All readers of the Prepare for Change website are invited to communicate with the Resistance Movement. After discussing this with Cobra we have discovered that members of the RM desire more information from us, the surface?population of Earth.
Cobra has passed this information to us:
(PFC0517) ?Lynn? – Cobra, is the RM the ones that give you feed-back on our meditations, you know the strength of it and the numbers.
COBRA –?Yes, yes.? (OK)
Lynn? – Are we as surface humans? able to communicate with them telepathically.
COBRA –?It is possible.? It has happened in a few instances but its not very common and very few people from the surface have enough awareness of the RM to hear that telepathic contact.
Lynn? – Would it be useful to show them certain situations we are experiencing.?
COBRA –?Yes. It is sometimes not simple for them to understand their reactions of the surface population because they are simply, I would say psychologically quite different and if you explain to them a little bit more, even telepathically or in writing you can even post an article on your blog and address it to them, that would be a great idea. (wow, thats a great idea.? Thank you Cobra.) (PFC0517)
In order to facilitate this for all people and make it easy for both us and the RM, we are using this page with its comment section for this purpose. The idea is simple, go to the bottom of the page and use the comment box to share your feelings about the situation on Earth.
So please ask your?questions or make your comment with your Letter to the Resistance in the comments below.
Published July 5, 2017
[NOTE: Please do not criticize or comment on other’s letters in reply, this page is meant to enable a free exchange from our readers with the Resistance Movement, so please do not respond as though the letters are to YOU.]
As this shift of the ages forces more and more negativity to the surface from the overall environment, we lightworkers / lightwarriors are literally working overtime processing heavy, dark and sticky energies that seem to be unending. The work load is not only VERY stressful but many of us also labor alone. This means that a goodly percentage of lightworkers / lightwarriors out there literally have no significant other in their lives with whom they can talk things out with, which also means that many of them are highly dependent on OTHER lightworkers / lightwarriors to be their restorative sounding boards.
Under these conditions it is inevitable that arguments and disagreements will occur — this should not be viewed as a bad thing, not really. The reality is that despite what looks on the surface to be unpleasant is actually confirmation that the overall processing of negativity is taking place and everyone is doing their part. The truth is that oftentimes what is really needed by those who labor alone, is real genuine human interaction where their emotions can find a realistic outlet. After all, even in the best of marriages there are times when push back and antagonism help to establish the parameters of a new equilibrium. That’s what’s going on here. I would suggest that we need to be more understanding and give more credit where credit is due rather than stressing out over how stressed someone or other is, or has been.
Hello RM and all others who are here in humanity’s best interest. I wrote in yesterday but did not address one of the issues asked. I feel lightworkers argue or battle each other sometimes because there are egos at play, there’s also a lot of opinions and I feel there’s a lot of false Intel out there and for some reason it creates an emotional reaction. I feel the biggest aspect of why this happens is because there’s not enough truthful and concrete information out there and there’s also a lot of scam artists out there and it seems to be revolved around making money off of the ones searching, how unfortunate. This needs to be delbt with, the effect it’s had has devided many good hearted people, it’s created the I’m right and your wrong scenarios depending on where one received their information. People are basically fed up with the nonsense, The lack of truth, the scam artists out there trying to rack in money, and just the flat out lies put out by some infiltrators purposely put into the spiritual and truther movement. I full heartedly believe that we need Full Disclosure, all in, full balls no holds bar. This would dispel the vast majority of this issue. If some people wish to continue their nonsense and drama after, then it would be their own choice to do so. The vast majority of us lightworkers and light warriors are pure of heart and only want the very best for all of us. There is a famous saying here, that it only takes a few to screw it up for the rest. And so it seems to have happened and my hopes are that this prospective helps you better understand your query. I also believe that we all need to have a more open channel to communicate with each other, as this open channel has proven that there are many misunderstandings and a dialogue would be most helpful in a better repor between us all. We all should work much more closely with each other as I’ve felt for some time now that it’s long overdue. I hope that my aspect was helpful in information being sought. I am eternal essence embodied in human form. In gratitude and in service of Light. Me ✌?
forced reincarnation.
chemtrails – haarp.
fda – robbing our health and life itself.
banking system – keeps us in debt.
no free/cheap energy allowed to replace oil.
vaccines poisoning our children.
etheric and plasma implants.
That pretty well sums it up and once we awaken we must still try to remain positive and express love all the while knowing the truth of our situation and how we are their cattle.
Okay RM, so y’all don’t quite understand just how bad it is on the surface of this planet. Well, aside from all of the in fighting and drama laden alternative info did you know that our life’s blood, or our WATER has been hijacked by the dark. Most of our water systems, food containing water, and drink containing water has been contaminated, on purpose with fluoride and other harmful additives. This info is well known in the awakening communities for some time now. I understand that source is the collective and will not free us until we collective agree to it, yet fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, or third eye, which is a very important physical aspect of awakening the rest of humanity. So you see, the rest of humanity is in a rather big pickle when it comes to awakening. Wouldn’t you agree that the dark has definitely broken many rules here. Some would say that humanity allowed this to happen, well I sure don’t remember anything negative about fluoride until after I luckily started awakening. The rest of humanity has been told by very truth worthy institutions, such as dentist and doctors that fluoride fights cavities and adding to our food and drinks is a good thing. Now, would you say that the collective part of source here on earth is trapped within their cells, or selves due to the dark breaking all of the rules governing the universe? Enough is enough and it’s time to get it done. You may ask why we need your help, well that is because we have been programmed far worse than you have. Sure, we will be liberated one day, yet the pain and suffering will continue until that day.
Love and gratitude ❤️!
Letter to RM
Beloved RM,
THANK YOU a million times for your bravery, selflessness and all the sacrifices you’ve made to plunge into this realm and help liberate Mother Earth.
There is soo much to share with you from where we, the surface Light workers/Light warriors currently live
Since we were children, perhaps going back incarnations ago, our spirits have constantly been subjected to traumas, through acts of physical violence and mental, emotional torment and traumas, through society, school systems and many times unsuspecting, well intended parents and families…
By the time we reach our teens, our free spirit and free will struggles for air…
It takes an ongoing monumental work to keep existing, functioning at minimal levels without going insane, living in a completely out of control world…
As we’ve started to awaken and desperately attempted to shake everyone up around us, we’ve foud ourselves being attacked on an ongoing basis…verbally, emotionally, mentally from all sides, 24/7, starting with those around us and also extending to the non physical lower realms forces, using their negative technologies to fragment and control our mental emotional physical fields
Our energy fields feel like they are punctured by invisible bulets and through it all negative entities enter and exit in and out at leisure, 24/7, manipulating our thoughts, words and actions
It takes a super human to become aware and resist and protect ourselves from all of it
we are merciless attacked from endless directions and the very minute we manage to raise our vibrations even a little bit, they take notice as you know and they tripple their efforts
IF we resist them, then they go after our loved ones…
in many ways
one way or another they manage to make your life an ongoing struggle to survive…
Light workers/warriors attack eachother because their minds and emotions are manipulated by parasitical entities who take over their bodies, their minds and emotions on an ongoing basis…harvesting us and the millions of sentient beings killed for food and other many uses every day
they also attack eachother because many times everyone seems a threat and so in self defense we start to attack eachother…
our age old crystalized beliefs, egos, survival fear, temporary possession makes it extremely hard to remain unaffected…
We start to lose trust in eachother, we isolate from one another, even when we try to unite, many prominent light workers have refused to let their consciousness to trust and instead we’ve been ignored and avoided…then we sometimes lash at eachother our of eons accumulated frustration…
but at least the good side is that with enough self awarenes, we realize that all the negativity we’ve inflicted on ourselves and to eachother did not truly belong to us but was carefully engineered by the dark minions with their legions of slaves and advanced negative tech…
it is almost an act of mad courage to project in this dimension not knowing WHAT WILL IT BE LIKE, ONCE HERE, when everything changes from where the initial plan was made…
from the outside everything seems and feels different
once here, a star seed become desperate and alsmost suicidal…
we are not designed or trained enough to face the ongoing nighytmares going on here, where we only operate with 5 limited senses, when our 6th or more senses attempt to reactivate we get massively attacked and we have no support because the DIVIDE AND CONQUER was perfectly masterminded right here in such way that we have countless different beliefs, views, perceptions of even among those whom we should resonate most with…
with no spiritual, social, familial and financial, technological support we only rely on a very thin thread of Light and Hope and it is a miracle that we can wake up another day in this asylum of the universe…
going on a freeway driving our 4 wheels old fashion vehicles is an act of bravery in itself because any moment our life could end through many types of accidents
slaving our lives away for a mere roof, some food and transportation takes away from the energetic resources which we should use for spiritual purposes
once we become aware that EACH SINGLE MINUTE 200,000 sentient beings are killed for food and other uses, even as a vegan, your senses almost shut down, unable to process the interminable amount of suffering, feeling it each moment, so heavy and depressing and hope/helpless…making you wanna get outta here each moment…
we feel like we swim against an enormous wave every minute almost, being constantly pushed under the water, hardly able to come out for a bit of air…
we’ve been attacked by those we’ve tried to wake up and those we’ve helped…besides the ongoing negative attacks and their weapons…
we feel forgotten even by the Source and only after we’ve learned about the big picture of this grand cosmic mess we’re emerging out of, we are able to come back even slightly to our old senses and surrender and cooperate as much as we can to speed up planetary liberation…
there is tons more we could share but trying to offer a tiny glimpse of what is like to live down under, pressured by the enormous weight of the lower astral realms under which we’ve lived for far too long…
we are exhausted, we don’t have much more to live for except the planetary liberation for all living beings…
freedom cannot come too soon…
The one and only reason we are fighting with each other is because there is not enough pure, unconditioned, spiritual energy – loving light from Source – accessible to us. If there were, we would be in unity consciousness, not duality. The lack of this primordial, unconditioned energy, which is the balancing agent for the duality of yin and yang activity, keeps us from thinking, feeling, and responding properly, from our natural state of love and unity.
And the cause of this lack is precisely what Cobra says it is, except that I would call it “programming” not “implant”, because we have more to say about it than what the term “implant” implies:
“…the vast majority of suffering has its root cause in the so-called primary implant… that…has the primary message that we are separated from the Source / Love / Light. This primary disconnection from the Source then attracts situations that reflect that disconnection and create more suffering. Since our free will then aligns with the implant, the Light forces cannot intervene …”.
Again, the reason that we “attract situations that reflect that disconnection and create more suffering. Since our free will then aligns with the implant…” is the lack of primordial loving light energy which would keep us in unity consciousness.
Yes, we are being interfered with, BUT, we can heal this because we can generate this primordial unconditioned energy by concentrating on having a clear, empty, central, or core, channel, (not the spine, but the actual center of the body from crown-point to perineum) and connecting it infinitely above and below. The emptiness energy is what balances the yin and yang forces within us and on the planet, and then they harmonize and there is unity.
To the Resistance Movement:
First, I wish to say that WE LOVE YOU, and we are immensely grateful for your efforts, your sacrifices, and your focus for the good of us all. The service you give is beyond all efforts to praise, but we shall praise you nonetheless, regardless of how inadequate that praise may be. Thank you.
Second, let me offer a statement of our perspective now. We are tired. We are frustrated that we cannot do more to bring about the changes we know are needed and desired throughout the world. We struggle with feelings of powerlessness, even though we acknowledge what the prophets say, that we are powerful creators. Why then can we not create the desired conditions? Who stole our magic wands?
We are in pain physically. Old age and osteoarthritis are damned painful. I am crippled by it in the sense I cannot walk unaided; I use a walker and canes. The cervical spine is collapsing and pinches the nerves to the arms and hands. Hips, knees, shoulders: all are affected. I suppose I can be thankful that the condition isn’t worse. At least, it’s not rheumatic arthritis. We wonder, where is the healing technology that is said to exist? Where is the proof? When will we experience true healing? Or will these bodies die before that comes to pass? I sometimes think that would be desirable. Perhaps then I can return to my Pleiadian body. Is that the “light at the end of the tunnel”?
We (my wife and I, along with others) taught meditation and offered spiritual counseling for 15 years. We exhausted and impoverished ourselves in the process and had to give it up. Now, we do what we can to maintain a high vibration in our own consciousness, we explore every shred of seemingly relevant information that we can find, such as following Cobra’s blog as well as others, and we join in the weekly and other group meditations. That’s about all we can do at present. We would like to do more, but what would that be? I don’t know, all things considered.
We want the Veil lifted. If nothing else happens – no healing, no financial relief, no world peace – that alone would be deeply, deeply appreciated. So many questions exist in this world, questions to which we have no answers, only guesses and intuitions. We want to KNOW the truth, not as an idea in the mind or an intuition of the heart, but as an actual experience of REALITY. This is the greatest frustration. We try to avoid giving in to anger or depression, but those states are always lurking about the fringes of consciousness. This is like a heavy weight we must carry each and every moment of each and every day. The Myth of Sisyphus seems only too apt a metaphor for this life. We pray that the Veil of illusion may be shattered forever!
Third, I have a personal request, a favor to ask. In my nighttime travels – which I seem to be able to remember less and less as time goes on – I met a Pleiadian woman who showed me, in no uncertain terms, that Pleiadian women are every bit as real and feminine and beautiful as Earth women, and even more. She is tall and slender, as most Pleiadian women are, I think. She moves with grace. Her hair is a reddish blonde, almost tawny like a lion, shoulder length at that time. Her eyes are alive with Light and intelligence.
