All readers of the Prepare for Change website are invited to communicate with the Resistance Movement. After discussing this with Cobra we have discovered that members of the RM desire more information from us, the surface?population of Earth.
Cobra has passed this information to us:
(PFC0517) ?Lynn? – Cobra, is the RM the ones that give you feed-back on our meditations, you know the strength of it and the numbers.
COBRA –?Yes, yes.? (OK)
Lynn? – Are we as surface humans? able to communicate with them telepathically.
COBRA –?It is possible.? It has happened in a few instances but its not very common and very few people from the surface have enough awareness of the RM to hear that telepathic contact.
Lynn? – Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.?
COBRA –?Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would be a great idea. (wow, thats a great idea.? Thank you Cobra.) (PFC0517)
In order to facilitate this for all people and make it easy for both us and the RM, we are using this page with its comment section for this purpose. The idea is simple, go to the bottom of the page and use the comment box to share your feelings about the situation on Earth.
So please ask your?questions or make your comment with your Letter to the Resistance in the comments below.
Published July 5, 2017
[NOTE: Please do not criticize or comment on other’s letters in reply, this page is meant to enable a free exchange from our readers with the Resistance Movement, so please do not respond as though the letters are to YOU.]
I call upon the Light Forces to bring justice and healing to the situation on Earth. I call upon Pleiadians, Arcturians, Sirians, Angelic Realm, Agarthans. Enough is enough. We humanity ask for physical intervention. So be it and so it is
Hi members of MR!
First, I want to thank you for all you are doing for our planet and the Event. I can’t imagine how huge is the work!
Then, a friend of mine encourage me to write to you because you helped her before with the same kind of problem… Since I’m a child, I’m very frenquently attacked by dark entities and I can’t deeply sleep, every little noise or feeling awakes me (and there is a lot during one night). So I feel tired, without energy and enthousiasm to do things who could give me joy, I also feel very irritable and impatient especially with those who I love. And I don’t know if it’s related but I also have a cancer that I can’t heal in spite of all I did to cure it (even to go to a tachyon chamber).
All of that (and other traumas) makes me feel unsecure to achieve my mission.
So, I don’t know if you can help me but I will be very grateful if yes. Even if not but just because you have read me 🙂
P.S. Maybe it’s important to say that I’m pregnant, in case of you can help me with energies or something strong 😉
Thank you all!
Why my message was not accepted?
All messages are accepted but not published here.
Hey Resistance,
Since the release of entry protocols I think about this everyday. I feel/want to go underground really hard, I’ve created conditions that I can leave the surface at any moment very easy, but it’s very difficult and stressful to maintain this situation for longer period of time, please make the contact. THank you, I hope to join you very soon.
Dearest drearest RM. Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. With all my love, Maria.
Dear RM, dear Cobra, dear readers!
Thanks for the possibility of this contact. Unfortunately, my english is not so good that I could write everything I want to say in English. But I think you know how to handle my message if it arrives.
Liebe RM, lieber Cobra,
mein Name ist Elias und ich bin befinde mich seit circa 8 Jahren in einem Lebensumbruch, manche würden sagen ich erwache. Da es viele Menschen gibt, die falsches Spiel spielen ist es schwer Kontakt zu Personen zu erhalten die wirklich den Schalter im Kopf umgelegt haben, jene die wirklich aus dem Herzen leben, eben jene die wirklich auf dem Weg des Erwachsens sind. Leider sehe ich unter „Erwachten“ immer mehr Neid untereinander! Ich würde uns wünschen das wir endlich erkennen und an einen Strang ziehen. Ich darf aber auch die Erfahrung machen, dass sich vieles zum Guten ändert, erst gestern wurde in Deutschland bekannt das Heckler und Koch einen Bestechungsskandal am Hals hat wo ein hochrangiges Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages (Volker Kauder, Vorsitzender der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion) involviert ist, jedoch fehlen immer die Konsequenzen (siehe Völkerrechtswidriger angriff UK+FR+USA gegen Syrien) jedoch werden wir, die Menschen in Deutschland immer mehr unterdrückt! Es gibt ein neues Polizei gesetzt im Bundesland Bayern was der Polizei erlaubt z.b. E-Mails in deinen Namen zu schreiben ohne dass du es mitbekommst oder um Erlaubnis gefragt wirst, es dient als Vorläufer für ganz DE. Sicher wird sich in den kommenden Jahren noch einiges ändern nur was ist, wenn wir zu spät kommen? Ich bin ehrlich, aber eine 100% Garantie gibt es nicht (für uns Menschen) das, dass Event in den kommenden Monaten/Jahren stattfindet, weil doch letztendlich WIR – die Menschen – der Schlüssel zum Event sind aber wenn wir weiter so unterdrückt, gedemütigt und konditioniert werden befürchte ich, dass es in immer mehr Ländern zu gewalttätige Auseinandersetzungen kommt was uns auf dem Weg zum Event nicht hilfreich sein wird.
Ja, um weiter wirklich aus meinen Herzen ehrlich zu sein, physische beweise (wegen der Linken Gehirnhälfte und so) gibt es nicht für eure Existenz in unserer der 3D Welt! Ich denke, die Menschen brauchen einen großen Brotkrümel. In meiner Meditation und auch in meinen Leben fühle ich die Energien, ich merke das uns jemand begleitet und ich denke ihr werdet die, die uns begleiten besser kennen als wir aber dieser letzte Kontakt fehlt mir. Ich bin mir bewusst das jeder in seinem Tempo wächst und auch mal Pause macht, aber eventuell würde eine kleinere Pause reichen ^_^ wenn ich für mich spreche.
Zusammengefasst bin ich ein Junger Mann mittleren Alters, Berufstätig, ledig also ein normaler Bewohner, der gerne das machen würde was ihm das System/Matrix nicht erlaubt oder erschwert.
Ich sende euch liebe, Frieden und Harmonie und viel Gelassenheit mit uns Menschen 🙂 zusammen befreien wir diesen Planeten.
VOTL <3 Elias
My last desire:
I would like to meet again the Slovenian man who approached me and introduced himself at the entrance of Harnham Buddhist Monastery, Belsay.
Thank you
Hello! I’m a doctor, a friend of mine found out his heart was attacked! He found that he was being followed. He had no mental problems. When he moves his position and eludes his pursuers, and the situation disappears. He’s in good health. He suddenly feels unwell. He’s been checked out for lymphoma. So I‘m surfing the Internet to find out more on the energy attack and what to do?
Hi RM,
I have an idea on how to help RM deal with reactions from surface populations. (Cobra pointed out that RM has trouble with dealing with that in a recent post, and someone pointed out I can send letters here.)
