You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews.
The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.
The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind.
Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!
Thank you.
Hundreds of supposed witnesses, all with cameras, and no pictures or video can be produced? Physical shapeshifting does not happen. Cobra has already said this.
Moderator: Please delete the above message, or move it, it is supposed to be a reply to the question from “Patrick A” about Justin Bieber turning into a reptilian. There must be something wrong with this website because every time I reply to a message/question it appears as a standalone question instead of a reply to another question. It needs to be fixed. Thank you.
1.) Cobra, Could you please comment on how Pleiadians interpret the spiritual meaning of ‘sacrifice’? Does this concept have a true place in spirituality?
2.) Could you please tell us if the following individuals are/were working with the light or dark side?
a. Alex Jones
b. Karen Hudes
c. Josef Mengele
d. Adolf Hitler
e. Dwight Eisenhower
Thank you! Victory to the Light!
Lots of love, dear Cobra
There are light workers isolated. Specially, light warriors. They know they have work to do there where they are, but all awaked brothers of light near them are not really awaked that they have to do more or because it is not their mission. So these workers have to deal with really hard issues: pollution, financial problems, regular attacks, with not visible beings with them. Could they have help?
Could you give more informations about the situation in Brazil in your next interview?
Thank you very much. A big hug.
Victory of the Light
The sargent Cliiford Stone said in an episode of Cosmic Disclosure for people not telling about UFOS because their lives could be destroyed, do you agree with that, Cobra? Are we still in this time where talking about UFO you can be laughed on, you can lose your job or you can even be killed because of that?
Cobra, why would we forgive anyone after the liberation? Isn’t it better that bad people just go to the central sun, and a brand new universe of spirits would go on with their evolution? I really see no point in turning bad people into light. They will probably just lie to save their skin. I don’t think many would be able to actually understand the light. Even if they did, their quality would be very poor compared to other souls. It’s better to get rid of them in bulks and get on with our real business. There are so many things have been done that they cannot possibly energetically compansate for. And, I don’t see the point in forgiving them. Wouldn’t it be more beneficial for our evolution, if we sent them to the central sun immediately. They hurt too many people, plants and animals, and there’s nothing to do about it anymore. Why do we have to bear the burden of forgiveness, while it would be so easy to get rid of these souls. I simply don’t want to continue my evolution with certain souls still existing in this universe. Is that too much to ask? Life doesn’t have to be so unfair after the liberation. We won’t need forgiveness anymore.
Light is a matter of vibration, it’s impossible to lie to the light forces. Each soul that comes to light is contributing to the complete light of the Universe. Taking dark souls to the Central Sun is just the last option, when it’s consciousness is so deformed that no effort can be successful. For all other cases, which impressively includes Satan and Lucifer, for example, they both had already came to light and they ARE contributing to the vibration of light, helping the entire universe.
And also, forgiveness is part of light vibration; as free beings with free will, we must understand that certain circumstances can unfortunately lead someone to the dark side, or to low vibrations, and in many of these cases they are not aware of what they are doing. But, originally, they were created as light beings; remember the history of Yaldabaoth itself – he was trying to make a very strong effort to clean the primary anomaly of the universe, as a very very noble purpose. It happened that he turned into what he is now, and anger will not be the tool to remove him from our solar system. But light and forgiveness yes. It was not his purpose to be a bad guy, we cannot forget it.
Yeah, but the damage is done, you see. I’ve lived in very disadvantaged conditions, but I’ve never done harm to anyone intentionally. So, I think I deserve the say in, for example, that I do NOT want to continue living with Satan and Lucifer in this universe anymore. I want them to be removed, because I’ve never been like them, despite the nightmarish circumstances I had to live through that were caused by them. So, I’m not like them and I don’t want to exist with them. And, they cannot compansate for my years of suffering. It’s not like somebody has stolen my bowl. It’s not simple like that, the torture of living we’ve been getting through. It’s impossible to compansate. And, it’s not just the higher ups. I am very angry towards many of the willful servants of the dark forces. There were many instances that things could go smoothly in my life, if an idiot human being didn’t ruin it all for me. Thusly, I think I shouldn’t have to bear the burden of forgiving these people. Since I no longer have to, when we are liberated. And, I think their spiritual quality must have been quite deteriorated because of their unholy existence for so long. So, I am speculating now, but there’s a chance that it’s better for the evolution of this universe that they all went to the central sun directly. There are things that are forgivable and there are things that are simply not. Why would I have to force myself to forgive the unforgivables? Even though they chose to turn to light at the last minute, I think I should have a say, because they’ve lost so much of their natural rights as a result of the damages they’ve caused. And, if I won’t have a say, I think that would be immensely unfair.