If you can locate her – I don’t know how, but probably on a ship in this solar system – please say hello for me. Tell her I remember her, but not as much as I would like. Ask her to contact me again if she can, if I can, if it is permitted. Ask her to tell me her name. Thank her for me, for giving a vision and a memory that gives me hope of a better life. Who is she in relation to me? Who am I in relation to her? Is she a higher dimensional persona of my earthly wife? That would be interesting.
Anyway, that’s enough. We are ready to break the “loop” we’re in here. We came to serve, but it feels like we’re trapped here. I want to go home. I want to be free. We know you, the Resistance Movement, will keep working on your goals, and we stand ready to assist when it becomes clear whether we can be of any use. Until then, we continue to put one foot in front of another, live the lives we have in front of us to live, and pray for the day when the negativity is defeated. Then, perhaps, we can take a deep breath, let it out slowly, and say to ourselves, “It is finished.” May that day come as soon as possible!
Forgive me for writing such a long letter. I look forward to the day when we can speak face to face – mind to mind? – instead.
Thank you,
Benjamin and Joanne
Pecos, New Mexico
@Benjamin Harris I recommend visiting one of Cobra’s Tachyon Healing Chambers for your health issues, listed here: http://tachyonis.org/
I also recommend getting in touch with the Biocharger company to help locate someone who owns one and offers sessions to the public in your area: https://biocharger.com/
I am broke and unable to afford healing for myself, but I have tried the Biocharger once, and can guarantee, it’s the real deal. I also look forward to the Tachyon Healing Chamber when I can afford to visit one.
Dear RM and Cobra, thank you on behalf of Planet Earth.
Even light workers and light worriers have limited psychic abilities on this planet, unlike in the rest of the Universe where everyone knows what other ‘thinks’ and feels and where they are coming from, – we don’t, we are only going by what they say. And if it does not fit into our own world’s perception, then it feels like a threat to us and to the planet and attacking the ‘threat’ feels like the way to liberation. It’s a fight for followers by discrediting the opposite.
I believe, that the way to liberation is unlocking psychic abilities to full extent in general population, or at least in light workers. Because logical fights are no use in the universe that makes everyone right even if just temporary. There is no way to prove anything through logic when logic is adaptive to believer and depends on perspective, on point of view, on how you look at it.
I know that is what you are doing, by removing the blinders (plasma metrix around the planet). If you can help individuals as well through removing our primary implant. It’s seem like there is limited effect in doing it yourself, or our approach is not the useful one.
If we could see the truth, instead of try to figure it out logically, that’s what’s needed.
Dear Resistance Movement,
Thank you so much for all the love and support! Thank you for all of your help during my missions, thank you for the protection, thank you for your kindness in helping to free lovely Gaia and all the beings on her. I love you and am grateful beyond words. Sometimes I look around at the life that exists on the planet now, trees/flowers/etc. and I’m shocked that so much life can still exist in such an anti-life, anti-love paradigm and I’m so grateful to you, the agarthans and all beings holding light here to make life and the event possible.
Why is there infighting among light workers?
I think this needs a basic understanding on how pain is used on the surface paradigm. I believe that pain is used by the dark for food (old news) and also used to enforce programming that is based in isolation. In group settings, we are trained to compete, judge, and fear because not being considered smart, beautiful, popular or strong by others means that you’re not worthy of love. We are taught to exernalize our self worth and the consequential self loathing is very very painful. Isolation is the next option which leads us to no longer fight, but the wounds from interacting with others don’t really get healed because we don’t remember how. Once we’re isolated, we are more easy to control and hurt more. Until very recently, I didn’t remember my soul, soul family, source, anything. I honestly think a very large number of people do not remember what love feels like in any sense of the word. We go numb trying to run from pain and are offered “escapes” that only drag us deeper into pain (alcohol, drugs, brainwashing movies, etc) Even the good advice of discernment by trusting what makes you know/feel good, is very hard initially because we don’t remember what good is… even dreaming of a world without pain goes far against the initial programming from school/society. The idea of feeling genuine peace was initially very very foreign after many years of emotional suffering.
So why all the pain? Specifically to get us to not trust people, beings, our own soul essence, anything. Wounds are exploited to create conflict and further isolate us. Hell is both collective and individually tailored to minimize the chances of people being a threat to the matrix system. The horrifying efficiency of it all is pretty astounding. And as lightworkers/warriors, the specific targeting is quite intense. When people are numb and in scarcity all sorts of awful things become possible…
So how have I personally been able to get out of the emotional snowball of pain-numbing-pain-numbing? By facing it. You’ve gotta look at something that is less preferable than not existing. Face everything that hurt so bad it made you go numb. The more we feel, the more teamwork and emotional understanding becomes possible. When pain is faced and emotional wounds become more healed, we become less reactinary and more apt to teamwork. I deal with potential triggers by working on healing/facing what I am aware of. Each time I heal, I learn more about potential wounds that could trigger other people and how to avoid/heal them.
Even still it can be hard. There are many wounds, many of which we are unaware of. These are the tricky ones. During a mission, I personally have been weaponized against someone I’m working with and love, by saying something I thought was very nice but instead it stabbed her deep in an unhealed wound. We talked though it with extreme honesty about the wound itself and my effect on it. In the end, it was a positive learning experience which led to a deeper appreciation and understanding of her. In the very least, my awareness ensures that I will not be manipulated to trigger that particular wound again. If people are extremely honest about their emotional wounds to themselves and to their teammates (even though it’s uncomfortable to say the least) I think this can be extremely effective in minimizing dark attacks that are meant to cause infighting/resentment (at least in small groups).
Sorry that this post isn’t on a more pleasant topic, I would rather say “everything’s great” and easily dissolve all the toplet bombs haha. But the event would surely have happened already if it were that easy. One day maybe I can hug you guys and we can make some music together once all the tough stuff is dealt with.
I think things will get better as more awareness is spread. Honestly, I’m happy that you guys can’t relate to infighting because I hope it means that the emotional attack campaign against you was less effective or less intense. The idea that relief is coming with the event is so exciting. I think I’ll just collapse with tears of relief. The situation is already improving a bit from my point of view. I’m happy that there’s enough light now to communicate with you in this way. Hopefully, it can make healing easier for people (: You’ve done such an amazing job for so long. Thank you for holding the light even through all the darkness! I love my higher self and source now, I love all the wonderful beings helping us, I love finding peace and bringing light/healing to places that need it. I’m so grateful to be a part of this big beautiful team working towards the event. I’m grateful to remember my purpose and to be able to do it! Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping heal us! May the most benevolent and expedited version of the event grace us with peace! Victory of the light! Much love!
Resistance movement,
First thank you for all your efforts in helping humanity and planet earth. I for one am eternally grateful. Next, life here is very complex in that things are not what they seem at first glance, as you may have noticed. Hypocracy reigns. I don’t like this aspect much at all because truth and integrity seem much easier to understand and are much more straight forward. But truth and integrity and generally not wanted, and least not too much at once, say it might hurt ones feelings or be bad for business etc., so just busy or go away or what have you.
This type of behavior goes on in almost every aspect of life as far as I can tell; business, family, social, love, etc. An example: recycle materials like iron and copper, rubber, and brass and aluminum. You are helping to clean up the environment when doing such things. Yes indeed. You help clean up an old farm that been abandoned with old cars and equipment and take it to a recycler business. Before you turn in the scrap iron and other materials you break them down to the individual metals because you receive better prices for turning them in to the recycler. However, to break them down you burn the coating off of the copper wire and smelt the aluminum into ingots and remove the freon from the radiators into the atmosphere. This is not good for the environment. But it is recycling. This is the way most all things are on planet earth. Not what they seem. If you think you are doing good you really aren’t.
This is what makes life on this planet so draining for me personally in every way. Mentally emotionally, physically and spiritually. Eventually you just want to not do anything so that way at least you are not draining yourself physically .
I ask that you try to understand how difficult it is to have your parents look at you and stare blankly at you and you know that there is no way you can begin to try and explain what you believe in your heart to be true. No one to talk to about core beliefs. Its hard to know what’s good or bad your own self from time to time due to the information being put out to the public.
In short, I am open and ready to receive love and light and guidance from the benevolent forces and divine source. Resistance movement forces I thank you and pray your continued success. I hope my words give guidance to those who read them to help understand the chaos which continues on the ground here on planet earth.
Greetings RM!
In my opinion people fight each other because some don’t know for sure what is real and what is not. One moment we read through Cobra’s updates, do some inner work, some meditation and we feel so UPLIFTED in the spiritual world that we’ve created. But then, we interact with parents, go in the classroom/work, talk and observe people and all that PEACE is gone. Is like we live in 2 separate worlds, and unfortunately we get to spend more time in the one that is NOT that SERENE. And this roller coaster goes on and on, again and again (uplifted and then miserable/lost/depressed, uplifted and then miserable/lost/depressed, repeat).
I believe some of us need some “extra proof” of the side we are fighting for, something more palpable, 3D-like, even thow we know (inner voice/instinct) in our heart and all our body that this thing is real, but there are moments we feel so lost and it is nice to have something to cling on to.
Thank you so much for your “time” (well, time is an illusion but anyway ?) and lots of love from planet Earth! ❤️
Tout d’abord un énorme “Merci” à tous nos frères et sœurs du Mouvement de la Résistance où qu’ils se trouvent. De les savoir là à œuvrer pour nous, moralement cela nous aide énormément car nous savons que nous ne sommes plus seuls et que vous êtes en train de faire tout ce que vous pouvez pour nous sortir de là bien souvent à vos risques et périls. Nous en sommes pleinement conscients.
J’ai été aussi bien surprise de me rendre compte que des personnes s’investissant, travaillant sur les groupes tournés vers la lumière, la libération, même chez Prepare for Change -pas Cobra-, étaient encore très dirigistes, donnaient des ordres même au niveau de ce que vous deviez faire, de votre participation financière, voire des insultes et des menaces de la justice divine si vous ne faites pas ce que eux ont décidés, etc. Ils interprètent à leur façon ce qui est dit par Cobra ou d’autres et s’en font les champions.
J’ai aussi réfléchi là-dessus et j’en suis arrivée à la conclusion que si vous donnez le moindre semblant de pouvoir à quelqu’un, ou si une personne se donne l’impression de prendre la tête de quelque chose comme en organisant un groupement, une diffusion de pierres citamani, alors le petit chef se réveille en lui. Pourquoi ? Parce que il pense qu’il peu faire mieux que tout le monde, il veut faire ce que Cobra ou un autre a souhaité pour le bien de tous et lui le fait en secouant les autres. La volonté de départ est bonne, c’est après que cela dévie. Pour moi c’est l’ego. Ce qui nous influence aussi c’est que nous avons tous et toutes, à un degré divers, une part de lignée reptilienne, que nous sommes issus de milieux différents mais où le clivage noblesse, bourgeoisie, commerçant, paysan tout du moins en France se ressent encore dans les villes et villages, que nous avons reçu notre éducation dans des milieux défavorisés ou dans des milieux rigides, religieux ou pas, etc. L’autre est encore perçu à travers sa propre projection, à travers son propre vécu et il peut très vite devenir l’ennemi à abattre quant il n’est pas perçu comme étant comme vous, ou bien qu’il est ressenti comme étant mieux que vous.
Actuellement, la prise de conscience de qui nous sommes, de vers quoi nous allons vraiment, n’est pas encore faite par beaucoup. C’est vrai aussi que nous avons tous des implants qui nous bloquent au niveau de notre relation à la Source et que sans eux nous pourrions être reliés directement à la Source; c’est d’ailleurs la raison pour laquelle on nous les a mis. Mais s’ils étaient enlevés, alors l’ego n’aurait pas un aspect aussi négatif et il y n’y aurait plus ses attaques entre gens du même bord. C’est mon sentiment.
google t – First of all a huge “Thank You” to all our brothers and sisters of the Resistance Movement wherever they are. To know them there to work for us morally helps us enormously because we know that we are no longer alone and that you are doing everything you can to get us out of there very often at your own risk. We are fully aware of this.
I was also surprised to find that people who were involved, working on light-oriented groups, liberation, even at Prepare for Change-not Cobra-, were still very dirigistes, gave orders even at Level of what you have to do, your financial participation, even insults and threats of divine justice if you do not do what they have decided, etc. They interpret in their own way what is said by Cobra or others and champion them.
I also thought about it, and I came to the conclusion that if you give any semblance of power to someone, or if someone seems to take the lead in something like organizing A grouping, a diffusion of stones citamani, then the small chief wakes up in him. Why ? Because he thinks he can do better than everyone else, he wants to do what Cobra or another wished for the good of all and he does it by shaking others. The starting will is good, it is after that deviates. For me it is the ego. What also influences us is that we all have, to a certain extent, a part of the reptilian lineage, that we come from different backgrounds, but in which the nobility, the bourgeoisie, the tradesmen, the peasants, at least in France, Still feel in towns and villages, that we have received our education in disadvantaged areas or in rigid, religious or non-religious environments. The other is still perceived through his own projection, through his own experience and he can very quickly become the enemy to be defeated when he is not perceived as being like you or he is felt to be better that you.