A person can create a blog or forum. RM (or a person associated with RM) can give detailed questions or scenarios (related to the surface populations) that RM will likely encounter in the future. Then, we can all give suggestions or ways to deal with reactions for those scenarios; discuss, and come up with solutions. After all, we are part of the surface population. Small sets of questions/scenarios can be changed weekly or whatnot so that it’s manageable for the participants.
(And it’d make some people feel good for contributing, right?)
If this idea is feasible, and RM is willing to participate, please let someone on the surface know. I’m sure someone with IT knowledge can set up a forum/blog for this. (Or I can learn to set it up if I’m up to it…)
That’s it.
Dear members of the RM (and COBRA),
This is my first time writing you. Recent revelations have left quite an uproar on the internet. Many are suspicious … which I find bizarre! This uproar has in fact helped me understand even more who the RM are and what you do, and it has inspired me to finally write you.
Since August 2017 I’ve been going through a quickening in my awakening. So much of my external life fell apart as I began putting myself together on the inside. I got closer to understanding me and my truth, and to understanding how to discern truth. I’ve been following spiritual news on the Event since 2012. Over the last few months, I felt drawn to focus mostly on COBRA’s blog and set aside a lot of other perspectives that didn’t resonate at the same level.
So when I read Entry Protocols, I was moved to tears. It felt like an acknowledgement of my soul mission and an invitation for me to engage it in earnest. My tears weren’t a “Yes” but rather “This is what I’ve been waiting for; I knew the time would come.” It felt like my “Yes” was stated eons ago, and now I had just had a response. I’ve always been a “behind the scenes” person, and I felt acknowledged by you. It’s odd; so many are worried about their Earth lives, but I felt I knew what to do immediately: speak openly to my parents (“Mom, Dad, I’m a starseed…) so that they were aware, and then draft an email to them and my closest friends that I would send in the final fifteen minutes that explained my departure and would help them understand.
The article states that those destined to be contacted (if it happens) are those “with practical experience in cultural anthropology, communicology, sexology, counseling psychology, cultural psychology, sociology and social work. This second category will help the Resistance in future interactions with surface population, as Resistance members are many times at a loss how to interact with often reactive surface humanity.”
The previous article was Firing the Grid. It took me more than a week to put the two pieces together, but the day before that article I began receiving a download that tied together my fragmented understanding of the pain of the human condition on the surface. Most of this understanding I learned over the last six years as I strived to heal myself. Then on May 3rd, I saw the whole picture, and data flowed in for the week thereafter. The first thing I did was label this download Healing Humanity. Humanity is in pain, and we often don’t know where to go for true help. I wanted to show us why we’re in pain, and how to go about healing it.
I must use myself as an example.
I know I am meant to heal and help people but I have been having challenges in stepping up to that mission. The primary reason has been due to trauma that knocked out my access to what I would term “Innocence.” It is like a stun-gun on my soul. And I’ve been healing it and getting closer to wellbeing. This journey, and that download, has taught me a lot. I think it may be of some help to you. So whether I am on your list or not, I wanted to share an outlook on my insights for your sake and for anyone who reads this. (When I am more whole and ready, I will be outlining all of this on YouTube videos and contributing more openly to the lightworker scene.)
So, you are “at a loss how to interact with often reactive surface humanity.” The keyword is reactive. That reactivity is a coping mechanism in action: it is not responding to you, it is responding to the energetic protective field that exists due to trauma. The reactivity keeps the suppressed / traumatized part of a person from being witnessed by consciousness, because the last time it was witnessed (exposed and expressed), it was violated. You are nearing a part of their being that was violated by the last witness(es) of that part of their being.
Here’s the key thing I figured out for myself. We have a “core.” I suppose you could call it “soul.” For me, it’s the word “Innocence.” For others, it may be “Truth.” That Soul/Core/Truth/Innocence is where the energy for our mission and purpose reside, along with sexuality, vulnerability, unconditional love, etc. Our purposes are expressions of divine innocence. Trauma is why we don’t fulfill our light contracts, and is why lightworkers fight each other too.
Quarantine Earth is a very traumatic place. We don’t have to be a soldier in a war for our Innocence to be traumatized. We are traumatized by religion, by government, by law, by schools, by societal conditioning. I’m so sensitive that even my parents not telepathically understanding me when I was young was traumatizing because they didn’t react to me the way I was “feeling toward” them. I did not understand why they didn’t see the truth I saw, the way I saw it. And so, these little traumas created layers of protection over that true part of me. It’s like a force field that stays in place via coping mechanisms.
What I have learned is that every time we don’t express our Truth, it is because of trauma. Hiding, staying silent, getting angry, getting scared, “reacting” is the protection coping mechanism keeping that innocence in us safe.
It sounds like you’re pretty spiritually advanced, and your higher vibration causes difficulty in understanding our lower reactions. Imagine that you are vulnerable and innocent to the person you are closest to there; and then, that person gets angry at you BECAUSE of that innocence you showed them and their vibration informs you that your innocence (your truth) is in some way invalid. That is what happens to us. It could be anger, or a lie, or violence, or malice, or ignorance. When our innocence is exposed and it is not greeted with equal innocence, it is traumatizing. We shut down a little because innocence unacknowledged is more painful than not acknowledging our own innocence.
Now add on 26,000 years of our soul being violated! I saw in a COBRA interview that one of the major delays in things is because souls have not fulfilled their contracts. It is because they have been traumatized to divert away from their truth. Instead of living from their purpose, they live from their coping mechanism reactions, which keep them away from their truth, so that it stays protected. By our innocence not being exposed, we feel “safe.” When something gets close to that protected part, we react to guard our illusion of safety.
It’s an ingenious spiritual torture technique… The dark cannot erase our truth, so they taught us how to hide it inside ourselves and not even bother with it.
Humanity needs help learning how to nurture their truth and feel safe letting others see it again. That’s what I am here for, whether on surface or below surface.
I want you to know that your efforts inspire me to acknowledge my truth and my innocence, and that is helping me help others. Reading COBRA’s work gives me a jolt of energy and confidence that helps me heal and accept the soul responsibilities that I have set aside.
I look forward to meeting you whenever the time is right.
Victory of the light. Victory of our innocence.