As you can see, I cannot talk for everyone else. If you feel like forgiving them, then do so. I don’t think it’s up to me to forgive those unforgivable ones. I think it would be harmful to the greater good of this universe. We better clean up this mess so thoroughly that there’s no single drop of memory left of those that have inflicted immense pain in many souls.
Well, light forces aren’t so perfect: As above, so below. If they were perfect, if we were perfect, then we wouldn’t be in this position right now (living in quarantine earth for thousands of years). I think it’s better to put into good use our painfully acquired experiences in this world.
The most important thing that I must agree with you is that we cannot talk for everyone else. The same I can’t do for you, mostly because I didn’t suffer your suffering, at least not in this current life. Then I’m not able to feel the deepness of what you feel and I don’t really want to convince anyone of anything. All we want is peace and light in this Universe, right? I’ll agree with all higher purposes in this sense then.
cobra, can you talk about deep web. Thanks
You need to ask a specific question if you expect Cobra to reply.
It was reported Justin Bieber was seen shapeshifting into a reptilian at the airport in Perth, Australia. Is this true? Either way, say a few words about the situation.
Is General Dunford working for (with) the Light forces? Is he trust worthy?
What causes the Exploding Head Sydrome? Are they a form of scalar attacks? They are usually followed by sleep paralysis and/or false awakenings? Do the implants play a part on this?
I’ve recently been having too much inference by the dark ones in my dreams. How can I prevent this? They really interfere in critical points where I could actually get some answers from my subconscious, and they do everything they can to prevent me from having a meaningful dream experience. Some of the things they feed into my head are so ridiculous that they make me laugh (which makes me wake up). So, they don’t even work well. I can now differentiate between their influence and my regular dreamtime, but I am desperately in need of answers regarding my life situation and this is the only way I can connect to some higher guidance at this time of my life. I don’t understand how they find the time to interfere so much just at the right times. Is there a way to work around this?
I have some awareness in my dreamtime, but I am not lucid and my dreams are not vivid. In the rare instances where I am able to stop using the dream logic (that I am completely aware I am dreaming), the dream dissipates quickly and I wake up. But, I am usually aware that I am in control of my dreams and that my thoughts are actually directing the dream. But, I cannot drop the dream logic for some reason. Can we inquire more into the structure and nature of dreams and how they are being interfered?
what’s the scientific difference between positive and negative plasma? how can positive plasma be measured?
can iv vitamin c a colloidal gold cure autism?
can iv ozone/oxygen cure cancer?
Each of us exercised free will and decided to take this mission on. A very long time ago a “calling” was issued for help, and you answered that call, meaning that you volunteered to come here to help liberate Earth. Only you know the details of your individual mission, and you can meditate upon this to figure out exactly what you intended to do.
The above was intended as a reply to a question from Faito Xiao dated March 7. This is odd, every time I click on “reply” to a particular post it doesn’t get posted as a reply.
Hello Cobra,
One question:
Is Jacque Fresco of The Venus Project(TVP) receiving inspiration/guidance/vision from particular cosmic race[s]?
What`s the mission of the Anonymous group here on Gaia?
What is the mechanism by which the Jesuits “control” the Zionists? If Zionists control the money system, what prevents them from telling the Jesuits to buzz off?
The Vatican and Jesuits own the City of London and control the legal authority that they operate under.
Could you tell us if the spiritual truths are seen or recognised diffferently by people or they feel the same way? The spiritual laws are different for each person?
are mental disorders real?
what causes people to express mental disorders?
what can cure mental disorders?
Let’s make clear about one thing. Two questions.
1. Light forces are consisted of mainly 3D physical cosmic beings whose consciousness is beyond 3D, i.e. connected to higher domains like 4D or 5D, correct?
2. Is there 6D domain among Pleiadian society/world?
Hello Cobra!
Have you seen movies such as ‘Captain America: Winter Soldier’, ‘Avengers’, ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ or ‘Doctor Strange’? Are these Marvel movies produced by „the dark forces“ or by some positive fractions of The Light Forces to give us some kind of soft disclosure?
Thank you for you attitude.
can cannabis oil cure/treat cancer?
can cannabis/hemp oil help remove radiation from the body if consumed?
