- The Positive military and the Resistance Movement will deliver media packages to the mass media with all the critical information needed, including clear proof of what has really been going on. However, militry and resistance groups can not be doing everything alone otherwise people could fall into fear of a coup. They will do a lot, and they will need us to participate. Strong civilian organization and community efforts are among the most effective solutions to defuse tension in the first few days and weeks after the Event.
– - There are a few facts which will absolutely need to be communicated widely in priority to avoid triggers and tension : *This is not a coup. This is not martial law. Nobody is taking charge of the country. These are lawful arrests and many proofs are available to justify these arrests and they will be presented here and now. A true democratic process is being initiated and new elections will be held as soon as possible. Your money hasn’t disappeared. The financial system has been so corrupted by these criminals that the whole computer system it is based on needs to be restarted in order to delete unfair and illegal financial programs, and to re-distribute stolen money to the people it belongs to. The stolen money belongs to every human on Earth. This money has been stolen from you through taxes and other means throughout centuries, and it will be re-distributed to every human being on Earth as soon as the financial system re-opens in a few days*
*No law of any kind is going to be imposed on you. Your destiny is in your hands through true democratic process*
*We need your help, every one of you, to ensure peace, and that everybody is being taken care of and supported during this time of transition* You don’t necessarily need to quote these word by word, what matters is the essence of the message.
– - Most people will still be deeply engrained in matrix belief systems at the time of the Event, and therefore they will not be able to process all the information in just a few days. Talking about deeper subjects such as non-physical and off-world things (galactic wars, reptilians, archons, etc) would be too much for most people to hear right away, they would overload and simply reject the whole thing, they would be likely to fall into fears that the country has been taken over by a cult or something, which could also generate violence. Therefore information in the first few days will absolutely need to be only about physical, surface based information, such as the financial system, proof of the crimes of the physical cabal such as fake wars and suppression of green technlogies, etc, without going into deeper, more sensitive details. All the information will be released of course, but people will only be able to hear it progressively, step by step.
These are fairly simple points which will absolutely need to be respected in order to avoid violence. Choice of words, energetic clarity and timing of our media responses will be very critical for the turn of events which will affect billions of people in the first few days after the Event.
We are ready.
I have triangular motherships with a scatter starfleet of ufos that follow me around the world. I have gone to many ufo conferences all over the United States and also Canada. Anyone can witness my full permanent disclosure con any clear night sky while I am around. I know a lot of ambassadors that I had met in person and also have met on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram ect. They too had sent me their photos and videos of their starships. I have videos of my starships. So I can contribute to this cause of disclosure.
Hi There!
I’m reaching out to you from minutemanpizz.com. Our team operates an extremely popular pizza site. We’ve had a few of our visitors mention your site recently, so I took a look and I’m happy to say that I was really impressed!
I’m interested in a possible article exchange between both of our sites as I am sure it will strongly benefit our sites in terms traffic.
Here is an example of the kind of search optimized articles that we write for our partners:
Just so we’re clear, we do this for free, in order to build relationships and to help our friends in the pizza making community.
If you don’t want to write an article featuring your site on our blog, that’s no problem…we can offer you a link to your site on one of our current articles….and we will still be happy to write an excellent article for your site!
Please let me know your thoughts,
Thanks so much!
P.S. Not sure if you would be interested, but we can provide article writing services for your site as well. Space for this service is extremely limited though, so please let me know if you would like to discuss…
Be advised, “Event” or not, if one of you freaks try to approach me and assert any form of authority over me or pretend to be in charge of anything, Youre gonna pay a heavy price.
Has any of you NPC drones asked your dear leader for any evidence to support this garbage?
This is a cult, and I hope you snap out of this.
You prefer the Covid cult then…arm chips…nano vaccines….forever…….genetic modification…no property…no money.. plastic food…..Big Bro Communist Control……..Go for it my friend!
Dear friend, I say this with the most kindness possible…I had an extremely hard time when I went down the rabbit hole of human trafficking, satanic child abuse horrible things I couldn’t even fathom! And the fact (yes many facts when you truly research) that it is Still happening and Has been happening do ions, was absurd to me at first. Many names of the Highest people we see on TV etc kept coming up, over and over again. Many sources. I finally realized that it couldn’t be a coincidence anymore.. When you finally realize then throughout life, history, ancient history, even the Bible, has been manipulated many times to fit Some narrative, you realize that you really don’t know anything. Then you take a break Because it’s hard! Very hard.. for a while, you take a break! Once you calm down and muster up the strength to fully admit that nothing was thought to us right, then you go down the rabbit holes agin finding your own sources and unusual sources for re-educating yourself on the Actual human nature and how it all began etc and many other things we cannot even imagine have been hidden from us for millions of years! It’s out there. You just have to be open enough to understand that there is much more to life then you have ever imagined.
