Interesting short clip from Inspired.


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. Believe to think you nailed it. As your usual. Words come when speaking from the heart. Would think many many are all in a similar frame of mind. The chaos.n.illusionary affects are what and can steer us off track. Couple things to think "David and Goliath". Confidence yet "Stick with the plan" keep to ones own and don't let go no matter what is tossed into the minds eye. Stay rooted/centered. For it is said that "Many even of the utmost faith can be broken and steered away from their own inner beliefs" Simply see filter and discard. Believe to think you mentioned "Illusion 2x" As to much is such. Nothing really is as it seems! ?.
    Does not matter there are legions of army and placement of traps dirty tricks and greed tossed into ones face. Congress is all cheating w/Inside trading capturing better ROI than the best creating another illusive trap. What to who cares. It shows the many as told. Are held into their own. Let Gods "Will" be done and what may see to think Rot.
    It does not matter. The husk of a suit we wear is all part of the matrix actor stage presence. Stay to part and all things to be will be. In God We Trust. ps; Ashtar shares to repeat "I stand in the Light of GOD!" So be so shall so do it! Everyone at this point can have a good day or bad day. Tomorrow is yet another day.


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