All readers of the Prepare for Change website are invited to communicate with the Resistance Movement. After discussing this with Cobra we have discovered that members of the RM desire more information from us, the surface?population of Earth.
Cobra has passed this information to us:
(PFC0517) ?Lynn? – Cobra, is the RM the ones that give you feed-back on our meditations, you know the strength of it and the numbers.
COBRA –?Yes, yes.? (OK)
Lynn? – Are we as surface humans? able to communicate with them telepathically.
COBRA –?It is possible.? It has happened in a few instances but its not very common and very few people from the surface have enough awareness of the RM to hear that telepathic contact.
Lynn? – Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.?
COBRA –?Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would be a great idea. (wow, thats a great idea.? Thank you Cobra.) (PFC0517)
In order to facilitate this for all people and make it easy for both us and the RM, we are using this page with its comment section for this purpose. The idea is simple, go to the bottom of the page and use the comment box to share your feelings about the situation on Earth.
So please ask your?questions or make your comment with your Letter to the Resistance in the comments below.
Published July 5, 2017
[NOTE: Please do not criticize or comment on other’s letters in reply, this page is meant to enable a free exchange from our readers with the Resistance Movement, so please do not respond as though the letters are to YOU.]
Hi to you all, Cobra, RM, and everyone working to liberate this planet.
It’s a real pain in the ass to be here. Living is hard, no stability, nothing changes, it’s always the same old song.
I’m working in the health care system and definitely people are not healthy. Many cancers, many crysis situations ( heart attack, CVA, embolism, etc.)
I’m living in one of the best countries in the world. We have homes, cars, jobs, families, military, cops…
Actually our problems are more psychological. We are stressed to the breaking point, enslaved to a work where we have to give so much to never get anything back and get a payroll at the end of the week where we are sub paid. To have a decent revenu, we have to be litterally enslaved to our boss, which means having little hours and having to be available to wait for any call where we can go to work.
We are litterally selling 90% of our lives to the government and the way he greets us is by always asking more from us.
I consider myself as awakened since some time and i keep the pace, bringing light where it’s so damn dark. I never had any problems with the patients i am treating, but the people with whom i am working have serious trouble with so much light.
I am opened to anything life can bring me but sometimes money is the problem.
We are living to work for money and sadly, we have no concrete means to begin new projects ( Like tachyon chambers, alternative medecine,etc…)
I’m feeling like i can change the world and actually the only way i can do is by working in a system where people are enslaved to work and where people are allergic to light. 6 years now that i’m working on this path, and still nothing stable and nothing changes.
Thank you all for your help
It would be really great if things could speed up a bit… We are pushed way past the limit.
From my point of view, there is no changes without crisis.
Maybe it’s time to break everything up to rebuild anew…
Anonymous RespiratoryTherapist
Aug Tellez will tell us the 411:
I am sorry this is so long, truly I am**
Part 1 Why the Infighting?
I feel this is just another manifestation of extreme separation consciousness. If people believe they are separate from others and Source, then there is no guaranteed ” provider” of our essential needs, so everyone else is a competitor, like the animal world, we see this in careers.
Due to much harm done by the species to its own species, others, on top of being separate, are a potential threat to safety also. Both these have the potential to cause attacks. Lightworkers are under the same influences, same programming.
It is also a facet of binary thinking (Cameron Day). Everything is right or wrong, this way or that way..no middle ground. Beliefs are very powerful, beliefs about spiritual matters are probably the most powerful, they cut to the core. Due to the ego, which can only think in binary, each person’s own beliefs must be right, so anyone Else’s belief is completely unacceptable, causing outrage.
Once you can see that there cannot possibly be a right “belief”, because it is a belief, (though I do believe there is a truth), then you can see that someone else’s is not wrong, it is different to yours. You can then cease to be bothered by it, let it go, even admit you might have got yours wrong. Buddhist teachings and practice have helped me with this one, reduced its power.
Other messages to RM part 2
The mass meditation is hard for many to visualize, thus actualize, in its current format.
Some healing transmissions are said to contain the opposite. Do you know of this, and if our guidance is low, are there any clues which may be harmful?
My Story part 3
(My own letter about my suffering, put here because it took 2 hours to get to bottom of this page, no facility to add file).
First, THANK YOU RM, Galactic Federation, Pleiadians , COBRA! For everything. I aplogise for the
letters that have offensive material, it is due to the suffering.
The”Story” (Of a nobody).
Violent Father, attacked Mother, probably witnessed as baby, first memory his shouting.
Mother got him away.
Mother sick and ailing from my young age, I absorbed a lot of this and seemed to have some kind of an illness “Agreement” with her. Tried to clear. Child mother, scary. She died when I was 14, collapsed on me.I had had a precognition, my life died.
No counseling in those days, family would not speak of it.
Without my consent, I was placed with my older Uncle. He did not like children, had just married younger lady, I was terribly in the way, I empathize. I had to leave my Grammar and go to local
comprehensive, ridiculed as spoke “poshly”, inferior education here.
At that house of no home, My Uncle treated me as the house servant, I had to do cooking, baking, mashing up, Saturday as given no pocket money. I bought some makeup,made Uncle cross and I had to give him some of my Saturday cash.( Well off couple, good jobs,no kids, house bought outright etc). He told me I was not doing enough in the house, but I could not see how I could. When his wife went away to stay, I was made to wait on him, hand and food. He would sit at the table and not budge, as things were placed in front of him, and taken away. He said no point having a dog and barking yourself.
I developed severe nightmares, gastric and intestinal problems and bad anxiety/panic attacks that made everything so hard while I was young especially, interfered with relationships.
The house duties did interfere with my education, but I got some Ordinary and Advanced levels and got into Nursing (I choose this when I was five). I later did a psychology degree..they are way off the truth.
I did quite well, senior skilled. But the anxiety led me to alcohol and some poor jobs and poor relationships. One rape by one I loved.
The bullying started soon, was intense and extreme, generally by males. I seem to have all my Earth’s family and Soul Groups stuff to clean. This being my Father’s karma, though I am responsible.
Began to wake 2009, found what had been missing, found psychic gifts,started healing, no instructions.
Uncomfortable energy blocks moving around my gut, almost as soon as I woke a bit, which went to my neck, as I was/am full of karmic, ancestral stuff, tried multiple healers: Shamanic work, Crystals, Reiki, Radionics (Pendulum), Witcraft(white), clearings. I now work with sound and frequencies a lot and unconscious blocks, subliminals. I spent masses of money paying others and massive amount of time/energy time trying myself.
I found Cobra, his first post. I stayed. I set up the FB Group which is now Cobra Etheric Liberation. I had intended it as a support, a resource.
The archons attacked my energy field and others, always in the dark. I cleared them from me and others and healed the aura damage with my pendulum. But something happened, I got generally unwell, spasms, pains bad in neck then spread to face. Medical profession not able to help, it is a non physical block. I just got unhelpful labels.
I ended up in so much pain, I would throw myself about the bad. I went Psychotic, started drinking alcohol, taking fistfuls of a sleeping tablet, only drug that reduced the cramping. No help to come off these in UK, they only help opiate addictions.
I researched and decide on suicide by starvation. By now, I had left Nursing, and was in bed all the time.( It is set up so that it is highly difficult to get back on the Nursing Register, career gone, my 2 dogs died, car sold, house leaks, everything broken, no benefit for months (UK system very tough). No bills paid 10 months, too terrified to read post or call creditors. Gone crazy, so friends gone. Hardest..I lost my psychic abilities and connection to guides and healing. I could not meditate, made pain worse…
I got found unconscious, sent to hospital having seizures, with malnutrition, infection? brain injury.
Discharged, just hid in bed, lying on painful ares of face was all I could do.
I tried many tines to get off the sleeping pills, stop, withdraw, start, stop. Eventually managed,
it alone, it was horrific.
My mind recovered, I returned to meditating, healing. I spend hours a day. I would so love to do ordinary things! Almost all of the back payment from benefits underpaid, has gone on healing fees. This makes me sad. The soldiers must pay for their own medical care, often they can’t. I have regular Scalar Tachyon healing, with my intuitive healer, the stuck energy is being pulled away, layer by layer. Maybe I will get to the bottom of it. I ask that a portion of my healing may be given to someone with no benefit, if a few of us do this, it could maybe build up a kind of healing bank, RM?
2 other other healers recently, both quite possibly ? with the most powerful methods available( Includes this 4 phase system on a one on one), have not had any effect in improving me, by trying to clear me of all these entities, agreements with the dark, portals, cords etc etc that I had been working on myself, and had already paid other healers to remove them. The last healer has tried to block my escape routes/urges. I hope he didn’t manage it, I did not get chance to say no.
Clearly I must be” barking up the wrong tree”, getting something fundamentally wrong. I changed my attitude to the sensations as best I could, connecting deeply into it,into my body, sending it kindness. It is said a lot, that as soon as you understand what the pain is here to teach, it goes. I have asked, in silent meditation, kindly, many different ways.
I have done many wrongs, yet have also done/do much kindness, and I am increasingly aware of the
judgements of the shadow self and being more able to drop them. I help others any way I can.
I can see it all now, my life, the good and the bad and I forgive it. I have forgiven everyone, I hope, including me. Everything has to be forgiven. But I keep thinking my HS will not allow the healing to penetrate, I have not learned my “lessons”.
I thought this was the old paradigm and was changing, fading. I don’t feel I need to be a hero any more though, 4 years like this, with no quality of life and no guarantee of recovery, points to euthanasia; my mind, heart and soul are exhausted. No judgements if anyone reads…these are your beliefs allow me mine.
Underpinning though, often there is hope and a feeling that all this would be futile, if it did not result in good. What does my HS require, or what else could be blocking, my subconscious, I have no idea.
This RM, describes the difficulty some of us not fully awakened, have trying to clean ourselves up.
Thank you, Namaste, Indi.
Go all the way – Charles Bukowski Poem
if you’re going to try, go all the
otherwise, don’t even start.
if you’re going to try, go all the
this could mean losing girlfriends,
wives, relatives, jobs and
maybe your mind.
go all the way.
it could mean not eating for 3 or 4 days.
it could mean freezing on a
park bench.
it could mean jail,
it could mean derision,
isolation is the gift,
all the others are a test of your
endurance, of
how much you really want to
do it.
and you’ll do it
despite rejection and the worst odds
and it will be better than
anything else
you can imagine.
if you’re going to try,
go all the way.
there is no other feeling like
you will be alone with the gods
and the nights will flame with
do it, do it, do it.
do it.
all the way
all the way.
you will ride life straight to
perfect laughter, it’s
the only good fight
there is
Dear MR
I once again write to share with you a poem that I like very much. I think art helps us to understand because it comes from within the soul.
They say our emotional impressions get marked in art, so I leave to you from RM those poems of a talented writer on our planet. I hope it helps you to understand us better.
I always get emotional when I see these poems
Hi, Sam here.
I thought I might talk something different. You live mostly underground at levels far deeper than public installations (subway tunnels and stations, underpasses, road tunnels.)