Yes, very well said! It was mind blowing when I first learned about everything and how indocrinated and controlled humanity has been for hundreds/thousands of years! In some ways, it was like I had always known, so I wasn't completely shocked, but there are definitely rabbit holes that I had no idea was happening! It's all so evil, so I am so excited for this change! I knew I chose to be here to witness and take part in something so amazing and life changing! There is Definitely so much more than we have ever imagined!
Universal Mother, Universal Father please forgive me, i make big mistake to send this msg without verify, i am so sorry now i feel devastated, i lose all my hope, i need to using text app to paste into patreon because the keyboard hiding my writing, i have copy and paste old msg together, please forgive me Mother, i try hard to help humanity to awakening and connecting to the ascension orbs , i make a big mistake i am so stupid, i dont know who is Vince ( i am considered nothing, i am not vital, its my last life, i will not ascend, i have too much karmic debt, i have done harm to you), i dont understand because i love you i pray you forgive me , its destroy all my hope for the Event, i am so sorry, i dont want to disrespect you i have some issue to express myself in english, i dont want to be stock in the matrix i am so tired to suffer in this handicaped body, i cant take anymore, please TIAMAT take me i am done with all this suffering and this persecution from the government i do noting wrong to anybody i am constantly in my bed with pain if i dont ascend i dont want to suffering anymore 🙁 i dont know what to do after i am be rejected by Creators i lose everything..
keep courage François, where do you live ?
I’m the first solar being in this
Events. I will live forever ❤️ ?? on this Earth.
Now and forever true I have connected to the solar system. Note.
1. My eyes are on Fire
2. I can send flash lights in the sky both day and night..ere what am I ?
Hi Im Arthur i m fro Brazil i want to help with the event I am avaliable but I want to know how can i help
DFW AREA….I am ready…
And so it shall be! IAmWeAreNow!
theres a local newspaper early i could send it to
I would like to know how I can help in this Event, I want to contact people whose really need someone to spray this knowlege of the Event, I can go any place in USA, Canada, Mexico, or any other in Europe. I already had informed some people, but there are not to many whose wants to believe it,, I have being helping some people to give a conference about it. Please let me know to [email protected] and [email protected].
slightly modified version of the wording for improved receptibility:
“A big shift in the financial world is happening right now to bring about a new and fair financial system with far reaching effects. This is not a coup. This is not martial law. Nobody is taking charge of the country. Lawful arrests are taking place and a vast amount of proof is available to justify these arrests which will be presented to you. A true democratic process is being initiated and new elections will be held as soon as possible. Your money has not disappeared. The financial system has been so corrupted by criminals that the whole computer system it is based on needs to be restarted in order to delete unfair and illegal financial programs, as well as to re-distribute stolen money to the people it belongs to. This stolen money belongs to every human being on Earth, and has been stolen from you through taxes and other means throughout centuries, and it will be re-distributed to every human being on Earth as soon as the financial system re-opens in a short amount of time. No law of any kind is going to be imposed on you. Your destiny is in your hands through true democratic process. We need your help, every one of you, to ensure peace, and that everyone is taken care of and supported during this time of transition.”
the media will ofcourse require specific sources to refer to when expressing these announcements …
If money is re-distributed to all on earth it will inflate all monetary systems to the point money will be useless. How will this help people when $10.00 is now worth .10 cents? The only distribution of wealth that would matter is precious metal. If someone is supposedly playing Robinhood games, why not redistribute all the precious gold that has been stolen from us that was supposed to be backing the paper that we were tricked into taking for it?
For admin, I already have a package in my book. I see the people who need this history, so they can have a firm foundation to trust Cobra. My plan was to have a network in place to help with this, but nobodies read about the 96 Congo, to the present day history that’s needed first.
“The Dawning ” by Robin Fitzgerald is a fiction novel that never goes beyond what Cobra has told us.
What a shame I can’t even get a even few copies out there.
Count me in. I can deliver packages to the media
I would love to aswell
I would love to.
how come nobody heard about the resistance movement from other source than cobra?, this stink , sound like another false flag this so called ‘event’ ‘ they ‘ are planning, my opinion
beautiful everything but! when will the event?
Sounds like great advice. Still waiting, of course, for events to unfold. Maybe current events, Greek no vote, United Airlines grounding, etc. are preliminaries. Time will tell.
I am on board
Contact /Connect with me
Ready, willing and able.
I think you mean “indoctrinated” in the first bullet above.
como posso ajudar em minha comunidade?