After reading so many posts about the Resistance Movement and now requests for “communication experts”, I’m afraid to say that it seems to me that most people on the planet have as little understanding of communication and emotions as apparently the Resistance Movement does …
Understanding that throughout history, the surface population have been systematically disempowered (by the dark forces) to forget their understanding of communication, emotions and many other aspects of themselves, which the dark forces have very carefully designed/planned, and executed …
Needless to say, humanity would not be in this space of ignorance and limited knowledge of truly effective communication were it not for this ancient dark intervention …
It may be insightful to share that there have been various teachers in recent history who have shared reliable techniques to “see through” the words that people (of the surface population) use to communicate with each other …
One particular teacher that springs to mind (that recently passed over) is Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, who taught a technique known as Non-Violent Communication (NVC), and is a technique that myself and many people i know have successfully adopted in order to take care of conflicts and misunderstandings between people …
This technique is helpful even when the issue occuring is founded upon a deeper layer or trauma, because it provides a constructive method to help the situation forward in the moment …
How does it work? –> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LuPCAh9FCc
Other techniques that would significantly help the surface population, from what i have seen in this (and previous lifetimes), is the use of “mindfulness”, a technique or state of being that can be practiced or invoked, even in difficult situations, so that the emotions (or thoughts), that overwhelm the human being, no longer have the same hold on him/her, leading to him/her not taking the situation personal or to heart too much, allowing for a breathing space to constructively navigate the following steps to resolve the situation …
The importance and impact of mindfulness in the world –> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOW7wMmy8Mo
How does it work? (Jon Kabat Zin) –> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nwwKbM_vJc
It may be of essential importance to know that many people in the dark forces (e.g. people in high places in society) actually employ variations of these techniques in order to retain both control and balance during critical moments …
Knowing this you can see why this select group of beings do not want the majority of humanity to get their hands on very powerful tools such as these …
Dear resistance, I know you have been working on the liberation of the earth. We have a lot of light workers on the ground to follow your guidance, but we are facing not only external difficulties but also personal problems. Everyone is more or less traumatized, and those traumas have always consumed me. We have too much energy, such as the conflict between lovers, the imbalance of male energy and female energy, which leads to the internal suffering between lovers. I know this is the influence of the implants, but I do not know how we should deal with these wounds.
I want RM to give us some advice, and we are on the way to the awakening, and I feel a lot of internal contradictions and energy plugging problems are emerging, and dealing with these wounds is really painful, and in serious times it will lead to a depression of one’s will and depression. I hope all the light workers have all the energy to devote themselves to the liberation of the earth. We not only see the suffering and darkness of the earth’s surface, but we also see the inner suffering and darkness of everyone. How can we deal with it inside?
It’s really hard for most people to do that unless he is a master of the level of enlightenment, but obviously there are not many masters. We look forward to the day of the liberation of the earth. To be honest, we are experiencing pain within us. We are easy to experience the pain of separation in our relationships, but we have to have some connection with others. We can put down the persistence of material to reduce the pain of the material desire, but we don’t seem to do it. The law puts down the emotional attachment, and one loves another person deeply, and he will realize that love is sometimes a kind of painful emotion, but we have no way to put it down. Buddhism says that people have pain because of their seven emotions and desires. I think it makes sense. Do we have to lose all our emotions to make ourselves miserable?
dear Cobra
I will make it short:
My heart is telling me to trust you!!!
Thank you for all your work
may the light forces guide us all
Victory of the LIGHT
To all,
Who can effectively contact with Corey Goode, https://spherebeingalliance.com/ to tell his group to join Breakthrough meditation (2 PM UTC every day), Breakthrough Meditation at 4-hours interval, Goddess Meditation (2:30 PM UTC every day) to accelerate The Event
Can anyone contact with Corey Goode, https://spherebeingalliance.com/ for this urge?
Breakthrough Meditation
Guided audio playlist:
Breakthrough Meditation at 4-hours interval
we are going to do Breakthrough Meditation at the following times, until further notice.
Goddess Meditation
Guided audio playlist:
Harald von Bredow says:
11 May 2018 at 9:56 am
If I were single, I would probably want to get in touch or participate. But it is very sad that one can then no longer have contact to the previous population, especially since there are people whom one is always helping and whom one does not want to leave alone, like my wife, who after a femoral neck break and hip replacement also after a rehabilitation measure always has to go to the physiotherapist as well as for shopping etc., because I am the one with leaders in the family. Even two brothers without a car I have to drive around again and again for their business. Important: What happens to those who have to stay on the surface during the great upheaval on earth? Despite hints one does not know whether the enormous, partly terrible changes prophesied in other sources for the earth and for all life on it in the near future (e.g. Pole Jump, collapse and reorientation of the earth image field (with the 3 days darkness and deadly cosmic radiation), war, also in Europe etc.) will be temporally also part of this event. Why doesn’t Cobra give any information, dear Taygeta? This overshadows the great joy at the imminent liberation of the earth from fear of these possible events. Cordially, Harald v.B.
srdečně zdravím hnutí odporu a bytosti světla.dejte prosím každému člověku sílu lásky,aby byli všichni jako jeden, děkuji
I want to join RM, please contact me at: [email protected]
我想加入抵抗运动,希望能联系我:邮箱:[email protected]
Bonsoir Cobra, le Mouvement Résistance et les Pleïadiens,
Je vous écris suite au dernier post de Cobra en ce qui concerne le Protocole d’entrée.
Celui-ci m’a profondément enthousiasmé car je dois dire que j’attends une telle chose depuis longtemps. Et enfin cette très belle opportunité qui se présente à nous, aux personnes éveillées.
Je dis avec un grand OUI, OUI…OUI de soulagement, j’accepte volontier de mon plein gré de rejoindre la résistance , je le souhaite de tout mon cœur , je souhaite faire parti de la sélection.
Je n’ai plus rien à faire en surface, je me sent inutile , nous sommes des esclaves de la cabale, et moi je dis STOP, ASSEZ !
OUI je souhaite vous rejoindre pour travailler à la libération de la planète.
Je suis conscient de laisser ma famille et mes proches en prenant cette décision, mais je vis avec une famille non éveillée et qui ne croit pas à tout ceci. Ils sont encore endormis ?..
Je sais que je les retrouverai / ou pas / après l’évènement, ils resterons tout de même dans mon cœur car ce n’est pas de leur faute et je les aime très fort malgré tout.
Mais je supporte de moins en moins cette vie en surface alors autant me rendre utile pour libérer la planète à vos côtés. Vraiment je le souhaite ✨??✨.
À tout bientôt , je l’espère…
✨Victoire de la Lumière ✨
Magam rengeteg olyan helyzetet tapasztalok, amely miatt nagyon sok segítségre lenne szükségem. Személyes és közös szinten is! Sok éve folyamatos akciózásban vettem részt és nagyon lenyűgözött az is, ahogy végre van már pár dolog is, amiről felfedés és szembesítés is fog történni.
