By Rhoda Wilson,

Bill Gates has been a vocal advocate for addressing climate change.  He told The New York Times that he offsets his own carbon emissions through a variety of projects such, as solar panels and buying heat pumps for the poor, from which he takes the carbon credits.

“I don’t use some of the less proven approaches such as I don’t plant trees,” he said.  “That’s complete nonsense. I mean, are we the science people or are we idiots?”

At The New York Times’ Climate Forward event last year, Gates admitted his role as a leader in nefarious climate innovation projects, citing his work through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Breakthrough Energy.

“I’m the person who’s doing the most on climate in terms of the innovation and how we can square multiple goals,” he said.

Setting the stage The New York Times’ David Gelles noted at the start of the interview that in the last week “ we have United Nations Secretary-General Guterres saying that the Earth is about to become uninhabitable” and “Mike Bloomberg who was on the stage with me earlier this morning said that this was something that could kill every person on Earth.”

After describing the fictitious problem Gelles then noted that Gates had the solution.  “I heard you speak on Tuesday you said the planet is going to be fine.  I want you to help us reconcile these contrasting statements,” he said.

By now our regular readers will easily spot the Hegelian Dialectic – also known as the problem-reaction-solution framework – and the use of nudge techniques being used by both Gelles and Gates during the interview.

Using the fear of loss to motivate behaviour change is a key nudge technique, which uses psychology to get people to comply with the behaviours that they want people to follow.  So, what behaviours did Gates aim to instil in the population?

Not one to shy away from promoting himself, he began “reconciling these contrasting statements” by promoting himself as the saviour of the world, “Well, I’m, you know, the largest funder of action on climate including grant money Innovation money … because it affects human welfare.”

“Our organisation is the most articulate going around the world saying rich countries should be more generous whether it’s for climate mitigation, climate adaptation, health budgets – you know, vaccines, you know – so we’re on full blast saying that equity demands we be more generous. Climate is one of those causes.”

Gates’ vaccines do affect human welfare; they are unsafe and ineffective. Equity also affects human welfare.  Equity is not equality; it is positive discrimination or affirmative action which is unlawful, and negatively impacts people and societies.  Gates is indeed affecting human welfare but not in a positive way.  His “concern” for human welfare shown in his solutions for the manufactured “climate change crisis” is no different.

He pushed electric vehicles (“EVs”) and alternative fuels noting that more needs to be done to achieve widespread adoption of EVs and to develop fuels that serve as alternatives to “fossil fuels.”

He also emphasised the need for a 30-year perspective on climate investments, citing the example of steel factories and new meat production methods, which have obvious negative job and health implications on human welfare.

And then he attempted to justify his attack on trees.

Gates who is funding a scheme to cut down 70 million acres of forests in North America and bury them in underground man-made vaults, gave Climate Forward his dubious logic for the destruction of nature.

Gates said he is offsetting his own personal greenhouse gas emissions, about “10 million a year,” through a variety of things.  “ClimateWorks is part of it, buying electric heat pumps for low-income housing … I’ll I take the carbon credits for those things … there’s solar panels, there’s a huge variety of things. I don’t use some of the less proven approaches such as I don’t plant trees.”

“Ah,” Gelles said: “there’s a lot of people who are very enamoured with trees. We’ve got trees on this stage. Some people would even say that if you just planted enough trees, it could take care of the climate issue altogether.”

Gates quickly jumped in and asserted: “That’s complete nonsense.  I mean, are we the science people or are we idiots? Which one do you want to be?”

Gates does not base his ideology on evidence and may be blinkered by all the money he aims to make so may not know the correct answer to his questions.  For the sake of clarity, we’ll answer provide the answer.  Yes, Gates, you are the idiot and you are choosing to be the idiot.

Please note Gates’ constant tapping of his foot in time with Gelles when is speaking – just as we would do when listening to familiar music or song. It is almost as if the whole interview has been rehearsed more than once.

You can watch the full interview below. Be prepared to be astonished.  Even by Gates’ low standards, he outdid himself by sinking even lower.

New York Times Events: Bill Gates on Climate: “Are We Science People or Are We the Idiots?” 21 September 2023 (34 mins)

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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. That is in form for these types, illusive. illusionary. Put a picture old/recent up and fill in the 1000 words by "their Style of Narration"
    Think to believe this has been in common action view last 4yrs in folding. Or of all time backing to 1921 when the distortion was wired an fuse of deception kicked in for the world.

    Fear Factor ten thousand. Is their common format, dialog to steel whip words of order. (or paid off to do so). Almost make wonder is bGatz one of those 84 adolph hitler clones without the hair lip. Per boys of Brazil in early times per clone technologies 4 did live to some age in time I'd to guess. All dialog and gesture from him always seem to poise something of sinister.n.Lies. true colors. and the beat goes on. tik toc.

  2. it and he really is. But so wild weird and non-science. bGatz is yes as stated. see some of his court attendance long ago when again still he was a made up figure. simply just a "front man for MS", he cannot even use any idiot intelligence to answer direct questions from a Judge asking to him. " Answer ah ah ah ah I don't understand the question" was the usual paid for answer giving him immunity to his all out Theft of digital tech from other companies. Had he not steel he simply had daddy pay to purchase out right any ideal company and call it his own. I'm too high on this weather system HAARP and all yes should be dismantled and removed "Star Wars Technology it is in a rough form" So much already attributed EcoSystem Destruction has taken place in the greater north Canada. Russia apparently has a tending match if not greater in magnitude to destruction. Word said World Splitting Tech.
    The other robot amazement of a wet sponge idiot factor is he's dead as a rope swing was it back 2019 he swung his last . So whom is to ad-lib his tongue is as deeply psychotically evil sick like person if not one who fed him such evils. His buddy Mel also took on the swing apparently. But then words now a day spoken may not contain the definitions to mileage of their meaningful word. ie: the Indian Gov hung Gates for murdering and deliberately perma-damaging 600k children of that country. Along with S.Africa apparently. So for him to still be "deadman_walking" or in print, re-prints seen, he's still a sick ghost. similar with H/C. also gitmo'd

  3. Gates, who doesn't even have a degree in anything, is constantly being promoted as the world's No. 1 "expert" of epidemiology, medicine, vaccination, nutrition, agriculture, and last but not least, the whole climate hoax.

    The only thing he is expert of is publicly parroting DS nonsense of the most nefarious kind, being the frontman of the DS agenda.

    Those who interview Gates, let alone believe his nonsense, fall short of even his extremely low standard of common sense.

  4. Bill Gates is not belong to human being created by the supreme creator, his bloodline must wipe out in the face of planet earth to liberate humanity,

  5. stop chemtrails, dismantle the entire HAARP project and send this moron one way ticket to Gitmo, that where belong this kind of eugenics parasite. Wake up people, the climate is a constant change all the time for million years. Why give people interest to this kind of ignorant and corrupt elites.


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