NOTICE: The Nature Restoration Program continues to generate interest and we appreciate those who have submitted their contact information! We are seeking volunteers to take leadership roles in their communities/regions/countries such that these programs can develop into whatever your mission is. Active volunteers are the key to success! Transmute your passion for nature into helping Mother Earth accelerate her own ascension towards  The Event! Prepare For Change is ready to assist you with taking the necessary steps to create these programs.   Please contact us at [email protected] and let us know you are willing to be a leader in this great effort. Thanks for your continued interest. Victory of the Light!
Welcome to the Nature Restoration Sign-up Page. Below this brief text there is a form intended to start your personal involvement in Nature Restoration. Although we are focused on creating alignments of interest groups to heal the environment in specified parts of nature, it is the individuals who want to see it happen that are the first priority. Â We are an organization of people and if that does not work there will be no benefit to nature at all.
The Nature Restoration form is designed to enable you to say which part of the process you would like to be involved with restoring.