Hurricane Helene has wreaked havoc on several states, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Glenn Beck, “Blaze News Tonight’s” Jill Savage, and Blaze Media national correspondent Julio Rosas are currently in North Carolina with Rep. Cory Mills (R-Fla.) to report on the aftermath of what is widely considered the most deadly hurricane of the modern era.

BlazeTV host Hilary Kennedy, filling in for Jill, speaks with Glenn on the phone to hear his account, which is equal parts infuriating and inspiring.

“Every American should see this,” he says.

By ‘this,’ Glenn means two things. “It is so hopeful,” he says, referring to the people who have gathered to help — individuals, Mercury One and other similar organizations, and a multitude of churches.

“The hope is coming from the people here … communities and one American after another coming in and just helping,” says Glenn.

The second thing he means is the astonishing and quite frankly sickening absence of FEMA.

Glenn says he has only seen one FEMA truck since his arrival, and it was “tucked away,” like it was avoiding the public eye. When he approached the agents in the truck and asked about what they were doing, he was given the following response: “We’re getting [victims] registered so they can sign up for government aid.”

“[There is] no action from the federal government,” he tells Hilary and Blaze Media editor in chief Matthew Peterson.

Unfortunately, FEMA isn’t just not showing up; it’s also actively hindering the citizens and private groups who are actually providing aid.

One of Glenn’s sources “is a semi-truck driver who [was] pulled over by FEMA.”

“They took his food off his truck” that was going to help victims, says Glenn in disgust.

According to Glenn’s report, FEMA is also trying to shut down the area where private planes and helicopters are landing to bring assistance.

“We have FEMA trying to shut down this helo field because the FAA isn’t involved. Screw the FAA! If you had planes down here and you had helicopters yourself and you were rescuing them, then fine, we’d shut this down, but you’re not here!” he says.

As for the devastation, Glenn says “it is shocking.”

“I’ve seen tractor-trailers upside down on the sides of the road where they had just been pushed by the water. I’ve seen houses upside down that were just turned over by the water,” he says, sharing footage of the wreckage.

“The number-one thing I’ve heard from the people who are organizing things on the ground — and they’re all just locals that were Special Forces — they said we just need people; we just need more hands to help.”

However, their cries for more aid are not directed toward the federal government.

When the government showed up in one North Carolina town, “they were pretty much turned around by the locals,” who were angry that “they arrived [too late],” says Glenn. “[They] said, ‘To hell with you. You just got here; we don’t need you; turn around, leave,’ and they did.”

“It is God’s army” that is stepping up in the government’s stead, says Glenn.




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