In Singapore’s case a few methods are used depending on the scope of the project and the conditions of the site for the proposed installation. Most of Singapore is paved over so messy diversions of existing roads need to be done if open cut and cover is required.
Open cut and cover is like digging a hole big enough to bury a building in it, and putting soil on top when the project is finished, leaving the entrances to the underground train station the only visible aspects of the building.
The main risk comes from areas where water bodies once existed, because with our level of technology we have to deal with grey marine clay (like Boston’s blue clay) that behaves like toothpaste. Before any excavating is done with open-cut-and-cover diaphragm walls need to be dug and filled with concrete. Reinforcement bars in these walls can be 40-50mm in diameter because to hold back the soil+water backpressure.
In between stations tunnels are bored using large drilling machines with rotating cutterheads that as they move forward they place curved segments to form a circle as they progress, so their finished profile is in the shape of a tube.
With highway tunnels here we still use cut and cover, as the highways need to be minimum three lanes wide in either direction to justify the cost.
Eventually there are plans in the future to put entire buildings underground, but technology in the public domain is falling short for now. Singapore’s obsession with going underground is because the above ground land usage is almost full.
I have worked in construction before and the process of digging a 30-40 meter deep, 200 meter long cavity is difficult and dangerous and requires extensive pre-planning, sitework, surveying and tons of paperwork. Construction firms here tend to cut corners, have little ethics guiding their activities and exploitation of labor is all too common.
If your technology is good enough that you can create vast underground spaces far below what we are capable of today with greater ease with far less risk to life and limb, it would be helpful to have some of this technology. Its clear to us that technology has been held back to continue making us toil away for pittance under the same masters who poison us with preservatives and then poison us further when we ask for the cure.
Love to you and all!
Resistance Movement, I’ve my take here:
There are three layers of the conflict:
1. Programmed Ego
2. Lack of Light
3. Clashing Paradigm
More importantly this is all under heavy programmed by the matrix, etheric surveillance, sequencing attack, implants, ect. We need to voice out of our freewill in heart, as well as in words.
I would like RM to supply more help to people who wishes to take action, like to join resistance, or to join groups in their region. I also would like to get a cintamani stone but I couldn’t get a reply to my email. Maybe they are out of stones. I continue to direct flow of ligth via my big conic crystal from up in to center of world. I want to do this with a cintamani stone.
I’m delighted for this. I have a hell of a thing to share once I sober up, its gonna be quite a bit. Not gonna be pleasant stuff but I feel it’s stuff that needs to be said. I’ve written it out on the 21st of this month and have been procrastinating because nervous and other such psychological blocks. Bare with me please when the time comes. I’m just trying to do my part as best as I can with what little I have left. I hope it can help someone somewhere somehow. <3
yaldaboath / chimera.?…… Orders from the resistance…..NOTHING ……I mean NOTHING happens positive on this planet until this entity is completely cleared and then there is the black stone and then there are toplet bombs under Long Island NY. and after that who knows what else will be found. Trump is surrounded by Zionists and now mind controlled so American freedom and the worthless British Maritime law system and evil monetary system grow worse. Trump can’t even do away with the IRS robbing the public and going to the pope and Rothschild banks oversea’s. He is now one of them…..That is why I didn’t vote…..worthless to do so. Waste of time. Either the entire Gov. Corp goes down or same ole $@&% like always. What happened to our new REPUBLIC and back to the original constitution? This took place 2 1/2 years ago? Are you kidding me? What a joke……..worthless move…..has done nothing but stay a secret.
What happened to the mass “emergency” meditation that once made the Resistance Movement so happy? Why can’t we do it every day focusing on ONE main goal instead of 10000 goals on Sunday. We could COMPLETELY eliminate this entity in a week!!!!!! Why is this not being done? Does it have to be snail slow forever? OMG……You have been working on this for how long? 2 years so far? How many more earth years do you need to melt it the slow way. 2018…then 2019 and how much longer….maybe 180 chimera will win and hold us hostage till 2025……Score for the chimera….They WIN.
So……There are BILLIONS of ships cloaked and doing NOTHING but wait for us on the surface to take over the world completely separated by lack of communication and guidance……dream on. The cabal still have the same power they always have and it’s getting even worse because they are now really pissed off that they will eventually go to prison…They will hold out till the last one of them is DEAD so you can arrest them easily and secretly in the astral ?..NO wonder it’s getting worse.
IMO……The Chimera have you guys scared to death. Sure they are dangerous and fear is their business….Stop being SO afraid of them OK? I hear nothing but fear when you talk about them. They win via your fear and will hold this planet hostage FOREVER as long as you fear them. They are nothing but pieces of %#(&. We….””the collective” can destroy them ANYTIME…..All we need is a date and time. Problem eliminated….Don’t believe me….Ask ra tier eir of The Sphere Being Alliance ……he knows it…..I know it….Why don’t you?
What is keeping the chimera from blowing up the planet right now knowing that they are doomed anyway…..What are they scared of? Ever discuss that in counsel?
So….We are hostages……What about their home planet ? Why not make a DEAL with them. It’s only about 180 right? CRAZY insane situation that has everyone scared to death……180 chimera hold 7 billion humans and billions of cloaked ET’s hostage……Have you lost your minds? Have about 500 million ships go to their home planet and hold their planet(s) hostage….If they want their race to live then fight fire with fire. They leave here unharmed and save their race or…..If they want to blow us up they also lose their race and planet(s)….That is the only way they will respond and leave us alone!…..Im sorry……Im am fully aware of beautiful life on a higher dimensional planet but real is real…….Time to stop the karma fears……I thought prime creator has made an exception to karma for this planet’s ascension so we can fight fire with fire…..what happened to that?
Let’s stop screwing around with FEAR from them……….Screw the fear……Get it done so we can all go home and live decent lives and be with our Galactic family’s……NOW. We are all EXTREMELY tired.
It is more than 5 years since Cobra’s site appeared, not 2, and the RM & Cobra have been working for around 40 years or so, I don’t know exactly, on this. They devised a plan that they have been following & it is finally close (comparatively) to completion. You can read about it in the archives to the right of the blog.
Cobra. I am a therapist, selflessly helping people to get out of their pathologies when they have been cruelly evicted by traditional medicine, I feel immensely good for this relief work and I do not seek recognition for this duty. Now I have seen more and more that the emotional pain in people increases there is much silent anguish, many are lost. I see it for example with cancer and the toxicity of negative emotions in the patient’s environment, although I get involved and there are very good results, I see that this little bit of sand is very small for this immense sand dune. To the most awake I speak of you and spiritual masters, but very few understand and awaken your conscience. I see in you, hope. Why is the arrival of the golden era of humanity so long delayed? You can give more details, talk more about spiritual hierarchies, as we can help more please.
I came in as a servant to The Whole 70 years ago. I have never put money before the higher choices so I have been working on a shoe string the whole time. I am understandably tired as well as suffering from EMF/RF exposure– not to mention Chemtrail poisoning. PLEASE get this done!
Those of us who have been on the front lines for so long can’t last much longer. We still have lots to do after The Shift and need our strength to do what needs to be done to continue to move the planet forward in the Light. It doesn’t have to be perfect. We can keep it going, if you will just give us the support we need to do it NOW.
to Gregstevenson: it is the most sensitive that suffer the most, hands down. By sensitive I mean those, like you, vibrating at such a high level, it is excruciating to be here. Happy birthday and thank you for the number of years you have made it thus far. REALLY. TRULY. THANK YOU.
Fellow light workers: first let me say thank you, for standing by our side faithfully, though unseen so many times. I know it is dreadful to watch suffering and be powerless to help. So thank you for not turning away, thank you for standing by ready to help. I am grateful and many down here on the front lines are grateful. Many of us are homesick but our resolve is stronger than ever. We will not give up. There is so much work to be done, the level of chaos here, and the lack of communication, and disorganization, it is hard for you to imagine. So sometimes we accomplish what we set out to do but other times it is like trying to hold water in your hands. Time runs away here.
Dear ones: we need more guidance. When the star seeds wake up they remain ignorant of their purpose. They need to come up to speed faster and learn. Newly awoken star seeds are very vulnerable to attacks and misinformations. Many fall by the wayside and have not been able to contribute to the cause.
Also there is very little self love and personal esteem for the gifts that we possess. Many of us have not been well regarded on the surface. Without self love and personal honor it is difficult to complete the connection to the source. So the messages we receive get jumbled. Dancers artists, shamans, writers and musicians are not held in high regard on the surface. This causes divisions and distraction, how can someone accept another human if they cannot first accept themselves? Impossible as you well know.
We are disconnected from our own bodies and don’t understand the connection between mind and body. Many star seeds demean their vessels and do not value it and therefore their ability to receive your messages is minimized. They also cannot access their abilities properly nor anchor the energies correctly. More information in this area would be helpful.
The lies here are many so to improve the situation and increase participation on the surface, we need a three fold attempt : increase self esteem, protection and welcoming for newbies, and most important guidance and information regarding mind, body connection.
The new ones are the most vulnerable much like the baby sea turtles when they are born, they are such easy targets for annihilation we must focus more on embracing, welcoming and mentoring our newbies. The ranks will remain thin, unless we take care of our little ones newly awoken.
Lastly I want to tell you the sacrifices are well worth planetary liberation. It’s tough but we were born for this! we are holding the line and cannot do it without your help. We knew what we signed on for. The cause is worth it! Many thanks and salute: Victory of the light!
We are attacking each other because there is ‘NO F&^#$ TRUTH HERE ‘ EVERYBODY IS suspect and this world is a f-ing lying rat race at every corner gone nuclear! It is only about survival of the fittest and if my neighbor dies for my gain then so be it, all because of money! How can anybody care about each other when we are just trying to survive at everybody else’s expense! ARE YOU ALL TO F-ING STUPID TO SEE THIS, ARE YOU SO BLIND TO NOT SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING ON THIS SH**-HOLE PLANET OF WHICH I CAN GIVE YOU THOUSANDS OF CABAL MURDERS AND WARS TO KILL 90% of the population. WAKE THE F-UCK UP!
Ich bin.
Ich höre auf den Vornamen Robert und ich fühle mich angesprochen wenn dieser Gerufen wird.
Es ist möglich mich 3km Südlich von Gniest ein Ortsteil von Kemberg, Sachen Anhalt in Deutschland zu finden.
Es Stellt sich die Frage was relevante Information? Dankeschön Hymnen erspart ich mir, da sie selbst verständlich sind.
Ich werde jetzt erzählen was ich getan habe, was ich jetzt mache, und was ich plane.
Nach dem mir Bewusst geworden war, was für eine Lüge mich umgibt. Habe ich Dinge die mich abgelenkt haben, so gut es geht entfernt. Erst den Fernseher, dann das Auto Radio, das Internet (schnelles Internet).
Es war anfangs ein echter Kampf jemanden zu finden der ähnlich denkt. Folglich kommt man sich ganz schön allein vor und man zweifelte daran ob noch alle Synapsen einwandfrei Funktionieren.
Nach einer Weile wurde klar das nichts von ungefähr geschieht und vieles einer höheren Ordnung folgt.
