Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. Apparently, since the 1990’s, the Sun has occasionally shown a halo around it. Many have speculated this halo to be part of a ‘sun simulator’ system. However, COBRA, in the June monthly interview, you stated that there is no such thing. I have also heard talk that The Veil itself may, at least, be partly constructed of a liquid-crystal matrix of some kind. Would you be able to discuss these halos, which I myself have many pictures and videos of, and what this layer of “Veil” in the sky actually is?

  2. Q. Who or what is behind The NEW MESSAGE FROM GOD and The ALLIES of HUMANITY BREIFINGS from Marshal Vian Summers? What is the agenda there?

  3. What is the function of block-chain technology and smart contracts? Will they be will be adopted into mainstream businesses, services and transactions for transparency.

  4. Cobra, you said in an Interview by Essayenya Mosteenya from July 6 that many people did not follow up with their agreements they have made with the Light forces before incarnation and that this one main problem on this planet. How could this happpened? Has it been prevented by the cabals or was it just a conscious decision by this people? What went wrong?

  5. Cobra, did Stanley Kubrick film much of the moon footage that NASA released as exposed by Jay Weinder in his Kubrick’s Odyssey documentary?

    • iMO this moon film is a fake (no stars on the black sky, wind on the flag..) but astronauts were on the moon, you know triangular UFOs, Lunar Operation Centre ..

  6. Cobra,

    I sincerely apologize, for there are so many questions.

    But I hear tall tales of an “unannounced” faction or group, that have not been mentioned due to the level of secrecy presently necessary…

    Whom may these being be?

    I assume the group is not entirely comprised of a single “race”.

    What is their overall goal?

    And who is Demise?!


    What is “it?

    Don’t be too flattering…

  7. Hello! Are you aware of the Top Secret U.S. Army Air Force interview transcripts and personal notes of Matilda O’Donnell MacElroy from 1947? It is an alien interview. If yes, is this material accurate? Thank you!

  8. What will happen for higher education like universities and collages after the Event?
    Many universities and collages will remain except for the region which was ruled by Cabal and get some kind of recreation?

  9. I heard that the Gregorian calendar is aligned to the negative timeline. And that the Ethiopian calendar is more in alignment with our highest potential. According to the Ethiopian calendar conversion website, 21 December 2012 hasn’t happened yet and is due 27 August 2020. Cobra, what are your comments on this.

  10. Cobra, you’ve mentioned that the Lords of Karma are part of the dark forces. One of them, Lord Rekovsky, was apparently a teacher to St Germain. Can you talk more about St Germain’s involvement with the Lords of Karma. There seems to be some discrepancy between who you are mentioning are the Lords of Karma, and what is generally being written about them. Could you please shed some more light on this. Also, eg. the correct names of the Lords and are they masquerading under different names.

  11. Cobra: First I would like to thank you for all your diligence and hard work. THANK YOU for your efforts, they are so appreciated! My question is concerning the Kolbrin Bible. Is this compilation that I have been reading actual experiences from the past, and which era does this exemplify? Also I understand many monks in the abbey where this book was being protected died at the hands of the current king of England hundreds of years ago. Is it true that his mind and thoughts were provoked by the Archons back then,to commit this mass murder?

    ty, Love and Light

  12. Cobra, what is the significance of the so-called “Russian Woodpecker Signal” which has reportedly re-emerged?

  13. Hi, my question: What is the best means of conserving one’s money through the financial reset? Should we put all our money in gold, silver and bitcoin? Or should we hold the money in cash? What would Cobra recommend?

  14. On GoogleEarth you find on Bristol Island some photos of a big technical device (Ufo?), which stucks deep in a ice crevice and can partially be seen. Do you know something about that, which you can tell us?

  15. Cobra – are the wildfires in British Columbia Canada this summer an act of the Light forces to provide cover for etheric operations? Evacuations are probably easier to deal with than finding out your home is on top of a dark etheric beast. Same question would apply to Fort McMurray last year where the fire was called ‘The Beast’.

  16. Cobra said after the Event we will have spring and summer weather; however, now he has agreed that we will have a mini ice age that may last for many years, maybe 20 so years. And the Event suppose to be coming soon, so which is correct? Also, when Source is the only one who knows when The Event will start, how does Cobra know it will start soon?

