Create or Join a Local Group

Here you will find quick and simple steps to find people near you to meet, and organize :

Both groups can merge and be one and the same.
Here are a few things to know :

  • You do not need to be approved by us to become involved. This is an open-source movement.

  • You do not need to use any private information. You can simply use a nickname and an approximate address (for example just the name of your city)

  • Finding other aware people near you can be a critical factor at the time of the Event to create a smooth transition.

  • You do not need any special experience or talent to get involved. Good intentions are enough. We all have unique gifts and purpose which can be used for the liberation of all life ! You are the only one who can know what your role will be !


We currently use Facebook as a platform

 Facebook : Because of its popularity, it allows you to connect with many people.  We may use an alternate platform in the future.  There are hundreds of groups worldwide already created! See the list below. If you do not find a group for your location you can create it and send it by e-mail to this address : [email protected]

Or give us the link in a comment below:

Groups for All Locations: 

 Cobra Inspired Pages :


  1. Attitude needs adjusting,,,people with autism, or other mental disabilities have a much harder time in focusing in meditation then most others who have no understanding of this disability. I have a little bit of anger towards those who refuse to put prayer on the same level as meditation…some might even put prayer as stronger then meditation, people with disabilities can use prayer. King James bible…I do not remember exact details…to me the message is clear, though shall not have any other Gods before thee (OR GODESS!) or idol worshipping.

    • Yes that is correct. Someone with Autism or another mental disability should consider other ways to meditate. For example, if the person has a movement that they naturally do frequently we would have you do that movement so it comes more naturally. Everyone learns differently. The key is to be able to focus on one thing wether that be with the body in motion or sitting still counting your breath. I do agree with your view point on Prayer, although I find most do not really know how to pray. I do have a bit of experience with this so I would like to share my point of view. When praying, it is ok to ask for what you want but it is a much higher path to give thanks for what you have and give thanks for what you want to acquire. The light body knows no different, so giving thanks for what you want is acknowledging that you already have it and will bring it forth.

  2. Hi, I am from Iran, I am 26 years old, I would love to meet with the forces of light and cooperate. But I can’t believe these things are real, please prove it to me

  3. just now I created my: prepare for a global change-
    hope will be a helping hand for worldwide prosperity.

  4. Hello everyone…does anyone want to meet in Madrid, in the mountains, for meditation, etc.? I have a very large house, and would love to organize something. Completely free, just in case you wonder, of course. If you fancy, contact me at [email protected]

    Love to all of you!!!

  5. GAB might be an option. I don’t do platforms that don’t recognize freedom and almost left because of the Fackbook push. Astral fighters don’t manage well.. :). You’ll have to adopt VPN protections and other ideas to draw in the ones who are fighting the “dark” in real-time.

    • Same here, I’m banned on FB for posting about the Cabal lapdogs! And exposing An American CABAL Coach and public figure, but obviously Zuckerberg’s sister Randi who teamed up with my target, seemed to have the power to get me repeatedly put in jail and now banned!!
      I’m in Sweden, and can’t access the Swedish FB group!
      Please help:)
      Love from Stockholm

  6. Are there any alternative methods to access groups in my area (Houston, TX) other than via facebook? I refuse to open an account with them.

  7. I am on FB but have been blocked for 30 days. I have another pace called Heaven’s Touch the 5th dimension& Beyond . I am communicating on MeWe.
    I’m ready been fighting all my life. Thank you every single one of you and God Source. I AM THE LIGHT I AM THE LOVE I AM !

    • Who is this and what is this about?
      I know what’s going on now is not going to get better and the world as we know it is done son now I see this who and what exactly is this???

    • Same here, repeatedly put in jail and now banned for life. Because of exposing An American Coach who is a CABAL tool. Who has Randi Zuckerberg in his inner circle!!

  8. Greetings,
    I have been waiting for an acceptance. What has happened with thi group for Houston TX? both in the cith and on FB?

