New Society Intentional Communities are the tool for humanity to lift our culture to a higher level and help one another toward ascension. Integrity, knowledge and love provide the basis for social advance at every level, leading us all toward unity in a galactic society.
If you are interested in participating with others to form a New Society Intentional Community the form below is provided for this purpose. By completing this form you will join an ongoing effort to establish advanced spiritual New Society Communities throughout the world.
The New Society Intentional Communities Program This high level design program addresses the integration of new technologies and philosophies into the daily lifestyles of everyone living on Earth. New paradigms of science and human consciousness will give rise to new lifestyles emphasizing association with like-minded others to enable greater personal growth. The release of our societies on Earth from the control matrix of banking, energy, petrochemicals and pharmaceutical health care will create a need for ways of living allowing people to remain in their neighborhoods and use their time and effort to have fulfilling lives within walking distance of their homes.