Currently, the awareness of who we are, from where we are really going, is not yet made by many. It is also true that we all have implants that block us in our relationship to the Source and that without them we could be connected directly to the Source; That is the reason why we were given them. But if they were removed, then the ego would not look so negative and there would be no more attacks between people on the same side. That’s my feeling.
Resistance Movement… My thoughts for your consideration… Being newly awakened I have observed this…Unity can only happen when the implants are gone.
Unfortunately, according to Cobra, the imp!ants are interfering with our connection to Source…
So..unity can only happen when the implants are gone.
Peace, love, abundance and happiness!
Victory of the Light!
I just want to say to the resistance, that I am very proud of all of you. It is a great comfort to know that you are here, risking all to help us achieve the liberation of our planet, and ourselves. I am confident that the mission will be accomplished. The best I can do is face each day with love and forgiveness for my fellow man. If there is more that is required of me, please let me know. I salute you.
Mark Lavely
Why do light workers and light warriors attack each other?
I posted my thoughts late last night, but my post was deleted. So I contacted Cobra and he responded to me. He told me to post again if what I posted was deleted. So I will try again and hope that this second one will not be deleted.
I began walking my spiritual path in the early 1980’s. It began with me doing what is known today as light worker work. The terms light warrior and light worker did not exist in the 1980’s. So those of us who were on our spiritual path called ourselves the sons and daughters of light. And I still like that term-a daughter of light. As time when on, and the dark entities started coming at me, I learned how to fight them by trial and error. I also had ancient memories coming forward to help me to either fight them or send them to the light. So what I learned in those past lifetimes came forward at the most opportune time.
Even in the 1980’s, there were people who fought each other. This is when the New Age Movement started. I witnessed the egos clashing, those who wanted to be boss, those who thought they knew more than everyone else, or they claimed to know everything and then those who resorted to psychically attacking each other. My response? I turned my back, walked away and continued on my path alone. I was guided to the right books and continued learning on my own. Along the way, I met other people and we learned from each other. And I spent time teaching others, one and one. But I did stress that we are all equal. No one is higher than anyone else.
It was last year when I found out that the fighting continues. I am a light warrior and a light worker. When I “know” that a dark one can be reasoned with and sent home, I work with them and they went home to the light. But when a pure evil one comes my way to attack, and I know that there is no reasoning with them, that is when I fight them.
When I became aware of the fighting last year, it surprised me. The problem stems from the light workers becoming angry and self righteous against light warriors. Myself and other light warriors have tried to explain to the light workers why we are warriors. It does not do any good. The light workers are convinced that the only way to defeat the dark is to send them love and light. The light warriors are attacked because we fight, and this is why the light workers attack. They believe that what we are doing is wrong. That is not true. They do not understand and so the light warriors response is to just walk away. We are not interested in fighting or arguing because we know that we are all in this together, we are on the same side. So once again, I am walking my path alone. Not much has changed since the 1980’s! How to end the attacks? I do not know. Divide by conquering seems to be the game plan here. And I will not allow anyone to divide and conquer me.
I still do the light worker work, and I still fight the dark ones when they attack. But I still consider myself to be a daughter of the light. Regardless of this problem of infighting and attacking, I know that we are winning against the dark and that is all that really matters to me.
Saluti a tutti del Movimento di Resistenza.
Sono molto felice di potervi scrivere e farvi sapere com’è la situazione qui in Italia. Qui la situazione è drammatica a dire poco. Lo scorso anno mi sono risvegliata, piano piano sono più consapevole della mia forza interiore ma gli attacchi sono quotidiani, molti riesco a sventarli sul nascere soprattutto quelli energetici, ma a volte è davvero difficile seguire il cammino. La maggioranza delle persone non solo dorme ma è totalmente ipnotizzata dalla realtà di basse frequenze in cui viviamo, e quelli che sono risvegliati vengono attaccati su molti fronti, soprattutto quello economico che ti toglie la serenità di poter proseguire il cammino nel campo della consapevolezza e del servizio verso gli altri. Io sono una persona fortunata, passo molto tempo nella natura, ascolto musica, pratico meditazione e reiki, e cerco di vedere solo la bellezza che c’è intorno a me e questo mi fa davvero bene all’Anima, ma non basta, questo aiuta sì, e spero che l’ Evento arrivi al più presto, vedo dei segnali di disclosure molto soft, ma è un buon segno di miglioramento, le cose stanno cambiando inizia ad essere evidente ma scusate se ve lo dico è ancora poco. Io sono onorata di essermi risvegliata lo scorso anno, e di fare parte di questo gruppo di persone che stanno cercando di cambiare le cose in questo momento epocale, ma quando dico che è ancora poco parlo dei tanti Lightworkers che invece bersagliati quotidianamente non ce la fanno.E non solo stanno avvelenando e distruggendo il Pianeta, facendo del male agli animali. Ve lo chiedo anche per loro di fare presto, tutti noi risvegliati siamo bombardati per tirarci giù verso il basso, e sono convinta che bisogni fare di più soprattutto per loro, perchè è importante non lasciare indietro nessuno. Credetemi il nostro risveglio, almeno per molti è stato un cammino davvero sofferto, io come tanti voglio vivere in pace e serenità, con amore e gioia, su questo Pianeta meraviglioso.
Victory Of The Light !!!
google t – Greetings to everyone of the Resistance Movement.
I am very happy to be able to write to you and let you know what the situation here is in Italy. Here the situation is dramatic to say a little. Last year I was awakened, slowly I am more aware of my inner strength, but the attacks are daily, and many of them are able to overwhelm them, especially energy ones, but sometimes it is really difficult to follow the road. Most people not only sleep but are totally hypnotized by the low frequencies we live in, and those who are awakened are attacked on many fronts, especially the economic one that takes away the serenity of being able to continue the journey in the field of awareness and Service to others. I am a lucky person, a long time in nature, listening to music, practicing meditation and reiki, and I try to see only the beauty around me and this really makes me feel good to the Soul, but that’s not enough, this helps Yes, and I hope the Event will arrive as soon as possible, I see very soft disclosure signals, but it is a good sign of improvement, things are changing, it starts to be obvious but sorry if I tell you it is still a little. I am honored to have been awakened last year, and to be part of this group of people who are trying to change things at this time of the day, but when I say that it is still little talk about the many Lightworkers who instead target daily do not do it And they are not only poisoning and destroying the planet, hurting animals. I also ask them to do it soon, all of us awakened are bombarded to pull us down, and I’m convinced that we need to do more especially for them, because it’s important not to leave anyone behind. Believe in our awakening, at least for many, it has been a really bad journey, I like so many I want to live in peace and serenity, with love and joy, on this wonderful planet.
Victory Of The Light !!!
Thank you for asking the question why do Lightworks still fight each other. From my perspective it is because of fear and the way we have been trained from birth to adult. For a lack of a better term the “us” vs “them” game is the way we are trained. The new game is “empowerment” which is NOT taught. This is how the psychological triggers happen.
Lightworkers Jane and Bob have fear that is not resolved. When they end up in a confrontation about anything and are exhausted, they both revert back to their base of fear and insecurities. To legitimize the fear they try to prove their idea/concept/way of living is better. It justifies their existence because we have been taught EVERYWHERE that is the WAY. Their energy gets diverted from sending love and light to one of negativity. It is a distraction and a diversion. And it justifies the fear inside them that they are RIGHT. Gives them power. However this is not sustainable.
To some it becomes an addiction. Wanting to be in the spot light by creating drama around them, people who buy into their version of the story lifts the person who create the drama up. However that takes energy that can’t be kept up. People wander away to something else. The person that has created the drama then falls into despair until a new “us” vs “them” event comes their way.
Instead the “empowerment” game cuts through all the fear and mind programming we have been bombarded with since birth. When Lightworker Jane tells Lightworker Bob that she has found a great new system/way/belief that has assisted her, Bob goes wow GREAT. How can I empower you with this choice you are making? Jane has no room to bring up a debate because Bob says he supports her. If Jane says you have to do it MY WAY and your way is wrong. Bob simply says, I don’t need to follow your path to give you power. I can empower you with what you choose. What is the best way I can do this for you?
I have watched people of all ages play the “us” vs “them” game. I watch myself get caught up sometimes and step back. The “us” vs “them” game means I am trying to put my choice on someone else. I don’t need to do that. I need to empower their choice. Empowerment works but it isn’t being taught. There is no paradigm to support this type of thinking.
Cutting through the programming is hard. The way to do is to meet people at the level where they can consume it easily. This is in paths that already make sense like YouTube, TV Shows, etc. People are stuck in a loop of programming that is super hard to break. The “us” vs. “them” game is the default so to speak. Lightworkers are being asked to stretch themselves thin with ascension as well also trying to help others rise up. Sometimes it is just to much and the default sets in instead of “empowerment”. We have been worn to the bone with promises of “soon” and various dates. Psychologically it is hard to hold on when you don’t know the end date. It seems endless. We keep trying however.
Thank you for all your help. There is absolutely no way boots on the ground could do it without a full team approach.
Why can’t we seem to work together? Because we constantly get distracted by thinking there is a Resistance Movement who will “save us”, that if only we can communicate to them, convince them, explain to them, that they will suddenly change their minds and DO SOMETHING to “liberate us”. Channellers and “wise ones”, spokespersons for the Galactic this or the Cosmic that, the Pleadians, the Arcuturians, the pink elephants or the blue avians are always telling us that we have so much “work” to do, that we aren’t yet sufficiently for them to be able to help us, for the Event to happen, for help to arrive. We’re never QUITE ready, supposedly. The reality is, people, that we are sovereign creator beings, completely perfect, completely “worthy”, ready in this very moment of Now for ANYthing. We don’t need “help”. we just need to know who we really are. As soon as we KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that we have all the power we need to end this: it is done.
One aspect that in my observation and experience has a major influence in disagreements is the third-dimensional mind-focused consciousness we live in here on Earth. What I mean by that is that most of us and the way society is structured are very much focused on constant mind activity, reality is perceived through the mind and mental processes mostly and not through Being itself, awareness itself. There is an over-identification with mental forms and thoughts.
Connected to this is the affliction of the mind to get identified with ideas or perceived “facts” and also be focused on details and on being right. This leads to disagreements even with people that are doing lightwork I think.
In my experience it is very difficult here on Earth to stay connected to a deeper place than the mind, even with daily practice. Especially when living in a city. The power of the density of the people and society around you is very strong and keeping your light aflame often seems like running against water mills. Never ending and difficult while constant progress seems rare with setbacks around seemingly every corner.
When I was a child I regularly experienced the oneness of me with the universe which were magical moments that sparkled and were without time. Even as a child I somehow knew this was “god” or the higher truthm of reality. When I was a teenager and started to become more self-aware these moments became less and eventually stopped. I started searching for this state of awareness which lead me to drugs and psychedelics at age 15 (which went horribly wrong and set me off my path), then in my late teens it lead me to yoga and meditation.
Even after now 20 years and having lived in an ashram for 2 years I still have to say this process is so often difficult and exhausting as there is little guidance and inspiration to be found in day-to-day life. On the contrary, in my perception going out into the world, and be it only to go to the supermarket, is always a challenge on some level as the density and consciousness of people is affecting my own state of mind. The challenge is to stay connected to awareness and to build it up. To be able to see and observe what is the mind and what is really me, the awareness.
If it was less difficult to rest outside of the mind and its constant activity I believe more people would be able to have more awareness moments where they can dis-identify from their mental ideas and beliefs and in that way be more at peace and be more connected and accepting to others whom may have different views.
I feel there is a gigantic need for humanity and our society to slow down, to become quietly aware, to decelerate the constant stream of thoughts and start to perceive there is a deeper reality outside of the mind. When I was young I often had this image in my head that there was a global event, an awakening, where suddenly everyone became quiet and aware of each other, everyone on the planet, the planet itself and the deeper reality in which we are connected to everything. Maybe I was imagining what The Event will be like. Hopefully it will have an effect like this and come soon.
I think for the meantime it would help us greatly if the Resistance has ways to further improve the situation so that there is less mind activity in people and more draw to the within.
Thank you everyone for you work and help!
Love and Light
Dear Resistence Movement,
As a Lightwarrior I allow myself to share my point of view based on my experience in these topic: Why we all Lighworkers and Lightwarriors on the surface of planet earth don’t work together aside our differences, views, opinions and instead we attack, boycott and even discredit, disrespect each other in our life missions creating nothing productive but just discouraging each other and worse disempowering ourselves.
As I said I just can share my prospective based on my own experience now in this timeline as a earthling, so I don’t want to offend or disrespect any one reading these lines which could have a different point of view.
There are basically two mayor factors i.e. programs that suffocate light and positive co-creation which are FEAR and lack of Self-Responsability even due we have listening those words many times, and we know the current situation of planet earth with all the exotic toys they are using again us. The majority of us don’t put in practice utterly these energies which are: to be in primary trust (Urvertrauen) and to have Self-Responsability.
