Comments from the thread:

“Do you think this fog has any connection to the drones? What is your take on it?”

“Drones at night. Can’t see them spraying at night. Sudden fog & sickness. What a concidence.”

“Drones seeding for weeks then planes sprouting those seeds!???”

“Geoengineering. You all heard about it. Fog is easily engineered. And it can be mixed with other things.”

“Also consider this…those livestock, wildlife, fish in lakes and ponds are being affected which is affected the food supply as well.”

“Apparently, in 1952 this happened and thousands died….”

“And it also eventually gets into the water supply. Food, water, and air, all poison.”
“That’s not fog, that’s depopulation.”


“Christmas Eve saw something I couldn’t place, hovering over my town. One hour later lots of particles flying in the air. My dad got sick on Christmas Day, didn’t wake up on the Sunday morning.”

“That fog is mixed with something else: Nano particles.”

“The world is beyond insane… Poison here poison there… Poison everywhere.” 😢


“I was nauseous for 4 days straight and then came the sore throat and the absolutely worst cough/mucus/spitting up blood and my chest hurts bad. I have tried mucinex and antibiotics but nothing works. I 100% believe the government is doing this and should be held accountable. I’m tired of coughing till I can’t breathe”

“Wow. They’re poisoning everyone right now and we’re like… Hey, what’s this fog? Good luck, everyone!”

“It’s like we are being sprayed with pesticide.”

“My cat comes outside with me while I smoke. Ever since the drones started he comes out for a few seconds, then gets spooked and wants to go back in. In the summer he opens the screen by himself and escapes to sit outside. Now all the sudden he hates being outside. Its like he knows something.”

“I’m glad people are finally waking up. I just hope it’s not too late.”


More on “The Fog” . . .
February 15, 2024

DEMON HUNTER: “FOG CITY: Record Breaking DARPA Mind Control Fog Hits US In 2024”

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. It's not the govnmt it's the cabal…same with the human drones…no one is accountable in the Govmnt because it's not them. Instead of speculating wildly, calmly pick some of the substance up in a safe container and send to an indie lab for testing and then let us know what's in it. If it's poison, then we get to shoot at whatever is dropping it because it is trying to kill us and self defense is 9/10ths of the law. Stop blaming Elon and Trump, neither one of them is is power yet and they are not the cabal and have nothing to do with geo-engineering of any sort…..your blame would be much better directed at big pharma and the big chem companies like DOW. The planes that are spraying are not coming from civilian airports and must therefore be coming from military airports….so good luck with your torches and pitchforks at the fence of a military installation. Grow a brain before you start writing articles


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