By Michael Snyder,

I am absolutely stunned by what I just witnessed.  After everything that has transpired over the past eight years, he is back.  Donald Trump has capped the greatest political comeback in U.S. history by winning the 2024 presidential election.  We were told that the polls were very tight and that it would be a very close election, but that wasn’t the case at all.  The votes were counted much more quickly this time around, the election was decided in less than 24 hours, and I think that was a good thing for the country.  Of course that doesn’t mean that the days ahead will be smooth.  There will likely be much turmoil, and that will be extremely unfortunate.  But at least for this moment, we can hope that leaders on both sides will try to bring us together and unify the country.

I really wish that Kamala Harris would have conceded immediately.  It was the right thing to do, and I think that she will regret putting it off.  But as I told my readers ahead of time, I had a really hard time imagining her actually conceding on election night.  She fully expected to win, and now she must be absolutely devastated.

I have been watching the voting results come in for hours, and I am still having trouble processing what just happened.  To me, the following are 10 of the most shocking numbers from Donald Trump’s historic election victory…

#1 As I write this article, Donald Trump has a lead of more than 5 million votes nationally.  Trump is going to win the popular vote, and that is something that very few of the experts anticipated.

#2 New York was called very early, but it was actually a big story.  Right now, Kamala Harris only has a lead of less than 12 percent in that state.  I was stunned that the margin was so close.

#3 New Jersey wasn’t supposed to be close either, but it was.  As I write this, Trump trails Kamala Harris by less than 5 points.

#3 I told my readers that whoever won Pennsylvania would win the election, and that is exactly what happened.  But Trump wasn’t supposed to win it by nearly 200,000 votes.

#4 The vote in Wisconsin was so close in 2016, and it was so close in 2020.  But with 93 percent of the vote in, Trump is leading by 4 full percentage points.

#5 Michigan was supposed to be insanely tight too, but with 81 percent of the vote in Trump is leading by nearly 7 points.

#6 Do you remember that poll that came out just before the election that showed Kamala Harris up by 3 points in Iowa?  Well, with 97 percent of the vote in Trump is up by almost 14 points.

#7 After Kamala Harris put Tim Walz on the ticket, Minnesota was supposed to be a cakewalk for the Democrats.  Instead, they are winning it by less than 6 points.

#8 Hardly anyone even mentioned Illinois on election night, but with 91 percent of the vote in Kamala Harris is only up by 4.2 points.

#9 The margin of victory in Nevada is larger than the margin of victory in Illinois.  At this moment, Trump is up by 4.7 points in that state.

#10 Abortion was on the ballot in 10 states, and a majority of voters cast their ballots for the pro-choice position in 9 of those 10 states.  That was a huge victory for the Democrats and an enormous loss for the country as a whole.

So what is ahead?

I will write more about that tomorrow.

But I did want to mention that chaos started to erupt on the streets of Seattle even before Trump was officially declared the winner…

Breaking — Seattle PD arrests several members of black bloc Antifa wrecking havoc on Election Day downtown Seattle.

Antifa defied orders to get get out of the road resulting in at least four arrests.

This election is not the end.

It is just the beginning.

Global events are going to start moving so rapidly now, and there will be many more surprises in the days ahead.



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  1. The New Blueprint For Humanity !

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  2. December 23, 2024

    Breaking Intel Ex American Military Vet Ai specialist extremly urgent !

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    SGT Report X22 Report Shill As Trump Ushers In AI Demons For Central Bankers Ryan Veli
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  3. Breaking News ! Truth Honor & Integrity show !

    Full on attempted Ai / Cyborg / Takeover by the Zionists … must listen !

    Must Listen please share far and wide !

  4. See the wash has its cleaning agents to flush the dirt circles out ward and away from the core area of all thing more pure. When the Rinse-cycle occurs more will be cleaned of the "odd" doing. (many variable word may replace "Odd" ) to fill in an imaginary description for colorful dialog.
    2020 same thing happened yet Trump won over 80 Plus Percent of vote, the ones that try to manipulate and perform the same 'Dick Dastardly Trick' then try all same to cheat and work against the odds of Truth and integrity of honest public voice opinion and influence to a strong representative in leadership choice. Yet Observe such strength shields deformation of character like Bullet Proof Armor. One may only admire such stealth in foundation along with Principle in reflect.
    2000 mules documentary banned from view shared all similar dirty tricks, Cyber ninja's found various truths hidden on 1st Maricopa findings then yet not allowed such reveal to mystify result.

    Eyes and Ears can be "Tricked" by CGI.n.Photoshop trickery accompanied by choice selection of well crafted words of propaganda-crafted delivery. Now observed and getting old, yet such Common presented constructed manipulations in our face making us believe in slithery lies.
    He whom knows the truth all truths will set all free. If something as such a methodology of action can honestly provide what it processes, the fish simply swim around in circle to stir their loss to the feed that whales overtake by truth. All wonders the rot cannot accept defeat and still squirm by their dishonest attempts. As the stakes and stars all line up the strength of the harmony unique will ring forward new change to continue Lawful rights as GOD planned its true course.
    Those whom broke all thing thru time to now, will be paralyzed to "Pure Light Spectrum" Vividly illuminating purity of its energy vibration.n.Perfect Pitch and Colorful Tones. "a Riddle to Solve" The Re-Clothing of Honor Integrity, shall carry new Rush for ebb and flow. tik toc.

  5. Trump is just another 'Puppet on the Strings', of the Evil Agents of the Israel Lobby-AIPAC and the Dozens of other, Jew-Christian-Zionists Organizations, the Enemies Within, who drive, dictate, control our(?) Foreign and DOMESTIC Policies! I voted for Trump in 2016, 2020, not this time! He is just another TRAITOR to US! Had 4 years in the Oval Office, but had no BALLS_PATRIOTISM to ask for, DEMAND, a Real Investigation into the Greatest Crime EVER Against US, in our History, on our own Soil, the Controlled Demolition of the WTC. Towers #1,#2,#7 Skyscrapers and the MURDER of some 3000 innocents, mostly American Citizens Collateral Victims on '9/11/2001'! That DEMONIC False Flag Attack, dragged US into the HELLHOLE of the Middle East, that the Zionist Apartheid Talmudic-Supremacist TERROR State of Israel has created, and where for over 2 decades now our blood and treasure, our Military personnel are being used-abused as the 'Sacrificial Lambs' on the barbaric-bloody Altar of Zionism on the World's Stage! What about the "USS LIBERTY" June 8, 1967???


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