But how it happens that it is so difficult to apply both energies? Well, based on my own experience there is multiple layers of disturbance that apply here knows as the matrix, veil, anomalies etc… But to simplify it I will put it like this:
As an earthling here on gettho Earth, you are traumatized from the beginning… as a Lightworker or Lightwarrior even worse. Many times coming in difficult places, with difficult families and situations, but we know this already, so I won’t elaborate more there. So, after we realized that we have been all the time drunk, even if we were thought from our family, system, community, etc. that we were sober, many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors started a healing process or simply looking for answers trying to rise their vibration in the best of their ways and possibilities. On their path many get sticked with many programs not just based on personal traumata but rather on collective traumata. So we have a lot of victimhood, drama, and most of lightworkers and lightwarriors have as well a generous portion of helper syndrome and self-sacrifice i.e. martyrdom, those connected with misconceptions of Karma instead of Law of resonance.
Meanwhile without assurance of the outcome many of them are already from 5 to even 30 years or more in duty, trying hard to get a breakthrough. Many of them started when almost no information were in the field without regarding Internet at all. Thus many of them carried a program of „Lone Wolf“ (Einzelgänger) because they are used to fight alone, losing on their path maybe everything, and I don’t speak about the other part who were murdered, commited suicided, got problems with alcohol and drugs or even didn’t wake up to their call. So the portion of Lightworkers and Lightwarriors that got so far (I don’t speak here about misinformation agents and false gurus who play their role here as well) manage somehow to get a picture of the situation based on their knowledge and self experience. Sometimes this knowledge were/is compartmentalized, sometimes it was/is just dis-information, sometimes it is/was just misinformation, sometimes their level of awareness or consciousness allowed them just limited level of understanding. But in any case these knowledge or experience created their basic fundament of how their reality work and many times unfortunately these reality is still based on a duality paradigm instead on an unity consciousness. I don’t blame them, I don’t judge them. A this point I want to express my highest respect a gratitude to all of them because if you are longer on that path (which was a lonely path) without any sustancial change or event till now, it can get pretty tiring and discouraging, even sometimes it might seem hopeless.
As far the whole experience were made while navigating with the Ego in these Dual-Reality. The Ego if not proper healed or integrated is pretty easy to hitjack and manipulate.
The best analogy I can offer is:
“It is like been a Monkey riding a bike over a rope while trying to keep the balance with piled plates on both hands and an umbrella in the mouth; on the one side of you have a new paradigma: the spirituality and your call to your life mission trying to bring and anker as much possible light on the surface of the planet, sometimes having from time to time a really good connection with the I AM present, the galactic being, Mother Gaia, giving you a glimpse of the reality that is hiding from us. On the other side have the Old Paradigma, were you have your daily business, a “routine day” where you have to pay your bills, go to work, if you have one, respond for family, cope with the „System”or any other duty while dealing with a sleeping world and sometimes resisting the pain and pressure which is surrounding you. This experience let you feel completely disconnected and alone, even sometimes it seems everything you know, don’t work at all.“
Besides in this case I want to mention that many lightworkers or lightwarriors out there in this life even with many years in duty haven’t been in a physical Fliying Disk, or had ever a physical conversation with other star races, without mentioning going to a physical underground basis, cities, or to the moon, mars, etc.Sso many of them might have other kind of experiences in different levels of reality sometimes even fuzzy, which means many of them have somehow a mixture between believe system and following their inner guidance, which means we have pretty much still a lot of duality, judgment and prejudices in the field. Many groups started now forming depending on their energy and resonance as well as on their “believe system“.
Now in our current times we have a lot of new Intel coming in, a lot of upheaval, new emissaries and a bunch of new lightworkers/lightwarriors and false gurus around the world offering different quality of timelines or outcomes to the Change/ Golden Age/ Event and we have a lot of attacks at the same time. So at once your are not any more an “Lone Wolf“ or segregate group. You have a lot of Lightworkers and Lightwarriors there with many different Life missions and different perspectives of reality, many life experiences, many information, exercises and the list goes on. However still many are staying in the dual reality where judgment and classification prevails. (these concept not to be mixed with polarity) Please don’t misunderstand me at these point. This doesn’t mean we don’t need to have a statement about what we are having now on earth, indeed the entropy and chaos requires an end without compromises. Enough is enough.
Other factor playing a role is the fact that many of the new Intel coming forward are pretty nasty or not so „nice“ as we expect, showing us how deep we are in this rabbit whole as humanity. Many Lightworkers and Lightwarriors have a hard time digesting that one, other ones just want to be pick it up from earth ASAP others just give up, other ones have a lot of victimhood waiting for the saivor to come up and rescue them. And again with a lot of respect I don’t judge them because I understand how hard is to be here.
Due to the factors mentioned above many of them didn’t learn what is eclecticism , unity consciousness, self-responsability (which is essential when working in groups) this means everything what happens in my reality is part from my conscious or unconscious creation and co-creation as bitter as these might be to accept. So everyone tends to go along with the information, emissary or group which reflects better their believe system, conform zone or level of awareness. As I said before many of them are just tired, traumatized, lost their hope or are just mislead from their level of awareness
Since their thinking and handle is based on duality and not in unity consciousness they are inclined based on their believe system to attack some lightworker or lightwarrior with a different perspective as theirs( because their believe System has been working for them from 5 to 30 years or even more) which could challenge their comfort zone or believe system. The new idea or message challenges their reality so they put it in a classification “dual box”
This is just fear based and shows a weak connection of primary trust (Urvertrauen) or Self. I don’t blame it I don’t judge it, I understand it because in this WAR ZONE the conditions to stay in your middle are pretty hard (remember the monkey) and even if you are in Fear you new a good portion of courage to still do the right thing even if the whole world seems to be agains you.
That said, I might elaborate more about many things but it would get too large. I hop I could give some understanding now from the current situation here, meanwhile I will keep doing my life mission on the best of my capabilities.
Victory of the light!
A Letter to the Resistance
“why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal that clearly does not have their best interests in mind”
Almost all of us are grown and brought up in an environment that pits each of us against everyone and ourselves in one way or an another.
The places where you start to find and get these kind of information’s have different ways of presenting information with varying levels of truth. The soup to attack each other is now ready. Add some spices of different manipulation schemes and not our best interests in mind nudges and OOOOOH BOIIII the soup is tastily boiling in favour of that whoever is liking to do this.
When one starts to be aware of this learned behaviour AND FINDS IT TO BE quite not the best way of doing these things, then one can do stuff in another ways.
Making these points work in favour of uniting might not still be enough to unite but I’d say it is a step. The thing what makes it hard to accept mistakes and other stuff that’s making changes is how much emotion one is also invested in things that one has thought. These don’t have to be rational or make sense at all, from any perspective.
We can rationalise and make sense of anything that is irrational and obvious lies. I mean that sentence in a way that if one thinks that potato is centre of all creation and then we can “rationalise” it by example saying that atoms are potatoes. “Time is now banana!” “Makes sense. I eat bananas.” Seriously. Free will is a thing. Since we seriously don’t know/feel any better or even if we do know better, one can choose real crazy shite. I really want to stress, highlight, accent and accentuate this. Being separated for so long makes any reality, truth, dimension, vibration, plane or even existence itself SEEM REALLY MODIFIABLE. Just pull any kind of reason out of your arse so to speak and it might be a reason that someone believes in or is in the way of your goals or anything really.
Just don’t go into some kind of weird emotion purge mode RM and others.
Regards, Respectfully, Respectfully yours, Sincerely, Sincerely yours, Thank you, Thank you for your assistance in this matter, Thank you for your consideration, Thank you for your recommendation, Thank you for your time, Warm regards, Warm wishes, Warmly, With appreciation, With deepest sympathy, With gratitude, With sincere thanks, With sympathy, Your help is greatly appreciated, Yours cordially, Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely, Yours truly, Lovingly, An insane neighbour.
Pace a voi membri della RM qui la situazione è molto pesante da sopportare ,io voglio vivere bene non ho chiesto a le forze dell’Ombra di vivere così il mio libero arbitrio. E vedete forse per voi è più facile vivere vin questo mondo ma per me no,vorrei tanto un aiuto per eliminare queste pressioni,vorrei tanto trovare la pace dentro di me unendomi con la sorgente e ancorare la luce. Vi prego vorrei parlare con uno di voi se volete potete anche farlo telepaticamente vi autorizzò a farlo. vi saluto con la speranza che il mio libero arbitrio un giorno molto presto si adempi, vi ringrazio tutti per il vostro lavoro che fate per noi umani
google t- Peace to you members of the RM here the situation is very heavy to bear, I want to live well I did not ask the forces of Shadow to live so my free will. And you see it maybe for you it’s easier to live this world but for me no, I would like so much help in eliminating these pressures, I would love to find peace inside me by joining the spring and anchoring the light. Please I would like to talk to one of you if you want you can also do it telepathically authorizing you to do so. I greet you with the hope that my free will one day very soon will be fulfilled, thank you all for your work that you do for us humans
Teil 2
Hier eine kurze Zusammenfassung und eine super Übung von dem Büchlein:
Die Gesetze des Denkens und Fühlens
vom Saint Germain Verlag
Das ewige Gesetz des Lebens lautet: Das was du fühlst und denkst bringst du in Form. Du bist dort wo deine Gefühle und Gedanken weilen. Da alle Dinge vom Licht herkommen, ist Licht die höchste Vollendung. und die Beherrschung aller Dinge. Die Nachsinnende Betrachtung und Verehrung des Lichtes, bringt unweigerlich dem Geiste Erleuchtung, dem Körper Gesundheit, Kraft und Ordnung den Tätigkeiten jedes Einzelnen, der sich dem Licht wirklich hingibt. Daraus entstehen Frieden, Harmonie und Erfolg. Eine Übung ist jeden Tag für 5bis 30 Minuten jeden an Zeit aufzubringen, wo er ungestört nachfolgende Übung von Saint Germain durchführen kann.
Sorge dafür dass du nicht gestört werden kannst. Werde ganz still und stelle dir vor und fühle, wie dein Körper in ein strahlendes weises Licht eingehüllt ist. Halte während der ersten 5 Minuten dieses Bild fest. Erkenne und fühle die Verbindung zwischen dem äusseren Selbst und der mächtigen Kraft in dir. Richte deine Aufmerksamkeit den Mittelpunkt des Herzens und stelle und ihn dir als Goldene Sonne vor. Fühle dein goldenes Licht . Das ist die ICH BIN Gegenwart. Dann kann man seine Aufmerksamkeit auf das schöne richten und sehen wie es sich verwirklicht.
Zusammenfassung Ende
google t – Part 2
Here is a brief summary and a super exercise from the booklet:
The laws of thought and feeling
From Saint Germain Verlag
The eternal law of life is: What you feel and think you bring into shape. You’re where your feelings and thoughts are. Since all things come from light, light is the highest perfection. And the mastery of all things. The contemplative contemplation and worship of light inevitably brings to mind the enlightenment, the body of health, power, and order, the activities of each individual who truly surrenders to the light. This results in peace, harmony and success. An exercise is to be done every day for 5 to 30 minutes each time, where he can perform undisturbed subsequent exercise of Saint Germain.
Make sure that you can not be disturbed. Be quite still, and imagine yourself as your body is wrapped in a radiant light. Hold this picture for the first 5 minutes. Recognize and feel the connection between the external self and the powerful force within you. Focus your attention on the center of the heart and imagine it as a golden sun. Feel your golden light. This is the I AM Presence. Then you can focus your attention on the beautiful and see how it is realized.
Summary end
Hello RM,
I’m very happy you started a dialogue with Humanity, Blessings to all of you. As you can see the situation on Earth is much worse than you previously imagined. Also many messages are being denied access to you. I have written you two other messages which were never posted after I sent them. So this is my third attempt to make first contact with you, I’m not sure if this one will be blocked from you or actually posted, for you to read it.
We who are paying attention are humbled and enthusiastic to get the opportunity to meet with you and have a open communication format with you. Welcome to Earth, we hope to share knowledge openly together with you and to establish a charished friendship. Love and safe travels to all of you.
I welcome open contact between you and I when you feel comfortable with that. I love you all, Victory To The Light.
