Cobra Questions


You can submit your questions to Cobra here under the comments section for our monthly interviews. 

The email address for the Cobra Questions has been discontinued. Please use this page for that purpose, and review the other questions that have already been asked.

The best questions are the ones everyone can learn from, so attempt to phrase the questions with that in mind. 

Please know that Cobra cannot answer personal questions, or review links that you provide. These links maybe interesting to other readers and you may post them here but know that Cobra cannot possibly review the content of everything on the internet. Remember that Cobra does not review or criticize others so don’t ask for an opinion of another person’s work. Please also know that there is also disinformation posted on the internet so things must go through your own personal filters: discernment, discernment, discernment…..always!

Thank you.


  1. Hi Cobra! RWho is Sai Baba? Many people say he is the Cosmic Christ, others say he is an Avatar. Sai Baba performed many miracles as materialization of objects, bilocation, teletransportation, etc… Who is this Being?

  2. When people say that the ETS are not going to come, or they will come just if a WW3 starts, are they being naive or just being used by the Archons?

  3. Dear Cobra,

    i am brazilian too and i am worried about the future of my country. The political coup of president Dilma shot many protests in the streets and democracy was broken. The new president, Michel Temer, is a darkworker? What about the future of BRAZIL?

  4. Hillary Clinton clearly represents the interests of the Illuminati, but who does Donald Trump represent? And is it possible that both their candidacies will self-destruct and open the door for a resurgence and election of Bernie Sanders, as some have predicted?

  5. I would like to ask about Finland. What is happening, why is it ruled by so negative forces? In other words our government is against it’s citizens.

  6. Reading about some people who aren’t able to accept the light and change and are thrown to the central sun to be disintegrated in it, how does it feel to them as their essence is erased? Do they feel burned?

  7. Cobra, what is the significance of Colombianite stone? What is the significance of Lapis Lazuli stone? What are the esoteric meanings of these two stones?

  8. Cobra, you said in an interview that after the Event the human population would be diminished, is this in consonance with other sources that a huge part of the human population is going to dense planets in the Universe to continue their evolution?

  9. 1. I recently read Barbara Marciniak’s books of Pleiadian channeling and would like to know if the information she provided is accurate and the spiritual exercises and techniques are useful for becoming more positive, in service to the Light.

    2. Is the timeline that she provided about the “nanosecond” – the period of 1987 to 2012 – accurate as a description of the Earth’s transformation to a different level? How can you define that transformation for the uninformed?

    3. What happened in 1996 – was there a war that ordinary humans know nothing about?

    4. If a person is “taken over” by a spiritual entity called “chameleon” can this “possession” or “attachment” be broken, and the person regain his/her humanity? And what is a “chameleon”?

    5. What is a difference between “feeling” and “emotion” – and are these both essential for reaching the spiritual level?

    6. If having more feeling and emotion is better (is it?)should “enlightened” individuals avoid anger, pain, and fear, or should they embrace the negative experience to learn from it?

    7. Why are so many of the “enlightened” authors so strongly anti-Christian, and after professing a quest for universal love and light proceed to attack the spiritual core of religious belief? Perhaps, if they focused on the commonalities and shared belief/quest for the light/love, the “awakening” would be more effective and more people could be reached.

    8. Is it possible to become “spiritually awakened” while being a Christian, and/or remaining within the organized sphere of one of the Earth’s religions?

  10. Is scalar energy healing a real effective technique? If yes, can you tell in what way?

    Were the Urantia book and the Course in Miracles channelled by the divine?

  11. The Earth’s current population is estimated to be approximately 7.4 billion. How significantly will that number decrease when the Event occurs? Will any third density life still be present on the surface after the Event, or will those remaining be strictly fourth density?

  12. Dear Cobra. Randy Cramer claims that the gravity of mars is 0.6 of earth. NASA claims it is 0.375 of earth. Is NASA lying to cover up the possible fact that the earth is very cavernous and has less mass than we have been led to believe. Possibly to keep people from exploring and discovering something they don’t want us to know about.

  13. Question for Cobra: The word “God” is male-oriented; “Goddess” would be the female. Yeshua called God our “Father.” You refer to Source as the “Absolute,” “universal field of consciousness,” and “the One.” How can we envision the “Absolute” in our minds–to help us go beyond a male or female image?

  14. Today’s news from Archangel Michael says that humans are not ready for… the shift…? ascension….? Event…? But that it will happen anyway.

    Does that mean it’s hopeless, did the dark win?