Somit war ich dort gelandet wo ich jetzt bin. Es gibt hier einige interessante Individuen. Die Wenn man sie lassen würde die Welt wieder in ein Paradies verwandeln könnten.
Es gibt einige Hindernisse die Wänden ähneln.
Eine davon ist Bürokratie. Dann Gier obwohl alle wenn sie dran Teil nehmen mehr als genug bekommen würden.
Somit mache ich die Schritte die mir möglich sind. Indem ich mich um Bienen kümmere und ihr Umgebung aufwerte.
Alles andere erzürnt die Gier und ihr Gewalt Monopol rückt an.
Es könnte schneller gehen, jedoch liegt die treibende Kraft in der Monopol Stellung des Drakonischen wert tauschen.
Mein Wunsch für meine unmittelbare Umgebung ist der Aufbau eines größeren
Gebietes in eineinem Umgebung des Überflusses für Mensch und Tier. Im warten Sinne des Wortes “Blühende Landschaften”. Wo die Luft sauber das Wasser rein und die Böden sauber sind.
Analyse der Situation der Deutschsprachigen Stämme. Also die Menschen die in dem konstrukt BRD leben.
Mein Stamm befindet sich in einer Situation die Ohne Hilfe von Aussen nicht mehr umkehrbar ist.
Aus meiner Sicht befindet sich mein Stamm seit vielen Tausend Jahren im Konflikt mit den Dunklen Kräften.
Jedoch subversiveste Waffe in Form von Religion war nicht sofort zu bezwingen.
Jetzt wo man das Christentum fast ergründet hat und mein Stamm wieder dabei ist sich dem zu befreien.
Kommt der nächste Angriff auf ihren Geist und Ihre Freiheit, in form einer anderen Religion. Noch gewalttätiger als die vorher gehende.
Mein Stamm ist so zersplittert und die Splitter so verschoben, das es fast unmöglich ist sie wieder zusammen zu bringen.
Um den Stamm wieder zusammen zu führen ist Zeit notwendig. Jedoch ist die Zeit um. Wenn in den nächsten Monaten keine Hilfe kommt wird mein Stamm enden.
Das liegt daran das mein Stamm keine physischen mittel mehr hat um sich wären.
Wie lernt man Telepathie?
Ich bin müde.
PS. Komm mal auf ein Kaffee vorbei dann unterhalten wir uns mehr.
google t – Hello.
I am.
I listen to the first name Robert and I feel addressed when this is called.
It is possible to find 3km South of Gniest a district of Kemberg, things Anhalt in Germany.
There is the question of what relevant information? I hate the hymns because they are self-evident.
I will now tell you what I have done, what I am doing now, and what I plan.
After which I realized what a lie surrounds me. I have things that distracted me, as far as it goes. First the TV, then the car radio, the Internet (fast internet).
It was at first a real struggle to find someone who thinks similarly. Therefore, one is quite alone and one doubted whether all synapses still function properly.
After a while, it was clear that nothing was happening, and much of a higher order followed.
So I landed where I am now. There are some interesting individuals here. The If you leave them would turn the world back into a paradise.
There are some obstacles resembling the walls.
One is bureaucracy. Then greed though all if they would get to take part more than enough.
So I do the steps that are possible for me. By taking care of bees and enhancing their surroundings.
Everything else angered the greed, and their monopoly of power was aroused.
It could go faster, but the driving force lies in the monopolistic position of Draconian.
My desire for my immediate environment is building a larger one
Area in an environment of abundance for humans and animals. In the waiting sense of the word “flowering landscapes”. Where the air clean the water is pure and the floors clean.
Analysis of the situation of the German speaking tribes. So the people living in the FRG.
My tribe is in a situation that can no longer be reversed without external help.
From my point of view my tribe has been in conflict with the Dark Forces for many thousands of years.
However, subversive weapon in the form of religion was not immediately conquered.
Now that Christianity has almost been fathomed, and my tribe is again free.
Come the next attack on her mind and your freedom, in the form of another religion. Even more violent than the previous one.
My tribe is so fragmented and the fragments shifted so it is almost impossible to bring them back together.
To reunite the tribe, time is necessary. However, the time is up. If there is no help in the coming months my tribe will end.
This is because my tribe no longer have any physical means around them.
How to learn telepathy?
I am tired.
The End
Thank you!
PS. Come over for a coffee, then we’ll talk more.
*** Depression, profanity alert ***
Okay, I wasn’t going to, but here goes.
We fight each other out of fear, lack, it’s a human thing, if you can’t figure that out, then don’t bother.
Personally I’m just pissed off most of the time. “Hurray up and wait” seems to be the mantra of the last SEVEN f*%#$ years.
I do all I can to get out of dire financial straits I created for myself, caused by trying to survive. I’m responsible for my mess, but what does that matter to you?
I’d like to do more for others, but can’t seem to get that moving forward anymore. That’s the part that crushes me the most.
Can’t listen to any more Cobra messages, they are far too depressing. Have no idea what the “Resistance Forces” are actually doing, except blaming us for everything – fine I’ll accept that.
Future plans? Who knows, I just keep trying to survive, I hate my f_____ life, chronic pain, blah, blah, blah.
If the “Hierarchy of Heaven” wants to enjoy watching the Cabal monsters express their oh-so-precious free will and continue their antics, then what need do we have for Heaven?
Have I done ALL I can to help with planetary liberation (FB, YT channels, social media, endlessly talking to people, etc)? Possibly, possibly not, but we’ll be blamed nevertheless. After so many decades, the ‘fight’ is really starting to go out of me.
It’s my birthday today, and the only thought is how I wished I’d never been born into this pointless, rotten world.
Specific enough? Or were you hoping for something more sugar coated?
A few years ago I would have written a totally different “letter” – but as I said, that would have been YEARS ago.
Guess I’ll just watch another Bentinho Massaro video to try and feel better (recommended). Will that help usher in the new, glorious world we’re constantly told about is about to happen? Whatever.
Have a nice day, and don’t worry, we don’t expect ANYTHING from the RM anymore. I’ll never bother you with my ingratitude ever again, cheers!
I will celebrate that your soul was born on this day. EVERY soul is important in this battle. Thank you for being here under such trying circumstances. Go Gently with yourself Go Gently with yourself
O Cobra disse que tem um certo grupo nas forças dá luz que são a favor de uma intervenção mais direta, tirar a escória de terra pela força, óbvio que isso é uma mà ideia em uma situação de refém como a nossa, e se eu ouvisse isso há alguns meses atrás eu iria achar uma ideia ridícula e perigosa, afinal eles poderiam ativar as bombas de plasma , mas hoje em dia , eu não tô nem ligando, eu queria que as forças dá luz entrassem logo aqui e acabassem com todos eles, eles precisam de aniquilação, são sujos, nojentos, desprezíveis, a maioria do povo tá terra tá cansado, exausto, se eles quiserem explodir tudo, deixa que explodam, que se foda esse planeta idiota, é bem melhor morrer do que continuar vivendo encarcerado, por lagartos imundos e judeus. Idai se ativarem bomba de plasma, idai, isso daqui é só uma pedrinha flutuando no universo, insignificante, se explodirem esse planeta nos simplesmente poderíamos ser realocados e já era, manda todos eles para o sol central, vaporize todos eles, se eles explodirem o planeta vão estar apenas nos libertando, todo mundo na terra pensaria assim se soubesse dá real situação em que vivem, essa abordagem pacífica das forças dá luz está muito lenta, e não tem sentido, esse planeta pode ser bonito mas é bem melhor que fosse explodido se isso significar nossa liberdade e a aniquilação desses porcos espaciais. Dê uma boa olhada na situação dos habitantes da Terra, Muito sofrimento, um planeta feito de sofrimento, muito pior que o inferno, muito pior que a morte.
google t – The Cobra said that there is a certain group in the light forces that are in favor of a more direct intervention, to take the slag off the ground by force, obviously that is a bad idea in a hostage situation like ours, and if I heard This a few months ago I would find a ridiculous and dangerous idea, after all they could activate the plasma bombs, but nowadays, I do not even call, I wanted the forces of light to enter here and finish them all, They are dirty, disgusting, despicable, most of the people are tired, exhausted, if they want to blow everything up, let them explode, fuck that idiot planet, it’s much better to die than to continue living in prison, By unclean lizards and Jews. Idai if they activate plasma bomb, idai, this is just a pebble floating in the universe, insignificant, if they explode that planet we could just be reallocated and it was already, send them all to the central sun, vaporize them all, if they blow the Planet will only be releasing us, everyone on earth would think so if they knew give real situation in which they live, this peaceful approach of forces gives light is very slow, and no sense, this planet can be beautiful but it is better that it was exploded If it means our freedom and the annihilation of these space hogs. Take a good look at the situation of the inhabitants of the Earth, Much suffering, a planet made of suffering, much worse than hell, much worse than death.
Dear RM,
Please help me to remove the demon inside my ex-wife Sandy’s body.
I really need my assets back to do more light works. I love light work so much.
Thank you!
I am a starseed of probable Arcturian origin. I was one of the first wave of galactic volunteers who incarnated just after Earth’s Second World War ended with the dropping of the reinvented atomic bomb in 1945. I arrived precisely during the second half of the 20th century, with apparently more of my memory of my galactic origins and mission more intact than most, and hence a more whole-systems, objective mindset throughout this present lifetime.
Here is my response to your two related questions concerning:
1) Why Earth humans suffer so greatly, and 2) Why they, in the face of such life-threatening danger as they constantly face from extremely dangerous dark forces on this planet, they usually fail to unite in any systemic way for their own benefit and survival against this unimaginably evil common enemy.
As you and your public spokesperson, COBRA, have said, all of us here are forced to have primary implants as part of our soul contract to incarnate on Earth. And you have in your most recent response given some excellent practical protocols as to how these implants can now be dissolved by all of those living among the surface population.
As one who has since youth been implementing all of these protocols – other than the daily ten-minute written exercise specifically targeting the primary implants –
I would seek to answer your second question, incorporating both your first question and its answer with the following sequence of related statements:
o The primary implant keeps the majority of Earth’s surface population feeling separated from their Creator;
o This of course also keeps them feeling separated from their own inner being and apparent other beings;
o Further, this sense of separation causes the surface population to feel inadequate and therefore vulnerable to the cabal’s mass mind control programs – both enculturated and technological – that they are lacking in worth and sovereignty, and therefore need to adhere to the cabal’s prescribed/proscribed institutionalized hierarchical programs in order to be validated;
o This gives rise to the need to prove one’s own worth, and connection to those people and things commonly esteemed worthy by the manipulated, materialistic, malevolent standards of these cabal-devised hierarchical institutions. This gives rise on this planet to adherence to all of the deeply dysfunctional “isms” pursued by individuals/groups at the expense of all other apparent other individuals/groups to assert their compensatory, supposed superiority: racism, sexism, classicism, intellectualism, dogmatism, etc;
o These “isms” mask such disturbed individuals’/groups’ underlying unacknowledged, repressed emotions of envy, anger, resentment and fear, along with their resulting in further unacknowledged, repressed emotions of guilt, pain and shame. And these powerful repressed negative emotions bred of separation-based fear also demand that these groups/individuals always need to feel that they are “right”;
o So painful are these unacknowledged, repressed emotions that, rather than access these repressed emotions in order to heal them, these disturbed individuals/groups project these negative emotions onto apparent others. This creates conflicts with these apparent others, for which these disturbed individuals refuse to take responsibility, much less work with these seeming others – either their perceived enemies and/or with possible mediators to resolve these internal, interpersonal, and intergroup conflicts;
o This results in more serious, protracted, unresolved, emotionally/physically violent conflicts, resulting in everything from broken personal relationships among individuals/smaller groups, to civil and foreign wars among larger groups/nations lasting decades/centuries;
o All of the above tendencies have been exploited and exacerbated by the dark cabal. This was done for both maintaining control and for harvesting negative psychic energy on behalf of themselves and their own hyperdimensional archonic masters, with this remaining hidden until recently from most of the surface population. This manipulative control was, as you may know, achieved earlier in Earth’s history through systemic hierarchically enculturated forms of mind control, such as religion, education and debt-based financial systems, as well as dark infiltration and subversion of positively intentioned groups and institutions, often through archonic influence of individuals’ behavior through induced trauma, sexual contact or drugs.
