Keyason’s New Mission
Keyason Monjolo has moved to a new region to set up an orphanage.
For quite a while this will make Keyason’s life much harder because the use of money will mean that he will have to use the uncertain public transportation system to get it and spend it.

Sending him money by Western Union requires this travel back and forth to the WU store. but we are organizing to wire directly to his bank account. After we can wire money directly to the Church checking account, the use of money will become more convenient.
The need for the orphanage has been due to AIDS and Malaria many areas of Africa, which have lost significant numbers of adults during the prime of their lives, dying from viruses and bacterial infections. For this reason, communities that are far from services have many orphans as well as abandoned fields and shelters.
The little building on the right is where Keyason has set up a simple stove to cook the corn meal that he buys with the money sent to him by PFC.
This area was cleared but has now become overgrown with small trees which have popped up like weeds. Keyason has sent us photos with him standing in front of this area.
When a child’s parents die and they are left alone, they frequently remain in their homes but without anyone supporting them. Everyone helps, but they all want Keyason to build the orphanage and provide a real answer for this situation.
The area in Chikwawa is rich and with effort and a little investment Keyason can have the Orphanage producing all the food they will need. He has sent us photos of the live stock being kept by the residents of the area which you can see below.
Most interesting is you do not see any chickens, ducks or geese. Since these farm animals can forage on their own, the are usually kept on farms like the ones in these photos. Raising these birds for the meat and eggs should be possible for a reasonable investment, particularly should they acquire an incubator, which would enable us to ship them fertilized eggs to be hatched in their own “hatchery”.
The well head below is one reason for the poverty of this area. Exactly what more is wrong with this well other than the pump having been removed and the pipe left open for who knows what to fall down the shaft, we cannot say, but it must be repaired for the orphanage to have any chance of long term success.
Helping Keyason is getting easier for us, especially since he found a village leader willing to help him help the orphans. Obviously, fixing this well will benefit the entire area since they are currently hauling water from a good distance, which has a disproportionate affect on those who are sick, poor or young. Food shelter and security are needed by the orphans and those who care for them in Chikwawa District, which because of the Internet, is close enough feel their hunger and eagerness to learn to feed themselves and join the New Society.
Victory to the Light!
The Prepare For Change Team