Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. Cobra, another question. You often talk about I AM awareness. I think Ramana Maharshi surely can be considered as one who lived in I AM awareness, yes or no?

    “Awakened, enlightened teachers, gurus, point to the awareness, leading to I AM, which is overlooked but ever present.” <== Some often heard statements, often used terms.

    How accurate is this teaching? Is this on point to the I AM you, Cobra, often mention? If not, please clarify the misconceptions here. Thank you.

  2. Cobra, can you share what you know about

    – Ramana Maharshi (of Arunachala)
    – Nisargadatta Maharaj (from Mumbai)
    – Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (aka Osho)

    Are they now ascended masters?
    Where do they currently reside? Incarnated on Earth?
    Possible to meet (these) teachers of the past in person after the event?

    • This query has popped up several times over as we get weary of this undertaking. My understanding is that we do not originate from the central Sun as such, we are originally molecules of Allthatis. And our final destination would be to graduate as Christed Beings hence qualifying us to reintegrate the Godhead – until such a moment it may not be possible to side track. Once we get to this level, we can take the decision to spiral out to help others like the Ascended ones do. I have heard that it is virtually impossible to cancel this trip/mission aka dangerous to abort the operation – our Guides making sure we keep on keeping on.

  3. Is it true That Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Yahweh, Prometheus and others came to solar system long time ago to create new life forms?
    if yes –>> Is it true that gray race send a virus to their ship which made them sick and stated war between brothers?
    Is that true that ship was moon and now it is half broken and being used for other purposes?
    Is it true that Prometheus is in deep sleep under the Caucasus Mountains.
    Are those archangels still sick or they got treatment from the virus?

    Thinking in terms of universal law, does an immune system violate the free will of the bio-organisms it eradicates when it defends the host from infection?
    If *no, please elaborate the nuances of universal law that allow for an immune system to both violate the free will and halt the progress of infectious organisms, yet still remain in harmony and function within divine will / universal law.
    If *yes, what divine purpose is accomplished by universal law stipulating that a host’s health is subordinate to the free will of negatively oriented infectious organisms? At what point is the safety and health of the host given priority over the free will of negatively oriented infectious organisms?

  5. On your 3rd December 2012 interview you said:

    ” Alexandra- Okay, so … another thing I wanted to ask you about too was, you made a really interesting statement, in one of your previous blogs, and it said, “my experience of the energy flash was so profound, and now I know for my own experience what the energy flash of the event will feel like.” I was wondering, can you describe that, for the audience?”

    Cobra- Yes, I can. It’s an actually… one of the most, I would say… okay, I will put it this way. It is not a physical light. It is a feeling of like, a vision of brilliant white light which goes together with the feeling of excitement and joy, which gets deeper and deeper and stronger and stronger, and it’s hard to describe this in human language, because it was beyond human language, and I know when this happens at the Event, it will be even stronger. Not everybody will be able to feel that, or see that, or experience that, but definitely people will be able to experience the physical effects of the Event itself, because it be, also a physical operation.”

    Something has changed and everybody will fell the energies of the Event?

    • When you say, “The Goddess,” what Goddess are you referring to? There are many different Goddesses. Do you mean the Hindu Goddess?

  6. A few interesting questions regarding language.

    While language isn’t really necessary for most advanced species as they communicate far more effectively through telepathic thought, what can you tell us about language? Is it necessary for beings undergoing the lower-levels of evolution? I understand that language is a specific gene-trait. How did it come about? What about words and writing?

    I understand most species use a “trade language” that is a language that is taught to everyone of that species along with their mother tounge, which they use to communicate with other language-using species. As I understand it, humanity will eventually adopt this trait along with telepathic communication. As english is already the dominant lingua franca of the Earth, it is most likely that this will become humanity’s trade language. Your thoughts on that?

    Finally, why is Hebrew so similar to the Pleidian alphabet? Did the Pleidian’s gift/teach this language to the early jews/sumerian’s?

    That is all, thank you very much for your time.

  7. I will ask some questions about after the Event that I think we all have curiosity to know:

    – What will happen to houses and apartments after the Event? If the funds will be liberated a large house infrastructure will be built?

    – What will happen to porn content after the Event? All will be deleted, right?

    – Will we see the hidden pyramids of Earth after the Event?

    – What will happen to all food supply, even the organic ones?

    – Will we still have books after the Event?

    – How will the doctors will learn about how the body REALLY works? Will they have to be briefly intsructed or will they have to study all over again?

    – What will happen to our sewage problems after the Event?

