Dutch banking whistleblower Ronald Bernard is back and this time he’s exposing the entire international banking syndicate which controls not only the global monetary system, but the entire planet itself and all of its resources. The Bank For International Settlements sits atop the pyramid of power, followed by the IMF and World Bank. The power and directives flow downward through the big international banks, the multinational corporations, and finally to the governments. As Bernard explains, “All misery on earth is a business model.”


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  1. Humanity is taking forever to wake up and to unite…think about it : 7 billion versus 8,500 greedy self-serving psychopaths. Let us hope that one day no soldier will turn up to take part in the war games dreamt up by these psychos and we will realise that religions are deliberately set in place to divide us and to unify us with the Source of all.

    • @Elpis Iiossatos
      THAT,.. Day will very soon be upon us when ALL the madness will become a forgotten history!…and Its very nice to SEE people like yourself are beginning to SEE what RELIGION is really all about…DIVISION…That feeds the “Divide & Conquer” strategy of the so-called “Elite Psycopaths” that run this mess…the worst being the Vatican Jesuits (Poop’s)…BOTH of them!

  2. Essentualy this man Proved WHY Governments will NEVER solve anything meaningful until they are removed from power…OUR “Cosmic Family” doesn’t have them…WHY We???
    The MONEY system is a SLAVE SYSTEM…Run BY Governments to CONTROL mankind.
    No wonder events a dragging along as they are…There are those among US who still believe there is something THEY Must control…This is NOT respect of “Divine Free will” as our “Cosmic Family” lives by.


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