  9. We are here now! I was enlightened on 2/15/1979 and God has been close since. All humanity is included. Jesus Christ is God in the flesh, and they sacrificed for all humanity in the form of first Adam. Religion is a divider not intended, but humanity had to mature as a whole, and Satan’s mission is to turn us against our brother and sisters. Satanism is not a part of God’s Kingdom on Earth. Remember, Thou Kingdom Come, Thou Will Be Done, On Earth as it is in Heaven! The financial system is already turned and prosperity for all is God’s way . I know if it’s not aligned with God’s way….well, it is LOSS!❤

    • Hello Brenda, please, can we stop with that “old-time religion” song now? Enjoy your singing, but allow me and others to sing our own song with our own voice?
      It’s truly a stupid thing to want to force one’s belief on others, thinking that theirs isn’t worth paying attention to. Imagine yourself on the receiving end of what you’re doing.

      • Well said Devon with 200 Thousand variations of religious & following cults, we have had it up to hear. just follow the angels, the father, Creator~Creatoress.

        Be of Kindness to others and of your self.

        Embrace spiritual awareness and Gaia and learn your purpose for this life of many for being here to assist bye whatever gifts you embrace or bestow and work for you! Love to all Brett

      • Satan is an emissary who magnifies the importance of God. I'm not preaching any religious views. This paragraph comes from the interview with Neruda

  10. Hello,
    Just created Prepare For Change – Lithuania facebook group for my country. You can add it to the list.

    Best regards DB

  11. Procuro contato na minha cidade, ja constatei que tem no Jardim Apolo, São José dos Campos SP.
    Aguardo Contato.

  12. We are a gaggle of volunteers and opening a new scheme in our community.
    Your website offered us with helpful information to work on. You’ve performed an impressive process and our entire neighborhood will
    likely be thankful to you.

    • Please go to and then click on the map which is COEO which lists where people are in the world. It will connect you through the COEO web-site and then you can choose to contact your new local friends via e-mail.

    • on our homepage you will see the coco map. Click on that map and connect with people in your area.

  13. Im still not sure how to start a group in NJ? any suggestions? thanks. Im still looking on how to do this.

  14. Hello from Romania and South Africa Brothers and Sisters of Love and Light, this is the Facebook Group for Romania and South Africa/English feel free to join, we will be delighted to have you there with us 🙂 <3

  15. hello friends i can’t submit my group request and get the page not found mesage please help when you have a chance thanks love

  16. I’m from a little town in Victoria, but I travel to the city of Melbourne, Australia, on a monthly basis, was wondering if there was anything active here?

  17. Bonjour,

    Veuillez m’inscrire svp
    Je suis présent en bourgogne libre les week ends et
    peut me déplacer pour vous retrouver lors de votre prochaine réunion.
    bravo et merci pour tout ce que vous faites.

    Paix Amour Harmonie Mamaste

  18. Hi, I am Steve Jensen (email = [email protected]) by Viroqua Wisconsin USA. I previously joined and hosted an ESG and now have tried several times to “rejoin” onto the new COEO site but cannot access my old membership and get messages about wrong email address
    and passwords. Also, the message says to check my email (and spam) to get an email to change my address and password but I have not received any. I do not the ESP/Sisterhood of Rose on my FaceBook and just available to any interested via COEO or through the PFC site. Sort of frustrated and don’t know who to contact about this. So would appreciate any help 🙂

    Happy awakening to all, Steve (phones 608 637 6917 and 608 606 4951)

  19. Hi I live in the DC area and i am not on facebook. Is there a Meetup in DC? The is time now! September 28, 2015. This is it!

    • Hi I’m in the DC area as well and just emailed the local contact listed.. I have met one other person from the Cobra group..Open to meeting and getting something actively going here in DC..

    • I am in No.Va.,about 60 miles out of D.C. Willing to travel or maybe host a meeting. All I know is we need to start a group soon. Us in the know, need to support eachother to gather strength and clarity to be of better service to others! With love!

  20. Hello there,

    I am checking on my effort to get listed as a local PFC contact group. My co- organizer and I submitted the form around 2 weeks ago. We have an email, a facebook page and we would like to be listed as a contact during The Event, so we can assist our community.

    Is there a delay with adding new groups, or possibly a problem with our submission process?

    Champaign-Urbana, IL

    • Did you fill in this form ?

      Sorry for inconvenience, we are going through restructuring at this time, and also due to interference we have lost databases before. But this database should remain stable now.

      You can send your facebook page to this address [email protected], or give the link to it in a comment here and i will upload it right away. Let me know if you need more help.

    • Sorry, I am new to this too. I’m looking for the same info. 🙂 I just fired up a Meet-up group and now I’m trying to get connected here as well.