    – Will we have still names for streets after the Event?

    – How will scientists work after the Event ? Will they still be studying asa normal human being?

    – Will the planet have ships around the sky all the time as we have cars now on the rush hour?

    • To me it seems like opposition will be the farthest from ANYONE’s mind DURING THE EVENT. It is a moment when everyone will be RAPTURED with love and bliss…, do you envision anybody having problems with that? I don’t!

  8. Dear Cobra , I wonder that blue pyramid on Pleiadian starship , I suppose it is for energy creating for the ship. When I bilocated I touched safely the blue pyramid and was told that not many have done so.

  9. For 3 different days in 2004 I saw a bright grey object in the sky where the sun should have been. It was a lot bigger than the sun and starring at it felt no different than looking directly at the sun, meaning I could only look at it for a few seconds at a time. I pointed it out to others (class mates and one teacher) but no one seemed interested. I remember looking at it over and over again, if just to prove to myself I was really seeing it. I was very young at the time and didn’t really question what it was until I was an adult. Would anyone be able to explain what it is I might have seen?

    • It might have been a space ship. Something similar happened at Fatima, Portugal, at the beginning of the 20th century.

  10. Corey goode dit que l’événement va déclencher une panne de courant planétaire et que nous allons nous retrouver sans électricité pendant une longue période. Selon lui c’est ce qui est arrivé au peuple “mica” . Va t’il y avoir une panne de courant identique pendant une longue période sur terre après l’événement ?

    • C’est possible. Mais personne sait qu’on vera, ou ce qu’on va sentir exactement. Peut-etre une grande lumiere, sentir un grand amour. Il faudra d’abord, avoir l’experience.

  11. Cobra are you allowed to give us more clues about what else might takes place before the event. You’ve already said there will be a military conflict regarding Turkey and that the banks may shut down four weeks prior. Any other hints your allowed to talk about?

    Also you said Bitcoin was no longer safe to hold as the cabal may hack people holding it by using back doors in windows. Can you elaborate on how that may happen and approximately when? Are offline hardware wallets safe from this hack?

    • Timelines are constantly changing. People are constantly changing their own timelines as well, weaving in and out of them. Things might change; meaning, they might get better or they might get worse, or just be different.

  12. How much does Pope Francis know about the Church, the pedophilia, the US politics and other issues? Is he considered trustworthy between the Black Nobility families? Because he does not look like a trustworthy person to be told about secrets.

    • In Cobra’s interview with PFC Japan, Iruka Umino, November 28, 2017, he gave pope Francis the number 8 (1=very good, most evil being 10).

  13. Cobra, how has the programming coming from the etheric archon grid changed from 4-5 years ago since much of the solar system is now cleared?

  14. Cobra, according to astronomers there are 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe. If this is true then why do you only talk about beings from the Andromeda galaxy? Never in your intel have I ever heard of a star race coming from another galaxy. Why is this? Are there other beings from more galaxies involved with Earth’s liberation? If so, which galaxies?

    • Moreover in the last Japan Interview Cobra said that Andromedians are humanoid and efficient.
      Andromedians that travel here are much developed, of course.

  15. A man in Brazil has recently made claims that the “Angel Moroni” has visited him with gold plates, the same plates that the LDS churches stake their doctrine on and apparently the same Angel Moroni that visited Joseph Smith over a hundred years ago. Several men now have claimed to touch and see them and that they are being “Translated”. . What is going on here? Are they actually being visited by someone or making it all up?

  16. Helene Blavatsky and Alice Bailey are describing how the development of the world wil take place. The cabal knows this knowledge also, and always seem to push themselves this same agenda, in the way that they can profit from this financially and gaining power.

  17. It was stated on your blog that the Renaissance was ignited by secret groups who brought knowledge from Asia (Leonardo Da Vinci copying ancient chinese texts). Why did they choose to ignite it in Europe, why not in Asia?

  18. Regarding The Event and Reincarnation: For those of us living on the surface of the planet, if we die prior to The Event will we be forced back into the reincarnation process? Will will be in a “limbo” state until The Event happens and then be able to Ascend instead of reincarnating again? I’m terrified of dying before The Event Happens. Please tell us what happens to those that die prior to The Event. Your response is greatly appreciated. Thanks for all you are doing! Love & Light, Ree, Long Island, NY.

  19. Why is Zimbabwe of particular interest? – they just had a “soft coup” very recently. Do they possesses rare minerals? Is it simply a regime change? Or are there other agendas afoot?

