For anyone who doesn’t understand what’s called 5th Generation Warfare, this should clear things up very quickly. In regular warfare (from 4th generation warfare backwards), we have an invading force (usually motivated by theft) coming into an area they don’t yet govern, with the intention of enriching themselves via the resources of that invaded area. In old style conventional warfare, the assets that the invading force were targeting to steal, often get destroyed. That’s a big drawback. Obviously, this older method of war isn’t so profitable in many situations, where the war itself destroys the assets you’re trying to steal. That’s where 5th generation warfare comes into play.

In 5th generation warfare, you use psychological manipulation, mind control, brainwashing and behavior modification….to trick the people you’re targeting, into destroying themselves and destroying every form of strength they could ever use to resist the takeover. After that (which often takes decades), with the public’s wealth assets intact, you send in the cleanup crew….to fully take over the area.

Just FYI, you’re now living in the last stages of a 5th generation warfare takeover attempt. The last 70 years has been dedicated to “The Great Weakening” as I call it. The great weakening is a state and media endorsed living model based on perpetual pleasure seeking, self-gratification, gluttony and hedonism. The vast majority of people in the Western world today (especially in Canada, Australia, the UK and the United States) are excessively overweight, brain damaged, weak, diseased and broke. This is all by design. No human can get like this living in their natural habitat. It’s all socially engineered. This is the result of the mind control based great weakening. Well over 50% of these Western populations are too overweight, sick, broke and lazy to defend themselves……as is the goal of any 5th generation warfare operation.

70% of US adults are now obese or overweight. 50% of US children are now in the same boat. Most are addicted to cycles of perpetual self-destruction, using their bodies as disposable instruments from which they extract perpetual pleasure……using the state and media endorsed fun chemicals of the day. (caffeine, alcohol, junk food, narcotics, medical narcotics, screen entertainment etc.)

But that’s not the only way “the great weakening” has been implemented on a completely uninformed population. Most people genuinely believe that they’re just living a great, sedated, fun and distraction-based life. They don’t know that the cleanup crew is about to be sent in. They also don’t realize that they’re too weak to resist the multi generationally slavery, rape and brutality that’s speeding toward them. They believe that the “government” will eventually fix everything and that they just need to vote harder and keep self-gratifying. It’s the government that is conducting the takeover attempt. Not only has the public been weakened, but the military has been targeted directly (in the same manner) as well.

The military also has been force injected with the COVID poison. The call to inject poison or be fired from all Western nation military forces, also gutted our armed forces of intelligent soldiers who knew better…..because of course they quit. Why would any intelligent person stay employed in the armed forces or even inside various branches of our police services, as obviously those organizations were weaponized to kill and cripple their own employees…..while blatantly ignoring human rights and the law. The idea behind this facet of the great weakening was to leave the armed forces and police services staffed solely by listless, diseased, soulless, order following/slave like lovers of any lie where they could keep kicking the pleasure can a couple more blocks down the road. This facet of the great weakening was applied to many corporations and all arms of an illegal and unlawful government worldwide. A full inversion is now upon us. Evil people at the top and good/moral people at the bottom. A moral, spiritual, ethical and intellectual weakening has also been completed.

So, if you’re ever wondering why the criminals in power are stealing trillions in plain sight and sending all that stolen loot over to their private bank accounts in the Ukraine, this is why. The US (and most western countries) have been conquered by 5th generation warfare psychological manipulation……and the cleanup crew is indeed coming. This applies to most Western nations unfortunately, just in case anyone believes that they’re free and clear of this agenda.

Anyone drinking wine on a Friday night, starting their morning with brain damaging coffee, watching Netflix because it’s more fun than securing themselves against a death cult governing force, ordering toxic takeout food, going to the doctor after making themselves sick (in order to demand medical poison that has never been designed to improve health whatsoever) and anyone receiving a government pension/government salary etc…….you’re not going to like the later stages of this 5th generation takeover attempt. If you want the answer and the solution……stop being so weak and put some deterrents in place. The answer to weakness or any agenda involving weakness is always strength.

Now, if you don’t think 5th generation warfare mind control can be used to make people destroy themselves with poisons (as one example), you most likely haven’t looked too deeply into the power of mind control to get people to do absolutely anything to themselves or others.

If you click here, you’ll see a mind control demonstration for the ages. We witness a made for Netflix special where world famous mind control expert Derren Brown, actually mind controls 3 out 4 people to commit murder live on video……..with only 2.5 hours of psychological manipulation. If a celebrity mind control expert can get 75% of humans to commit murder, via the use of only 2.5 hours of psychological manipulation, imagine the fate of the average Westerner who’s exposed to much more advanced mind control tactics……over their entire lifetime.