Minden tekintetben azt veszem észre, hogy rengeteg azaz ember, aki nemképes már tenni semmit, mert a személyes helyzete elviselhetetlenné bomlik! A flottától is rengeteg segítségre van szükség.
A politikai szinten is csak azt látom, hogy a Fény erőket támogatás kell, hogy érje, akár még erőszakos fellépés árán is, mert ez a dolog már nem mehet így már tovább. Egyszerűen minden elmondhatatlanul nehéz!
Egyedüllétté züllött a csapatmunka is, amely már így nem olyan hatásos, ahogy az korábban volt! Folyamatos elláttás és támogatás kéne, mert ez egyszerűen megszervezhetetlen.
Magam is tagja vagyok több tervezetnek, ami sok segítség lenne a mindennapi emberek számára, de egyszerűen olyan mély a traumatikus állapot rengeteg ember esetében, hogy ez lehetetlenné teszi a tiszta munkát és a megfelelő irányt.
Ezért lenne szükséges a teljes beavatkozás! Majd még fogok írni, ha szükséges lesz.
Köszönöm a figyelmet!
I love you all:
Olá Movimento da Resistência,
Será possível fazer correção do nosso corpo físico que estamos usando agora? cai das escadas quando tinha 10 anos , e desde então carrego várias dores e problemas de saúde, como dificuldade em ter bom sono, estufamento em um dos lados da barriga, e etc, mesmo buscando ajuda em vários tipos de tratamento, pois trata-se do problema neuro-esquelético, e quase ninguém na superfície da terra possui técnica pra corrigí-lo
Aujourd’hui à cet instant même à 11h le 5 mais à Paris, le peuple de France va tenter de reprendre le pouvoir et d’arrêter le président Macron. S’il vous plait, aidez le peuple de France, car si la France arrive à se libérer cela sera un exemple et une aide pour tous les autres peuples et pays du monde.
le lanceur-d’alerte Marc Granier, à été arrêté et interné hier, il est sain d’esprit, cela n’est que pour le mettre hors circuit, ils ont tenté déjà plusieurs fois de le sauver. S’il vous plait aidez le !
aidez nous a transmuter toute la négativité des militaire, crs, policiers, ou des casseurs afin qu’ils arrêtent de protéger la cabale et servent le peuple de france.
au nom de tous les français nous avons besoin de vous , priez pour nous. merci
Dear Light Forces, Resistance Movement,
Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC every day
I am writing to urge Light Forces, Resistance Movement to tell many awakened community, such as the awakened community led by Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Veronica Keen, Justin Deschamps, Kauilapele, The Mind Unleashed, Steve Beckow, Prepare For Change…. to organize “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21” to join Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC.
I urge this “Unity Meditation” must be held within 2018 May.
We can notice it is the huge success to reach critical mass in “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21”
If many awakened community can hold next “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21”, to join Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC, it can accelerate “The Event” and maybe activate “The Event” within 2018 May.
I urge Light Forces, Resistance Movement can tell many awakened community for this urge to organize “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21” to join Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC.
I urge this “Unity Meditation” must be held within 2018 May.
Kedves Ellenállási Mozgalom!
Rendszeresen halljuk, hogy az embereknek nincs szükségük vezetőre. Talán így van…
A szíriusziak szerint viszont tanácsadókra mindenképp szükség van.(Nincs okom feltételezni, hogy ezt a többi “nem emberi” csoport másképp gondolja.) Kérdésem: Kinek jár, kinek jut tanácsadó? Ezt a kapcsolatot ki kell érdemelni?
Kedves Ellenállási Mozgalom!
Rendszeresen akadályokba ütköznek azok a próbálkozásaim, amiket a magam és a világ felemelkedéséért teszek. Mivel lehetőségeim kifogytak, ezért a TI segítségeteket szeretném kérni az akadályok eltüntetésében. E sorokat nemcsak magam, hanem mindazok nevében írom, akik hasonlóan éreznek.
Dear Resistance Movement.
Please allow me to share the recent situation of Japanese light workers who are attacking each other from my perspective.
I believe it is because there are always “leaders” that are not mentally enough healed or mature and still are intend to control the other light workers.
It has happened many times that battles between light workers in past for the same reason. One who can access more information try to take an control of others, and followers often worship the leaders. Then, there are many leaders who do not try to admit each other and end up fighting each other
There are two different PFC JAPANs, and one of them is lately spreading information about RV(“revaluation” of internationally recognized currencies),which, in my understanding, COBRA never have said as an option taken at the time of the Event.
The only option is the full financial reset, and current Cabal controlling banking system will end, so RV is not going to happen.
If this PFC JAPAN keeps spreading this false information saying “RV may happen next week” every week, the followers will get frustrated and disappointing week by week.
They might criticize COBRA for it despite that COBRA kept saying RV is not an option. The followers would only focus on PFC’s information, not directly from COBRA.
I sincerely hope that these “leaders” understand what COBRA says and know correct way to deliver the information especially when it is sensitive.
In that way, there will be union and harmony between light workers because I know that there are many awakened people truly devoting themselves for the light.
Thank you and victory of the light!
Dear Light Forces, Resistance Movement,
Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC every day
I am writing to urge Light Forces, Resistance Movement to tell many awakened community, such as the awakened community led by Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Veronica Keen, Justin Deschamps, Kauilapele, The Mind Unleashed, Steve Beckow, Prepare For Change…. to organize “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21” to join Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC.
We can notice it is the huge success to reach critical mass in “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21”
If many awakened community can hold next “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21”, to join Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC, it can accelerate “The Event” and maybe activate “The Event” within 2018 April.
I urge Light Forces, Resistance Movement can tell many awakened community for this urge to organize “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21” to join Breakthrough Meditation at 2 PM UTC.
Kedves Ellenállási Mozgalom!
Két kérdésre szeretnék választ kapni.
1. Ha az útja során komoly akadály(ok)ba ütközik az ember, honnan lehet felismerni a valódi üzenetet? Az nem az ő útja, menjen másfelé, vagy épp az igazi út, még ha küzdelmes is, végül csak a legkitartóbbak érnek célba.
2. Fejfájás esetén miből lehet visszafejteni a kiváltó okokat? Honnan tudható, hogy épp egy energiafegyver célkeresztjében van az illető, vagy “csak” a rezgésszintje emelkedik, vagy semmi különös nincs, pusztán az időváltozás okozza a fizikai tüneteket?