  17. Hello Cobra, I’m from Brazil and my question is about the current situation that here is more than chaotic, could you tell me if Resistencia or another group is helping here, because in my view only has the evil in power 70% Of the congressmen are corrupt is Kabbalah in control of everything here? Any information will be very welcome, thank you


  19. Dear Cobra, is it a good idea to visualize disappearance of the dark stone and the bombs in exactly the same manner as is done in your video meditation for dissolving the implants? The technique is quite powerful. Thank you for your answer.

  20. Cobra, will people be allowed to change their own personal timeline after the event or at least fix what the negative forces have done? Or will these negative timelines simply fall away as if they never happened?

  21. What is the primary anomaly that the Cobra refers to? What is the origin of it? It generates dysfunction that is agressiveness, fear? Does it have a conscience? Does it have a purpose for the greater good? How do the Beings of Light interact with it in free and developed Universes?

  22. Cobra, You said recently that ” most of humanity will not be existing here on this planet after Earth completes it’s own ascension.” Why can’t we live here? Where are we going? Gaia is going to be so beautiful, purified, and peaceful!

    • To the planets-motherships of Andromeda Council (Blue Avians so on) according their vibrations. Best people will return to the New Earth.

  23. Hello cobra, my question is would it be possible for me to be initiated into the mysteries of the goddess, I’m curious to learn more and I would like to be a student and learn about the mysteries of the goddess.

  24. Cobra, is the “mummy of Nazca” a real proof of the coexistence of ET civilizations with humans in the past? The discovery of this mummy could mean the beginning of the disclosure?

  25. Q: Is zorra of hollow earth a credible source?

    Q: What colors are your 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th chakras?
    Q: How can I learn to communicate with my cells, organs, and glands?
    Q: How can I learn to communicate with fairies, elves, gnomes and trees?
    Q: What can assist us in activating our Merlin energies?

  26. Cobra… Nevada recently was next in line to go against the Feds and approved Hemp Production in USA. Will the re Cultivation of the Hemp industry across the West assist in the reversal of a lot of our environmental issues. Will hemp also assist in stopping the plastics industry that is plaguing our oceans? Should we focus on hemp or are there better alternative resources we should be looking at?

  27. Cobra, can I ask this question, please – is the holocaust a hoax? What happened really in those times? Thank you very much.

    • Cobra, it is said that 432 Hertz music tuning is the only one fitting for the humans. Is it true and is it then harmful to listen to any non 432 Hertz music on CD’s, radio and video, etc.

      2nd question: To what extent the Pleiadians talking through Barbara Marciniak are or are not a reliable source of info ?

      Thank you

  28. Cobra you said that cryptocurrencies will not be part of the new financial system. Can one conclude that transaction currencies such as Bitcoin will fade away while Ethereum — which is more akin to a software solution than a currency — will endure?

  29. CoBra,
    you said, that you could not confirm the infrmation about Yaldabaoth’s head dissolution at Can you please tell us the real percentage of Yaldabaoth’s head dissolution, then?
    Thank you 🙂

  30. Cobra, in your June 27th Interview by International Golden Age Group, you stated that the primary anomaly “has always existed as a potential”. Is the purpose of this cosmic cycle to strip the source of that potential of primary anomaly forever or is that potential impossible to get rid of for good?

    Should it not be possible to get rid of that potential – which I presume would mean that another universe of unlimited anomaly and suffering could pop into creation at any time and last forever – do sentient beings have a choice of opting out of going through those cycles by having their essence dissolved and removed from the source (the one) if they do not wish to experience suffering themselves against the source’s will? I know people who told me that they would have preferred never existing over living their life if they had known what life had in store for them.

  31. If a soul can fragmented into many incarnation at the same time, and our Higher Self stay at the higher dimension, and the soul do not have sex, what is the point speak about dual souls? I remember when I was 8 years old, I always longed for someone who the same as I, but I think it was a longing for our real home. So it’s not clear to me, why people say about dual or twin souls….

  32. CoBra,
    could you please tell us about the importance of The Visegrad Group (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary) in upcoming world events??
    Thank you

  33. Hi Cobra,
    is it true that Germany will in 2018 no longer allow cash at all? If this is true how can we protect ourselves? Because also silver and gold coins will not work in this case.
    Thank you!

  34. Cobra said not may would live on Earth after her ascension. Is this because life on Earth will be difficult or the planet uninhabitable? Are we headed to another Ice Age? What is the time-frame for Earth’s ascension? <100 years,100's of years, a thousand years or more?

