The severed head of a newly elected mayor in southern Mexico was found on top of his vehicle just six days into his tenure. Footage of the gruesome scene was shared on X, highlighting Mexico as a lawless narco-state run by ultra-violent cartels.

On Sept. 30, Alejandro Arcos was sworn in as the mayor of Chilpancingo, the capital and second-largest city of the Mexican state of Guerrero. The newly elected mayor didn’t even last a week because, on Sunday, he was assassinated, with his head severed and placed on the top of the vehicle as a reminder to local government officials that cartels run the show.

Arcos represented an opposition coalition that included the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). His party took to social media, calling the assassination of the mayor a “cowardly crime.” PRI called for justice early this week.

“Enough of violence and impunity! The people of Guerrero do not deserve to live in fear,” PRI wrote on X.

Just three days before Arcos’ killing, another city official, Francisco Tapia, was killed, according to PRI president Alejandro Moreno.

“They had been in office less than a week,” Moreno wrote on social media, adding, “They were young and honest public servants who were seeking progress for their community.”

Guerrero is a cartel hellhole and one of the deadliest states in Mexico. Cartels fight each other for control of drug production and human trafficking. This is one of the deadliest areas for elected public officials and journalists.

Meanwhile, the Biden-Harris administration’s open southern borders have not just sparked the worst border crisis in American history but also empowered and enriched cartels that control massive human trafficking networks.

Great job, Democrats. Open borders have sparked chaos on both sides of the border, along with importing the third world into America.



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