Hi you have a greate site Thank you for sharing with us nice
Dear Light Forces, Resistance Movement,
I am writing to urge Light Forces, Resistance Movement to tell many awakened community, such as the awakened community led by Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Veronica Keen, Justin Deschamps, Kauilapele, The Mind Unleashed, Steve Beckow, Prepare For Change…. to organize “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21” to join PEACE MEDITATION 2018-4-15.
We can notice it is the huge success to reach critical mass in “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21”
If many awakened community can hold next “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21”, to join PEACE MEDITATION 2018-4-15, it can accelerate “The Event” and maybe activate “The Event” within 2018 April.
I urge Light Forces, Resistance Movement can tell many awakened community for this urge to organize “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21” to join PEACE MEDITATION 2018-4-15.
Hi~ Resistance Movement
It’s great to contact with you there, I just want to say hello to you guys ^^
I believe we can meet in the near future.
Thank for your dedication to guard our earth <3
I sincerely proud of you 🙂
by a certain starseed
Dear The Resistance Movement,
The reason why Lightworkers / Lightwarriors attack each other is because many have not had direct experience dealing with the cabal. This is the difference because those Lightworkers that do not have a direct connection with the reality that is the cabal will turn a blind eye towards linking up with other Lightworkers to fight against the menace. They fight ‘with’ because ‘that’ is not real for them.
To the resistance movement please allow my family to open their hearts and mind to new possibilities and allow them an opportunity to understand changing their hearts can have a positive impact on them and our planet. Recently I have become more aware of the situation on earth and how much pain our environment is in. I want to change and become more aware of my life force and my internal energy. I’ve been trying to explain this to my friends and family members and they all keep telling me I’m crazy and need to keep these thoughts and beliefs to myself because they do not exist in the real world. My father has recently threatened to have me committed to a mental hospital because what I have been talking about to him lately. Both my parents have made me promise not to tell anyone in my family about this and my friend today said that since I have been telling him the information about the resistance movement if it is something I truly believe in then he no longer wants to hangout with me because I’m obviously going crazy. Everyone I try to tell this information to makes me feel like I’m wrong and don’t believe me. I want to help others and have them come and help with the resistance to free our planet but no one will give me a chance. My brother is telling my parents that I’m going crazy and my parents want to talk to me about it and have really started considering about making me see a therapist and taking my phone away. I use my phone as a computer to find out information about you and cobra and how to help. Everything I do to try and get the word out is perceived in such a negative way I feel like no one is going to listen to me because no one wants to take me seriously. Everyone is so focused on things that they don’t need as in material things or money and don’t want to give me a chance to even talk about this to them. I feel very bad about this because I know it’s important for them to believe in the resistance and they can help make a difference with positive energy. Everything I do falls on deaf ears and I don’t want to give up on the message because I know it’s important but no one believes me. Everyone on earth has been taught the wrong things for so long they believe in only what was taught to them. The food people here eat have so many chemicals in them that they are hurting their body just by eating them but it’s all that they have ever eaten so they don’t know how much it hurts their body. Even if you buy seeds to grow your own food there is a chemical I the seed that makes the food you grown not make it’s own seeds. This is so you have to buy more seeds again next year if you want to grow more food yourself. Everything here is done with chemicals to make money. Everything on earth is tied into greed and selfishness. Anytime someone does something good they expect something in return and that defeats the purpose of the good they have done. Even people who are supposed to be good people may act good but when no one is looking they aren’t good. Here’s an example, I got arrested for drinking and driving by the police (I accepted responsibility for it and completed the requirements for this action already) the police officers are supposed to enforce the law and be good people but when I got to Jail they stole all my money $200.00 and a diamond ear ring along with things out of my truck. They are supposed to up hold the law but when no one was looking they broke it and there was nothing I could do about it because they are the police. I want to be an honest person and live life with love but no one treats me with love in return. Everyone on earth has no idea that the resistance is even real or if I tell them they don’t believe me. I don’t want anything in return for my kindness I just want someone to take me seriously and listen to what I have to say about something and actually consider what I tell them to be an actual possibility. I am to the point now where I don’t want to tell anyone anything else about this because people are saying I’m crazy and not to believe what I say without even listening to me. My parents have made me promise not to tell their friends and don’t talk to my brother or his friends about it anymore. I’m feeling lost but still want to help. I fell in love with a woman but she won’t speak to me anymore because she says I trigger something emotionally that happened to her when she was little that her uncle did to her that was really bad. I feel like her soul needs to heal first before we can be together again. I write to her almost everyday and she reads what I write her but doesn’t write back. I want her to be at peace inside and send her my love energy daily. I want to take her painful negative energy from her and give her peace and love inside. I would rather have her pain inside my heart as long as I know she wouldn’t hurt anymore. I don’t know how to help her on my own and it’s very frustrating. I feel like she needs me so I don’t want to leave her alone. There are many people that I know I can feel their suffering and want to help them. Recently I have been hearing a frequency at different times of the day and I want to focus it more. I want to increase my frequency and better myself but there are too many restrictions in my life that are preventing me. They put fluoride in our water and toothpaste which have calcified my pineal gland. I have been trying to de calcify this on my own. There are so many things that I want to learn to make myself better as a person but the information has been kept from us. It’s very frustrating to hope for a change but nothing ever happens to give people hope. People of earth only believe in something they can see themselves with their own eyes. No one has faith or trust in anyone else. If I say trust me that’s right they say I can’t trust you I need facts or I need proof. Do you know how hard it is to relay a message to someone if they want proof or facts about everything you are trying to tell them. I don’t know if you understand that. I don’t even know if you will read this message or not or if you even exist or not. I want to believe in you and that you are real and you are fighting for us. I want to believe that there is more to life than just the realm of existence I perceive. I hope that you are real and will come to save our planet. I hope you are real so everyone will see I’m not crazy and was telling the truth but also because we need your help more than anything else. The people of earth don’t understand what their purpose is because they have been lied to for so long all the know is the lie. They have been born into a lie and raised through it, they have gotten married and had children in the same lie and they taught their children the lie. This has gone on for so long that the lie is all they know. Everyone knows the lie and everyone they know knows the same lie. That is very hard to understand and to convince them that the lie is a lie. We need you to show up and prove to them the lie is a lie and show them the truth. We are not capable of this on our own we need your help to make sense of what our life and world is supposed to be. I don’t know how to do this on my own. Please help my world understand, please help them believe in themselves and to forgive themselves and each other. Please help my father because he has gotten sick lately and please help my mother because she is under lots of stress lately. Please help my Tania find peace and happiness within her heart so she can live a happy life. I feel her pain and I need you to help her because I can not. Please help my dads friend Kevin because he is very sick. I don’t want anything from you because I know there are many people suffering in this world who need more than I do. I just ask for guidance and direction so I can help others. I love myself and I love this world, please help make it a better place for everyone in it. I love you very much, thank you for listening to me and allowing me to find this page and write you a message I hope this message finds the right person and I hope it helps you make sense of it. Thank you!