  20. Cobra, in the past you have stated that Trump is working for the Jesuits. In the Truth movement many people are saying that he is working with the Alliance and Light Forces and he is even directly helped by 3 Pleiadians. What are your thoughts on him and his rate positive-negative 1-10?

  21. Was Ayrton Senna, the Brazilian F1 racing driver, killed? If so, why? Is that true that now he leads a space fleet and is known as Lohan?

  22. How a soul can be a body if it is pure light? And what is the difference in etheric and astral bodies? Do we look differently? Or the same?

  23. We all talk about the Cabal but we forget ourselves, and I would like to know if we the “common people” have been in just one or two lifetimes a member of the cabal or worked directly for them and if that will be held accountable on the process of judging of the evil for ourselves too? Will we have our ears stretched? rs

  24. From Cobra Blog:
    Here are some questions if anyone one like to use them.

    Did dinosaurs have group souls and are any incarnate as humans now?

    What kind of animal did the grey type of ET evolve from?

    Can you travel to where source is located in the void and go there physically?

    What group were Satan and Lucifer apart of?

    What is the average amount of years a soul takes to get I am presence?

    Can we get physical description of the chimera and Archon in there natural form?

    Would it work if you hypnotized someone and asked to talk to their higher self and is it dangerous?

    What is the process for a soul being made in central sun?

  25. I liked the rating of politicians of one to ten, so I will ask about ten artists of all areas and 1 being positive and 10 being negative

    1- Michelangelo Buonarroti

    2- Pablo Picasso

    3- Monet

    4- Beethoven

    5- Brad Pitt

    6- Tom Cruise

    7- Angelina Jolie

    8- Homer

    9- Leonardo da Vinci

    10- William Shakespeare

  26. Could you give us names of top scientist of the past that worked for the Cabal? Please, give us twenty names or more, because I suspect of some, but I am not sure. Thank you.

  27. What is going to happen with all the palaces, museums, houses and villas that the richest of the world financed ? Are they going to be purified or destroyed? Abandoned?

  28. Why the WDS is so calm and let the Cabal playing on Earth with their dangerous matches? WDS needs to take off the matches of the Cabal hands.

  29. I remember reading Dolores Cannon saying that in Atlantis almost all people were doing genetic research and creating people half horse half human, half cow- half human and other subhumans. Will, the genetic research change after the Event and even in the days and cycles after the Event? Will we have protocols? Will Source create directly new human species? How will this be made? Will it have punish for example if I create a Gray in a laboratory to serve me?

  30. JFM Gelebart

    ( A little moment of irony) No, the demonic entities will sit and feast with us the liberation of the Earth and then we will leave them committing the same atrocities as killing, sacrifice, possession, etc. rs. They will stay because they are our bros. rs

  31. More questions about the Black Nobility because we are approaching the liberation of humanity( Sometimes I doubt it, but I try to maintain the focus):

    1- Archons seems to love Italy. And we know that it is because of the Roman Empire and they ruled behind or in front of the Roman Empire. But is there some occult energy that feeds Archon in Rome?

    2- It is said Archons do not have creativity and do the same thing over and over and over again. Is this because of their disconnection with the Spirit?

    3- They have got hidden 26 thousand years from us, but how could they get hidden in Italy a so much famous place?

    4- Is there an implication of the creation of Jesus because of the Black Snake Nobility?

    5- How Archons can perceive if a person is of the light or the darkness? Do they have astral vision?

    6- If some members or all of the Black Snake will be judged and sent to the Galactic Central Sun, is this really the ULTIMATE end of them or are they going to come back in another cycle to make more mistakes and mischief?

  32. David Icke was the first crazy in the world to expose the royal family, politicians, generals, banksters as reptilians or draconians( I do not believe in hybrid races), and we know that they eat human flesh and drink our precious blood. But in the normal days what do reptilians eat? Our food? Special food? I can not understand why a so different race can eat earthly food without getting sick or dying. And how do they breath our oxygen atmosphere if reptilians worlds are based on hydrogen?

    2- The Black Nobility has some member that is a little too focused on Light but hide because of the family? If so, could you have the courage to pass us the name? Because everybody who make research on the web about Black Nobility know now their names.And the same as the reptilians why do they keep a human body if they hate so much our “rotten and sinful bodies”?

    3- How is the process of reincarnation for an Illuminati, Jesuit, or Black Nobility if their guides and angels must be so distant of them?

    4- Seeing the Black Nobility members photos we see they are very different and have no trace of beauty on their faces or bodies. Why is that so?


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