This has now been greatly enhanced, and in many ways superseded since the 20th century, by much more centralized systems of all sorts. These much more centralized systems include governmental/military/information systems, systemic environmental toxification of the surface population and cosmically nihilistic nuclear/quantum-based weapons and mind control technologies, imperiling not only the existence of this planet, but, as you know, that of this planetary system, and of all planetary systems beyond.
The utterly ruthless but incredibly cunning intergalactic dark cabal has, in short, been manipulating the infinitely creative but vastly suppressed power of Earth humans – particularly their extraordinary capacity for feeling – in such a manner so as to induce the surface population to use this power against themselves, with tragic endings to their cabal-scripted dramas – especially since the destruction of Atlantis some 13,000 years ago.
o Just as you have recently recommended an eminently practical protocol by which each being on Earth could end the sense of separation induced by their primary implants, the Ascended Master Jeshua/Sananda recommended one for ending that sense of third dimensional separation from all apparent others thousands of years ago.
I myself have esteemed this spiritual protocol so highly, that I have for many years pursued a lonely, often frustrating path attempting to implement it in all of my relationships with apparent others, whether with individuals or with institutions. I feel to the core of my being that if this supremely practical interpersonal peace protocol found in The Gospel of Matthew, Verses 18-22 were routinely followed, it would have long since since brought peace to this much-afflicted world and its peoples:
15 “If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the (community); and if he refuses to listen even to the (community, let him be to you as an outcast until he repents).
18 Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 19 Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
21 Then Peter came up and said to him, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? As many as seven times?” 22 Jesus said to him, “I do not say to you seven times, but seventy times seven.” (Revised Standard Version)
Another aspect of peacemaking with which some of us possessing greater vision are presently working is the transpartisan movement, that now seeks to persuade the deeply divided American people to seek common ground and act together for the common good through skillfully facilitated public discussions.
I am a being of many lives and therefore many talents; if I can be of any further service to the galactic forces during this momentous time of the victory of the light on Earth, then please let me know.
Rebecca Em Campbell-Western Washington State-USA
[email protected] 206-926-3962
Dear R M and those of the Light !
I live in England UK.In the south west part ! We are suffering badly with chemical spraying. It is now getting very bad.I would like to9 know what they are spraying and Why ?
I have read to much of this subject and none of it every makes sense at all.
The people that rule over us have there fingers in everything that we see , hear and feel.
If is was not for the internet we would have not got this far.That is controlled by company’s that who just look for profit.They are part of the 5% that own and control us on a daily basic.
Governments Royalty and the media are acting like spoiled kids, they tell us one thing then do another.
Why ! money they are in a greed mentality !
Everything in the UK is far to expensive right now . I have to work very hard just to keep myself feed and clothed and pay rents , taxes to all sorts of governments and it`s departments.
I am now divorced and have 2 daughters they do not live with me.So i visit them when i can.My eldest lives about a 4 hour commute to another part of this country.That is a nightmare trying to get a train a bus or the best way to get there all to expensive for what it is…:-)
I hope this will give you an idea what people on the surface of this beautiful planet experiences on a daily basic here on mother earth.
My heart felt thanks to you and all star seeds everywhere.
Thank you for being near.You are most welcome to come to my house and talk with me…
It would be a great experience for me.I love music, and yoga and making my own music…
Let us drink tea and play music and praise the source for all things we can do !
Victory of the light !
Salem is unusually tense tonight
My Name is Lorrie!
I wanted to tell you the story of my Life!
Born out of wedlock, Father deserted us at 8 months old, Mother took us to Oregon, with her new Man! He was an alcoholic, abusive, sexual predator,my sister and I were molested! to put it mildly, My Mom was beaten, locked in her room for days at a time,my 2 brother’s, and I and my sister were also beaten! My older brother joined the Army when he was 17, my sister ran away, and ended up in a girl’s home!
Desperate to flee the situation! that left me to defend all of us against attack’s from Stepfather. Twice, I put him in the hospital,wasn’t going to stand for the abuse any longer!! I was 13, and was the one who decided to save his life, and drove him to the Hospital! I am no killer! I don’t have a mean bone in my body!
I eventually took my younger brother and fled to Grandmothers house just 500 yds away on same property. Told Mother were out, come with or you will never see us again! She stayed!
thought he would kill her at some point!
Graduated from High school!! First one in my family, clear back to my Great Grandfather!
Moved to California, had a child, 2 years later, get the phone call, My Mother and Grandmother were dead!!, Thought it was my Stepfather who did it, was my Mom’s new Husband! Execution style back of the head, IMAGINE!! No Funeral for them, couldn’t afford it.
My Aunt comes in, pays off my Grandmother’s Estate Lawyer,,and take’s the Estate from all of us children!, I was the Executor in her will!!, She takes what she wanted, and burned the rest!
Leave’s my Mom’s Ashe’s at the Mortuary, doesn’t pay the $500.00 to get her Ashe’s, take’s my Grandmother’s Ashe’s back to Florida with her!, Against my Grandmother’s wishes!
We are left broken!!
Come home to my Husband and 2 yr old child, find he’s been unfaithful, has gotten someone else pregnant, want’s a DIVORCE!
Needless to say, at this point, I couldn’t take one more thing!
I tried to commit suicide several time’s, but..Noooo!!
God had another plan for my Life!!
And now, I await my Grand Deliverance, and Gift’s from Heaven above!!
After all this suffering, I still have FAITH in His Holy Promise’s!!
Thank you for believing in me, all this time!!
I will not dissapoint you Father!!
Thank you for all you are about to bestow on Humanity!! No word’s can express, how Vindicated I feel at this moment!!
I know this letter is supposed to be to Galactic’s, but I have a feeling , they can pass this on to God!!
To all Galactic’s, RM, White Hat’s,Agarthan’s, Arcturian’s, Pleiadian’s, Blue Sphere Alliance, all men and women who have layed thier live’s down for all of us! Never forget!!
and all other entities responsible for Earth’s Liberation.
Thanking you will take the rest of my life, but now, I have a chance at a GREAT LIFE!!
So Darn Excited!! LOL!!
Moral of the story?!
Don’t ever, give up on your dream’s!! And never underestimate God’s Love for each, and everyone of you on this planet!!
Congratulation’s to my fellow men, and women!!
We Have Arrived!!
We must begin building the mechanisms for amplifying and coordinating our voice.
One medium that our voice travels through is the internet, but consider the utility of the internet as a communication protocol. Consider the patterns that emerge when examining how interactions within the internet developed over time. One thing that caught us off guard was that the internet could serve as a strong medium for socialization. And what has since developed is a set of social media portals, each serving their own gimmicks while capitalizing on a natural human activity. There is nothing stopping the boundaries of social communication on the internet from expanding to include a globally modular system. The project’s name is The NextNet.
The NextNet is a communication protocol — for the lack of a better quick description — that constructs a distributed, decentralized, peer-to-peer “social network” with design and function all in the hands of the users. The project will enact in phases. The first phase is done, that of design. The second phase will be the creation and development of discrete base components. The third phase: development of the protocol to coordinate ad hoc cloud computations. Fourth phase: all users will be able to create their own systems and to share the use of their systems. Fifth phase, decrease dependency on the internet’s infrastructure.
Use of the communication protocol by a user is permitted if the user agrees with the platform’s primary rule: as the platform grows it is to remain entirely non-anonymous, all content of the platform needs to be transparent.
Here’s some wording from a design document that I did not write**: “Solutions to the problems in creating a universal, equitable communication systems. Barriers to this system include responsiveness, latency, and adaptiveness. Creating a platform that possesses these qualities would allow individuals the ability to convey their thoughts and will without the manipulation and selectivity of governing bodies, so that the transmission of communication to and from those bodies is in the form that the rest of the group wants. Creating a flexible and adaptive system would reduce the barriers and the friction of communication, so that more of the group contribute, and more frequently, so that the final product will more faithfully represent the composition of the group. It [sic] the system has total transparency, then the governing bodies, or otherwise more powerful entities, would not be able to alter the data in a way the group cannot see and interpret. The system incorporates more types of languages and encodings, so that different languages and forms of communication can be understood by those connected with the system. Part of flexibility would be in allowing the maximum types of communication possible, and as users and encodings, the system will become more universal and transparent.”
There must be attention toward the development of a voting mechanism that processes votes as self-tallying, as personally verifiable, and as non-provable. This voting platform is to represent the will of groups and individuals.
There MUST be a unification between the force of government and the force of the people, there must be a unification of the fields of politics and academia. Quite simply, anticipate the tool that satisfies the need for structured communication — a tool that unifies structured communication with a global social network. This is the new internet. Create a tool so useful that it outpaces the capacity to react by those “otherwise more powerful entities”, a tool that seeks efficiency… and, therefore, outdated processes will atrophy and slough off the body of humanity.
When the word network is parsed, it can become two words: net and work. In other words, work done on a net. Work can be represented on The NextNet. Work can be visualized as a system of moving parts, as energy is passed down the sequence of agents of expression. An expression is either the full reaction to an input or a continuous expression maintained by an input. Imagine that energy is the prime mover. Imagine us, workers, expending our energy and churning the wheels of our respective workplaces, we can reify a representation for the flow and happenings of exchanged energy during the course of work. Realize that communication is also an exchange in energy, and is therefore a core component of workflow. Realize that pathways emerge for repeated flows of energy and repeated types of communications, we must recognize these pathways and build systems to facilitate communications relevant to the pathways. Work represented on The NextNet is systematically routed and coordinated.
Imagine that The NextNet is a complex parabolic mirror which concentrates energy (work and workflow) with maximum efficiency for best output. This is a primary feature of The NextNet: provide the means for an organization to quickly react to new stimulus and information. This is accomplished with attention toward systematizing any repetitive discrete processes. That is, to identify the most common, redundant, reasons for communication then pack the identified flow of energy into the modularity of the whole system. This should amount to easier access to all information.
