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A History of Sexualization and Moral Corruption of Twentieth Century Germany and America
Some porn is a natural curiosity for society. No different to fictional stories, makeup and fashion. But the Jews (Zionists) relentless exploitation of it; the corruption of our young and the immoral acts that are pushed in the sex industry is NOT a natural progression or realisation of curiosity,
It has been created by the Cabal to bring down society and corrupt female nurturing instincts. It reprograms women to be poly-amorous and incapable of monogamy, which they only realise when it's too late.
Hitler stopped the spread of the 'Weimar Republic' so the perpetrators brought that degenerate, evil movement to the US of A. where slowly all that filth-dirt getting unloaded by the Jew Controlled 'Hollywood SLIME Industry' over the past century!