    • Earth will ascend so soon. For me sooner is better. Maybe in 2022 or 2030-2050. Energy waves are strongering from 2012 each 5 years. 98% of people will get to our New Earth or another better planets by Andromeda Council planet-sized ships (Blue Avians so on..) 2%(below 4.1D) will be arrested and exterminated to worst planets, our memories dissolved. Percentage and dates vary. If you are in best 50% you will be happy and rich. Left behind/left not behind is a pump fake )) When Earth would be cleansed (upper few km) best people will ascend to planets-ships then returning to the New Ascended Earth. Maybe its a fantasy but I’d prefer this than NASA or alien-popes fairy tales. Few years of big money have such a by-effect ))

  35. 1. Did Alan Greenspan help create Bitcoin?

    2. Have the pigs been spliced with human genetics in the past?

    3. In march Cobra said there are about 180 Chimera members on earth. How many Chimera members were on earth at their peak? Are they also being removed now?

    4. Also in march, Cobra was waiting on significant energy waves coming in the near future. Are those waves coming in now?

  36. dear COBRA, thank you for all you do. can you please explain that given the surface population is not awake enough according to you in that interview how are the unawakened supposed to wake up given all the interference via programming, scalar weapons, fluoride, vaccinations etc., mainstream media churning out propaganda 24/7 making them resistant to all this information.

    so many lightworkers find themselves isolated because they have tried to tell the truth so if there is a plan B why hasn’t that been initiated a long time ago when it was obvious that an awakening cannot occur without solid proof that things need to change.

  37. Is it possible to have any chakra in a locked state? Can 3rd chakra be locked by eating some non regular food(poison)?


    GRATITUDE Cobra for this opportunity to thank you for the services that you and your staff provide to the Planet!

    I write with the help of Google Translator, but I believe I have been able to express the contexts and the questions inherent.

    I divided my questions into 4 parts because I consider them important not only to me, but to many. And to understand what I really want to know in Part I, for example, I had to present my knowledge and I inserted 3 short texts to support them.

    Please, if you can’t answer the questions related to the 4 themes, select Themes I and II for June and leave the other two for the next one, or if you can, okay?

    Thank you so much!

    I Topic – Initiations & Enlightenment & Transfiguration


    For 13 years I was student of a Gnostic Transfiguristic School, (Lectorium Rosicrucianum – linked to the Cathars, Grail and Rosicrucians). Then I went out to check if there were other ways that would propitiate something similar.
    And after 13 years I concluded:

    a) A Mature Soul in any Path Transfigure;
    b) The others souls need a Monadic Level School, as I define them (as the Lectorium) or the Fire of a Freed Master, even if “dead” (like I felt the power of Ramana Maharshi practicing the Atma- Vichara);
    c) Or live near a Sacred Mountain (Kailash, Arunachala, Montségur, Mount Shasta, etc.);
    d) But from a certain stage, one can increase this Fire on account, walk alone, IF you already know how to keep FIRE AND INCREASE it, being that the transfiguring or illuminating element is to have access to a SOURCE OF MONADIC FIRE … like the access to the Central Sun Fire…

    Especially after I read Aivanhov’s canalized material (which seems authentic!!! – indeed, an extensive material), I understood that actually, with the descent of the energy of the Great Central Sun with full force (= the Energy of the Holy Spirit, or Shakti, or Shekinah, or Supramental, or 5D), each can connect to This powerful Electromagnetic Energy and feed your Inner Fire (your little Sun) and thus transfigure their bodies and ascend, as long as you surrender to it, ask for light and liberation!
    (See below two interesting answers of Aivanhov on the subject).


    1.1 Can you confirm the above, refute or supplement?

    1.2 Is there a difference between Transfiguration (Third Initiation) and Enlightenment? I.e., between what the Eastern Masters achieved and achiev, as a Ramana and a range of enlightened ones that he bequeathed to the world (such as Papaji and this Mooji and Gangaji, Robert Adams in NY 50’s, etc. but I know there are many other masters of other currents, not just Advaita)?

    – I ask why reading about the post-enlightenment period, most of those cited Masters had to have years of silence and reclusion to process their enlightenment – it seems that this does not happen when a gradual process is carried out, and via initiatory schools.
    – And based on the following sentence, part of a response of Aivanhov on the subject, seems to indicate something fundamental as to enlightenment and transfigure. PLEASE COMMENT. This is my most important personal theme and I may be able to help others as well.


    1.3 All masters say that the best service that can be given to the Planet is to free itself from the human self, put simply, and that this releases the Planet from the clutches of Cosmic Evil, personified by Iabaldaoth in the book of PISTIS SOPHIA. Do you agree in general terms?