The vast majority of all government and media mind control (that the average person is drowning in daily), is focused in one direction and one direction only. That direction is simple. Trick the people to inject and ingest poison as Olympic sport, in order to complete the 5th generation warfare cycle, which I referred to already in the paragraphs above.

If you can make a human murder another person, live on video, using only 2.5 hours of psychological manipulation…’s actually child’s play to trick the average person to murder themselves with poisons over a much longer period. This is exactly what’s going on in the West and it’s been going on for at least 100 years or more. Look how many people waited patiently in line to inject COVID poison into themselves and their own kids. (2.7 billon supposedly) This COVID shot didn’t block infection, it didn’t block transmission, there was never any threat to the public, the virus never even existed, and the injection was pure poison…….and yet look how mind control tricked billions to line up voluntarily (without resistance) to take themselves and their own kids out.

That’s just injecting poison, at one particular time in history. The people in control have been conducting these operations in perpetuity, year in and year out.  If you click here, you can see the 1920-1930 mind control campaign that brainwashed women to smoke…..and of course poison themselves. The great weakening agenda is all about poison and it’s been going on daily since you were born.

You don’t need a tank anymore; you just need a Coca-Cola truck. You don’t need missiles, you just need Starbucks (which is owned and operated by Bill Gates of course). You don’t need forced Nazi style medical experimentation, you just need to trick people to demand that they be experimented on. You don’t need a Dr. Joseph Mengele, you just need perceived authorities in government to tell your local doctors to inject poison into all their patients……or they’ll be fired. 5th generation warfare is about psychologically weaponizing self and other, against self and other.

If you want to understand the COVID psy-op, in regard to tricking people to inject poison into themselves, please watch the special COVID mind control presentation I recently completed. Click here for part 1 and click here for part 2. I’ve spoken on mind control and brainwashing on the floors of the EU Parliament, in the US Senate, in The Romanian Palace of The Parliament and most recently inside the Japanese Parliament as well. You can watch some of these presentations by clicking here, which will bring you to the front page of my website.

If you also want to understand just how toxic, poisonous and fraudulent the COVID operation was (front to back, no exceptions) you can click here for over 100 documentaries on that very subject. Yes, the truth telling community documentary makers have been very busy over the last 4 years.

Now, before that, people still injected poison into themselves as Olympic sport with all the other so-called vaccines. Again, all this belief in poison having the ability to make people healthy… obviously based on psychological manipulation, not rational or logical thought. If you click here you can watch over 60 documentaries (with a list of over 100 books) which prove this fact……that all these “vaccines” have never been proven to increase immunity or resistance to disease in real world populations. If you waited patiently in line for any vaccine (which I’ve done personally as well) you were the victim of a 5th generation psychological warfare operation. You injected poison into yourself or your own kids. They’re lying to you. They’ve always lied to you. It’s that simple. There’s no other way to say it. Again, that’s just injected poison. What about ingested poison?

If you click here, we can watch a groundbreaking recent presentation where a female medical doctor (and surgeon) completely blows the whistle on the toxic food supply and the poisonous medical industry, all at the same time. You’re right inside a 5th generational takeover attempt of your country. Unfortunately, you most likely have been poisoning yourself and your own children with toxic food and toxic medical products…….simply because you don’t understand how effective and powerful mind control can be. It’s common. I used to do it. I stopped 25 years ago but most people are still going hard core, destroying themselves to this very day, as a result of these black magic mind control spells.

I used to poison myself plenty as well, by my own hand, because I was also under the same forms of self-abusive, self-destructive and self-sadistic mind control. There are ways to break the mind control spells that are continually fired out of corrupt government and inversion-based media. The key to surviving the last few steps of this 5th generation warfare takeover attempt is to get educated……….and get educated now. If you’re overweight, sick, broke, depressed and can’t stop hurting yourself (in one way or another) it’s best you take evasive action before the cleanup crew comes across your border, to complete this ancient agenda.

Full spectrum independence and strength are the only survival routes out of this mess. I teach these concepts 1-2 times per year. The next semester starts on Oct 27th, 2024. Click the picture below to learn more. Come work with me LIVE, overcome your own personal self-sabotage, teach others how to do the same, start your own business, connect with like minds and learn how to develop my essential 5 pillars of strength system in your own life. You’re going to need everything I teach, not only today but every other day you’re on this planet. Protect yourself, protect your loved ones and protect your community. I’ll make sure you’re ready for whatever the world throws at you. See you on opening day. We are 3 weeks out now and we’re already 35% full.


By Jason Christoff,


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