Welcome stellar people. We were born on a planet where science, instilled in us, rules. They tell us that we are alone in the universe. Our world is divided, ruled by money. We are told that we have freedom but most of us die of hunger, thirst and disease. In our world there is no place for topics that do not agree with the general scientific principle: there is only what is visible. Many, many of us are waiting for unknown lights in the sky. Many look for them. Daily. Our situation is bad. There are so many truths, manipulations and lies. I am one of those people who is waiting, not for magically getting rid of all our problems, but for help. For a wave that will be like a fraternal hand stretched out. We, people, want to learn, mature, become smarter but in truth, without manipulation and the will to profit. I am one of the people who are waiting for you. Please, on behalf of all mankind. Is there anyone who will help us in this process? Though one stray ship? I’m tired, I’m still waiting for you. Please, do not leave us alone in this enslavement.
Cobra gets his Intel from the resistance movement
Is there a sisterhood of the rose group where men can go?
So far I have only found sisterhood of the Rose groups where only women can participate.
It was requested by the forces of light that women and men with an inner connection to the goddess begin to gather in groups to reactivate the sisterhood of the rose. These groups must meet physically at least once a week and call the Goddess energy for planetary peace in their own way. These groups will form the feminine aspect of support for planetary transition during the time of the event, while the event support groups will represent the masculine aspect.
Both women and men have both the feminine and the masculine energy.
The light-filled extraterrestrials, after the compression breakthrough, live in harmony with each other on earth. You don’t split them either.
Peace and harmony comes when there is energy balance.
Separation erschaft splitting. Women can also meet each other in a mixed way.
Cobra gets his Intel from the resistance movement
Is there a sisterhood of the rose group where men can go?
So far I have only found sisterhood of the Rose groups where only women can participate.
It was requested by the forces of light that women and men with an inner connection to the goddess begin to gather in groups to reactivate the sisterhood of the rose. These groups must meet physically at least once a week and call the Goddess energy for planetary peace in their own way. These groups will form the feminine aspect of support for planetary transition during the time of the event, while the event support groups will represent the masculine aspect.
Sync by honeybunny http://2012portal.blogspot.ch/2014/05/sisterhood-of-rose.html#comment-form
Both women and men have both the feminine and the masculine energy.
The light-filled extraterrestrials, after the compression breakthrough, live in harmony with each other on earth. You don’t split them either.
Peace and harmony comes when there is energy balance.
Separation erschaft splitting. Women can also meet each other in a mixed way.
Hello RM It’s John Popeck Here but you know that
We are Very Excited too see THE EVENT there was some attack in the LW Community few days ago.. this wouldn’t have happened if there was another Speaker for you RM besides Cobra Like too suggest someone like me I know I can do the job and help Build peace in the Community if you contact me I know I can do this.. 🙂 Thank you LOVE LIGHT
Dear RM,
In my personal observation, the main reasons of why the surface population is always in conflict are as follows:
1. They have only very few connection with the higher-self and the source, which lead them to see things very skin deep and not from a higher perspective.
2. They have been programmed by the Cabal through the media and have been filled in lots of lies.
3. They’ve bought into lots of negative beliefs or political ideologies (NLP perspective, belief= action), and most of them are based on disinformation not fact.
(If they have deep connection with the source or the higher-self, they know how to distinguish which is true and false.)
That’s a simply question, how could the surface population be united together without having the same belief or thought? Also, they have been programmed that what they have believed is true and good, the opposite side is evil and false. The most important part is most of them are all arrogant and believed that they must be right.
After all, if the event was not triggered, if the disclosure was not triggered, then people simply would not change their mindset.
There were a lot of typos that I just made, and I retweeted it and I was embarrassed.
Hello there,
I did not come to question the COBRA. I made the most useful suggestions to the resistance movement and the bright forces. You have helped us so much, this time for me to help you and make your organization more efficient.
I earnestly asked the forces of light and resistance to listen carefully to what I said and did it.
This requirement is …….:
Instead of focusing on other people such as Cobra or Corygood, setting up multiple posts and candidates on the Earth to transmit information can reduce the burden on COBRA and can become an organized and efficient group.
Some departments are “specially responsible for answering questions.”
Some departments are “specifically responsible for healing.”
Some departments are “specially publicly transmitting messages.”
Some departments “specialize in translating messages into different languages.”
Some departments “specially organize meetings and teach meditation methods.”
Some departments are “specially managing money affairs.”
In this way, COBRA’s work will obviously be reduced many times, and instead of relying on the lightworkers all over the world to spontaneously organize teams and consume less resources and money, COBRA itself is a team and the resistance movement can send out any message at any time to convene people. With meditation activities, I believe that there are certainly many people in the world who are confused and do not know how to help the liberation of the Earth. They will respond accordingly and will help them in large numbers.
The light and resistance movements of my class have said that there are super-positive positive interstellar family members in outer space and underground to help us. Then I have reason to believe that you absolutely have enough money and manpower to solve these problems.
The earth can’t really wait, really can’t delay again, really don’t waste everyone’s time and effort. Since the bright forces and the resistance movement are so powerful, then let these people be a team directly, we can directly follow them. Is not it? Isn’t this easier?
Why do the people on the earth who suffered hardships voluntarily organize themselves and waste their money, and then fight because of unbalanced ideas?
Why do the forces of light do not set up an official support team on Earth? Many of the bright forces are definitely more relaxed in terms of money and time than those of us who may have negative work and life, and may have a large amount of money.
Now that the world believes that there are already enough people, unlike the initial stage, there may be no people. Now that this unified team has emerged, it must be what the people of the world want.
I urge the bright forces to complete this figure as soon as possible. This can avoid a lot of abuses that are now fighting each other, counterfeiting messages, and suspicion of ridicule.
I must send this message to all people (especially Chinese lightworkers). This is the way to help the earth to be the most efficient and most capable of answering everyone’s questions.
Hello there,
I did not come to question the COBRA. I made the most useful suggestions to the resistance movement and the bright forces.
In the case of the Crouching Tigers, the resistance movement listened to me and set up a number of posts and candidates on the Earth to transmit messages to reduce the burden on COBRA.
One is “Specially responsible for answering questions.”
One is “Specially responsible for healing.”
One is “Professional open communication,”
One is “translating messages into different texts.”
One is “Specially Organizing Various Meetings and Teaching Meditation Methods.”