      • Bonjour,

        Veuillez m’inscrire dans vos listes.
        Je suis présent dans Paris tous les jours et
        peut me déplacer pour vous retrouver lors de votre prochaine réunion.
        Je vous félicite et vous remercie pour tout ce que vous faites.
        Toute ma sympathie.

        Bruno Vandome

  21. 第三次世界大戦はすでに始まっていたのに気付かなかった!
    2011年3月11日の東日本大震災は米国の「地震兵器 HAARP 」と「核爆弾」による攻撃で第三次世界大戦の勃発だったのだ。
    2004年12月のスマトラ沖地震では米国アラスカ州にある「地震兵器 HAARP 」を使い人工地震を起し、大津波が発生させて31万人が殺された。
    2011年3月11日の宮城県沖の海底を震源地とする地震は、米国アラスカ州にある「地震兵器 HAARP 」からの電磁波と、宮城県沖の海底に仕掛けた「原爆」による米国の先制攻撃だった。
    当日宮城県沖には、最新の掘削機を搭載した日本政府の探査 / 採掘船「地球丸」が停泊し、海底を掘削してメタンハイドレートの探査をしている事になっていた。しかし「地球丸」には騙された自衛隊員と北朝鮮の工作員が協力して、海底を掘削し原爆を仕掛けていたのだ。
    「原爆」と「地震兵器 HAARP 」で地震を起し、東日本の太平洋沿岸を津波で破壊し、住民2万人を殺戮し、福島原発に甚大な被害を与え、放射性物質を拡散させ、日本人を核で汚染し、政治経済を大混乱に貶め、国の機能を麻痺させ、国力を低下させる作戦だ。
    1945年の第ニ次世界大戦敗戦後の日本を占領統治した「米国占領軍 / GHQ 」は憲法をつくらせ、法律を改悪し「武」と「麻」を禁止した。 
    日本は「W H O 世界保健機関」の勧告でワクチンを輸入させられた。
    ワクチンは「W H O 世界保健機関」のトップ三人が利権を握る製薬会社製だ。日本は奴らから莫大なカネをまたしても奪われたのだ。
    宮崎 「口蹄疫」も然り。奴らに唆されたアメリカ農務省と畜産協会の陰謀だ。国産最優良種の和牛を駆逐し、米国産の不味い牛肉を買えと恫喝されたのだ。
    日本は度重なる米国の攻撃を受けていると云う事実を認識し、「福島原発事故の真相 / 真実」を世界中のメディアに暴かなければならない。
    1970年代すでに米ソは「地震兵器 HAARP」使用禁止条約を結んでいる。
    奴らはドル紙幣の発行を行う「連邦準備制度 / Federal Reserve System / FRS」を、1910年11月22日ジョージア州の大西洋沿岸にある、ジキル島のJ・P・.モルガンが所有するジキル島クラブで秘密会議を開き、日本では日本銀行に相当する、米国の中央銀行制度を司る民間企業で、ワシントンD.C.にある「連邦準備制度理事会 / Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System または Federal Reserve Board, FRB」が全国の主要都市に点在する「連邦準備銀行 / Federal Reserve Banks / FRB」を統括する組織形態を特徴とする、米国の中央銀行制度で、FRB設立計画を討議、J.P.モルガンやポール・ウォーバーグ、ジョン・ロックフェラーを後ろ盾に、1913年ウッドロウ・ウィルソン大統領がロバート・オーウェンとカーター・グラスの提出したオーウェン・グラス法に署名し、多くの上院議員が休暇で不在の隙を突いて、12月23日に連邦準備制度を成立させた。
    日本での略称は「FRS」だが、実際には連邦準備制度と制度を運営する理事会はあまり区別されず、両者とも「FRB」と呼ばれることが多い。また、連邦準備制度理事会の議長は「Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board」と呼ばれる。2014年2月1日からは第15代目のジャネット・イエレン議長。
    かれら始め全世界の人々に「紙幣印刷を勝手に行ない金融を独占した秘密結社が裏で操る米国」が仕掛けた戦争「人工地震 / 津波 / 福島原発事故」の真実を世界中の人々に伝えなければならない。
    しかし、戦後64年経った今でも実は「米国占領軍 / GHQ 」の統治が続いていると考えれば納得がいく。その事実に気が付けば自分を「対米従属 」の四文字熟語の呪縛から解放出来る。
    自分に真の「愛国心」が生まれたら「ふるさと / 日本」のために、自らのいのちを賭けて敵と戦う覚悟ができる。
    その「覚悟」はアメリカが恐れる「武士道 / サムライ・スピリット」の「キモ」だ。「覚悟」は日本に伝来した大乗仏教「禅」が説く悟りの境地で、「武士道 / サムライ・スピリット」の根本だ。
    ベンジャミン フルフォード / Benjamin Fulford
    1961年生まれのカナダ人。19歳で来日し 上智大学比較文化学科を経て、カナダのブリティッシュコロンビア大学卒業。米経済誌『フォーブス』のアジア太平洋支局長、『日経ウィークリー』記者などを歴任。現在国際ジャーナリスト、ノンフィクション作家の肩書を持ち、近年は「フリーメーソン」「イルミナティ」他、EU諸国・米国・日本を含む東アジアの「政府・金融・企業・マスメディア・芸能界」を裏から操る闇の権力と闘う「青い目のサムライ」として主に日本で活躍中。
    「HAARP Weapon or Nuclear Attack, Japan EarthQuake」
    人工地震 地震兵器 ・放射能の影響 竹中平蔵にキレるベンジャミン フルフォード
    大津波を起こした3.11 人工地震の実験は繰り返されていた古歩道ベンジャミン