Teil 1
Danke für alle Wesen wo an der Befreiung der Erde arbeiten. Mit vereinter Zusammenarbeit schaffen wir es. Doch zuerst, brauchen sich einige Lichtarbeiter/innen sich selbst zu befreien. Für die Zusammenarbeit ist Vertrauen die Voraussetzung. Damit man sich Vertrauen kann, ist Ehrlichkeit das Wichtigste. Es gibt Licharbeiter/innen, wo nicht ehrlich sind mit anderen Licharbeiter/innen. Daraus kann Konflikt entstehen und die Lichtarbeiter/innen greifen sich gegenseitig an. Es gibt auch ehrliche Licharbeiter/innen. Mit denen funktioniert Teamarbeit wunderbar. Alles beginnt bei einem selbst. Wenn man ehrlich ist zu sich selbst, dann ist man das auch mit anderen Menschen. Die Menschen wo ehrlich zu sich selbst sind, gehen auch auf ihre Gefühle des eigenen inneren Licht ein, die Quelle / die Liebe/ . Das innere Licht kommuniziert als erstes mit den Gefühlen, dann mit den Gedanken. Alles beginnt bei den Gefühlen und Gedanken, bevor es in die Tat umgesetzt wird. Lichtvolle Gefühle und Gedanken erzeugen das Gleichgewicht. Zusammenarbeit ist der Schlüssel für Zukunft. Das kann nur durch Ehrlichkeit enstehen. Durch Ehrlichkeit entsteht auch Klarheit und wenn die Dinge klar sind dann versteht man die Dinge auch leicht. Wenn einige Lichtarbeiter/innen beginnen an sich zu arbeiten, gibt es viel weniger Missverständnis und somit auch viel weniger Angriffe unteren einigen Lichtarbeiter/innen. Denn Unwissenheit ist die Ursache allen Übels. Bitte verbreitet dies.
google t – Part 1
Thank you for all beings working on the liberation of the earth. We work together to achieve this. But first, some light workers need to free themselves. Trust is the prerequisite for cooperation. To be trusted, honesty is the most important thing. There are light workers who are not honest with other light workers. This can lead to a conflict and the light workers are interfering. There are also honest workers. With them teamwork works wonderfully. It all starts with yourself. If you are honest with yourself, then you are also with other people. People who are honest with themselves are also concerned about their feelings of their own inner light, the source / love. The inner light communicates first with the feelings, then with the thoughts. Everything begins with the feelings and thoughts, before it is put into action. Light feelings and thoughts generate the balance. Collaboration is the key to the future. This can only be achieved through honesty. Honesty also creates clarity, and when things are clear, things are easy to understand. When some workmen start working on themselves, there is much less misunderstanding and thus also fewer attacks lower some light workers. For ignorance is the cause of all evil. Please spread this.
Dear resistance movement
pertaining to your question, why we lightworkers are attacking each other all the time, altough we want the same, I have an answer (one point of view of many):
This mutual attacking of each other is very frustrating for all of us, and its hard to help it, although possible to reduce it to frustration
If you look at the enneagramm you will find that on a very deep level there are nine different „fixations“ in people which are very deepset and cannot be overcome before we know of them. In the Enneagramm, they are numbered fixation 1 – 9. And when we have come to know of our own fixation, which acts from our subconscious, and start to observe it, which is challenging, we find how were are acting out of our respective fixation nearly minute by minute – the fixation is like a veil that is between me and reality.
The fixation is what is the only thing between me and enlightenment/waking up to reality, but at the same time this very fixation tells me in a very persuasive way, that other things and people with different values are in the way.
The fixations make sure that our values are very different, and that makes us struggle.
The enneagramm books of Sandra Maitry for instance describe the dilemma
For example, when we are in a group of spiritually more or less practiced people, even when we have no agenda (the community building process according to scott peck) it is hard to become one.
For everyone, becoming one seems to be something different.
Some want to do everything together, others prefer to be free and go and come as they wish. For some, being one means (from the fixated point of view) not to have special relationships in dyades among the group, for others, being one means a network of dyades …. and on and on
It’s hard to describe in some words, especially, why the fixations are so fixed, but if one studies the enneagramm deeper, it becomes all very clear, at least that was so for me, and for many other, the whole human dilemma
The only way out, according to the enneagramm, and also in my perspective, is to turn one’s back to the fixation, while the fixation is constantly nagging at one to improve this, or that …
The web of different fixations make sure, that there are enough values that are in each others way — for example, many think, out of their fixation: if they were all like me, we could do this so well ! why aren’t they?
But others are fixated in another point and have completely different reactions, and so it is ensured that everyone is frustrated and therefore sometimes fighting against each other
If you are aware of the enneagramm types, you can even predict who is going to fight against what with whom and when
It is even hard to prevent fighting even if one is aware of ones fixation and sees through what is happening when two fixations start to be involved in a fight, but if we do not even know that there are these specific types and how their dynamics is, it is next to impossible …
Many people try to better their fixation, but it is not about to better the fixation but to turn ones back to it
The enneagramm, these nine fixations, or the nine wholy ideas, who appear if the fixations are no longer active appear to stem from a very deed existential level, because there is a sequence, if we divide the numbers from 1 – 6 and 8 to 9 by 7 (the figure that is not from earth), the resulting numbers contain a certain sequence, which is always the same:
its very magical:
1:7 = 0.142 857
2:7 = 0.285 714
3:7 = 0.428 571
4:7 = 0.571 428
if you look closer, you can see that the sequence of numbers is always the same, only just starting with a different number after the point – …142857…
This is already magical in itself, but it gets more magical, if one knows the enneagramm, because in the enneagramm, there are very special dynamics between the 9 types – and these dynamics are: 1 – 4 – 2 – 8 – 5 – 7 …
To me, this shows that the dynamics of the fixation follows are universal pattern and must (?) therefore be something very existential.
Beyond the 9 fixations, there are the 9 wholy views (everything is ok as it is; everything is one; everything flows; etc – nine of such views …
The nine fixations came into existence because these views were clouded – I sometimes think that the primary anomaly consists in veiling the wholistic views so that the nine fixations came about …
What is more magical is that a mathematician named marko rodin recently found a formula for free energy which is based on the same sequence of numbers – or quite, the are only exchanged a little bit, but very slightly – so this also appears to have to do with the enneagramm …
all this just to say that the nine fixations are obviously wired into our existance quite hard and not just on the surface – it is said they have nothing to do with character – and hardly any one knows of them – and among the people who do know of them, there an even fewer who know that the fixation is something that we can only turn our back to, they mostly see it as a character type and give advice how to improve your actions if you are this or that fixation – which does not solve the problem …
This is what I know as an answer to your question why we fight so much …
Lots of love and my heartfelt thanks that you’re assisting us
paradise on earth very soon!!!!!
Dear RM – One of the reasons we “fight” amongst ourselves is because we have all experienced “lightworkers” who a.) have not done their own inner work b.) purposefully and with dark magic trick us and mess us up. c.) accidentally mess us up. d.) do good work. It’s been hard for us to discern which is which from an ad in the paper – and it takes time – years even, after having dark magic used on us – (in the name of light worker) to overcome that betrayal and the darkness and ever trust again. We end up being suspicious of everyone. We engage in “my spirituality is better than yours” or “you’re not as evolved as you think you are” kind of BS. We are lacking any real, usable road-maps and people who can show us the way. We are flailing about down here. Sometimes we go from guru to guru seeking that someone – and yes, we meditate and go within too. 2 steps forward, 3 steps back. And because of the scarcity and lack of funds – we are competing with each other for business. It’s still divide and conquer for lightworkers/warriors. This must stop.
What would really help is a road-map of how to get out of our own way – get rid of our implants and have a list of activities that would actually get us ahead. Most of this does require a huge amount of inner work – and too many humans don’t do enough inner work. Give us more clear guidance on inner work. Get us more healing technology to heal our soul and actually make a difference – and of course, it can’t cost a fortune – for we are lightworkers/warriors.
Could one of the RM produce a how-to video – step by step – put it on youtube – have Prepareforchange.net and Cobra promote a series of video’s to get actual truth out – on how to heal ourselves, how to go through this period – and have one place or one cause to unite with. The dark forces have purposefully kept us all separate and fighting.
Hello dear Cobra and Resistance Movement, I am so grateful for you and for everything you have done and will do. Lots of necessary tasks need to be done and resolved , especially toplet bombs and Black stone anomalies on Long Island. We know that we need to be patient, we don’t push you ??. We just want you to know that we love you and support you with our weekly meditations and high vibes. We can’t wait Event to come and Peace and Love will prevail upon beautiful Mother Earth ?, Lady Gaia??????. Hope to see you and meet you in person as soon as possible ????. Greetings from Amsterdam, Zdenek Maranius Rhys
People are so confused right now, the reason we continue to attack each other is this dimension, realm is a gigantic psyop filled with tricks and dis-info. There is so much darkness in the form of ignorance and brainwashing. We need to have some sort of moment where everyone on the planet pays attention and is given the message of love to strong and unifying that it cannot be denied. We are a physical 3D construct, we need a physical 3D moment of truth with our galactic family to understand. Very few people understand something is wrong but they don’t have the ability to see the forest through the trees. People who are starving, sick and homeless have a hard time feeling like they are universally loved in divine light. The last time I checked people are still starving, drinking toxic chemicals and being programmed with mind control, even in the USA which has the highest living standards among super powers. Do you really think people with these kind of predicaments can align and join the light when they feel so lost and forgotten? More than half the planet is actively in survival mode, even in 1st world countries, millionaires are in the control system. There is an incredible amount of mind control and false narratives at every single level of our existence. I do feel like many people are victims on this planet, the control system is strong and most people don’t know the first thing about how to escape yet. Let’s get this show on the road!!!
I think we are still too far away from actual civility on Earth to worry too much about truth seekers infighting – probably just ego based silliness
look at what still happens here
(video of man drowning)
kids watch a man drown and use their phones to film it rather than call for help
I mean…..lets start at the beginning of the problem….
Dear Michael, I would like to thank you so very much for all your hard work in bringing to light events and information as it unfolds. I walk a line in my own development that focuses on protecting those under attack and if you are aware of persons suffering from energetic abuse, please email there name to me at [email protected] I will go to there higher, self seek permission and if it’s granted I will help them. The only exception to this is when a being is completely surrounded and shut off by demonic force, as was the case with a well known figure. I will in that situation adopt a different approach. Unity and community amplifies our strength. I wield a hammer and it grows daily in strength. We are not meek, we are not mild, as we create we bring light, it is vital now that we join together set specific objectives and carry these out. Together we can shatter the veil with massive hammer blows. We must never underestimate our strength and power. This is not in any way about ego and I feel that so many hold back as they misconstrue personal power and ego. Power can be silent listening to the wind talk through the trees, it can be a smile and it can be a tidal wave of love and light sweeping everything away and leaving nothing but a pristine beach. With love, Andrew.
I believe the question asked was, “Why do the human light workers continue to attack each other instead of setting any differences aside and cooperating to get the job done?” My considered opinion is that these ones are still in the grip of their egos, and want to be the one who is “right” and the one that others look to for guidance; they get hung up on insignificant details and loose sight of the goal. I think it’s a human ego thing.
Mon coeur vous envoie un message d’Amour, et de reconnaissance; vous êtes tellement magnifiques de faire tout ce que vous faites, et avec tellement d’intelligence; nous sommes bénis de vous avoir; MERCI
google – My heart sends you a message of love and gratitude; You are so magnificent to do all that you do, and with so much intelligence; We are blessed to have you; THANK YOU
Dear Members of the Resistance Movement,
Thank you for your work in liberating Planet Earth and humanity. It is very difficult here on the surface to be in the light. It is a daily practice to even stay positive and connected to the truth that I am one with Source. Even to know what the truth is and to share it because there is so few intel resources available and sources of intel often conflict, so that even the most awakened believe very different things about our situation, thereby making it hard to create consensus about what to do to affect change. All this with the few most awakened and aware individuals. The vast majority of people don’t even know that they aren’t free, and would label me a crazy person and lock me away if I spoke the truth fully and seriously to them about this. This is the social environment that we work in. At least we won’t be burnt at the stake though…
Interpersonal conflict consistently arrises in any groups doing something positive because of the energetic pressure of the implants and dark energies that put pressure on our unhealed traumas to split us away from each other. How can I even prove the implants exist, let alone convince another that it is affecting our relationships? How can I prove ET’s exist and are helping to liberate Earth without solid evidence? How can I prove that Cobra is telling the truth about you? What evidence do I have that the Resistance is even real??
On the physical level the energy of money is constantly drained by the parasitism of the cabal, who hold the keys to government and banks, and many light workers have been programmed not to like money and therefor not have much of it to fund positive initiatives. Also, whenever I am doing something towards liberation of Earth I feel the pull of bad habits and the desire to numb the pain I feel. A pain that intensifies the closer I get to my goal. I do my best to resist this Pavlovian conditioning technique by the Archons and stay focused on my mission.
I wish for it to be better. I wish to be better. But it is what it is and one way or another I won’t give up working towards liberation of the Planet and humanity until we are free and I am reunited with my Star family. I have planted many cintamani stones across the globe. I have gone to the darkest areas and cleared them. I have put my money, energy, time and life into liberation and even death won’t stop me from my goal.
Victory of the Light now!
Genesis 11: 1-9 records the story of “Babel”.
At that time the people on the ground say the same language,
When people left the East, they came to the land of Shir.
over there,
People trying to burn the brick so that they can create a city and a towering tower to spread their own reputation,
So that they are scattered all over the world.
God came to earth and saw the city and the tower,
That a group of people who speak only one language will not do what they can not do;
So God disrupts their language,
So they can not understand what the other side,
But also spread them to the rest of the world,
The city also stopped construction.
The city is called “Babel”.
Mutual discourse,
Mind can not communicate,
Is that people can not match the reasons for cooperation;
Many times,
Discourse seems to hear the sentence,
But did not mind to express it inside,
So the speaker and the listener can not communicate with each other.
People rely on to maintain interpersonal language, both by the chaos,
No wonder the world is full of “you guess I bogey” situation.
Dear Resistance Movement,
I am Sreelaxmi from INDIA. We are the 2nd largest populated country. Area wise 7th largest country. But stands at best place in mind controlled programming level, superstitious beliefs level, feminine energies suppression/sacrifice level etc.,
Most of my country people are not interested in leaving their comfort [they think they are in comfortable position] zone. I Explain to them regarding implants, matrix, mind programming, unwanted contracts in the soul contract etc., They listen to everything in a very sincere way like watching a fictitious movie. After stepping outside the door, they fall in their routine life. Doesn’t want to think outside the box. Most of them don’t even know that they are in the box. As a result, very few of us are burdened with HEAVIEST WORKLOADS.