For example, invoices are not frequently publicly available. However, to acquire an invoice, as I’m sure a lot of you already know, is an annoying game of Telephone or I Hope They Got The Email. Why can’t the accessor simply go to the location of the invoice and download the invoice? Why? Because of incompatible data systems. The network on The NextNet retains data systems that are cohesive and modular from the ground up, meaning that every component of an invoice is standardized so that any system on the network can access the information for its own use.
Potential work is stored energy, it is possible to take potential work, as stored energy, and give it to another worker. This produces a nested hierarchy because there is nothing stopping the second worker from giving the work back to the original giver (“… take it back!”).
The two primary content sorting names are “<Organization-Name" and "@Context-Name".
There is a communication paradigm that scales from personal endeavor to global endeavor, the structure of the paradigm is the general skeleton shape of an organization. Expand the boundaries of an organization (<) to include self, any group, a nation, and a world. The name of a group should represent the reason that the group exists. A group can exist for any reason. For example, "<Employee-Grocery-Store" may exist to provide information on establishing and maintaining an employee owned grocery store. <Organization-Name can effectively represent any profession, trade, department, etc. An organization is also free to define its own organizational structure on The NextNet.
Let context (@) telescope into view its constituents, its component pieces. The components, they are all content of own cited context. The name of a context should clue you into what is contained by the context. An example of a context: @Invoice. This context should designate that the content of the context is full of invoices. Let there be potential data support for all contexts — like inventory management data and point of sale data.
Content can represent more than one context.
All content on the network must be coupled with at least one organization and one context. Therefore, if you know the name of the organization and know the context of the sought data, then the two are sufficient to retrieve the data. <s and @s are a means to interlink data into a cohesive data system and to link automated systems. Automated systems can route the flow of energy and communications based on rules. If an automated system is a wind-up computation, or a program, then it is possible to route computations through many linked programs.
There are many contexts that necessitate — due to a common data need — a global, open, ledger. The ledger can retain records of transactions, no matter the type of currency. With an open ledger, we can properly trace the routing of resources and, with transparency as our guide, can direct the distribution of resources for best benefit.
Research is very un-queryable and not organized in a way that fosters communication during a perpetual peer-review process. The reason is: money. It would be great to physically watch the evolution of a profession/field/viewpoint that grows into new ventures, or maybe even grows into new hubs of thought (…like discovering a dendrite in the brain). We're at an age where there's no use for friction within the systems we engage with. We will know if we're inefficient if people are not being fed or are not given reasonable accommodations (the inefficiency of our current system). The research platform on The NextNet is there to disseminate information and represent data as queryable and interlinkable, all-the-while providing the means for continual discourse over research. Both disciplines — academia and politics — use the same basic communication paradigm, the two disciplines are to be unified unto one platform. With complete transparency, we can fund research based on actual importance. The chasm between politics and everything else is gapped with a solution. It is just a matter of creating the tool that is the solution.
The NextNet is to function as a programming tool, as well. Construction of routines on the network will be accomplished by linearly stringing together subroutines that exist on the network. Every subroutine is its own routine. This is to be the basis for ad hoc cloud computations. These cloud computations can be anything from computing sorting algorithms, to analyzing data, to constructing data sets, to, perhaps, running an operating system. Imagine a device that had all the world's computation potential, and it constituted a screen, a small processor and little memory, an input method, and wifi connectivity. Imagine the cost of such a device and the benefit, if the device could access all systems on the network and use network applications like a word processor.
Finally, to envision a world without the internet's infrastructure, consider the overlap between wifi signals. Networks can be constructed which allow for communication to get where it needs to go with a minimum of coordination. Imagine a chipmunk chirping in the woods, now imagine that the chipmunk is within a distribution of other chipmunks all chirping in the woods. Know that the knowledge of the positions of other chipmunks, retained within the mind of every single chipmunk, is transient and is ever changing. Each chipmunk functions as a node of interpretation of a local communication-sphere; every chipmunk subconsciously constructs its own portion of the contiguous network of overlapping sound-ranges. Communications are routed through the information dissemination network of chipmunks with a minimum of coordination.
Feel free to message me if you feel like doing something solid about all of this. It is my opinion that anyone can help.
**This piece is from a design document that I do not remember writing, a document that I found within my personal OneDrive account. The name of the document is processing_system, and its existence confounds me. I've tried eliciting interest in the document on a forum or two, so rather than post all the text, here, I'll link it via OneDrive: https://1drv.ms/w/s!Alg1OR_3fPEUoQW8qnd8L3WBfAsz. The document echoes the pursuits of The NextNet, and its hypothesized impact.
Dear RM
“The main thing the Resistance does NOT understand in entirety is why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each ……”
I have a suspicion, please forgive me for talking directly. Influenced by Veil, can you really tell the real Lightworkers and false Lightworkers? Yaldabaoth is larger than the earth, but it can use positive plasma to hide. Cabal can also disguised a false Lightworkers to a real Lightworkers, right?
Some seemingly Lightworkers on the surface, its actions are attack and split Lightworkers. I think that kind of person is Cabal camouflage, or the original light was defeated by the Cabal, and then being controlled.
Once and for all, is Climate change real and if it is real is it natural, man-made or a combination?
I am sure this has been discussed many times before and I apologize if I am being repetitious, but I just need some direct clarification on this matter.
Is Canada’s Prime Minister Trudeau aligned with the Light Workers or the Cabal?
His actions and decisions seem to prove the latter, but I am not sure. Can you please shed some light on this?
Dear Skywalker,
No climate change is NOT real, it’s a bunch of BS. But, chemtrails are real and they are killing us and causing a form of climate change because it’s killing the plant life which survives on CO2 and the plants give us fresh air in return so we can survive. It’s also killing the animal, all our fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains, all water life etc.
Yes, Trudeau, like his father is a major traitor of Canada and is one of the Cabal, think about this, can’t prove it but, what do you suppose happened to Justin’s youngest brother who died in a hiking accident in BC and they never found his body, but his friends who went with him survived and they built a shrine to him. Think about that one.
As for marijuana, I personally have never done it or any drug for that matter, but the oil is the actual healing part, the smoke is suppose ease pain for those with cancers etc. However, I, like you, dislike the smoking part of it because I can’t stand the smell or the smoke and if they allow it to be legalized then those of us who oppose it will have to endure those around us who like to smoke it and that’s not fair either. I think the oil should be legalized and the smoke for medicinal purposes so that those of us who dislike it can still have a smoke free environment.
And, I read what was said down below and I agree with you, people don’t realize that certain things, like alcohol, smoking, tattoos and even marijuana attract negative energies and then they wonder why they are being influenced.
I hope this has helped you with a little discernment regarding some of these things.
Love N LIght
I am against drugs. I feel that drugs have been used against the masses by the Cabal for some time, but that is a discussion in itself.
My question is: What is your opinion on this Marijuana movement? Is this a “healthy drug” or is this still drugs being pushed on our youth? Is there something I am missing here? I am totally against it.
https://prepareforchange.net/cobra-interview-faq/ and review Health/marijuana file
Thank you Danell. However, we still have a problem. Yes, I can buy that Marijuana can replace pharma drugs as painkillers, but the problem we have is that all the youth that will use it are not using it as a “painkiller”. The majority of people ( primarily youths) will use it as a recreational drug much like they use alcohol. What will we do as our young people show up “stoned” in their classes and impaired by Marijuana use while driving? Is this what we want??
I am still suspicious of this drug and feel that any drug or alcohol has no place in a happy, productive society. They produce nothing but misery. As a Police Officer for 26 years I can attest to this.
There must be another way. If Marijuana has medicinal value then it should come in some type of capsule form ONLY and not to be smoked/inhaled which only brings out the support of the recreational users.
You know that without recreational cannabis and psychedelic use, we wouldn’t have The Beatles’ “Help!”, “Rubber Soul”, “Revolver”, “Sgt. Pepper”, “Magical Mystery Tour”, and White albums. We wouldn’t have The Beach Boys’ “Pet Sounds”. We wouldn’t have a lot of things in music and the arts. Might as well throw all your music away.
The only way a truly free society can function is not to impose its will on others. People should be free to make the decisions they want to make, as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. Many police officers who spent decades against cannabis have now come out for it, and are now very against the War on Drugs.
I can tell you, as someone whose body can barely a handle a small glass of cider, who very much HATES the effect of alcohol intoxication, alcohol is, by far, worlds apart from cannabis. Alcohol makes you feel like you’re losing brain cells and cannot think at all. Cannabis merely puts you in a different frame and state of mind. Not to mention the liver and kidney pain.
Banning drugs does not, and never will work. Especially in regards to banning nature itself. Education and treatment of drug addiction as a purely medical matter, not a criminal matter, is the only way to have a free society. The current system we live under was created by criminals to enable criminals. The end result? Lots of profits for the government and the prison industrial complex. Modern slavery.
Just like anything, tools which can be used to awaken and help people can also be perverted and misused. Just like a knife. The knife has been pivotal in our survival and evolution as the human race. It is used in preparing and cooking food every day. We have used sharpened tools to help build and create many inventions and textiles. Yet many have died and suffered from accidents because of knives, too. Should we ban all knives? No, we survive through education. The same should be true for drugs.
“Not to mention the liver and kidney pain.” Meaning alcohol.
You clearly have not been listening to me. As a user I don’t expect you to and you certainly do not understand the perspective from a law enforcement officer and never will. You would not believe what I have seen and as a civilian you never will. In some ways…..be glad.
I don’t want to create a large discussion about this. I see this is not a discussion forum, so I will end this.
I feel my intuition is correct, but I wanted the RM’s input on this.
For those who truly understand the bigger picture…..keep fighting the fight on the war on drugs. It has no place in peoples lives. Clean living (food/water), decency, morals, respect, a connection to nature, selflessness, kindness and work ethic should be our focus. There is no room for substance use and/or abuse.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Thanks for being near!
Well – trust – whom, how often? wasted trust for a million times and then trust again? courageous or stupid? Those self proclaimed light warriors and light workers and enlightened bright souls with their not done homework and always projecting their dark sides on others are not so different from the “normal” people. Maybe the same is valid for me. So better work alone. Very rarely working together – almost always (luckily mostly at the end) tremendous emotional interference. So what4 let myself being misused as a projection area again?
With some I´d like 2 do some work, but with these it hardly happens – no time, not able to organize, no clear idea….
I think, there is something very specific – if some people come together who (think) they´re on the path, there often is interference – and mostly so subtle that these just drift apart, or so deep cutting painful as only similar souls can do to each other. There is usually interference even before the very beginning. Before meeting. And only if there is a lot of blessing and both manage to stay in their center, something positive can manifest.
1000 times not managed to listen to inner voice and a 1000 wasted chances for 1 successfull action together. That somehow also builds up mistrust to others – that makes no sense, but it feels like that is, what is happening. It is (was) so difficult to differentiate between those whipsering bad voices and that one voice that promised to be always within us.
Atmosphere getting so much better, faster and faster can just hope, all is over soon.
Do tired of all.
Would do anything to do my part to speed it up!
But what?
Where is my light sword? Where are those enemies?
Light! More!