    • Dear Kiyoshi Yoshii,
      Shin’ai Sei Yoshii,

      I do not speak Japanese but I wanted to read what you so eloquently wrote. I put each sentence in Google translate. I wanted to understand what you are saying.
      Watashi wa nihonjin no hanasu koto wa arimasenga, watashi wa anata ga sō yūben ni kaita mono o yomitai to omotta. Watashi wa, gūguru no kaku sentensu ga hon’yaku oku. Watashi wa anata ga itte iru no ka o rikai shitakatta.

      I live and have worked and loved many Japanese people here in the United States for many years. When I was a young teenager I met a man in his 20s from Japan. He did not speak English and I did not speak Japanese but that didn’t stop us from laughing and enjoying each other’s company. He played the guitar and taught me origami. Eventually he returned to Japan but I never forgot him.
      Watashi ga sunde iruto nan-nen mo no ma, koko Amerika de ōku no nihonjin ga hataraite, aishite iru. Watashi ga wakai tīn’eijādatta toki, watashi wa, Nihon kara no kare no 20-dai no otoko ni atta. Kare wa eigo ga hanasemasendeshitashi, watashi wa nihongo o hanashimasendeshitaga, sore wa waratte, otagai no kaisha o tanoshinde kara watashitachi o teishi shite inai. Kare wa gitā o ensō shi, origami o oshiete kureta. Kekkyoku, kare wa Nihon ni modottaga, watashi wa kare o kesshite wasurenakatta.

      I know that words cannot take away the pain that your people have suffered at the hands of some very unscrupulous men….many form the United States. I want you to know that not all people here are like those who devastated your country. Many people here pray for all the Japanese people that were affected by the false flag attack on Fukushima. Please know that we (the people) would not ever want anything like this to happen anywhere. We are all imperfect humans just wanting to live our lives to the best of our ability.
      私は言葉があなたの人々はいくつかの非常に悪質な男性の手で苦しんでいる痛みを奪うことができないことを知っている…米国を形成.many 。私はあなたがいないここにすべての人があなたの国を荒廃させ者のようであることを知ってほしい。多くの人々がここに福島での偽旗攻撃の影響を受けたすべての日本人のために祈る。我々 (人々は)今までにどこでも発生するために、このようなものを望んでいないだろうことを知ってください。我々は、すべての不完全な人間はちょうど私たちの能力を最大限に私たちの生活を生きるしたいです。
      Watashi wa kotoba ga anata no hitobito wa ikutsu ka no hijō ni akushitsuna dansei no te de kurushinde iru itami o ubau koto ga dekinai koto o shitte iru… Beikoku o keisei. Many. Watashi wa anata ga inai koko ni subete no hito ga anata no kuni o kōhai sa se-sha no yōdearu koto o shitte hoshī. Ōku no hitobito ga koko ni Fukushima de no nise hata kōgeki no eikyō o uketa subete no nihonjin no tame ni inoru. Wareware (hitobito wa) ima made ni doko demo hassei suru tame ni, kono yōna mono o nozonde inaidarou koto o shitte kudasai. Wareware wa, subete no fukanzen’na ningen wa chōdo watashitachi no nōryoku o saidaigen ni watashitachi no seikatsu o ikiru shitaidesu.