As we do this work with all our heart and soul, we are becoming the victims of electronic warfare by dark beings, even though many protection meditation protocols are followed. Most of my team members, including me [As I notice, the dark beings doesn’t want some things to happen, then I become very stern and I complete that work only first 🙂 but many of my country people may not be like that] are cornered from all sides, like health, emotion, money etc., If my team mates are not able to balance it means, I am actually keeping them aside for some time. Meanwhile I am adding up new members into my team, so as to complete the work. But One thing, keep in mind, my family is always a part of the team 🙂 In other terms, we are permanent victims 🙁
I can’t even share my suffering, pain, tears with any of the team members, as they will be upset. I share my things with galactic beings only:) First time I am sharing with many fellow beings on this platform and especially with you, RM. Now a days I am not feeling pain, no tears, no sadness. Don’t know why? We work and walk towards THE EVENT. Personally I don’t want to sacrifice [One of my team member died recently due to electronic warfare] any of my country people/humans of the world, even though they don’t want to wake up. I feel they are innocent/exploiting us. No clue.
Eagerly waiting to meet you all soon and NOW
Liebe Mitglieder der Resistance Movement,
ich habe lange Zeit unbewusst gelebt. Kindheit und Jugend verbrachte ich im ehemaligen sozialistisch geprägten Lager in Ostdeutschland und wurde dort nach den materialistisch-leninistischen Doktrin erzogen und irregeführt. Für mich hat es sehr lange gedauert, bis ich halbwegs erwachen konnte. Ich sehe nicht nur die Geschichte dieser Erde und dessen Menschheit, sondern auch meine eigene kleine Lebensgeschichte als sehr tragisch und dunkel an. In meiner Kindheit und Jugend sowie die unbewusste Zeit danach sah ich mich ständigen Angriffen aus meiner unmittelbaren Umgebung ausgesetzt. Trotz meiner Unwissenheit habe ich dies niemals als normal hingenommen. Ich habe meine Umgebung sehr genau beobachtet, habe mich mit philosophischen Prinzipien beschäftigt und Ahnungen in mir reifen lassen, die damals natürlich durch nichts und niemanden bestätigt wurden. Ich war aber immer auf der Suche nach der Wahrheit und durfte schließlich fündig werden. Nach einem schweren Schicksalstag im Jahre 2002, als ich meine schwangere Frau durch einen Verkehrsunfall verlor, blieb mir meine damals 1 Jahr und 5 Monate alte Tochter erhalten, wofür ich sehr dankbar bin. Ab diesem Zeitpunkt half mir mein Bruder mit vielen ausgedruckten Seiten aus dem Internet, dies waren Texte und Durchgaben höherer Meister, von Kryon, der Santiener und höherer Engelwesen, kosmische Gesetze und Abhandlungen. Ich vertiefte mich in Bücher unter anderem von Armin Risi, Jim Marrs, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Dr. med. Eben Alexander, Eileen Elias Freeman, Beat Imhof, Zecharia Sitchin, Klaus Jebens, Holger Erutan, Charles Berlitz, Erich von Däniken. Eines der ersten Bücher über Nahtoderfahrungen war eines von Dr. Raymond A. Moody. Ein Buch, nach dem ich endlich anfing aufzuwachen, nach einer Zeit, in der ich nicht einmal an unsere Urquelle und das geistige Reich glaubte oder das was ich im Grunde selbst bin. Inzwischen bin ich regelmäßig auf der Internetseite www.transinformation.net und anderer sehr informativer und engagierter Seiten und lese wie gebannt die neuesten Informationen von Cobra. Ich bin all den Lichtarbeitern und engagierten Buchautoren sehr dankbar, dass sie unsere Teilhabe an den wirklichen Ereignissen auf der Erde und Aufklärungen sowie Hilfestellungen für unsere eigene Unterstützung am Sieg des Lichtes ermöglichen.
Vor allem möchte ich Euch, liebe Brüder und Schwestern, für Eure für uns Oberflächenmenschen unglaublichen Befreiungsleistungen und Euren liebevollen selbstlosen Einsatz über alle Maßen danken!
Ich sinke auf die Knie voller Dankbarkeit für die wunderbare lichte Erschaffung einer reinen, mannigfachen, unfassbaren schönen und genialen Welt der Liebe, des Friedens und unerreichbaren Kraft durch unseren einzigen Schöpfer aus der Urquelle des Lichtes und der Liebe.
So werde ich selbst immer weiter suchen und mich für die Beschleunigung einer Befreiung unserer Erde und dessen Bewohner in Gebeten, Meditationen und meinem gesamten Lebenswandel einsetzen.
Von ganzem Herzen und in Liebe,
niedergeschrieben von Eurem Bruder
google – Dear members of the Resistance Movement,
I have lived unconsciously for a long time. Childhood and youth, I spent in the former socialist-influenced camp in East Germany and was educated and persecuted after the materialist-Leninist doctrine. It took me a long time to wake up halfway through. I see not only the history of this earth and its humanity, but also my own little life story as very tragic and dark. In my childhood and youth, as well as the unconscious time after that, I was exposed to constant attacks from my immediate surroundings. In spite of my ignorance, I have never taken this as normal. I have closely watched my environment, worked with philosophical principles, and had matured in me suspicions, which were then, of course, confirmed by nothing and no one. But I was always looking for the truth and was finally able to find something. After a hard day of fate in 2002, when I lost my pregnant wife through a traffic accident, I was given my daughter, who was 1 year and 5 months old, and I am very grateful for that. From this point, my brother helped me with many printed pages from the Internet, these were texts and passages of higher masters, of Kryon, the Santiener and higher angels, cosmic laws and treatises. I deepened myself into books by, among others, Armin Risi, Jim Marrs, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Dr. med. Eben Alexander, Eileen Elias Freeman, Beat Imhof, Zecharia Sitchin, Klaus Jebens, Holger Erutan, Charles Berlitz, Erich von Däniken. One of the first books on Nahtoderfahrungen was one of Dr. Raymond A. Moody. A book after which I finally began to wake up after a time when I did not even believe in our original source and the spiritual realm or what I am basically myself. Meanwhile I am regularly on the website www.transinformation.net and other very informative and dedicated sites and read how banned the latest information from Cobra. I am very grateful to all the lightworkers and committed authors that they will be able to participate in the real events on earth and to enlighten us, as well as help for our own support in the victory of light.
Above all, I would like to thank you, dear brothers and sisters, for your unbelievable liberation efforts and your loving selfless commitment!
I sink to my knees full of gratitude for the wonderful light creation of a pure, manifold, incomprehensible beautiful and ingenious world of love, peace and unattainable power through our only Creator from the primordial source of Light and Love.
So I will continue to search for myself and use myself to accelerate the liberation of our earth and its inhabitants in prayers, meditations and all my life.
With all your heart and in love,
Written down by your brother
Karsten Bierstedt
Karsten Bierstedt
Dear RM,
Thank you for working on the deliberation of the earth. It’s an honor for me to join the mission.
I really want to do more light works everyday, however, my ex-wife treates me really bad and shared no resource to me. I worked very hard last 2 years both mentally and physically to conquer her challenge. I doubt that she is not only evil but also interfered by the dark forces.
Could you help me out of this situation? I am really looking forward to see a brighter future and do more on the mission to deliberate this planet.
Best Wishes,
Jason Chen
bjr a tous j aimerai savoir ou en et la resistance en europe je c que est et ouest ce libere mais je voie des gros danger iminant vaccin bébé et puce ext en eu je suis avec un mouvemant groupe de personne qui monte une resistance qui essais de reveillé et informer le peuple france difficilement pour ma part je recuille enormemant d info 16H par jours en gros perso je n ai pas de vie comme beaucoup suis agé et vie decalé plutot bizard depuis petit 2 fois horphelin pas de vrais nom des chose mystick a certain moment de ma vie je vie seul retiré depuis 18 ans sur une iles aimerai bien avoir un contact qui me dit qui je suis d ou je vient ext ^^ merci amour liberté et verité
google – Bjr has all i would like to know or in and the resistance in europe i c that is and west this libere but i see great danger iminant vaccine baby and chip ext in i am with a moving group of person who rises a resistance that tests Waking up and informing the france people hardly for my part I recoil enormous d info 16H per day big fat person I do not have life as much am aged and life shifted rather bizard since small 2 times horphelin no real name mystick thing has certain Moment of my life i alone life retired for 18 years on an islands will like to have a contact that tells me who I am d or i come ext ^^ thank you love freedom and truth
From a perspective of Buddhaism, the reason why light members cannot work coherently is that some of us still remain strong sins, such as greed, anger, dumb, pride and untrust. (English as my second language, the word that I use may not accurate)
I hope everyone of us can understand our group needs to find its balance and harmony. In that way, the reunion of galatic family will appear ASAP. Besides, I appreciate people who share love messages to the world.
Love peace!
Hello my friends. I’m very happy and excited to have the opportunity to communicate with all of you. I’ve been waiting a lifetime to make this kind of connection simply because from a very early age I knew I was here for a different reason… a very profound one that was world changing. From perhaps the age of 5 or 6 I knew I was here on a very special and divine mission… but was unclear what it was due to the conditioning of this world I had already been subject to since I arrived here… Lol! I’m 49 now and have been through quite the roller coaster of experiences and emotions that have been extremely overwhelming at times… even to the point of almost forgetting myself… my true self and mission. However, my angelic guides and own higher self kept me from giving in and giving up. In the last seven years I have made quite the comeback unto a full awakening to my mission and purpose and have done much to sharpen my intuition and discernment in order to be ready for THE EVENT and fulfill my mission as a true ambassador of the light… a mentor. I have been in training for this for a very long time and am Excited to finally and fully without any interference AWAKEN, HEAL, and UPLIFT humanity to their fullest potential… to inspire and uplift… to inspire and uplift! I have a true knack and gift for this and can’t wait to offer this on a global scale. I am very much about equality and justice. I believe that all should be treated as equal and with respect… this is VERY important to me. I have been following your progress for the last 5 years and can definitely see we are at the threshold of this divine global awakening for ALL via THE EVENT and have nothing but praise and infinite gratitude for all of you helping us with this fight for liberation. I know that there have been many casualties through this intervention and my heart goes out to the fallen as well. I understand that the dark are putting up quite the fight because they are so used to having their way as well as being quite arrogant and unfortunately very imbalanced and lost. However, they’ve had more than enough time to do the right thing and come back to the light and perhaps after THE EVENT and they are finally rounded up and isolated from the rest of us, some may have a real change of heart. However, it is VERY IMPORTANT that they are held accountable for all of their crimes against humanity and the Galactic Codex. The rest of humanity needs them to be held accountable publicly to truly begin our healing process… and that’s where the 144,000 come in which I believe I am apart of and to do our part to help with this healing process. Anyway, I think you’re doing a wonderful job and understand how delicate this all really is in order to protect all of us… so thank you… infinitely thank you! I would like to close by saying that if I can be any assistance to you before or after THE EVENT please let me know in the best and safest way possible. My children are ready to do their part after The Event as well speaking on behalf of their own age groups and are very excited to begin. I’m sure my daughter will be contacting you soon because she is very much in line with this global liberation and awakening and is going to be an AMAZING mentor herself. Thank you again and look forward to working along side of all of you one day soon. Victory Of The Light!!! Troy Leiker
This message begins with a quotation from Cobra dated July 21, 2017, as follows:
“The main thing the Resistance does NOT understand in entirety is why Lightworkers and Lightwarriors keep attacking each other instead of uniting forces against the Cabal that clearly does not have their best interests in mind. From the perspective of the Resistance, they would never attack their fellow that is fighting for the same cause and they genuinely do not understand why the surface population keeps doing that. They are inviting the surface population to share their perspective of that situation here:
The idea that many who are working to awaken others are fighting and attacking one another must seem quite confusing and perplexing to those who view this world from the “outside.”
When I am saying “outside” I am saying that we here on the surface of our planet, are not yet able to view our world as you can. That is, in order to even be born on to this planet, over and over as I believe I have chosen to do, I was apparently REQUIRED to submit to incarnating with a certain type of what I am calling a “frequency fence” in place all around me. That is, I KNEW before incarnating, that as clearly as I could see when I am not on this planet, that clarity would disappear and I would not be able to see things clearly once I came on to the surface of this planet.
The reason I keep coming back and coming back is because I am here to assist in liberating this planet. I have kept my faith, my belief, that I would somehow be able to remember my Higher Self; and thus, be able to assist in the liberation of this planet.
Now, here on the surface, things are VERY different. People say this is a Free Will Universe. But, is it, really for those of us who came here knowing we are required to accept these mind-numbing implants?
Also removed from our consciousness are what other Beings must take for granted: the ability to SEE clearly, and thus, DISCERN what is actually taking place in the world around us. Therefore, what you may see so easily is almost undistinguishable to us who have “agreed” to this “frequency fence.”
It is not that we cannot, at some point, and with great and persistent focus, LEARN to discern, it is that, even with this great and persistent focus, we can, apparently, be easily distracted from clear discernment.