Dear RM!! First of all thank you Sooo much for what you are doing here on Earth!!!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!! I can’t say it often enough … Thank you! I just want Tell you how it Is to live Here as a human beeing in this system. First you Come on Earth and forgett everything. then the learning begins. Now you get tought the things your parents were tought before and thats mostly something negative for you which the chimera built (f.e. Religion; thinking only on your own person and not on any other one; others are the Problem and they are your enemies; you have to work hard to get food; you have to fight against others which arent the Same like you or your opinion, …). And those things are deep in your mind and undermind. And one day the moment Comes when your mind starts to change. A lot of people on this earth heavent reached this point until now but they are more and more every day. So, then you are a young adult and dont know what to do with your live. You spent most of the Time of your life in school and other institutions where you get tought how to Be a nice slave and not to use your Brain or your personal talents and Skills you have. And they tell you, you Are completely alone and no-one Will Be Able to like you, when you Are YOU. So you Start playing a role which makes you unhappy more and more because you can’t feel happyness. But you can’t understand it because the others always say that this kind of life Is the best and makes happy. But you can’t feel what they say, so you think you See wrong.
. the people around you (parents …) want you to get a good Job but mostly this Job Is not what your heart tells you to do. for example: you want to paint because you love it, but you can’t earn Money to buy food or pay your rent; so you have to take a Job which brings you money but you hate it. This Is a Situation that mAkes the People very very sad and depressiv or they Dull and take their feelings away. And in this feeling it is Hard to wake up and Change your mind. And so a lot of People get angry and crazy and dont know how to handle their thoughts and feelings and become aggressive to themselves and any other beeing and they think the others are the reason because they they make them feeling so Bad. In the case of implantates and settings, it Is. And there Is no awereness of the many lightfull things which exist and so they have no Hope. And this negative feelings they are rediating and others take them up and feel the Same way. I can feel it Strong but i know how to handle it Most of the Time and try to Be calm and nice. But my little son doesnt know it and Is confused of the things he feels and becomes aggressive and i try to transform it. The same with my boyfriend too. And sometimes i become very tired and forgett to stay calm and start shouting. 5 sek later i remember the light but its too late – all were exploding emotionally. This Is my personally hardest part. Oh yes, and staying with a big group of “sleeping” people and the injustice of the kabale. I know our situation Is changing and i hope very very soon the breakingthrough starts!!! What i was telling you was only a Little moment of my life. So many others have not enough food or drinkingwater or a home or are tortured. And this Is needed to Be changed as quick als possible. I give the best i can to hold the light and spread it!!! Victory for the light!
COBRA asked if we could explain why light workers disparage each other. The reason is the separation implant. Therefore, people can get into polarity with each other, into jealousy and judgment and one-upmanship and perceived threat. It’s the human drama.
One of the reasons light workers and light warriors attack each other is because we are very emotional beings. It is hard to explain. Our beliefs and ego’s are quite fragile and when someone disagrees with us, sometimes our emotions get the better of us. Our logic goes out of the window and we react without thinking. Instead of responding with love, understanding and empathy we tend to argue and fight back. This must look strange to outsiders who view this, especially when we are all on the same side. We have low self esteem from years of living in this crazy system, it is hard to stay focussed and strong especially when we believe we are right and have found the answer. Any criticism can send us on a downward spiral and we react negatively. We cannot read minds and we assume so much, we think people are against us and maybe they aren’t at all, but we don’t really know, we only have language to communicate. We need to trust each other more and work together.
We do not know what the truth actually is, we are all searching for our own truth. How can we ever be sure of anything there are so many lies and there is so much deception. So much misinformation so much disinformation. We are all searching for the truth and when we find it we hang onto it and we do not like being told it is not the truth, this is because we are all so desperate.
If we disagree it is best to show respect and look for the things we do agree on, rather than reacting with our emotions. This is easier said than done, people feel so strongly about things down here and it is hard, really hard especially when so much is at stake, when we see so much suffering all around us.
We are worth it though, humans have great potential, we have great love for each other. We can be so much more. We just need some help at this moment in time.
Thank you.
To: Resistance Movement, I wish that your organization or entity of which the name you adopted, for yourselves did not bear the charm of a bad name for a laxative, but it does seem exactly like that, a bad laxative.
I only require one answer from you, but first I’ll supply some background since you have decided to grace us with the option to write you “letters” IN PLACE of actually having the fucking event, so be it you get my g**-damn letter.
I have been a whole-hearted believer of the liberation of humanity for several years and my message to people in my life has been speaking only of a future where war, poverty, political/financial corruption will
come to an end.Now I feel like Im just plain lying to them.This movement to free humanity has been the
core of my drive in this world…but it has fallen DRAMATICALLY.Now Im at wits end with you lot.
During my period of faith, I have lost a well paying job, and have had 11 rental homes in that time,I
tried the old way to purchase a home of my own only to have it rejected because insurers thought the house’s location was too far from my employment (2hrs) So back to the demonic hell spawned status
of being a renter with NO options for in-expensive rent.My Employment Insurance payment run out in
ten weeks with around twenty resumes submitted with little chance of being hired due to a choked economy.
I am VERY, VERY, VERY aware that others have it way worse than me,but only for lack of YOUR expediency.Right now my life feels like shit, and I wanna be fucking DEAD.You lot and your retarded
boss(es) are severely DAMAGING faith, and hope with your endless no breakthrough, carry on in the shit greedy culture of people who ACTUALLY call themselves “landlords” empowering a delusion of advantage over their “renter”.Anyways yada yada, blah blah.
Your operation does not allow any official announcement…ever.Your Plieades 1 messages indicate
percentage levels that SCREAM months, some of them YEARS before breakthrough.You wish to operate at this SLOW, TORMENTING, TEDIOUS, FAITH KILLING pace.So I refuse to be marginalized by your
fucking carrot lurching to our liberation…so I have chosen to completely surrender my life to get this done.
I’ve called creator god a ______ holdout, lunatic, on twenty separate occasions, He/She now has the role of “cosmic cock tease” with abounding and repeating opportunities for Cabal or whoever is left to turn to the light or whatever, giving them TIME to repent…well fuck you all.They do nothing but, intend, wish,
desire, and pay for HARM ON HUMANITY.You have given them no deadline at all they are an open ended human grinding machine.In other words I want source creator to kill me…right the fuck now.
I dont want to live in this limbo any longer, it is possible I know to have me terminated, since your
SLOW POKE TACTICS so far have led to thousands more to die all the way down to a british judge who wants to let a baby die.You guys are the “secret joke on all humanity” now Im just plain and fucking sick of all of you, dragging us through this trough of cultural shit, for another fucking second.
While you doddle-fuck with you plan, people are fucking dying.I want to be one of them as i am
willing to go and the others were not.So the question is…as it stands, right now, given the amount
of (pffft) progress, and since karma has been eliminated…IS SUICIDE OK NOW ?
Id rather be dead than waiting for you tormenting fucks any longer.I have been homeless before so
death from this bullshit culture is my ONLY WAY OUT. Since you f___s want to keep “licking Cabal a**”
and feed us excuses.So I want to kill myself ok…for real no joke.Death does not bother me I just need to know, when I off myself, actually right now I just had an epiphany, I’ll handle it, even if I have to be recycled in galactic central for my deed, it will be done.
I have lost faith in all of you, you like us dragged through shit, you love us just digging up enough hope
to survive every f*&#$ crash…to our hope.You are cock teasers, carrot lurchers, you talk and talk and talk with your conferences and your seminars and the ohh so f_____ many weak a** channelers and messages implied as “cosmic” or “divine”. Your mind f****^% all of us, and nearly deduced as outright fucking liars.All you have are WORDS and MEDITATIONS….that’s it.
So please send a death bringer or executioner to end me because if you dont Ill do it myself.Thank for the empty hope you a__ lickers.I’ll make sure I apologize to all the souls Ive lied to about your”great plan”.
Suicide is never OK. You signed up to be HERE at this greatest period in History. Show up. Do some more clearing on yourself and get in touch with your higher self and mission.
Hello Don. My Brother in Light.
I hear the pain and frustration very cllearly in your words. They are powerful and painful to hear. Please do not end your Life. Your Life is a necessary stepping stone to a higher consciousness. By doing that you are giving into the Chimera and the controls they have in place to enslave us.. It is exactly what they want. They will capture your disturbed soul and recycle it to live another life of torment for their needs. Don’t feed their agenda. Feed yours. Create your own liberation. by staying calm. Staying centered. Believe in yourself and stop co-operating with anything in your life that is negative. When confronted with negativity, have a ‘Fuck-it’ attitude and move past it. Let it go. A wise man once said.. “When going through Hell…….Keep on going! until you emerge the other side.”
Namaste my Brother.
I care about your life. Please save it.
Yes, and I will repeat myself. I will YOU. EVERY soul is important in this battle. Thank you for being here under such trying circumstances. Go Gently with yourself Go Gently with yourself Go Gently Warrior
Hey Don. Hold on buddy. This road is so tough in it’s own unique way for each of us. How many times have we been on our knees at the mercy of the structure we live in? I empathize completely with your frustrations and your pain. We want to see movement , we want to feel liberated and sense it with every aspect of our being and so far, it has been hard, painful, frustrating. But aren’t there moments of sheer, unspeakable beauty in life? Little things that keep egging us on? Even if they are few and far between, they still exist in the ever-present now, waiting for us to reach out and make it our own. I urge you, beg you, to find your own sense of peace and keep fighting the good fight with us brother. Don’t give up. If you need a stranger to share things with, I’m here man. Look inside and find your strength soldier. Much love. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmxSxKxBbQE
KARMA is definitely NOT gone!! The more I try to heal myself from the f****** cabal attacks, the more I ask for healing energy from the F****** RM, the more pain, and unexplainable health problems i have and i’m only 24!! You’re right that the RM are f****** @ss lickers because if they have billions of ships around the planet then send me a f****** protection shield or a F****** healing ship. THE F***?! The RM cares way more about the cabal and the apparently *small group* of evil entities on this planet than the people that are suffering! I don’t believe that they can’t make this process go faster, if they keep waiting for the people to come together to save the planet by themselves then they are the STUPIDEST MFers EVER!! People don’t even know what’s going on bc the RM won’t tell anybody on a daily basis what’s F****** going on!! INFILTRATE THE MEDIA!!!! WHAT, ARE WE SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE ONE PERSON WHO F****** MEDITATES THE ANSWERS?!!!! WHY IS THERE NO EVIDENCE IN THE REAL WORLD THAT THE LIGHT FORCES ARE FIGHTING BACK?! BC TO ME IT LOOKS LIKE THE EVIL IS TAKING OVER THE WORLD, AND WE ARE ONE SMALL STEP AWAY FROM BEING MINDLESS ROBOTS!!!
Would like to respond to the following statement in Cobra’s post:
Brothers & Sisters of the Resistance Movement:
“The main thing the Resistance does NOT understand in entirety is why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal that clearly does not have their best interests in mind.”
Simply put, it is the endless repetition of (the same) thoughts and/or looping of thoughts which is the nightmare that never ends. If we allow the thoughts that come to us through our mind to be ours then we suffer the corresponding results both for good and for ill. Discrimination of thought is often over looked and assumed that is is our own thought rather than recognizing it comes from another … over and over again until we see through the illusion.