I apologize for typing my question in a “reply” but I hope this finds the right place:
1) Cobra, you mention the R.M. has the ability to pull the trigger for the “event”. But you also mention the event begins with what you term the “sun-sneeze”….or something to that effect. Are you implying the R.M. is in control of the sun? Can you elaborate on this further, as this seems slightly off.
2) Your information seems to indicate that once the remaining toplet/strangelet bombs etc are dissolved from the octopus entity surrounding Earth the “event” can take place. How can this be the case? It would seem the situation is more dynamic and complex then just dissolving this entity. I.E. the negotiations on the Mohammed Agreements, the disclosure roll-out process negotiations to name a few.
The only way I see that both your information is correct as well as the information from David Wilcock and Corey Goode would be you are receiving your intelligence from a source both Corey and David have no idea about. Can you confirm or explain this?
Simply put, the information you give paints this entire process in relation to dissolving Yaldaboth and flipping the event switch. While Corey and David talk about a more complex situation that is less esoteric in nature and more about the situations happening more directly on the surface and in your face….thoughts?
Very good question, I’m intrested in as well….
Please submit my questions to Cobra as these questions are interesting and haven’t been asked before.
1) What is the higher purpose or role of tears? Do they exist in the liberated Universe?
2) Cobra, you have said we all came here with a mission? Who decided what our mission will be?
Faito Xiao, if I may offer my response to your questions, Cobra may respond to them as well of course, your first question about the higher purpose or role of tears, this is a body wisdom with an instinctive or unconscious measure to release tension and emotional debris. It’s similar to a shower on desert land, it clears away the dust and leaves rock and plant shining. That’s how one can feel after shedding tears.
Your 2nd question, about who decided what our mission will be, the answer is “who” meaning you. We’re given a free will condition to decide for ourselves. Creation isn’t possible without this foundation, see what I mean?
You’ve decided for your mission based on evaluation of your experiences as a soul during lives on planet Earth or elsewhere. This evaluation may be assisted by other spirit beings present in the place where you are.
I’m not sure about the level of honesty and clarity within, of objectivity, in that place, for as I perceive it, we are free to choose to park issues that are uncomfortable, on the other side, before incarnating on planet Earth.
The choice to not address those issues often implies a triggering of them, conducted by our Higher Self, while living on planet Earth. The clue can be accepted and denied, equally in free choice. It’s why a severe shock is sometimes the only way to break through a strong structure of defense.
Whatever is chosen as a learning curve, a fulfillment of a desire, a choice to be of service to others as well as being in service to self, these are the things that are pondered and weighed, as I perceive it, before the choice is made to return to planet Earth in a physical form.
There may be other influences and nudges present, when we determine that mission, I can’t see beyond the veil and know how that’s done and what’s involved in order to arrive at the clarity of one’s mission. I am aware that I’ve given you more than an answer to your 2nd question, by also explaining the process of how our mission can be determined. And lived, or not.
I’ve gone into that aspect, due to the present condition on planet Earth, as I perceive it, that all of our missions, past and present, are now thrown in the cauldron of life and that little golden nuggets rise to the surface of that soup. Showing up as yours and mine, representing our true mission, preparing for change, serving all life and the process of Ascension.
Cobra, have you seen the movie Doctor Strange?, and if you have do you think this movie is part of the positive groups in Hollywood trying to disclose esoteric knowledge to the masses through this movie? What are your thoughts about this movie?
Hi Cobra, I was surprise when you mention the Positive Dragons from the Thuban star, as it matches this data ( I extracted from a book published in 2011 where it describes the evolution story of each constellation. Can you share a light if this data looks right? Thank you :D!
Anteriorly the spiritual forecast predicted three major huge waves come with high transformative energies. As I know and felt, these reached us on 28.09.2015, 10.04.2016 and about on 09.27.2016. Then many of us had spiritual experience with feeling huge happiness and God’s love came over us.
At last April with this vawe I gave plus extra energies from the stars (because it was about my birthday) and the Kundalini energy has started to rise in me spontenaously, but unfortunately the procession did not go through, because I was attacked by astral planes that made me out of the passage. My question is that, before the event, will we have a wave of this magnitude, or Event brings the new wave of Ascension?
Thank for your work so much, Victory of light! Peace for all!
Could Cobra comment on the new hybrid species like grizzly-polar bear and coywolf (coyote-wolf-dog hybrid)? Why are they becoming more common now? Is it natural or do the Cabal have a part in it?