      You have the gift of writing and changing our world by telling the truth. Much of the people of the world are so programmed that they really don’t know what is going on where they can’t see, behind their back. We are all one people and it is up to those of us that are awake to make this world a more peaceful and loving place. That is the world I want to live in. How about you?
      Anata ga kaite shinjitsu o tsutaeru koto de, watashitachi no sekai o kaeru okurimono o motte iru. Sekai no hitobito no ōku wa, sonoyōni, karera wa hontōni karera no senaka no ushiro ni, karera wa miru koto ga dekinai basho ni nani ga okotte iru ka o shiranai koto o puroguramu sa rete iru. Wareware wa, subete 1-rideari, sore ga kono sekai o yori heiwa to aisuru basho o tsukuru koto ga okite iru koto o watashitachi no mono madedesu. Soreha. Dono yō ni anata ni tsuite watashi ga sumitai sekaidesu?

      Angel Eyes ~**~
      エンジェル•アイズ〜** 〜
      Shukufuku, Enjeru• aizu 〜** 〜

  22. Karin Lacy, September 12, 2014

    Re: Asking for the Litmus Test

    Dear Cobra and Resistance Movement; Dear fellow Lightworkers;
    My name is Karin Lacy; I’m a self-proclaimed Lightworker for America. You can check whether I am a fraud or genuine by visiting my website, which can be considered an “antiquity”.

    For decades I’d been a believer in the Shift of the Ages as a moment of quantum awakening for humankind, and the end of the Mayan calendar on December 21st of 2012 seemed to promise it. Everybody jumped on the bandwagon and the channels flooded us with information how the upcoming Shift actually would happen.

    When Cobra came out with his blog in April of 2012 with new intel about an underground Resistance Movement for the liberation of humanity I enrolled in his list. I believe a civilization put into amnesia cannot liberate itself, it needs outside help from benevolent Galactics. Initially I had concerns about the choice of the word ‘Resistance’.

    Admittedly I was skeptical whether Cobra with his secrecy about his person is a scam. When he put advertisements on his blog and started giving portal-opening workshops, I thought he is now the new guru growing his follower-ship. It seems Cobra’s frequent response to questions that the intel must remain ‘classified’ has become the accepted red thread throughout his messages for most readers. But to me, each time my curious human mind goes ‘yikes’.

    It is now 2 ½ years later. Cobra is still the Guru Anonymous.
    To me it is important to have an ear to the ground in regards to the transformation and liberation of Gaia and humanity. We are obviously taking the longer, smoother route.
    When browsing through the headlines of newsletters and blog emails I am always aware that these end times are the high times of deception, before the truth comes to light. “Disinformant” seems to be a new occupation inserted by the powers that be. Also, there is the infiltration of disinformation from the non-physical Archons twisted with truth through their willing human instruments, the channels.
    Deception is a powerful tool for energy harvesting, creating confusion, insecurity, uncertainty, anxiety, doubt, hopelessness, and so on, intended to keep the masses in low vibration and under control. Indeed a feeding ground for the mind parasites. A confused population can be easily directed by their leaders towards their goal of the New World Order.
    Ever since I came to the U.S. as a German immigrant, almost 25 years ago, I learned that Americans are especially gullible, meaning well-conditioned into compliance.

    In the past I was thinking that once I am retired and receive a monthly benefit check, my basics for livelihood will be covered and I can fully focus on my Lightworker mission, with my feet on the ground and my head in the clouds. (smile)
    Things turned out to be quite differently. Even though I live a very frugal lifestyle, I still can’t make it through the month financially. Since age 16, at entering the wage slave era, I had to pay into Social Security. Fifty years later as a retiree the government gives me $880 to live on, which is “not enough to live and too much to die”, in this culture.
    Just to give you, the Resistance Movement, an idea how life is for surface dwellers who are forced to live in poverty: Going shopping can be frustrating when you have to pass the organic veggies and fruit and instead buy cheaper low-quality food. I can’t even afford to bring my sandals to the shoe repair, not to mention the luxury of going to the dentist. The land of milk and honey I once was part of, is no more. – Continued…
    I heard Cobra saying that from the Galactic’s viewpoint life on Earth is seen as hell. On the other hand, the Resistance Movement is sitting on all that confiscated gold, while we are struggling and waiting it out, perhaps for another ten years. How absurd is that!?