Also the fatigue level on the surface can get very intense and create of feeling of being trapped causing a negative response with little cooperation within relationships.
Depending on our emotional state at the time and our ability to see beyond the offense reconciling our differences can be troublesome. Also because of the negative Archonic mind control and input via song lyrics, visual reminders, mental chatter, not being grounded to the Earth as we are all walking on concrete or blacktop wearing shoes inside and out, pharmaceuticals, weaponized food, internet combat, scalar attacks, good news/bad news; even good news if we feel/believe we don’t measure-up, etc. as the list goes on and on. Until we see through all of the unwanted distractions aka illusions and the day to day ups and downs, it is pretty much a given that many of us will fall into the same old emotional habits and conflicts until we can stop blaming others and see through and work our way past it.
Hope this small perspective is helpful.
Many thanks for your contributions to liberating the planet.
I am sincerely grateful for your assistance, Cecilia
Thank you Dear Sisters and Brothers of RM. Thank you Cobra.
This is my wish, I wish all the people who understands what is going on work together because unity is power love is power I believe respect each other is love and love is power when we unit we stand strong when we disrespect each other fight each other we fall. this is my birth language i was born in Ethiopia and it’s called Amharic and it is a direct translation from the above message
thank you Victory Of The Light
ክብርት እሕቶቻችና ክቡር ወንድሞቻችን ረኢም፤ ክቡር ኰብራ፡ የኔ ምኞት ይህ ነው፡ ስለዚህ ሁኔታ የተረዳቸው እህትና ወንድም ግለሰቦች በሙሉ በመተባበር እንዲሰሩ እመኛለሁ ምክናየቱም አንድነት ሐይል ፍቅር ያሸንፋል አብረን በክብር ስንሰራ እናሸንፋለን ካልተባበርን ደግሞ እንወድቃለን አመሰግናለሁ ድርቢያብር አበሣ ያስር።
Olá irmãs e irmãos. Não acredito que o idioma vá interferir em nossa comunicação portanto continuarei. Deixe me ajuda-los a entender a situação na superfície, que é de fato complicada. No momento nos sentimos totalmente separados da “fonte” ou de nossos próprios semelhantes, oque é estranho tendo em vista que somos todos um. Nosso discernimento é extremamente confuso já que nossa conexão com nosso “Eu superior/sou” é limitado(e muito). Temos informações vindo de todos os lados e alguns de nós acreditam na informação “X” enquanto outros acreditam na “Y” e “Z” e por ai vai. Como disse nosso discernimento não é o ideal já que nossa conexão com nosso “Eu sou” é limitada. Portanto nesse monte de informações decidimos acreditar em algumas pelo simples ato de fé. Sabemos se são verdadeiras? Não, pois no fundo não podemos de fato sentir isso(as vezes até sinto, mas como identificar aquele sentir? talvez ele esteja me dizendo que aquilo não é verdadeiro ou é, mas não tenho como adivinhar isso). A questão é que isso divide nossos outros irmãos e irmãs por não acreditarem na mesma fonte de informações e por algum motivo eles se atacam como se a informação “X” fosse a verdadeira e as demais falsas, e as demais informações tentam se defender para provar que são verdadeiras, eu sei, uma tremenda tolice se vocês querem saber.
De fato eu sei que estão ai dando seu melhor para auxiliar na libertação do planeta, a questão é que estamos literalmente no escuro aqui, muito coisa mudou é claro mas ainda nos sentimos isolados, nosso contato com outros seres é muito pequeno e nem todos estão dispostos a ter esse tipo de contato tendo em vista a programação religiosa do planeta tratar isso como “possessão” o que gera medo na maioria das pessoas. Vocês estão ai dando seu melhor porém se vocês liberarem informações nem todas pessoas vão confiar nelas e inclusive outras irão ataca-las, seja por serem infiltrados para isso ou simplesmente falta de discernimento de todos já que estamos basicamente cegos por aqui. Muitos já ultrapassaram o ego ou o fato de não se identificar com ele, como eu ser a pessoa X ou Y, eu sei que esse não sou eu, e sim uma parte de mim, do “todo”.
Mas enfim irmãs e irmãos, estamos no escuro por aqui e mesmo que mais informações cheguem as pessoas vão querer provas e mais e mais, isso é o ego, bem vindo a superfície. Porém as televisões não irão revelar para as massas qualquer uma dessas coisas e se alguém quiser dize-la para os demais será um simples louco com uma imaginação fértil. É isso, estamos sozinhos(teoricamente pelo menos), dificilmente encontramos um grupo ou outras pessoas com as mesmas ideias para acelerar esse processo e qualquer coisa aceita como verdadeira será atacada para provar sua veracidade, oque eu não entendo já que é um mundo ilusório. Eu escolho o Amor de qualquer forma e vou continuar escolhendo até que tudo isso termine e possamos nos encontrar mais uma vez e relembrar desses momentos quando eu não fazia ideia do quadro geral da situação haha. Nos vemos por ai irmãs e irmãos.
google t – Hello sisters and brothers. I do not believe that language will interfere with our communication so I will continue. Let me help them understand the situation on the surface, which is indeed complicated. At the moment we feel totally separated from the “source” or from our own fellow beings, which is strange in view that we are all one. Our discernment is extremely confusing as our connection to our “I / I am” is limited (and very). We have information coming from all sides and some of us believe in the information “X” while others believe in the “Y” and “Z” and so on. As said our discernment is not ideal since our connection with our “I am” is limited. So in this lot of information we decided to believe in some by the simple act of faith. Do we know if they are true? No, because deep down we can not really feel it (sometimes I even feel it, but how to identify that feeling? Maybe he’s telling me it’s not true or it is, but I can not guess it). The point is that it divides our other brothers and sisters by not believing in the same source of information and for some reason they attack each other as if the “X” information were true and the other false information, and the other information tries to defend itself to prove Which are true, I know, a tremendous nonsense if you want to know.
In fact I know that they are giving their best to help in the liberation of the planet, the point is that we are literally in the dark here, much has changed of course but we still feel isolated, our contact with other beings is very small and not all are Willing to have this kind of contact in view of the planet’s religious programming treating it as “possession” which generates fear in most people. You are doing your best but if you release information not all people will trust them and others will attack them, either because they are infiltrated for this or simply lack of discernment of everyone since we are basically blind here. Many have already surpassed the ego or the fact that they do not identify with it, such as being person X or Y, I know that this is not me, but a part of me, the “whole.”
But finally sisters and brothers, we are in the dark here and even if more information comes people will want evidence and more and more, that is the ego, welcome to the surface. But televisions will not reveal any of these things to the masses, and if you want to tell them to others, you will be a simple madman with a fertile imagination. That is, we are alone (theoretically at least), we hardly find a group or other people with the same ideas to accelerate this process and anything accepted as true will be attacked to prove its truthfulness, which I do not understand since it is an illusory world. I choose Love anyway and I will continue to choose until all this is over and we can meet again and remember those moments when I had no idea of the general situation haha. See you around sisters and brothers.
bonjour Cobra. J’aimerais connaitre le but de la lumiere si nous sommes ames et que cette ame va retourner “dans des hautes vibrations” pourquoi faire tout cela ?
L’augmentation des vibrations planetaire recente fait apparaitre nos peurs et nos traumas, donc la lumiere eclaircit nos zones d’ombres mais quel en est le but? pour se liberer de ces zones d’ombres?
Il en resulte de la honte, une colere qui diminue notre taux vibratoires et nous fait vire un calvaire puisque on en vient a se focaliser sur ces memes problemes . donc l’ascencion c’est quoi accepter nos zones d’ombres ou s’en defaire ?
mais d’apres mon experience cette mise en lumiere ne fait que renforcer ce maletre. le but serait de se defaire de nous memes ? de changer nos croyances ?
Nous sommes ne sur cette planete avec cet ADN renferme nos problemes. , nos religions, notre environement, nos visions erronees des choses, sont des facteurs debilisant peu viables a la bonnes santes mentales et physiques.
J’aimerais avoir un avis spirituellement evoluer sur la question. C’est quand meme un foutu bordel.
google t – Hello Cobra. I would like to know the purpose of the light if we are souls and this soul will return “in high vibrations” why do all this?
The increase of the recent planetary vibrations brings to light our fears and our traumas, so the light clarifies our zones of shadows but what is the goal? To free oneself from these zones of shadows?
The result is shame, anger that decreases our vibratory rates and makes us turn a calvary since we come to focus on these same problems. So ascencion is what to accept our areas of shadows or to get rid of?
But according to my experience this highlighting only reinforces this misfortune. The goal would be to get rid of ourselves? To change our beliefs?
We are born on this planet with this DNA contains our problems. , Our religions, our environment, our erroneous visions of things, are weak debilitating factors to good mental and physical health.
I would like to have a spiritually evolving opinion on the issue. It’s still a f*$@ mess.
THANK YOU for your help and information. How can I do more? I tend to self boycott, I think I’m lazy/tired, my health is mysteriously affected with antibodies and proteins very low, I would like assistance to do the necessary steps to get healthy and therefore be able to contribute more. Love and strength your way. <3
Why there is fighting and division between light forces on the surface?
1) Lightworker / lightwarrior concept not widely known = fighting between those 2 factions, concepts.
2) Not stable data to evaluate correctly. Resistance would understand better if Resistance would imagine, how they would react with all their data/knowledge removed and source connection removed and living standards removed.
3) Many, not able to face the reality, went insane, and are living mentally on a support made of wishful thinking, channelings and false convictions of self-exclusivity. From what I see, we get worst attacks from individuals who claim to be very clairvoyant, are very self-assured and who know everything already, and are pushing their only possible truth on the rest of us, when turned down, they go violent. Usually the true is that all is perfect already.
4) The question itself is beyond absurd, looking from here. Why would anybody think there would not be infighting and that there would be sanity under our present conditions on the surface?
Thanks a lot, thanks, thanks.
We still neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed help.
Don´t leave us alone.
I believe the RM is able to read Chinese, thus I write in Chinese.
我是 the-truths.com 的創辦人兼管理員;網站成立近一年多,主要揭露和轉貼真相訊息及靈
1. 遺忘、沒有技能、沒有知識,需要長時間,辛苦學習,人類學習速度慢,而人類深受陰謀集
2. 陰謀集團的存在、正面外星文明的存在,沒有證據證實
3. 沒有靈性基礎和靈性概念,沒有科學方式證實靈性
4. 生活壓力,沒有時間思考反省
5. Cobra揭露的不少內容,沒有人類科學證據支持
6. Cobra提到的tachyonis, CINTAMANI STONES 沒有人類科學證據證實效果,而且費用算貴
7. Cobra從2012年提到[the-event],到現在[the-event]還沒有發生,不少人失去信心,開始
1. 自2014年佔領中環運動,泛政治化,政治對立嚴重。
2. 貧富差距太大,不少資本(如:土地)由大財團擁有
3. 生活成本太高,房屋租金過高。不少香港居民只能居住在劏房。
1. 影響有影響力的人
2. 成為有影響力的人
信只要有144,000或更多人參與, the event 很快能發生。
English ver:
I was the founder and administrator of the-truths.com. the website was established for nearly a half and a year, mainly to reveal and post the truth message and spiritual growth message to help the public awaken.