What is the chance that we wait twenty years or more for the Event?
” The Ascension window has opened on this planet on May 25th, 1975, had its turning point on August 11th, 1999 and will close on July 7th, 2025. It was always the plan of the Light forces to clear the primary anomaly of darkness and to trigger the Event within this time window, and that plan did not change.”
What is the Tavistock Institute?
Ludwig, if you go Google this question, you’ll find the answer to it.
1. what happens to the soul if the brain is transplanted? Where is the soul stored?
2. how can the immune system be restored/reprogrammed?(vaccine related question)
Is Antarctica Lemuria?
Also, what happens to a soul during an abortion? What are Cobra’s thoughts on abortion?
What is really happening (spiritually) when a person is on the heights of despair? Many report having spiritual experiences in this kind of mental state called Ego Death/Dark Night of the Soul. This is one of the reasons many felt that it’s essential to suffer to be able to spiritually develop. But, what is going on really? Do we just stop lying to ourselves for a moment and experience how we actually feel?
Why do our hairs whiten after getting through emotionally/mentally painful periods of time? I always discover new white threads in my head after having such episodes and I wonder if there’s any spiritual aspect to it.
Is it possible some people didn’t make a soul contract, but was forced to incarnate against their free-will? What can such a person do, if their life is constantly being sabotaged by dark forces?
Why some people have aphantasia and can’t have any visuals in their mind’s eye? Is it about implants and are caused by some vaccines done in childhood (like measles-mumps-rubella)?
Are the Rotschilds and Rockefellers fighting against Jesuits now? Is that why the media bashes Trump so much? But, why the Jesuits put someone so bashable as Trump in such a high place? Was he the only one as stupid as to say yes to being president of the US?
Is Bill Gates absolutely conscious of what he’s doing? I mean, is he aware that vaccines contain implants to enslave human beings, for example? Is he aware the baddies are on the brink of failure? How aware is he of the occult nature of our existence and ascension?
Do animal vaccines (rabies, FIV etc.) contain any implants or harmful things?
About how long would it be until it is safe enough to die (not much chance of entrapment in astral plane if we don’t feel any connection to earth plane for example)?
david, if I may give you my view on the state of Bill Gate’s consciousness, there’s a condition in some of us, human beings, that is present due to a belief that being superior to certain parts of humanity is perfectly legitimate and true. It’s a paradigm that is almost as old as the Universe, it seems. It’s a deception and not about truth or objectivity, it’s a creation of an idea that is held onto to this day, by Bill Gates and those resonating with his view.
In order to multiply in numbers with Bill’s idea of having “family”, measures are needed to minimize those inferior parts of humanity. His knowledge of harmful substances in vaccines is probably a fact, for this is to Bill Gates & Co an excellent method to wipe out large parts of humanity in a stalking manner.
Although these stalkers are standing now in the torchlight of the same inferior parts of humanity! Bill Gates is conscious of his doing within the parameters of his belief and genes, at the same time giving jobs to many innocent lab-assistants at Monsanto laboratories who really think they’re serving humanity by creating these vaccines. Unaware of the truth that their work is 180 degrees opposed to the freedom to live.
This is probably the main reason why there are suicides by doctors who’ve learned about this painful truth, seeing their oath, sworn on graduation day and their moral standard to serve others, being ripped to pieces.
Dear Marian
Just want to say a very ‘Welcome Back’ to you. We are grateful for your participation on this blog ~ for your warmth and great wisdom. We need all the help we can get! Thank you for carrying out your mission!
Much love Therese Z
Thank you, Therese, your welcome is heartwarming to me. I’ve been around all of the time except when I had a little “sabbatical” at the start of this year, but I’ve not been present in this Cobra-question-page much, lately.
It’s this, what to me feels, at times, like a miss-know-it-all wisdom that also mirrors the level of truth I hold inside, awake and aware. For as soon as I’ve shared it here, or in other pages, I’m aware of checking if what I’ve said is true and lived by me as well.
That’s a great excersize for staying awake and move forward at the same time. It’s one of the great values of sharing one’s views and experiences, in daily life as much as in the realms of spirit, as I perceive it.
I know it takes the courage to speak one’s mind and use one’s voice. I’m now at an age that I feel much more confidence. Until the age of 30 I was silent as a mouse. I guess I’m catching up with that by sharing so much now 🙂
Is it true that if the spirit avoids the reincarnation it can becomes a low spirit and after an egg shaped form?
