Macgregor’s message is clear: the U.S. must depart from the pursuit of ruinous foreign wars and face up to the emergency within its own borders.

 Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with Col. Douglas Macgregor is essential viewing for anyone trying to make sense of the chaotic world we have inherited from decades of political and military insanity.

Macgregor warns that U.S. support of the “evil” government of Ukraine and its failure to halt the “mass murder” of Palestinians has brought the world to the brink of all-out war.

“We should be doing everything in our power to stop this mass murder,” he says, noting the escalation of Israeli violence in the West Bank and adding: “We want an end to these conflicts. We’re not interested in waging war in everybody else’s country. We’re not interested in planting new governments that are puppet regimes in other people’s countries.”

Macgregor’s considerable insights into the crisis in the U.S. and internationally highlighted serious issues – woefully neglected in or even ignored by the mainstream media – is an invaluable sharing of an insider point of view with Tucker Carlson’s massive audience.

Macgregor was one-time nominee for National Security Adviser upon the departure of arch neocon John Bolton, with his highly critical view of the consensus politics of previous decades cited as a reason he has not held any of the offices for which his name has been put forward.

His unconventional wisdom was on full display here, and it provides a vital corrective to the misguided narratives of the captive media.

In a broadcast which saw Carlson summarize “the subtext” of U.S. foreign policy as “killing Christians around the world,” Macgregor’s revelations about the dangers in the U.S., Israeli massacres in the West Bank, and the insane reasons for the support of the slaughter in Ukraine combine in a warning that the world faces the real potential of a nuclear global conflict.

In 73 minutes, Macgregor explains that

  • The U.S. is to blame for the Ukraine war.
  • S. elected officials are on the payroll of Mexican drug cartels.
  • A major war will break out in the U.S. with the cartels when the border is closed.
  • The southern U.S. border requires large scale support from the US Army.
  • The “main enemy” of the U.S. is not China, Russia, or Iran – but the Mexican cartels.

As Christians, both Macgregor and Carlson are appalled at the continued slaughter of Christians in Ukraine. Carlson points out that “Putin has not wanted to kill large numbers of Orthodox Christian Slavs.”

“Ukraine is not even the point. The point is destroying Putin. And killing Russia and breaking it up,” said Carlson, to which Macgregor added:

And if you kill large numbers of Ukrainians, I think for many of the people behind this, that was seen as collateral damage or even a bonus.

I hate to make that point, but – I have reached it.

Macgregor methodically lists the real issues with the Ukraine war.

  • The Russians are disappointed that Donald Trump does not immediately cease all aid to Ukraine – as Macgregor says he should.
  • Ukraine is not a legitimate state – but a “rogue organization.”
  • The Russians could escalate – but Putin is a “judicious” leader who wishes to avoid a large-scale war and needless devastation – despite the sustained provocation of the West.

Macgregor wisely notes the certain disaster that awaits the United States should it embark into a conflict with Russia – or Iran. He says a realistic adjustment to the new multipolar world is needed, with tensions in the Middle East having no military solution – as in Ukraine.

He says the U.S. policy of foreign military intervention must end. He asks a question which is never heard on the nightly news:

What are our interests in Ukraine? Tell me what they are.

What are the strategic interests that justify intervention in that country?

Time’s up. There are none.

Macgregor is equally blunt about what winning would look like in Ukraine: “A win for the president is an end to this war, period.”

Macgregor details the vast financial and criminal corruption that has been funded in Ukraine by the U.S. and its European allies – and explains why the continued support of Britain, France, and Germany for the Zelensky regime mean these governments “will be removed” when peace breaks out.

Carlson notes with disappointment that Nigel Farage’s Reform Party will not call for an end to the war in Ukraine, saying no party in Britain is willing to do so.

Yet Macgregor’s command of European affairs is highlighted in his mention of the German opposition party, the AfD – whose anti-war, pro-borders, and pro-nation policies saw it secure 25 percent of the vote in recent elections:

There are plenty of parties out there advocating [an end to the war] … There [is the] AFD, the Alternative für Deutschland.

The AfD has been shut out of government by a “firewall” – an agreement between left, green, and right-liberals (“conservatives”) to refuse to work with the popular party, which has been branded as “extremist” for its politics of sanity.

Macgregor explains why the AfD – and any party like it – is described in this way. The AfD is called “far right” because it opposes self-destructive policies and offers sane and practical alternatives. As such, it is “not a far-right party. I hear that all the time. Anything that challenges the status quo is also far -right.”

As for Britain, which as an Anglophile Macgregor says he regards with deep affection, the retired colonel says, “The British need …. a revolutionary figure” in order that they can “clean house … because the people ruling them are weak and inept.”

Turning to the U.S., he makes the shocking statement that the Mexican cartels represent the number one national security threat to the U.S., through drug and human trafficking – and even the direct corruption of U.S. officials.

Macgregor’s message is clear: the U.S. must depart from the pursuit of ruinous foreign wars and face up to the emergency within its own borders.

He says Americans and their Western allied nations have all been misled by “the same old set of lies” for far too long, in which there is always another Hitler to be defeated to defend democracy abroad:

It’s sort of like the perpetual neocon narrative. It’s 1936. We all have to band together. There’s another Hitlerite on the horizon.

The war is at home now, says Macgregor, and the English-speaking world must wean itself off this diet of “nonsense”:

This is the standard sort of gruel that is pitched to the American people over and over and over again in the Anglosphere in general, whether it’s Great Britain [or] Australia…

We gotta get past this and once and for all, bury it…

If we really want this to stop, this is not about winning or losing. We’ve got to get back to what’s rational, not what’s emotional.

If you have one hour to spare to hear a resounding, rational case for the return of sanity, it would be well spent in listening to the full Douglas Macgregor interview. It is likely to be the highlight of your day, week, and even month.

by Frank Wright,


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