Former Australian Medical Assn president Dr Kerryn Phelps has revealed she and her partner Jackie Stricker-Phelps have been seriously damaged by mRNA vaxx. Complaints to the TGA were ignored
From Dr Melissa McCann from
In response to our action, the respondents on 17th June 2024 filed an application to have the matter struck out/ summary dismissal; and it is this application that will be heard on December 2nd and 3rd in Sydney.
Solicitors for the action, N R Barbi of Brisbane have advised the application to have the matter dismissed was heard on Monday in Sydney and no decision has yet been made by the single Federal Court judge.
It will be a little over 2 months after the Government Compensation scheme closed for applications (30th September) that the Covid Vaccine Class Action will have the first hearing for the interlocutory applications, at Sydney Federal Court 2nd and 3rd December – more details on this application and the upcoming hearing are below.
The scheme was widely criticised as completely unfit for purpose, with injured and bereaved persons struggling due to the narrow criteria and numerous obstacles to compensation; some of these issues are detailed in the Government Covid Inquiry , detailed here in the published literature as well as media reports, for example here, here, here and here. Payments of over 32 million were made under the scheme, giving some indication of the magnitude of harm from the vaccines despite the small cohort of injured who were able to successfully make a claim.

Skerritt refused to release any
adverse findings about mRNA
Covid vaxxes
I know personally of many injured and bereaved who have been declined for compensation under the scheme despite fulfilling the narrow criteria and providing extensive supportive medical documentation and reports from specialists. I know of even more who were not even able to begin a application due to not meeting the narrow eligibility criteria.
As noted by Carey et al, “This literature demonstrates that by making administrative systems burdensome, particular groups struggle to access them”. One only has to look at the claim scheme and the experiences of those struggling to access it to ponder if this burden was intentional in order to avoid the scheme being accessed more broadly. It certainly looks a little better for Government to wind up a scheme stating that 32 million in compensation was paid- if 10 times as many people were able to access the scheme this could have been 320 million, or if 100 times as many were able to access it could have been 3.2 billion. Which would perhaps make it a little more difficult to convince the public of the ‘rareness’ of the serious adverse events and the unequivocal safety and efficacy of the Covid vaccines.
Just how many Australians suffered severe adverse events is anyone’s guess. The TGA’s DAEN database discloses that more than 137 000 adverse events and 1037 deaths have been reported to this voluntary passive reporting system.
or those interested in reviewing the reports of events, OpenDAEN has been created by a meticulous team of volunteers and is a database that is much easier to search.
So the Covid Vaccine Class action was filed in April of 2023. The action is against Greg Hunt, Brendan Murphy, John Skerritt and Paul Kelly and alleges negligence and misfeasance in the actions to approve, the ongoing approvals and in making various public statements about the Covid 19 vaccines.
This 27 minute video summarises some of the allegations made in the comprehensive statement of claim.
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e may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true