  15. Cobra live in Nova Friburgo Rio de Janeiro Brazil many around the world were aware of the great tragedy that struck here know me say it was like in Japan a weapon climb that caused such a disaster? thank you.

  16. Maharishi’s organization was responsible for organizing the huge group meditations in the 70’s and 80’s that had such a huge beneficial effect on world consciousness. Most of those participating were younger people like myself, who are now aging. The group is very much still active but doesn’t seem to appeal to the younger generation. Do they have a roll to play in hastening the event?

  17. Cobra, how was the reaction when tne top member of the Cabal in the past know for sure that this planet was going to be released by their hands and their destinies if they did not accept the Light?

  18. Do we have to believe of the Illuminati whistleblowers like Leo Zagami and Svali about the modus operandi of Illumina or they are just paid to spread disinformation?

    Could you talk us how was the Event in other planets that have passed the same situation we are dealing here on Earth?

  19. Dear PFC and Cobra,
    Thanks for all your hard work.
    I have a few questions for the next interview.

    There are many things about human physiology and psychology that don’t make sense and I was wondering if any particular traits indicate anything about our origin, stellar or otherwise. For instance…

    Q: Why do some people sneeze when they see bright lights?

    Q: Are wisdom teeth an indication of DNA tampering?

    Q: Why do some races have seemingly quite homogenous characteristics (Chinese, straight black hair) and others are so varied (Caucasian, brown-blonde-ginger,black/curly,wavy,straight etc.)?

    Q: Why do people go bald or age seemingly quicker than other people?

    Q: Why do some people feel mellow from cannabis and others get paranoid?

    Q: What is the real purpose of tonsils and the appendix? Are they really just vestigial remains of now redundant organs?

    Q: Are human beings naturally monogamous or is that an unnatural condition for some people?

    Q: Are moles and skin tags natural or a sign of some interference with our bodies?

    And I have a question about the SSP, as referred to by many researchers.

    Q: Why would the SSP train and use people for years only to then go through a lengthy process to wipe their memory and re-integrate them into society? Wouldn’t it just be easier and more secure for them to simply eliminate the person once they are done with them?

    2 final questions.

    Q: Does the cabal have a DUMB in Farnborough,UK and, if so, what is it’s specific purpose?

    Q: How do we become fearless?

    Thank you for your time. I know you won’t get time to ask them all but hopefully a few have piqued your interest.

  20. Are the extremely high temperatures in the U.S. caused by either Haarp technologies, mobile Ionospheric Hearters, or some other weather manipulation technologies ?

  21. Hi Cobra, do smaller countries in asia, like Singapore play a role in the financial or any relation to any alliances, etc? What kind of role do they have?

  22. I don’t understand why we are upgrading our weekly meditation event to Ascension Meditation. I remember Cobra mentioned that the real Ascension process will begin at the moment of the Event. However, the Event hasn’t yet started and you wanted us to do Ascension Meditation instead of Event Meditation.

  23. You always encourage us to share knowledge and informations for example by writing blogs. I’m wondering if we are safe by doing such activity im Internet. I know there is an effective protection meditation that we can find on your blog, but before I make a decision I need to be absolutely sure that my liittle children, my family are safe. For instance we know that they taking kids away from their parents for ridiculous reasons.

  24. How the souls that are leaving the body now are knowing about the Event? And as the situations is increasing they are receiving intel about their future on planet Earth? Do they have to wait now for some autorizations on the Higher Dimensions? I mean, they know they are going to come back to Earth after the Event?

  25. Cobra

    What is the purpose of celibacy and is it healthy? A person if he or she maintains virginity is doing a good choice or this is manipulated by the Archons?

  26. Cobra, how will the event affect those who have mental illnesses such as PTSD, Bipolar Disorder etc., and those who have brain damage such as in alzheimer’s disease?

  27. Thanks Cobra for all that you do for the world.
    What I would like to know is, What will happen to relationships after the Event? I know my partner thinks all this is crazy and he is very closed minded. Will the gap we have between us be filled? Will people have to make the decision to move on without our mates or will we be able to stay together?
    I am also an animal empathy and I am worried and curious about what we are going to do with all the animals, specifically in zoos and wild rescues and race horses, it’s not like we can open cages and just let them out.
    Thanks for you time and consideration.

