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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. P.S… Ben's recent advisory relating to the Donald's alleged involvement with Epstein/Epstein Island is very concerning too ! His comment stating that nobody reaches the higher levels within the business/political/entertaiment arenas without being compromised in taking part in certain rituals appears to me to hold some way.

  2. This is all proving to be very confusing… I have noted many instances where Mr Fulford shares information that just doesn't make sense… a lot of what he's shared does appear to have been accurate, but I just don't know what to make of some of his posts. He appears to me to be a genuine guy, perhaps he's being given misinformation at times in the hope that sharing it will discredit him.
    btw… Kim Goguen reported that the passengers in the helicopter were 'Trump Operatives", but she didn't specifically name the Donald, double or otherwise. She said that she had 'electronic access' to conversation between the helicopter pilot and the passengers aboard, and that the conversation was 'conspiratory' in nature… talking about intent to create an event to endanger/harm a lot of people. That's all very confusing too… Kim has a very obvious and stated dislike for the Donald and says he's a DS/BlackRock Operative. Not to mention that both Ben and Kim say that the actual 'Real Donald' died many years ago… Kim says that he died from Cancer, Ben said recently that he died in 1989, (if I remember the given date correctly), and that he died then in a helicopter crash ! What !
    If the DS is running a Donald double that Elon Musk has been/is working with from Mara Largo, as Ben said, then who was it (which Donald) that we saw at the Presidential Inaugeration… if it was the 'real' Donald then how does it fit that Elon Musk (and others) were there too ! And if it wasn't the 'real' , CIC, Donald, then where was/is he !
    We're being given very conflicting information from many different sources… each providing some known or provable intel, but also completely different narratives and starkly conflicting information.
    Yikes ! I guess we'll find out, eventually, the truth of it all. Hopefully !

  3. Part2: call this diversion manipulation. Does not Trump if flying around fair local use "His Own Special Protected Big Ugly Green Military Bird" would doubt he flys around on blackhawk helo's which was as told was what crashed into an airliner killing 67 or is that too a fictitious fabricate to manipulate emotion. Something to least stand back and analyze Everything is all about the details and what is to what gets twisted into a different left field. food for thought.

  4. Like Anything today. Ben could be forcefully scripted and told to bench this type of news. As usual most news has a front middle and even a backup story narrative. And nothing of each portion supports its other so the end result is usually the farce-lie of the day. Learning of the last 4yrs most all said is usually the opposite and such is usually the more correct. The 1st report of helo crash was not trump but one who was to testimony other truths known. So the story seems to be always changing.

  5. I posted this on several websites, no replies at All! I am not positive I believe the Real Trump was killed, however i did notice different Trumps again. Praying it was one of his Doubles. I never got replies when i posted about the 1989 copter crash either a few years ago. I thank you Ben your proof is compelling. God Bless. 🙏😣😕🇺🇸

  6. The weekly Communist Show. Col. MacGregor total communist. Prepare For Change Russian Communist. Fulford communist writer. Planetary Liberation Alliance, White Dragon Society. How righteous.
    Are we comparing heights in that final video with Netanyahu and Trump standing? A child could see that Trump is slouching.
    So the Gnostic Illuminati are apparently the Elders Of Zion, historic opponents of Rome. How righteous. Choose your poison.

  7. This video presents a good opportunity for discernment and common sense. Listen to the message, watch the body language, and pay close attention to how you react to it. You can learn a lot about yourself in that moment. Most of all, know that you can make the choice to buy into the fear that's being propagated, or not.

  8. Netanyahu looks definitely fake, he seems to be much taller than before, and his face is also different from the previous one. Trump's subservience – pulling out the chair for Netanyahu and standing behind him like a butler waiting for the master's next instruction – is unlike the real Trump's dominant behavior, too.
    Both of them are obviously fake, and so is Putin. Who knows which "version" of them is on stage nowadays? Is there a politician left who is the original one at all?

    • Lol, you figured it out this whole reality is a global TRUMAN show all the worlds of stage and the men and women merely actors… Places places, everyone!!!!! Lights~camera~action🤓🎪🤹🎭🫅🤡🥸#BreadAndCircuses #TrumanShow #Unreality


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