In short, many times, maybe even MOST times, we are unable to clearly distinguish and discern just who is on our side.
This may sound implausible to one who can see this clearly. I assure you, we who are at least partially awake, find this to be quite complicated and quite frustrating!
There are those on this planet who are 100% aware of the implants we have and who have become particularly skillful at the fine points of deceiving us. These beings willfully place information that is almost correct; then, when we feel we can trust them, they bring out the disinformation.
It is a war! It is a mental war.
These deceitful beings, the cabal, or whatever one chooses to call them, have ALL of the technology to keep Humans as their slaves.
We who are even partially awake, often see exactly what these deceitful beings are doing. Then we go to our Brothers and Sisters, who may not just be asleep, but may literally be in a coma in terms of knowing what is happening on this planet; and we try to help them understand.
So many of our Brothers and Sisters then, not only ridicule us, but then seem to choose to believe exactly the opposite (that is, the lies of the cabal) even more fervently.
Massively frustrating at times!
Yet, I can understand. They remain asleep. They remain brainwashed. They remain fearful of the enormous power which most Humans have chosen to give to the cabal. This is the fear that has been programmed incessantly, day and night, 24/7, since our birth.
From my perspective, this so called free will universe, is free will ONLY to those in power. Thus, the dar beings are apparently given free will to give to us 100% lies and give us those lies 100% of the time. So, can you possibly imagine if every piece of information I am given about a subject is 100% lies, and has always been so, how challenging it is to DISCERN WHAT IS TRUE?
And, to add insult to injury, so to speak, the beautiful Beings who are assisting us look at us and say to us, WHY ARE YOU NOT ABLE TO FIGURE THIS OUT? Why are you attacking each other when you are working toward the same goals?
Well, I will explain: it is because YOUR ARE ABLE TO SEE.
We are NOT ALLOWED to see what you see … not yet!
And, yes, we can LEARN to see. And I speak for myself. I see much more clearly than I have in the past. And I feel each day I get better at this.
Yet, this is a GARGANTUAN task for a Human Being! Not impossible, certainly!
The cabal has, with their “free will” to step on Humans, to lie, deceive and cheat and, apparently, have no consequences that any of us can see … this cabal has MADE ALL THE RULES.
We do not even know what the rules are!
We are told how violent we are; how stupid we are for not seeing what is actually going on!
We are told that we Humans have “agreed” to all this violence, torture, war, poverty.
If that is how it appears to you, then I must encourage you to re-read what has poured from my heart in this letter.
We are NOT helpless! Yet, under the current conditions, when every single rule of “law” has been established by those who would choose to make All Humans into slaves in this “free will” universe, I am asking for your able assistance.
And I do feel you have All been involved in assisting our liberation.
Many seem to be asking us to run a race with a 100 pound ball chained to our ankle, to climb a pole with bags of rocks on our shoulders.
Humans are loving and kind people who really desire to work with each other. This is truly our nature.
When a Human is programmed, even while still in the womb of the Mother, to NOT find out what the real rules are, it is quite challenging to break free.
The “rulers” of this world right now are psycopaths and pedophiles and they are the ones whose free will apparently prevails.
This state of affairs MUST end!
If these dark beings who are so fond of causing harm to others are all put on to another world, let them carry out their desires among like beings.
Now, I must say as well, I am so GRATEFUL for the information given in this Cobra update, which will allow us to begin to dissolve the implants! Thank you!
And May God Bless You All!
Witajcie 😉
Dziękuje za wszystko to co z Miłością czynione i braterstwem.
Dziękuje ze jesteście.
google – Hello ?
Thank you for everything that is done with love and brotherhood.
Thank you for being here.
Thank you
Greetings to all the members of the Resistance. I am connected with the international group of the lightworkers. We follow all the Cobra news since years.
We would ask you to intervene. We will help with all our powers. We are sick to observe the unneeded suffering all around us, all over the world….people suffer to keep their families going, the cruelity to children and harmless animals. Children wandering on the streets looking for foood and shelters, deprived of their childhood because of the greed ones who instigated wars to gain more money, the dogs and cats meet festivals in Asia with unbelievable cruelity towards harmless peaceful animals, animals moredred daily for food industry, igrowing indiference of tired foooled people, to the other ones….It is torture to us, the awaken ones!
We are all of our group are constantly under attack from the dark ones, we are constantly deprived of all resources of our very hard work, we are attack by the our closest ones….we are starving too, we are tired.
We want to help people to understant how the matrix runs…and we are under constatnt attack.
Please, help us before we all die and the Archons , again force us to incarnate in the pathological families.We are prepared, ready to help tranform this world, before the Bad ones will delate our memory again.
The people of the world are ready for tghe transormation, we are witnessing this, they don’t know the truth but they are tired untill their limits and all know something is wrong. We are sure they invite the New World with the open arms. Always there will be fanatics who never accept the truth, but the majority of the humankin WILL!!!!
believe us, we are here , we know!
With love and light,
maryla and the group
With great gratitude for all your endeavors to assist us, I am honored to be able to address you during this important time.Most of the responses written in speak of the same experiences I’ve had. Myself and those around me that are aware of the Event and the state of our government in the USA, frequently lose heart when hearing about delay after delay. We ask for contact with our galactic family for those of us who are trying to change and aren’t sure which is the best direction. We know there is contact between government and extraterrestials, but why can’t there be contact with more of us in safe place, to PROVE to families and others we’re telling the truth. The majority of people think we’re crazy or misinformed at least. Contact would greatly reassure and inspire us even more. As it is now, all we have- for sure -are Cobra’s words and our inner knowingness. This is difficult to hold onto, with all the contradictory and mis-information abounding, as well as all the secrecy going on behind the scenes, so we are told. Again, I’m asking on behalf of myself and all my like-minded friends , for contact .
Greetings to my sisters and brothers of the Resistance Movement,
I wish to thank you, again, for your involvement in the liberation of our beloved Mother Earth and her children…and I also wish to convey to you my deep concern regarding information that has recently been posted by the YouTube website, “Event Is Coming Soon” towards the end of their video entitled, “(6) The Major Events in the Galaxy Which Have Shaped Mankind’s History” at the following link:
At approximately 29:03 this video tells us that HUMAN ABDUCTIONS ARE SUPPORTED BY THE COSMIC HIERARCHY so that the Greys can develop a new human / reptilian hybrid with a soul matrix for them to embody into…provided free will is not violated ?!!!
The very definition of Abduction is: “The action of forcibly taking someone away against their will”.
In other words, an abduction IS a violation of free will…therefore these abductions of humans (Homo sapiens) by the Greys (past, present and future) ARE A VIOLATION OF THE FREE WILL of the ABDUCTED human who is a free, sovereign soul and divine spirit.
Additionally, these HUMAN ABDUCTIONS AND THE THEFT AND MANIPULATION OF HUMAN DNA VIOLATE THE COLLECTIVE FREE WILL OF OUR ENTIRE SOVEREIGN HUMAN (Homo sapiens) SPECIES because via our human (Homo sapiens) DNA we share a collective, free, sovereign human soul matrix that is connected to Mother Earth and to all other indigenous species here on Mother Earth.
We humans as a collective species, have NOT been fully informed regarding the existence and purpose of these human abductions…nor of the potential future dangers posed by this genetic manipulation to our collective Homo sapiens DNA / divine soul matrix.
Therefore, we humans as a collective, free, sovereign species, have NOT consented of our own free will to these human abductions and the theft and manipulation of our human DNA.
These human abductions and genetic manipulation of our human DNA by the Greys so that the Greys can develop a new human / reptilian hybrid with a soul matrix for them to embody into…are a clear violation of the free will of BOTH the ABDUCTED human who is a free, sovereign soul and divine spirit and ADDITIONALLY is a violation of the collective free will of our entire human (Homo sapien) species…and therefore HUMAN ABDUCTIONS SHOULD NOT BE SUPPORTED OR ALLOWED BY THE COSMIC HIERARCHY regardless of whose agenda this may serve.
What will the repercussions be for the future of our species – Homo sapiens – if the Greys are allowed to develop a new human / reptilian hybrid with a soul matrix for them to embody into…using our DNA so that like a virus, their billions of hybrid souls will then become part of and effect changes to our collective Homo sapiens DNA / divine soul matrix ?
What will the repercussions be for the future of our species – Homo sapiens – if the Greys are allowed to develop a new human / reptilian hybrid with a soul matrix for them to embody into…using our DNA so that their billions of hybrid souls will then be able to incarnate here on Mother Earth as an invasive species displacing humans (Homo sapiens) and lacking the full measure of our indigenous genetic connections to Mother Earth and All of our fellow Earthlings ?
As a free, sovereign soul and divine spirit and as a member of the Homo sapiens species, I DO NOT CONSENT TO THE ABDUCTIONS OF HUMANS AND THE THEFT AND MANIPULATION OF HUMAN DNA by the Greys or any other species.
Furthermore, I respectfully request that the Cosmic Hierarchy Cease and Desist their support of this clear violation of the collective free will of our sovereign Homo sapiens species and a violation of the free will of the abducted individuals who are a free, sovereign soul and divine spirit.
The end does not justify the means…rather, the means BECOME the end…just as a fractal is a little piece of the whole. When One is harmed, all are harmed. That is why free will must not be violated.
Sisters and brothers of the Resistance Movement, I do not know whether or not you are aware of the information contained in the above mentioned YouTube “Event Is Coming Soon” video…or if you are in contact with the Cosmic Hierarchy…but I am hoping that you may be able to please let them know that human abductions and the theft and manipulation of human DNA is a violation of BOTH the free will of the ABDUCTED human who is a free, sovereign soul and divine spirit and ADDITIONALLY is a violation of the collective free will of our entire sovereign human (Homo sapiens) species.
Thank you so very much.
May all love surround you.
May you always be blessed.
Javított verzió! Kedves moderátorok, ezt tegyétek ki : )
Kedves Ellenállási mozgalom!
Köszönöm hogy eljöttetek ide erre a karantén bolygóra az elveszett testvéreitekért.
Sajnos ezen világ nagy része elveszíttette a kapcsolatot a belső isteni Énjükkel.
Érzik ugyan hogy kell legyen egy felsőbb hatalom ami irányíthatja életüket, aki megadhatja az elveszett belső békéjüket, de a formák világában ragadtak, és ebből kiindulva a formában keresik Isten minőségeit. A tökéletest keresik minden egyes formában, azt ami nem ott van.
A vallásaink egytől-egyig dogmákra, rituálékra és a forma által kifejezhető adományokra épülnek, amikre semmi szükség sincsen. Olyan törvényeket követnek ami sohasem volt az egység szolgálatában. Mivel spirituális ,,vezetőink” – et is az elkülönült én képzete vezeti, ezért sajnos csak ezen tévképzeteiket adhatják tovább jó esetben egy kis Isteni fénnyel megfűszerezve.
A felemelkedett mesterek tanítják ugyan a Belső Isteni ÉN életről szóló törvényeit, de ezen tanítások olyan messzire vannak az alap gondolkozási rendszertől, hogy még a magukat spirituálisan felébredtnek valló emberek többsége is elutasítja ezen tanításokat. Nem értik még azt az alapvető fogalmi különbséget sem, hogy az Isteni szeretet és az emberi szeretet fogalma alatt értett minőség nem egy és ugyanaz. Sokszor amit mi felszíni emberek,,szeretet” címszó alatt teszünk az a legkevésbé sem nevezhető annak. Teljesen feje tetejére van állítva a valódi Spiritualitás.
A spirituális csoportok sem kivételek sajnos ezen formai mintáktól.
A csoporttagok elkülönült énjüket követve egy külső emberi lényt és annak spirituális tanait teszik meg követendő példának. Ezen elkülönült emberi lény erényeit szeretnék magukévá tenni, ebben látják a teljességükhöz vezető utat. Belső iránymutatás hiányában a spirituális csoportok tagjai a csoportvezetőktől várják akár a cél és akár még a cél eléréséhez szükségesnek ítélt eszközök meghatározását is. Teljesen átadhatják az irányítást mindaddig amíg komfortosnak érzik a helyzetet.
Még az olyan csoportokban is ahol szellemi vezető fogja össze a csoportot és mindenkinek egyenrangúnak kellene lennie kialakulhat egyfajta hierarchia. A csatornázó társukat teszik meg vezetőnek mivel azon képessége, hogy egy magasabb dimenziós szellemi létezővel kommunikál csodálatosnak tűnik a szemükben. És összekeverik az üzenetet és tartalmának tiszteletét a tanítás vagy útmutatás csatornázójának tiszteletével. Rosszabb esetekben akár a csatornázó teljesen különlegesnek ítéli meg magát és kierőszakolja a csoportvezető szerepét, más hangját és véleményét nem tűrve meg maga mellett.Ilyen esetekben diktatúra alakul ki, és akinek ez nem tetszik annak mennie kell, vagy belső iránymutatását követve a csoport vélt érdekével azonosulva felveszi a harcot a csoport érdekében, újdonsült vezetője ellen. Az ami az elkülönült elmétől származik mindig rombolással fog véget érni. Mindig lesz egy akarat aki mást akar. Az Őrület csak őrületet szülhet.