  28. I’ve noticed some strange anomalies in the skies recently, they resemble thunder storms but the lightning stays in the clouds and never contacts the ground, the lightning also seems unnaturally colored and it is never accompanied by thunder, when I check the radar it shows the skies are clear. I’ve asked a few people about it and some claim it is heat lightning, while others believe there is no such phenomenon. It has however come to my attention that this would be a great way for someone to cover up something like maybe an atmospheric battle? So my question would be, Do people like the Cabal use weather manipulation to mask major atmospheric battles from the surface populace? I apologize if this question has been asked before there is ALOT of information here to sift through to check if this has been asked or not, thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

  29. That was over 10 years ago. I read Marciniak book “Earth”. I cant buy it because there was no money. US is wild country where everything for money. In those book was written that in the ancient times Pleiades was manipulated with the genetic lines of the human race and have been associated with the energy Reptiles.

    Marciniak wrote, we slowed down your growth, intervening at the genetic level and changing your very structure. We produced these steps to ensure that you did not have the same abilities as us.

    Now through 500,000 years Pleiades punished, they were trapped.

    Question for Cobra. Please comment it. And tell me what that Pleiadians now do: I cant understand, help they to people or to themselves?

  30. Cobra
    To happen EVENT it is necessary to cleanup Earth astral?
    How many embodied and disembodied souls still live on Earth?
    You know how many souls will be sent to other planets due to their low vibrations?
    Thank you

  31. When I have a Cintamani stone nearby, it seems more challenging things happens in my existence? Is this a coincidence? How a Cintamani Stone Affects it’s surrounding ? Thank you

  32. Another question and this is about the pleiadians.

    Whats is the role of pleiadians in the galactic wars? We know that they are very advanced spiritually. Do they fight with another races? Or was this many years ago of our own time?

    • Although there are possibly more causes for dementia, apart from aluminium in chemtrails, one cause is worrying and feeling depressed, living in resistence to how one’s life turns out or in other words, how life shows up in one’s life, feeling as if one doesn’t have a say in it.

      It’s living in powerlessness to one’s own fate and sense of wellbeing, that ends in dementia often. It’s a sad but inevitable result of a human being’s spirit choosing to refuse conditions in life, on an unconscious or half conscious level (I feel bad….. but hey, what can I do about it?) to the point of becoming too depressed to make an effort, either to improve living conditions or to get rid of them.

      The spirit, at some point, decides that it’s been enough and it escapes, leaving an increasingly more confused physical body behind. Obeying to a law that says “when you don’t use it, you lose it”
      It’s a sad thing to watch and requires much loving kindness to keep up with caring for these people.

      One thing we should keep in mind, is that the things we speak of in their presence are fully understood by their soul, while their eyes and ears may seem unaware of what’s been said. Speaking about them in a disrespectful manner is registered by the soul and possibly painful to experience.

      At least it strengthens the feeling of powerlessness. Imagine how it feels, when someone speaks about you, over your own head, to another person, without including you in the conversation. You feel as if you’re not there

  33. (1) When the financial reset taking place, will all of the global debt be fully erased? eg: our credit cards, home loans, etc.

    (2) many lightworkers are willing to help but again all those important positions in our UFO and spiritual communities are controlled by the government and some lightworkers with huge Ego. What would happen to those important positions in our spiritual and UFO communities? Will ETs step in to clease it up or we need to figure it out by ourselves?

  34. I belong to the Star Seeds Group in Brazil – Rio de Janeiro and my concern is precisely what will happen to us with our people being ruled by thugs, kleptocrats and even worse with groups who just want to destroy humanity, with George Soros ?? Our people were indoctrinated by the criminal faction and can not see what these thugs are doing the same to the people of Venezuela !! What can we do to prevent another country to be destroyed by these communists and capitalists goal ??

    • My understanding is that the reincarnation cycle is never-ending and the Event will not cause it to stop. The Event is simply the graduation ceremony. Typically a soul has the freedom to reincarnate on/in any world it chooses, wherever it feels it has the best potential to learn its lessons and advance spiritually. We on Earth are currently imprisoned here and have been forced to live incarnation after incarnation in 3rd density servitude, and this is what will end with the Event. Those ready to “graduate” to 4th density will live on in this new 4th density Earthly paradise which we are currently transitioning into, but the vast majority of humans will not be ready and will thus start a new 26,000 year cycle on other 3rd density worlds. But Earth is widely regarded as perhaps the harshest 3rd density world in the galaxy, so starting a new cycle on another planet will be a huge relief for most souls, despite not moving on to the higher density with the new Earth.

  35. Clarification question for Cobra

    In last month’s Q & A you said “The Republic and the currency re-set will happen at the moment of The Event and not before.”

    Is this the “Mass arrests” event or the “Compression breakthrough” event?

    Thank you for all your efforts to free this planet.


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