    (I understand that your work – and others – not imply this, either because you are already ancient soul and have already done this trajectory and are now only doing service, also through this service to advance your walk, or because some will just graduated spiritually through a service to the planet).

    ANSWER 1 FROM AIVANHOV (from a long doc in PDF)
    Page 400 – Current Initiation [No more purifying the ego is the key !!]

    […] <<>>

    Question: Could you tell us about the “rise of Kundalini”?

    The rise of the Kundalini was a phenomenon described in the Eastern traditions.
    However, since the beginning of the twentieth century, for over a hundred years, things have changed, profoundly.
    Numerous Eastern sages, whose first ones were Sri Aurobindo, Mother, and indeed others after them, drew the yogi’s attention to the fact that the awakening of the Kundalini, as it was written in the texts, was Something that was no longer current because today, the human being, the Eart h, in its totality, had access to a new dimension, which is called the supramental, which you now call the new age, the fifth dimension.
    Now, the particularity of the fifth dimension is also to illuminate the supramental.

    Today the enlightenment of the supramental would correspond to the activation of the Holy Spirit in you.
    Now that Holy Spirit is an energy that comes down to you.
    There is no need to raise the Kundalini while the Holy Spirit did not descend, while the supramental did not penetrate each cell in depth.
    The Kundalini awakens naturally, even if it can be favored, obviously, from the moment the Holy Spirit was received.
    When the Holy Spirit was received, activation of the third eye is present.
    This is called the transfiguration.
    This is called the supramental illumination.
    At that moment you have to say, “Father, I give my Spirit into your hands.”
    At that moment, the energy that was at the level of the third eye passes to the level of what you call the seventh chakra or the crown.
    And at that moment, the energy of the Holy Spirit can descend to the median channel, which the Orientals call the shushumna.

    And, at that moment, when the feminine energy descended to the sacrum and down to the foot, and even below the feet (since the connection is established with the Source Earth, deep in the core of the Earth, in the crystal of the Earth, in Agartha), the Kundalini can rise without any danger.

    Question: How are the works in the memories in this context?

    It is very simple, all work today with the energies of the Holy Spirit who are present, who would like to work in memories, is a work that opposes the advent of ascension.
    The ascent is something, remember, that must free them from your astral body, which is the case for the most part.
    Memories are attached to the astral body, meaning through these processes of release said memorial, you will attract, again, you will prevent the dissolution of the astral body, because they will awaken memories.
    You do not eliminate them, you awaken them.
    This is not eliminated, the memories, there is no way, as you are constituted, to get rid of a memory.
    The only way is to make the astral body disappear in its entirety, and you will find that most of the people working on these memories are very emotional.
    They have the impression of controlling their own emotions through this, but the problem is not controlling the
    It is to be transmuted by the energy of the Holy Spirit.
    Now, you can not transmute it by carrying your consciousness above, it is as if I told you, in ancient times, that you will access the heart meditating on the ego, it is exactly the same heresy.
    You can spend thousands of years meditating on the ego, there will always be dark spots. […]

      Please, if you can’t answer the questions related to the 4 themes, select Themes I and II for June and leave the other two for the next one, or HOW you can, okay? (no IF you can).

      The two texts (from Aivanhov) are missing because I inserted them with <<>> and this (I did not know) prevented them from being added:

      Text part of Question 1.2:

      “Do not forget that ascension, in the old time, was the passage from the ego to the heart, it is an individual process.
      Well, there you are in the face of a collective, cosmic, planetary and galactic process, it is by no means the same.”

      Text part of Question 1.3:

      “Page 400 – Current Initiation [No more purifying the ego is the key !!]

      […] “In the ancient ways, this was true, it was necessary to purify the ego to access the heart.
      Today, they are asked to receive this energy that will purify the chakras themselves.
      It is a work of focusing on consciousness: instead of focusing here (ndr: AOM shows the heart), it focuses on the sixth and seventh chakras, and when the energy is activated, it is let down, simply.
      Do not forget that ascension, in the old time, was the passage from the ego to the heart, it is an individual process.
      Well, there you are in the face of a collective, cosmic, planetary and galactic process, it is by no means the same.”



    II Topic – Brazil and its Political and General Crisis

    The cleaning that takes place in Brazil is visible to the whole world.