The the main causes of various conflicts of human beings that lives in the surface of Earth, in my observation are as follows:
1. Forgotten, no skills, no knowledge. We need a very long time to learn and recite, we need to practice for skills. The speed of Human learning is slow.
Human has been programed by the cabals, we have agree with a lot of negative beliefs.
2. The existence of cabal groups, the existence of positive alien civilization, there is no evidence to confirm. Why to believe?
3. Human has no spiritual basis and spiritual concepts, there is no scientific way to prove spirituality.
4. life stress, no time to think and make reflection.
5. Cobra exposes a lot of content without human scientific evidence to support it, not much human would believe.
6. Cobra mentioned tachyonis, CINTAMANI STONES. Not much scientific evidence to confirm the effect, and the cost is expensive, some people think that Cobra is a cult which the main purpose is to make money.
7. Cobra has mentioned [the-event] from 2012, until now 2017 [the-event] has not yet occurred, many people lose confidence and began to doubt.
I live in Hong Kong, China and these are the challenges I’ve observed in Hong Kong:
1. Since the occupation of Central (2014 Hong Kong protests) in 2014, political opposition is extreamly serious.
2. The gap between rich and poor is too large, and many capital (such as the land) is owned by a large corporation.
3. The cost of living is too high, housing rent is too high. Many people in Hk are only able to rent a “Subdivided flat” .
I discussed with a friend and found that there are only two ways to influence more people:
1. influence influential person
2. Become an influential person
Basically to do 2 , I must have done 1. Thus, I continue to increase my influence and invite more people to participate in weekly meditation. I believe that as long as there are 144,000 or more people involved, the event will soon happen.
Thank you for your help.
How come I dont see my post!!!???
We do have to approve all posts, so please be patient. It may take a day or so. We’ve had wonderful and many heart-felt responses from so many around the world. Thank you all.
Dear Cobra & RM,
First I would like to thank you for all you’re doing to help the earth humanity in our liberation. As I was awakened many years ago to the truth about our history & all that’s going on, I am anxiously waiting for the Event & full disclosure. I wish I could be of more help in this liberation other than meditating & trying to inform others. Due to several autoimmune diseases, numerous constant health issues & chronic pain, I know I can’t do much physically to help but I do try to wake-up others to what the truth is. Many of us like myself are deeply suffering here on earth & have felt very hopeless over our conditions. The Event is the only thing keeping us going! While we realize you are not here to rescue us & we need to liberate ourselves, it would be greatly appreciated if you could tell us if there are any individual things we can do to advance the Event to happen sooner. We are so, so ready for this Event & to be free, healthy & happy again.
We wish you love, light & safety in all you do & look forward to meeting our galactic brothers & sisters one day soon.
Thank you so much,
Please tell us the best way to connect to the original SOURCE. Thank you
Dear Resistance Movement, thank you so much for this opportunity to tell you how I feel. About a year ago now I was suicidal. I kept watching the last 3 Star Trek movies over and over trying to keep myself from going over the edge. From watching Ancient Aliens I knew it had to be true but that show didn’t really tell us much at all. I was so upset, I cried every day. Then Spirit kept telling me to look up David Wilcock and after several nudges, I finally listened and found Gaia. It was the beginning of my change. In just a few hours I went from suicidal to very hopeful and I was so excited. Star Trek is real!!!!! After working on myself spiritually all morning, every morning, for a couple months I was a brand new person.
I believe David and Corey are wonderful and doing the best they can but the constant back and forth thing is making me nuts now! The not being able to tell certain things, the promise of full disclosure and getting just trickles, all makes it impossible for me to bring this information to my very mentally ill family. I can’t do anything to help them and my heart is so broken about it. If I can’t help them who will? They’re so closed off.
Another thing that frustrates me to no end is how the Cabal can violate our free will by using what looks like legal loop holes, the “fine print”?! Apparently they HAVE to tell us everything they’re doing because of free will, so they use Hollywood and make all their “informing” us look like fiction so we don’t believe it and so they can get away with it. How in God’s name is this something they’re getting away with?!!!!! They violate us in the most inhumane disgusting ways and as far as I am concerned, what free will?! The only time I actually had free will was when I chose to incarnate to this life!!!
I would give anything to be able to sit at the table when you, RM, are discussing the situation. I may not seem exceptionally articulate but I believe my input would help a lot to figure this out! As far as I am concerned you need to get tougher about this disclosure. Like David Wilcock said so often, “just rip the band-aid off!” Just get it done. This stuff about being afraid if you just show up people will worship you as God’s can be dealt with. I mean come on, there has got to be a way to get this done. I’m so tired of watching the massive, horrific, suffering! This may sound like I’m not staying positive but really I am at least 85% of the time if not more. You asked for our input. This is mine. And by the way is Nibiru real or not?!
Blessed be all in love and light. I truly hope this will be over very soon.
I AM!! I need to know, what about NIBIRU< is it here, is earth going to be destroyed??
Is the Rv, just a distraction?? I am worried!!
Please research Cobra FAQ section at: https://prepareforchange.net/cobra-interview-faq/ Look in the Financial file for RV info – it may happen but not as much as they were promising. Universe file about Nibiru – dis-info.
We were all sent to this beautiful planet like naked babies and taken advantaged of.
We were stripped of all knowledge of who we are and our powers or the use of them.Our spiritual
selves forgotten.
We don’t know who we truely are or where we came from.
We don’t know how to heal ourselves or others.
We don’t know how to survive out of the matrix,
We don’t know the truth.
We are lied to all the time.
We are made slaves by the dark ones.
We and the planet are poisoned and attacked continually, in the air, the water, food,
vaccines,medicines, given diseases. Harp, Cern, etc……………………………………
We have to work and work and work just to survive. No time to enjoy anything.
We are tired, and sick
We are terrorized, our children and animals are abused,
We feel powerless.
We have been kept from technology to keep us enslaved and dependant.
I don’t feel I belong here! It is sad and depressing and at times horrifying. I am TIRED and I can’t wait to go home!!!!
You are invited to witness this here on planet Earth, seeing is believing. I can’t believe you can not see the suffering of the people and planet. I believe we fell into this trap because people have a trusting nature and believed the Governments had their best interests.No one would have believed the reality, it is not in our nature to act like them so why would we have expected anything other. We are like children fighting with sticks against monsters who have technology and knowledge of the real situation.Their laws don’t apply to them just us. We have no legal rights against them, if you tried, you may be threatened of killed.
Most of us are loving and careing, Some are swayed by the dark for power or better quality of life.
We areTired of seeing and living the same, day after day. . Thank you all for working on our freedom.
A tired human on Earth
And;..We will be born again and again and again.
The purpose of us being here is to add our light simply to be in the flesh and be peaceful..we are a tremendous light because we are born out of the the light it iis IN us and will be in us forever and ever thats why the dark hates us they live from lower vibrations light is killing them.., that’s why the Georgia Gidestones mention about reducing the populace on earth, they can’t stand our light,so hang on please you are so needed.
Namaste 🙂
Dear wonderful, beautiful beings of the Resistance movement. You are loved by all that I am.
Bless you all for the loving works and sacrifices you do each day for the liberation of Gaia and all the souls enslaved above, on and within her. I am one of those slaves. I am enslaved by Debt, Religion, Mind control, Disease, Poverty, Historical lies, Governmental control & unjust laws. By the influences of negative extraterestrials and the Veil which seperates my I am presence with the one of the now.
I have been devided and seperated from the whole of my/our conscienceness and I desire geatly to become a loving member of the greater galactic community of light beings. To reunite with my soul group and soul brothers and sisters. Whom I have forgotten all memory of. I can’t remember who I am. Who I was, or who I am to become. I have no memory of my soul contract. What is entailed, or if I have even fulfilled it or failed.
I am, and have led, a selfish existance. I have addictions and illnesses. I have not learned from my mistakes and I keep repeating them. I cannot keep focused and I feel tired most of the time and I feel more aware of Gravity with every step. I am responsible for all my failings. I created them. I feel hat I have been cohersed into creating my negativity.
I ask you all in the resistance movement, and authorise you all, to bypass our governments and world leaders, They do not represent me or the vast majority of human beings. We inherited them and are forced to succom to them by opression, fear and mind control.
I ask you to make personal contact, by whatever means, with me and my brothers and sisters. Ask us what we truely desire for our planet and developement. Register that desire and publish it for all to witness. Begin a planetry discussion to awaken our spirit and help us take charge of our own fate so that we can all be free to live in love Light and harmony. Help us to heal and understand who and what we are. Help us to learn the real truth of our past. Help us to forgive ourselves and those that enslaved us. We will take control and responsibility for our achievements and our shorfalls. We first need to trust someone to give that help and to give that truth. Someone to re-educate us. Someone to protect us while we learn.
That someone is the Resistance movement.
I’d suggest the resistance movement materialise a smart glass pad for everyone to hold and interact with. Filled with everything we need to know. A pad cabable of connecting with our mind, body, soul complex in a language we understand. We can interact with the smart glass pads at a pace that suits each of us. We can use these smart glass pads to communiate with the resistance movement. Each other. The Galactic confederation. Ascended masters. Angels. The central races, and all beings of the light. We can use these smart glass pads as day one of true learning. Smart glass pads that our governments cannot negatively interfere with. Smart glass pads that negative entities and extraterestrials cannot interfere with. Basically a form of learning and information that we can trust and awaken us.
I command, in love and light, for the highest good of the resistance movement, and we enslaved humans, Heaven & the Galactic Confederation, to assist, co-operate and render all aid and intelligence asked for by the resistance movement to help remove all remaining Toplet Bombs. To remove all negative entities and beings from this planet and to trigger the event with the utmost of haste.
Thank you for everything you have done and for the service & sacrifices you have all made for planetry liberation. I cannot beging to conceive what you are alll going through. My love and light I command to you all. I am your friend. I am your family. I love you!.
Victory of the Light!
Bob Ellard – Dublin, Ireland. 🙂
Your “even’t” is possible to be changed by evil in their move to ban all the cash in the world, all money to be on electronic support and peoples to be implanted with RFID chips to have access to money, better not wait for any event, live your life, be good , and help others, love !
Dear RM,
Thank you for all you do for us here on Earth. The suffering is unreal and it feels like it is getting worse. Making any money to survive feels pretty impossible lately. More than anything ever I would love for things to change on this planet.
I think Lightworkers attack other Lightworkers because they are human and still have the negative implants and brainwashing that goes along with living on earth. We all have it and dissolving the implants have been pretty impossible til this point. I think we are just in such a prison that even trying to be of a higher energy and only give love is a very hard thing. Breaking free from all the chains is a whole lot of work and when you feel like you have you still find more. I think we get attacked and focused on simply because we are the Lightworkers and they do not want us to improve the planet. It takes all I have to still want to be here during this time.
Thank you again for all you do for us.