This invocation is recommended for all light workers to use daily:
Clearing Guidelines for Light Work Participants:
Before working on locations, individuals or situations, especially the ones needing clearing, connect yourself in a pillar of brilliant white light going from the central sun to the core of the earth through you. You can also breathe in white light and breathe out what doesn’t serve you for a few minutes. State that you allow no dark interference in your reality. Call the help from light beings (Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Faeries, Agarthans, Galactic Confederation, etc) to participate in the clearing and help keep you protected. Visualize white light coming from your soul star chakra, filling your whole being.
To work on spots, pillar of white light from central sun to core of the Earth through the place, violet flame, visualize sacred geometry such as flower of life, pentagrams, etc
After, redo the things we did before the clearing that you feel guided to. Listen to healing frequencies. Go out in nature (you can also do the whole clearing while being in nature, should make it easier), bathe in water helps clearing energy especially natural sources (rivers, lakes, seas etc), showers are good also, bath with natural salt can be very effective, as well as burning sage, palo santo, using essential oils, etc. If you feel sticky energies in your aura, state your free will to banish and transmute them and to anchor your divine blueprint in your whole being.
You can use this invocation also, before, during and after:
“I here and now declare and command, in the name of source, in the name of planet Gaia, in the name of the Galactic Confederation, in the name of the Galactic Center, that all evil and out of tune energies, as well as all their consequences be fully removed, banished, transmuted and healed, Â from my whole being, on all times, space dimensions and planes, onto eternity, in full totality. This is my will and the will of source and therefore it is law, and so it is.
I here and now declare and command, in the name of source, the galactic center, planet gaia and the galactic confederation, that the true light and blueprint of source is fully anchored in my whole being, on all time space dimensions and planes, onto eternity, to the full extent of source power. This is my will and the will of source and therefore it is law. and so it is”
*You can replace “my whole being” by “this whole vortex” to use for clearing of place. Can also use for house, belongings, food, etc.