    2.1 Someone said that Brazil, being the newest country, represents the funnel through which the Planet unloads all its dirt, do you agree?
    Based on the axiom “as in the small in the big”, I compared them with the new generation that will have to solve that the previous one did not solve. Does it proceed?

    2.2 Jan van Rijckenborgh (founder of Lectorium R.), said (in the 60’s) that here in Brazil and/or Latin America would be fought the last or greatest battle against Evil, the Dark? Do you agree? And what does this have to do with what happens now, this cleansing?


    III Topic – Channelings & Upgrades

    I know that you have already answered on the subject saying that since 1996, if I am not mistaken, the Archons interfere in the channelings. BUT I have any questions that I consider important, because today everyone wants to become “stars” by channeling upgraded masters, renowned aliens 🙂 and so on … and before laughing, I feel like crying, because the garbage produced is great!

    In the book THE LAW OF ONE states that even those who initiate with high-value Spiritual Sources (whether of Ascended Masters or equivalent Aliens) may be deceived by impostors by letting their ego become pregnant or used for various personal purposes.

    Despite this, I found that we had great mediuns, not exactly channels, such as EDGARD CAYCE in USA, CHICO XAVIER in Brazil, and I believe that I can include here the medium of Aivanhov in the material I read; and although received through him self/Presence, I think that the original material of the URANTIA BOOK is good, but as I studied it I found that probably, as in the Gospels, it was scrambled in him.

    Finally, I came across KIRAEL’S material, via FRED STERLING’S incorporation medium, a few weeks ago – his book on The Ten Principles of Conscious Creation seems coherent. And some key tips passed on remind you of the steps you took in one of your conferences to activate ascension (which someone mentioned in one of a thousand questions 😉

    3.1 How can people who are mediuns or take channels to ensure that they are not victims of the archons, or from various suspect spirits, or from their egos, subconscious or similar?

    3.2 The tip below, given by Aivanhov in a similar question, is it valid? Could you add something? It seemed very short on the seriousness of the subject:

    Question (to Aivanhov ou OMA):
    How to make the difference between a “true” message or a projection?
    Ask: Holy Spirit are you?
    Is shekina you?
    And Shakti, are you there?
    Especially now.


    IV Topic – World Situation & Deadline 2019


    Perhaps you have heard anything about Chico Xavier (great Brazilian medium – our Edgard Cayce); He confided in the 80’s to a friend (Gilberto) that after the man’s journey to the Moon there was a spiritual meeting, in which was granted a 50-year term for Humanity not to become more involved in a nuclear holocaust, to receive the merit of participating in the confederation and of achieving great evolutionary levels in all fields of human life. It seems that this request was made by Jesus, a new chance after the two world wars and the holocaust of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

    Follow Link:


    4.1 Is there something similar pending? Or is this victory already anteed in view of the efforts of the Resistance Movement and similars?

    4.2 You said in one of the last interviews that Trump was susceptible to the forces of light and darkness. Today which one wins?

    4.3. As for Putin, you said that he is the only president being directly contacted by the pleiadians, and that, by all means, that he is on the side of the Light. Would you have something to add to that?

    4.4 If so, then your support for Syria and similar supposes that the other countries (USA and Europe), continue to support the forces of darkness in seeking to denigrate and prevent Putin, among other suspicious acts?

    4.5 And now follows the most current question worldwide:

    – A very short video (below – I will insert him in the right place later), where all religious leaders talk about other beings and the need to see them as brothers or children of the same Father is part of the positive achievements related to the Event and / or Divulgation, OR is it part of the plot that we become passive in the face of the negative extraterrestrials whose goal is to take the Planet for good?
    – And where does that date come in September 2017 and a supposed war with (or against) the Aliens? Most likely this is a typical fake for “made fear”, or not?
    See this YouTube Video for more information

  42. My questions if possible..thank you.

    1. In 2008 on the Above Top Secret forum there was a person called Hidden Hand. What insight can you please provide regarding this individual and the group they represented?

    2. Is the former illuminate trainer ‘Svali’ safe alive and safe?

    3. Are Ellen Gould White (Adventist) and Joseph Smith (Mormonism) of the Light?

    4. Are you able (please) to provide information regarding an Australian lady named Fiona Barnett in her struggle to disclose the elite pedophile network in Australia?

    Thank you kindly

  43. On Cobra’s tachyon websites it is said that once tachionized Aquamarine becomes a portal into the Motherships of the positive E.T.s while Red Garnet becomes a portal into the center of the Earth. So my question is, how exactly does the tachionization process affect Cintamani stones?


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