By Amir Tibon,

Netanyahu came to Washington with a show of optimism on a deal to release the hostages, and then – after the Israeli public saw him receiving standing ovations in Congress – decided to revert back to his rejectionist position

In the days before his arrival in Washington to speak before the U.S. Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hinted that a potential deal for releasing Israel’s hostages from the hands of Hamas was imminent.

He spoke about an Israeli delegation that will head to Qatar to hold talks on the subject; his aides briefed Israeli and American journalists that a deal could be within reach; and his closest confidant, Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer, offered a similar message in a meeting with the families of several of the hostages.

But now, as his trip to the United States is over and Israel is focused on the massacre of 12 children and teenagers in the Golan Heights village of Majdal Shams, the talks with Hamas once again seem completely stuck. Netanyahu submitted a new document to the mediators, which – according to senior Israeli officials involved in the talks – makes a deal less likely, and increases the likelihood that Hamas will walk away from the negotiations again.

It seems like Netanyahu’s optimism last week was a show meant to calm the criticism and anger of the hostage families ahead of his speech to Congress. Many of the families were in D.C. to protest against the Israeli prime minister, and to call on Washington to increase pressure on him to say yes to a deal. But if it hadn’t been for the hints of progress Netanyahu and his aides had displayed, the number of protesters – and the amount of attention they received from U.S. media and lawmakers – could have been even higher.

Netanyahu pulled one of the oldest tricks in the book: He came into Washington riding on a promise, and then – after the Israeli public saw him receiving his standing ovations in Congress – decided to quickly revert back to his rejectionist position.

The result of this cynical move is that almost 300 days since October 7, over 100 Israeli hostages – among them dozens who are alive – remain in the hands of Hamas in Gaza, and there is no real progress toward securing their release. The Congress members who were in the chamber, serving as props for Netanyahu’s political campaign, now share part of the blame. Instead of using the opportunity to pressure him, they stood up to clap for him. The hostages and their families will pay the price.




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  1. Some morons, and I speak specifically to the ju-fuks, zio-fuks, whatever you call sub-human pirates existing in our lands.

    You never, nobody ever, gets away with anything. Your strategy of deception, destruction and death is pointed only at yourself. Nobody CAN do anything, except to themselves. You may think you can, but that’s your ignorance, in delusion, believing what is not so.

    Karma is the thorn in your side you do not see, you can not get free of. All that you do, you do to yourself.

    Good job on the self-annhilation IZ. I know you can’t see it through your hatred, greed and determination to control, but you control only what you get to face next, with your actions. We’ll say buh-bye now, before it’s too late. Enjoy the return to hell.

  2. Trust of a fabricated word religion, Break of all Universal Laws, Challenge anger in favor of choice. Yet Murder Death Kill is all the same. Ability to command who to kill, And this to consider evolution of mankind.


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