Will gold and silver be able to be replicated? If so, assuming gold and silver will skyrocket in value due to failing fiat currencies, how long before they decline in value since they can be produced with these replication machines?
could cobra talk about the star people that wouldn’t be “fit to” incarnate on earth? like what would their experiences be like on earth? i think i might be one of them.
Cobra, Can you talk about the Chinese prophecy book Tui bei tu. Thank you.
What is the Great Atractor? Is that the final Source, or not, where is the final Source/God?
What will be the fate of the predators after the Event, will they be vegetarian?
lol Denesh Aksh, will the predators be vegetarian? As if that’s the parameter to make whole what’s broken.
As one of several choices or executions, probably the predators who’ve committed crimes against humanity and are burdened by an immense amount of karma, will be recycled as food for source and start all over again, as mineral, plant and who knows… as a lettuce? Eaten by you, a peaceful vegetarian? 🙂
Are North American Native people descendants of Atlantis? Is this the reason why they have been systematically wiped out throughout the past 200 years? Does this race have information/secrets that the Cabal does not want the masses to have access to or know?
Thank you.
I feel in my body a constant transformation, I would like to know if other people or at least most feel the same, since I have no way to know how other people feel and I feel that way, how will be the ascension of the third For the fifth dimension? I feel it close, but how can I be sure?
Not meaning to disrespect your question, Moises Soares, feeling close to the fifth dimension is an indicator that what you’re experiencing is true, I assume. It’s when you know without knowing why, that you feel sure. I believe you can be sure of that. But now I’m teasing you out of this serious question 😉
In Brazil, a particular blog, called Sementes das Estrelas (Star Seeds, in English), quickly became the main source of informations about ascension and The Event. Its founder, Gabriel Raio Lunar, channels a lot of beings, from Salusa to elementals, and specially he receives daily messages from Pleiades with updates of the situation (related to The Event, mostly). The question is: do you know him? What do you have to tell about him?
If Putin is deliberately working for light forces, why doesn’t Russia implement NESARA before the United States?
Is Michelle Obama really a man?
• There was a Hungarian woman called Mária Szepes. She wrote some pretty interesting books in the 20th centruy about extraterrestrials and esoteric stuff. Did she work for the Light forces? Was she aware of the real situtation? What was her role?
Also, could you ask about that alien appearence in 4chan /pol/ ? I want to laugh it off, but the more you dig, the more suspicious you get. Was it a hoax, or real? Was it posted by someone from the government or military? There seems to be an odd amount of over-reaction to the post.
Are the Rotschilds and Rockefellers fighting against Jesuits now? Is that why the media bashes Trump so much? But, why the Jesuits put someone so bashable as Trump in such a high place? Was he the only one as stupid as to say yes to being president of the US?
Is Bill Gates absolutely conscious of what he’s doing? I mean, is he aware to vaccines contain implants to enslave human beings, for example? Is he aware the baddies are on the brink of failure? How aware is he of the occult nature of our existence?
Do animal vaccines (rabies, FIV etc.) contain any implants or harmful things?
Hi I wanted to ask about someone her channel is here
I don’t know her name but she is talking about that we are living in a matrix and we are all are entities
(soulless ones) and there certain individuals who are called Source players which they are the source
playing in the matrix in this last lifetime and after this one the matrix will close down and all source players will return to the source immediately so I wanted to ask if she is telling the truth or not and also she is saying that the chakra system have been removed from all source players, so who is she and why she is sharing this information if we are all entities who have scripts within this matrix???
Star of David or Seal of Solomon? Which one should be used as a symbol of Divine Love/Feminine? Christian and Islamic religions and the State of Israel use the Seal of Solomon version. Did the Cabal corrupt the real hexagram (known as Star of David) and put a perverted version of it as the Seal of Solomon? What was the idea behind this change?
For the difference:
“By tradition, the Star of David has only 2-Dimensional OVERLAPPING (or intersecting) triangles, while the Seal of Solomon always has 3-Dimensional INTERWOVEN (or interlaced) triangles.”
In the Colombian pease ceremony a plane scare all the participants whit a strong noise and thunder like light. It was just a mistake? or it was a delivered acción? Why this happened? Thanks for your answer
Is it true that J,F. K is reincarnated on planet Earth?
how are torsion fields different from the scalar waves?
Who is Morrigan? Why would a person feel drawn to her?