One is “Specialized Money Management.”
In this way, COBRA’s work will obviously be reduced many times, and instead of relying on the lightworkers all over the world to spontaneously organize teams and consume less resources and resources, COBRA itself is a team. 】
I believe that the forces of light and resistance must have enough money and manpower to solve these problems. The earth can’t really wait. Really can’t delay. Really don’t waste everyone’s time and effort. Since the power of light and The resistance movement is so powerful. Then let them directly be a team. Can we not follow them? ?
Why spontaneous organization, and then fight? ?
I must send this message to all people (especially Chinese lightworkers). This is the way to help the earth to be the most efficient and most capable of answering everyone’s questions.
Hi-I’m new to the sight but I have been in my awakening processes for many years now. I would love to help stop spreading socialism throughout South America. I’m Ecuadorian, but I am deeply grieved with what is happening with our brother nation, Venezuela. Can there be a direct intervention from you? People are dying of hunger there, their situation is desperate.
I just found this website today due to looking on youtube for information updates from corey goode. so i dont know everything about this website or its role is in disclosure movement yet so please keep that in mind. but i really like this idea of writing letters to the movement. i agree it can be helpful and put the situation into perspective to see through someone else’s eyes.
i have been struggling within myself through the awakening process for some time now, and trying to deal with all the negative old parts of me and my past experiences on earth. i try to understand it all, rationalize it all, merge it somehow with my new understandings. its harder than it sounds. most especially when i start seeing all the info now being leaked about the alleged horrors going on behind the scenes by our elites. it really makes letting go of the past and rising above it all difficult because such knowledge of what some people have been doing behind our backs creates a lot of anger. im sure im not the only one struggling with anger issues as new info comes to light. part of me wants to let go of all that and rise above it and part of me is just not ready yet to forgive and forget. i am literally torn in half between the two opposing feelings. i believe at this point it would be helpful to try to heal people and keep them calm as more detailed info on these atrocities come to light through the full disclosure process. i am concerned that some people wont handle it well. in this regard if you really do want to capture these perpetrators and give them a fair trial then you may want to grab sooner rather than later and hold them somewhere safe. but please dont be upset or angry with the common public for their reactions. this will all be very shocking to them. do what you gotta do to keep the peace but please have mercy and compassion about it too.
also when i look at the state of the world today and throughout history, as i currently know it to be, i see so much suffering. i see the earth and its wildlife being mistreated and poisoned by mankind, or at least by the elitists among them, and i see all the wars perpetuated among them, i see the chemweapons, bioweapons, nukes, i see the gmo weaponized food supply, the weaponized vaccines, the human trafficking and abuses, the extreme poverty around the world and all the crime that goes with the desperation of poverty, and i think…how did we get here? were we always this way or did something make us this way? how do we fix it? regardless of how we got here, i have also seen how most people who fight the current system end up dead or missing or imprisoned on charges they may or may not actually be guilty of, and so on and so forth. how can change ever possibly happen when every free will attempt at change is met with murder? for the disclosure movement and ascention transition to be peaceful and successful we must prevent such negative retaliation towards the people trying to help us clean this mess up. i want to see as peaceful a transition as possible between the way the world was and the new ascension world. i know not every person on earth is totally innocent of wrong doing but there are also plenty who are. the common person on earth does not deserve to continue suffer under the effects of the cabal regime any longer. and i do understand that this is a war and with war there will be casualties. after all, one is less than many…but please at least try to minimize it.
that is how i see the world situation. my personal life situation is itself not the best at this time. i have been disabled for years due to various medical issues not my own fault. the result of this has been that i live off an ssi monthly allowance plus food stamps and medicaid. my situation could certainly be worse than it is. i am lucky to have a place to live i can sorta afford which lets me at least have some items each month to entertain myself with. at least right now im not starving or freezing in the streets. but that still doesnt mean that i have a good quality of life. its still rough with how it is right now. aside from dealing with my illnesses every moment, im also dealing with very low income. on ssi, which is what i have due to becoming disabled at a younger age, i currently get the max allowed monthly payment of $750. for most people that is barely more than the cost of rent of a 1 or 2 bedroom apartment. i have a max amount allowed of personal property of $2,000. that means dishes, towels, clothes. my bed, tables, chairs, etc, all combined is not suppsoed to exceed more than $2,000. if it does they could decide to force me to sell it off and cut me off ssi until money is used up. this $2,000 limit can be easily exceeded with simply owning a new bed, table, chair, fridge and stove. my point here is that this poverty and sufferin g related to poverty is completely unnecessary if what corey goode and others are claiming is true. these elites and others have purposely kept technologies from us that could relieve such suffering and lack. i have tried to stockpile what i can for the ascension event and the possibility of some sort of war with the cabal breaking out into the streets, in case of economic callapse etc, but on this income its nearly impossible without outside help. many other people around the world are in similar situations and even worse situations of poverty, and are not prepared properly for a cabal war scenario. if there is any way to help relieve this problem until ascension and technologies released is complete, that would be a great help to everyone. i believe that reliving the stress of lack/poverty would be a great help in keeping peoples spirits and energy vibrations higher. if people see all this grave news and are shocked by it as it comes out to the public, they might plummet their energy vibrations from anger fear and stress. but if at least they dont also have to worry about freezing and starving that will help.
also please be aware that not everyone will have full access to cable news sources etc as these things unfold and are told to the public around the world. for example, due to my own financial situation i do not have cable or satelite tv. i do have the internet at this time so i can watch youtube and look things up on google most days so long as the internet and power is working, but i wont necessarily know what to search for. my current financial situation is to blame for this as it is for many other people too. please find ways of keeping all people informed and calm.
one final and very important point to make here. i want to say thankyou to everyone working on this matter. i want to thank all the people doing the research and data dumps, all the people speaking out publically about this info and their own experiences, and all the people who are fighting to save humanity and the planet. without you all this would not be possible. this situation is dire enough and severe enough that only people with knowledge and training will be able to successfully maneuver behind the scenes the way the alliance has been doing. when normal people here on earth try much of the time they just end up missing or worse. so it definitely takes the help of those with training to go after these guys on a level playing field. but it also takes the help of many others to inform the public and change our vibrations too. i recognize your efforts and struggles and sacrifices. even if you are one of the people that used to be a part of the problem, if you are now coming forward as part of the solution i salute you, i recognize your bravery and your desire and commitment for change. i forgive such people as you for anything you had to do when you were still operating in the dark side of the ssp and such programs because i recognize the struggle within you to do the right thing and the decision to come forward and help us now. i ask the universe to protect you all and help you in times of need, to give you anything you need to get this done.