    Early in 2014 Cobra said in an interview that the Event is going to happen between now and the year 2025. Good to keep in mind! However, since then several times Cobra announced that “Victory is near”. But alas, we learned of new sinister Cabal obstacles blocking the way of which we had not heard of before.

    Frankly, I recently felt more doubts and sensed more contradictions. Overall, to me the whole subject of the Event feels more like clouded in disempowerment instead of joyous anticipation. The coming and going of dates could go on for a decade while it remains ‘classified’ who Cobra and his masters are and what their agenda may be.

    I was pondering, what could pass the Litmus Test, for my own clarity and also for other skeptical people? The American phrase “show me the money” popped into my mind.

    Dear Cobra and Resistance Movement, I am hereby asking you for a donation of $10,000 which can be sent anonymously via my website donation button. It’s a small amount to be granted, considering the vast collateral accounts which the Resistance Movement has removed from the cabal and secured in underground locations, ready for global distribution back to the people right after The Event.

    I would immediately buy a rural piece of land of 2 acres, like a friend did a few months ago. The lots start from $4,500 plus $500 fees and have to be paid in cash to the owner. I would gather a few people and start forming the first Ubuntu Community in the U.S. For those wanting to learn about the new paradigm, called Ubuntu Contributionism, as introduced by Michael Tellinger, visit It is all about living in a new way on Earth, based on unconditional love, not money. As the next step we would rent RV vehicles for each of us to get through the winter. This would require down payments.
    By this time we would have succeeded, we would have laid the foundation for “Dome Village Katrina”. We would put our powerful minds together and figure out how to provide the land with electricity and water.
    We would add to the few ones who are exercising free will for humanity by living off the grid, under the radar, practicing self-sufficiency and living as sovereign humans on Earth.

    Dear Cobra and Resistance Movement, providing me with the requested money would pass the Litmus Test; and it would enable me to serve my brothers and sisters in greater ways. After many years having lived openly as a Lightworker and being ridiculed and shunned, I would appreciate your grant as a tremendous Victory of the Light.
    For over two years I’ve been promoting Cobra, the Resistance Movement, and The Event in my Open Letters. These letters are composed to serve as Documents for Change.

    I am going to post this message on the Cobra blog comments and some other blogs.
    I’ll report the outcome and provide feedback.
    Bless you all! Let’s each awaken Victory of the Light within!
    Vib high – journey joyfully! Karin Lacy

    • Karin,
      Your comment here prompted me to read many of your writings. It seems in many ways, we are on parallel paths. At the very least, i am willing to engage in dialog toward intentional friendship development around *shared values*. However, at this point i have not been able to discover how to make contact via email, or comment on your website, hence this reply to your above post. This is my invitation to you to check out the freedom-universe*dot*org website.

      Blessings on your joyful journey!

      Love, Light, and Joy

  23. Dear Prepare For Change-Team,

    Please add Facebook Page:

    Prepare for change Finland

    Thank you!
    Best Regards,
    sanctus chen

  24. Dear Prepare-For-Change-Team,

    please change the old facebookgroup for BERLIN to into the new one. The administrator of the old group no longer supports Cobra and therefore is not a prepare for chnage group based on the wisdom of Cobra.

    old,please delete:


    Thank you,



  25. Dear Prepare-For-Change-Team,

    please change the link for the facebook-group BERLIN into the new link, because the old link is not right anymore. The administrator of the group does not support Cobra any longer –thats why the group has another name now, “starseeds of berlin”, and is no longer a prepare for change group, based on the wisdom of Cobra. I can not change that, because I am not administrator.

    old,please delete:


    Thank you,



  26. Thank you so much for your work, Rob!
    PFC Paris-France does its best to hold the light and prepare THE EVENT!

  27. Good Day Dear Prepare For Change Council, Please add Facebook Page:

    Family of Light

    Thank you,
    Ritchie Ribera
    [email protected]


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