB, so they actually REPLACED it with another answer in order to save her or, at least, make her look better. A FAKE NEWS SCAM, which is totally illegal. TAKE AWAY THE CBS LICENSE. Election Interference.

The videos are in the X link below:

It’s quite obvious Kamala is cooked. When asked about what she would do differently than Biden, she says, “Nothing comes to mind.”

No wonder a blank book listing Kamala Harris’ “achievement” becomes an Amazon bestseller, leaving social media in stitches.

In a desperate move to shore up her image Kamala Harris instructed the North Carolina National Guard to load disaster relief supplies onto a cargo plane solely for a photo op, with no intention of actually delivering the supplies to storm victims.

This is just one case of how they are lying through their teeth about what their government actually does. In another example you can watch lies from Obiden administration spokes clown Karine Jeane Pierre:  In 2022 she clearly said they used FEMA money for iIIegal migrants.

She is now denying they used FEMA for iIIegal migrants.

They are also getting increasingly hysterical with their anti-Trump rhetoric. In the video below CNN compares Trump to Hitler and claims he will “exterminate entire groups of people”.

Next watch Mika Brzezinski blather on in PANIC about Trump. She knows she will face the death penalty if the KM lose control and they WILL LOSE CONTROL.

It has reached the point where a professor from the University of Kansas openly stated that men who refuse to vote for Kamala Harris should be executed.

It is pretty clear it is he himself who fears execution.

Here is another person who fears execution:

Mark Milley, a retired US army general who was chair of the joint chiefs of staff under Donald Trump and Joe Biden, fears being recalled to uniform and court-martialed should Trump defeat Kamala Harris next month and return to power.

These are signs the KM puppets are losing control of the narrative and they are panicking. In another example watch the unelected head of the UN non-governmental organization speak in fear.

“The Deep State minions are soiling their pants as to what is coming for all of them,” a CIA source comments. 

Here is one way the people can take back control. In November 2023 a small town in Michigan dissolved their corrupt government…and then changed the locks on the town hall building.

It is time to do the same for Washington DC and the UN.

Japan is taking the lead and now becoming the first G7 country to free itself from KM control. The new Japanese government under Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba is cutting off relations with the Obiden Administration and allying with the white hat alliance, Japanese right wing sources close to the emperor say.

This comes as the Japanese government realizes the Obiden administration is trying to kill off a large part of their population with self-amplifying mRNA vaccines. One of the three companies awarded contracts, Gritstone Bio, is owned by major investment firms BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street, “the same asset managers who own mRNA vaccine manufacturers Pfizer and Moderna,” according to investigative journalist Jon Fleetwood.

Fleetwood also noted that BlackRock and State Street are official partners of the World Economic Forum and that Gritstone Bio has received funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The Japanese underworld has been given a complete list of the doctors who received bribes in exchange for approving this vaccine and they are all being hunted down, Asian secret society sources say.

Japan has sent a clear message to Bill Gates – his time is running out. With the government’s Covid Task Force swiftly uncovering his crimes, the walls are closing in on the globalist kingpin.

Japanese scientists are now taking a stand, urging international prosecutors to bring a case of crimes against humanity against Gates. Among them, world-renowned experts like Dr. Fukushima are raising the alarm, revealing shocking discoveries that some vaccines contain abortion drugs designed for depopulation.

Germany is about to follow Japan and break with the KM. CDU/CSU candidate for German Chancellor Friedrich Merz wants to establish a contact group that would develop a proposal for a European order after the war in Ukraine. It would include Germany, France, Great Britain and Poland, Polish intelligence informs us.

This comes as the Ukrainian regime is visibly collapsing. Ukrainian fascist dictator Vladimir Zelensky is now calling for a ceasefire, but this is no longer on the table, Russian FSB sources say.

Russian military investigators have gathered evidence of brutal civilian killings by Ukrainian troops and mercenaries.

Also, the United States is scheming with Ukraine to expel Russia from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) after Russia filed its findings about the use of chemical weapons by Kiev to the organization.

These crimes are punishable by death and war crimes tribunals are coming soon.

Total Russian victory is in sight as a significant number of Ukrainian troops “find themselves trapped” on Russian territory (near Kursk).

“Our enemies, the Ukrainian armed forces, are fleeing. They are demoralized and try to rout without looking back at the first fire contact,” according to the commander of the Battlegroup Center deep reconnaissance squad.

Washington’s “far-reaching plans and fantasies” are creating the “possibility of sliding into a full-scale conflict between Russia and the historic West,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov warns.

He need not worry because the white hats in the US military are not going to let the KM use World War III as a get out of jail free card.

Of course, we need to remove the final vestiges of KM control before their WEF implements “a digital process whereby they can restrict your movement, your behavior and your decisions with the click of a button.”

In another example of an attempt to stay in control, the government of New York is trying to pass something called Proposition One. If passed it will, among many other things, make it easier for the government to take children away from their parents.

They are also still trying to kill us with vaccines. Moderna is under fire after offering 12 to 18-year-olds Rockefeller-owned WhatsApp payments of £1,500 to test vaccines.

Thanks to RFK Jr and his efforts to reveal the truth, a study of 1.7 million children found that myocarditis and pericarditis occurred exclusively in those who received the COVID-19 vaccines.

His mother, Ethel Kennedy, the widow of assassinated US politician Robert F. Kennedy, died Thursday at the age of 96. She died knowing her son would finally get justice for the murder of his father and uncle.

Ok, let’s end this week with a couple of feel-good tidbits. First, we note DARPA frontman Elon Musk revealed Optimus humanoid robots developed by Tesla.

These are just a tease to get the masses prepared for what’s coming very soon, a Pentagon source says. You know they have much more advanced humanoids than what is revealed to the public.

The next is a picture of an 800-year-old oak tree. If you want to hear a bird sing, don’t buy a cage, plant a tree. If the heat bothers you – plant a tree. If water bothers you – plant a tree. If you like fruit – plant a tree. And if you love life – plant many trees. A 100-year-old beech “produces” 1,200 liters of oxygen per hour. This amount of oxygen can only be “produced” by planting about 2,700 young trees.

This writer has personally planted over 300,000 trees during four seasons of tree planting work in Canada. This is my proudest achievement. 




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