※ Full Disclosure Project is a supportive platform for the “THE EVENT” in China. We provide the Accurate disclosure messenges, and the RM’s newest disclosure news.
※ February 10,2018. We have blockaded at 3 times. There is no benefits for our righteous work, but is a heavly attack. Cause we also share voices on internet.
※ So we need a strong intervention by light forces, we desire that righteous informations can be transmited to china.
Hello to the beautiful and loving resistance movement,
Thank you for everything that you are doing to help humanity!! It’s tough being here. I have been under constant attack by dark entities for many years and most recently on Sunday I was attacked again. They have tried to torment me in many ways in my life and interfere between me and my beloved twin flame. It’s been getting pretty intense lately. I am trying my best to anchor in the light and to fight the darkness. I am staying strong and I will keep fighting for light and humanity.
I want to thank each and everyone of you for all that you are doing. I love you all from the bottom of my heart and I ask God and the angels to always watch over you and keep you all safe. Sending you all lots of love and light!! Thank you!!!!
Saludos he seguido el mobimiento desde 2009 , creo que no consideran que somos generaciones que hemos luchado sin resultado alguno y que hemos tenido que defendernos y aprendido como lidiar con este plano lleno de riezgos, maldad y miedo,
nos hablan del libre alvedrio pero en la 4D no np existe porque para elevar la frecuencia y cumplir con la mision tenemos Destino, asi que es muy limitado el librre alvedrio , Nos estan tratando como todos y como ninguno, pero existen las personas de la 3D, 4D, 5D y densificados de dimenciones mas altas que estan con destino y no con misiones de salvar al planeta sino de vivir su expereincia de vida , y su despertar no pasa a ser mas que inf, se encuentra casi en 60% de diversificados no clasificados que restan mucho peso al punto critico .
cada dia nos imponen mas leyes injustas de sometimiento, la verdad es que se ve que la elite gana poder cada dia , es una confuncion muy grande que nos hace ser cautelosos en mi opinion existe demaciada informacion y alguna se contrapone tanto que Es una cuestion de percepcion, sensiblidad y conocimiento, si exite en el planeta mucha gente que sea capaz de cubrir el punto critico , pero la red esta llena de trolls yo he recibido ataques psiquicos, y eso nos pone en alerta precaucion y mucho sigilo. Espero recibir respuesta y sentir en mi corazon que todo es real un abrazo ¡¡¡
Dear Brothers & Sisters of the Divine Light ( Resistance Movement)
Please fix our Earth planetery financial systems: there are alot more homeless people living & sleeping at public bus stops everyday, especially in downtown Denver, Colorado.
Thank You,
Amba Kenney
Bonjour RM, Cobra, Travailleurs de Lumière et Guerrier de Lumière,
Je souhaite faire un retour sur les soins par « Command PB Stardust »
Celà a fonctionné pour moi qui avait mal dans le bas du dos régulièrement. La douleur n’est pas complètement partie mais elle est moins forte qu’auparasant. ?
Et je souhaite vous remercier de tout mon cœur pour ça.
J’aurai une autre question :
Y aurait-il d’autres commande a dire pour neutraliser nos implants éthériques qui ont été placés par les Archontes ? Une commande pour remettre la glande pinéale opérationnelle ?
Merci à vous.
Victoire de la Lumière
Urgent!! Please Light Forces, Resistance Movement consider to arrange “Unity Meditation” within 2017
Dear Light Forces, Resistance Movement,
I am writing to urge many awakened community, such as the awakened community led by Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Benjamin Fulford, Veronica Keen, Justin Deschamps, Kauilapele, The Mind Unleashed, Steve Beckow, Prepare For Change…. to organize “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21” to join New Toplet and Plasma Parasite Meditation with daily meditation at 2pm GMT.
I wish It can be held within 2017.
We can notice it is the huge success to reach critical mass in “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21”
If many awakened community can hold next “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21”, to join New Toplet and Plasma Parasite Meditation with daily meditation at 2pm GMT within 2017, it can accelerate “The Event” and maybe activate “The Event” within 2017.
I wish Light Forces, Resistance Movement can tell many awakened community for this urge to organize “Unity Meditation” like “UNITY MEDITATION AT THE ECLIPSE 2017-8-21” to join New Toplet and Plasma Parasite Meditation with daily meditation at 2pm GMT and urge It can be held within 2017.
Urgent!! Please Light Forces, Resistance Movement consider to arrange “Unity Meditation” within 2017
To: Resistance Movement
From: A group of Event support team leaders in China Mainland
Ask for help from Resistance Movement: a Chinese woman who lived in New York, called Li Wenjie (李文洁) Her name on WeChat: “Yan Ni” (燕妮, Wechat ID: wenyanyanni). Because of her continuous and seriously damaging the Event support teams in China Mainland (ESTC) operations since 2016, and we would like to ask for RM physical intervention!
Like Yaldaboath, Yan Ni inhaled all kinds of people who opposed the RM and the Event. Every day, she uses various methods to incite, plan to distort, attack light forces, Cobra and ESTC in many WeChat Chinese groups (which have many thousands members in there), and try hard to mislead the people who want to contribute into the Event. Because of her destructive messages spreading daily, and she attacks days and nights, causing the groups’ leaders exhausted to deal with her and unable to focus more energy on promoting the Event.
a. Since 2016, Yan Ni has used various methods to estrange the ESTC groups and caused groups and individuals to create contradictions and discordances with each other. And with the extreme high pressure, with energy of fear to distort the Event into a religious-like propaganda.
b. Trying to discredit Cobra, the RM, Cintamani, defame X planet as Nibiru, and our moon to create fear in an attempt to stop various meditations that helpful for the situation.
c. Using the attendance of most Cobra meetings and publicity events, disguising herself as an uncovering hero. Then she emphasized and enlarged the problems or imperfections of various teams and people to create endlessly tangle and more chaos. In order to differentiate the ESTC team into three antithetical groups, and to avoid their cooperation, she also exhausted various ways to discredit and obstruct everything related to the Event.
Because Yan Ni operates remotely from New York of United States and was not subject to Chinese laws and norms, for a long time inciting anti-light forces, causing more people to question the light forces, leading to confusion among the Chinese light workers, the core members of the ESTC team cannot stand her endless madness for almost two years, all becomes weary and tired, a serious obstacle to our energy focusing on the Event!
Therefore, on behalf of all members of the frontline Event support team in Mainland China, we hereby strongly urge that RM could state more guiding principles to the Chinese team in the Situation Updates, and it is better that RM could actual intervene if possible!
Victory of Light!