Sokan a lelki vagy testi sérüléseik miatt fordultak el a hagyományosabb társadalmi rendszertől, de nem vették észre, hogy csak a formát cserélték le nem a rendszert. A külső világ káosza a spirtuális csoportokban is tükröződik, megannyi irányzat, és útkeresési forma által. Ki-ki a maga sérülési rendszere alapján keresi meg a neki megfelelő csoportot, attól függően, hogy éppen melyik irányzatot ítéli meg úgy, hogy az segíthet neki megtalálni a lelki békéjét.
Mivel az Ego a változatlan fogalmát nem ismeri, ezért az egyénben aki megtalálni vélte a lelki békéjét az adott irányzatban, újra felüti fejét a hiány érzete.
Onnantól már nem fog neki megfelelni az adott irányzat és annak rendszere sem. Elsőkén magában keresi a hibát ugyan, de eljut arra a következtetésre, hogy a hiba nem benne van, a hiba kintről jön, a hiba másban van. Ebben a tévedésében felébred ősi megoldási eszköze és támadásba kezd a külvilág ellen. Megtámadhatja a ,,vezetőjét” , a társait, akik továbbra is elfogadják a tanítót és annak tanításait. Ezek járnak a fejében: hát nem látják a balgák, hogy a vezetőnknek mennyi rossz szokása van, valamiért nem működik a rendszer, még mindig nem találtam meg a békémet, nem érzem jól magamat a csoportban.
Megpróbálja megváltoztatni külső világát, követőket gyűjt, tábort szervez maga köré. Az egységet és mindent ami összetartja a csoportot lerombolni vágyik. Legjobb esetben egy ilyen ember keres egy másik csoportot, egy másik eszmét, de előfordulhat hogy ott maradva a csoportban szétszakít minden kapcsolatot. EGY ember is elég a teljes csoport szétszedéséhez a belső viszály által amit keltett.
Amíg a Belső Isteni Énjükhöz nem kacsolódnak egyenként a csoporttagok sajnos addig mindig felüti a fejét az EGO ármánykodása. Az elkülönült én belső nyugtalansága és békétlensége fog tükröződni a csoportokon belül is a Belső Vezettetés hiányában.
Ez elkerülhetetlen mivel a rész nem láthatja az egészt.Rossz döntéseket hoznak az egyének mert nem látják át, hogy az egészhez a részek egysége kell.
Egy cél, amit együtt határoznak meg belső késztetésből belső vezettetéssel, csak ez hozhat egységet egy csoportba. Ezen együttes elme kapcsolódással érhetik el azt a tudást amire egyenként képtelenek lennének. A szentlélek megadja a közös nyelvet és fogalomtárt, már csak a hajlandóság kell, hogy összekapcsolódjunk vele. Ezért kérlek titeket, hogy alakítsunk ki egy közös fogalomtárt itt a honlapon, hogy az elhangzott szavak mindenkinek ugyanazt jelentsék. Csak úgy érhetünk el eredményeket, hogy a fogalmakat nem keverjük és egységes nyelvre törekszünk. A szeretet tiszta nyelvezetét használjuk hogy legalább a fogalmak terén ne legyen összecserélődés, keveredés.
A bennem is lévő Atya üzenete számotokra:
Csak az egységből születhet meg a megoldás és ehhez fel kell vállalni elveszett testvéreiteket is, nekik is van szerepük a felszabadulás tervében. A belső istennel együtt elérhetitek őket. Kérjétek a belső isteni éneteket és megadja nektek a segítséget. A felszínen is vannak emberek kik elérték az Isteni Énjüket és ők látják ki az aki segíthet nektek. Kérjétek a segítségüket. Elvezetem őket hozzátok, hogy segítsék a felvállalt munkátok. Ne féljetek kérni gyermekeim. A menyország bennetek is ott vár, és ÉN Egységre törekszem minden gyermekemmel ki elveszett egyszer. Elvétettétek ugyan az irányt, de szeretetem nem feledtétek.Elvezetlek benneteket vissza magamhoz. Ehhez megkaptok minden segítséget csak kérjetek és higgyetek benne, Bennem, hogy megkapjátok. Legyen Hitetek szerint, azt mondtam egyszer. Ezt szó szerit értettem. A Belső Isten ott vár bennetek, ezt ne feledjétek. Egyetlen vágyam, hogy ismét egy legyek veletek és ehhez az eszközöket is megtermtettem. Kérjétek hát a bennetek lévő szentlélek segítségét és hangja megjelenik bennetek. Őt szántam vezetőtöknek ki látja az Igazságot és a ti világotokat is. Ő az ki visszavezethet hozzám szeretett teremtményeim. A terv nála létezik. Tisztán, s egységben látja azt.
Mindenkit a maga egyéni útján vezetek vissza, mert ez a módszer amivel az elkülönültség különlegességtudata átlényegíthető.A tervből mindenki kiveszi részét senki nem hiányozhat. Mindenki a belső vezettetésem által vissza tér hozzám, az Egységbe.
Az egó nem állhatja útját igaz kéréseteknek. A szívből jövő kérés mindig teljesül, mivel akkor akaratod egy a teremtődével. Az pedig csak az egység felé vezethet. Bízzatok hát embertársaitokban, akkor is ha eltévedtek. Lássátok tisztán a célt, hogy egységben éltek, és akkor úgy is lesz. Hitetek az ami kirángathat e mocsárból, még ha nem is látjátok a világban tapasztalatként megnyilvánulni vágyatokat. Vágyatokat ami egy az enyémmel, csak tartsátok tisztán a fejetekben képként, a szívetek segítségével és megtörténik a teremtésem. Még itt is hová kezem nehezebben ér el, a ti erőtökkel melyet egykor adtam minden teremtményemnek megtörténté tehetitek az akaratommal egyező kívánságotokat. Bár az erőt én adtam elméteknek, de akaratom meg nem kerülhető, szeretetem el nem vehető. Legyen hát egy az akarat miképpen rendeltem azt. Szeretett gyermekeimnek ne keljen többet szenvedniük, a sötétség e fellegében. Úgy legyen.
Egységem legyen veletek.
google – Fixed version! Dear moderators, do this:)
Dear Resistance Movement!
Thank you for coming to this quarantine planet for your lost brothers.
Unfortunately, most of this world has lost contact with their divine Divinity.
They feel that there must be a higher power that can guide their lives who can give up their lost inner peace, but they are stuck in the world of forms and from this they seek God’s qualities in form. They seek the perfect in every form what is not there.
Our religions are based on dogmas, rituals, and donations that can be expressed formally, and there is no need for it. They follow laws that were never in the service of the unity. Since our spiritual “leaders” are also guided by the idea of a separate self, they can only pass on these false ideas in a good case with a small Divine light.
Rising masters teach the laws of the Inner Divine Life, but these teachings are so far from the basic thinking system that even most of the people who are spiritually awakened reject these teachings. They do not even understand the fundamental conceptual distinction that the quality understood in Divine Love and the concept of human love is not one and the same. Many times what we are doing under the surface people “love” is not the least it can be called. True Spirituality is completely at the top of the head.
Spiritual groups are no exception, unfortunately, from these formal patterns.
Group members follow their own separate self to make an external human being and its spiritual tana an example to follow. I would like to embrace the virtues of this distinct human being, in this they see the path leading to their fullness. In the absence of an internal guideline, members of the spiritual groups expect the group leaders to determine the means they consider necessary for achieving the goal or even the goal. They can completely give you control as long as you feel comfortable.
Even in groups where a spiritual leader joins the group, and a hierarchy of people must be equal. Their channeling partners make it a leader because their ability to communicate with a higher dimensional intellectual entity seems wonderful in their eyes. And confuse the message and respect for its contents in the respect of the channeler of teaching or guidance. In even worse cases, the canalizer judges himself as completely special and hears the role of the leader of the group, with no other voices and opinions. In such cases, dictatorships develop and those who do not like it must go or follow their internal guidance identifying the group’s well-known interests He takes up the fight for the group in favor of his newcomer leader. What comes from a separate mind will always end with destruction. There will always be a will who wants something else. Crazy can only be crazy.
Many people turned away from the more traditional social system due to their mental or bodily harm, but did not realize that only the form was replaced by the system. The chaos of the outer world is also reflected in the spirited groups, with many trends and a way of searching. Who, based on your injury system, is looking for a suitable group of people depending on which pattern you think it can help him find his peace of mind.
Since the ego does not know the unchanged concept, so in the individual who finds his or her spiritual peace in that trend, the feeling of shortage shakes again.
From now on he will not be able to meet that trend and its system. First of all, he is looking for a mistake, but he comes to the conclusion that the bug is not there, the error comes from outside, the error is different. In this mistake, he wakes up as an ancient means of resolution and attacks against the outside world. He can attack his “leader”, his associates, who continue to accept the teacher and his teachings. These are in the minds of us: so do not see the bald, how bad our guides are, the system does not work, I still can not find the peace, I do not feel well in the group.
She tries to change her outer world, collects followers, organizes camps around her. The unity and everything that keeps the group from wanting to demolish. In the best case, such a person is looking for another group, another idea, but it may be that while remaining in the group, they break all links. One man is enough to disarm the entire group by the inner quarrel that he has created.
As long as the members of the group do not associate with their Inner Divine Mind, unfortunately, the EGO is always knocked out by the EGO. The inner innocence and unrest of the separate self will be reflected within the groups even in the absence of the Inner Leadership.
This is inevitable since the part can not see the whole thing. Wrong decisions are made by individuals because they do not see it as a whole.
For a c
Dear Resistance Movement and other beings of light currently hanging out,
The Journey of awareness began for me on June 26, 2012. I was alone in my awareness for 3 years with the only proof that I hadn’t gone insane was the others I saw blogging and writing online. My husband at the time thought I was crazy and eventually it led to a very sad divorce. I’m just now coming back to my senses and am able to feel hopeful again thanks to a rogue band of healers who brought me into their lives and have given me so much support. The situation on this planet in my area is really crazy. People work jobs that are unfullfilling only to pay for things that are equally unfullfilling. Because of things and beings we can’t even see we have these holes in our energy fields from trauma and shock that we have experienced. The energetic trama presents as physical problems. Then when you go to the medical doctor they will prescribe whatever will make them the most money usually a surgery or a drug. The doctor, the patient and everyone else accepts this as standard procedure. Real knowledge has been stifled and blocked and replaced with only more layers of dysfunction. To wake up from this illusion is both a blessing and a curse. Suddenly you know it’s an illusion and your alone amongst everyone you care about. So we worry and mourn the loss of this state of mind that made it possible to maintain intimate relationships with our close friends and family. Suddenly we have secrets and a depth of understanding that feels isolating. If we are lucky we will find others who understand fairly quickly and if not we can spend years in mental isolation. I have found my stride working both with my galactic understanding and my 3d knowledge. I work to heal others and myself.
It’s time to change what’s happening. There are good souls that are brilliant that are still living deep in the illusion. The US medical system is drugging and operating on people for profit. People are getting buried under depression and despair. Please understand the feeling here. People drink, do drugs, gamble and a gammit of other addictions just to feel okay for a few moments before they go back to their unfullfilling lives. Out of anger and stress we abuse eachother and ourselves physically and emotionally. This has to stop. Humans have to be allowed to go through their natural state of evolution without hindrance.
Please Help.
I believe the problem with infighting in the lightworker/warriors is the deep devision between male and female. I believe good love between two individuals is attacked as hard as possible in this community. If you can not find trust and love with that special someone in a reasonable time in life it leads to distrust in friends and people in general. We go so long with out it, our only hope becomes the event/disclosure, and when we encountered methods or philosophies that would seem to slow this process we have a knee jerk “your cheating on me” response.
Dearest RM and dearest LW and Starsisters and Brothers,
wir bitten die Geistigen LIchtgeschwister hiermit um generallhilfe und generalbeistand für die befreiung der menschheit aus der versklavung durch die elite und dem satanicvatikan !!!!
der SATANICVATIKAN MUSS WEG !!!!!! der Papst hat gerade vor JESUS CHRISTUS gewarnt !!! der muss vernichtet werden !!!!!
wir wissen ,dass wir durch die Geburtsurkunde als tote Sache erklärt wurden. wir haben uns davon distanziert !!!! wir haben viel BefreiungsVerfügungen und Heilarbeit deswegen gemacht.
Wir lösen und distanzieren und hiermit ausdrücklich von allen bisherigen Unterschriebenen weltlichen Verträgen die wir bewußt oder unbewußt mit der Kabale unterzeichnet haben!!!!!!!!!
viele von uns haben kein Girokonto mehr , viele Deutsche leben auf der Strasse genauso weltweit !!!
das ist Menschenunwürdig !
google – Dearest RM and dearest, LW and Starsisters and Brothers,
We ask the Spiritual Livers to provide general help and general assistance for the liberation of humanity from the enslavement by the elite and the satanicvatican !!!!
The SATANICVATIKAN MUSS WEG !!!!!! The Pope has just warned of JESUS CHRIST !!! The must be destroyed !!!!!
We know that we were declared dead by the birth certificate. We have distanced ourselves from it !!!! We have done a great deal of liberation and healing work.
We hereby resolve and dissociate ourselves expressly from all previous treaties of worldly treaties which we have consciously or unconsciously signed with the Kabale !!!!!!!!!
Many of us have no Girokonto more, many Germans live on the street just as world-wide!
This is a man’s fault.