As of 01/13/2019, please note that Prepare For Change is currently updating this page. We appreciate your patience and apologize for any inconvenience in your search for information. Our hope and intent is to re-establish this page and all future content with the help of new volunteers who can assist with this process. If you have any comment, suggestions, or wish to volunteer with the Leadership program please contact us at:
The following information was created during the initial Prepare For Change website development and includes valuable and essential ideas for a possible vision of what PFC Leadership could be. We are therefore keeping it as a resource to those who are considering becoming a part of the Leadership incentive. We are seeking to re-establish this initiative and will be seeking volunteers with their own vision to assist with the development of this program. Please look for updates and announcements on future events that will kick off a new Leadership plan. Thank you.
This link has useful tools and techniques related to Leadership and will take you to the “Volunteers” tab on the top row of our website.
Prepare for Change Organizing Tools and TechniquesÂ
This  is a link that will take you to the “Event Support Groups” tab on the bottom row of our website. It was intended for use by perceived middle managers when the Event is in process. It has a downloadable version of the Community Leaders Brief in thirty-three languages and there are thirty-three translated websites to host the related information as well.
The following is an outline of the rest of the content under the Leadership tab.
- Section One:
- Protocols for Advising Leadership For those of you who choose to participate and are called to action to aid this group’s mission, we have protocols for you to study and directives you should abide by in approaching your local governance at the time of the Event. Above all remain peaceful and kind in your demeanor when trying to share your knowledge.
- Section Two:
- Advising Leadership about the Background of the Event This section has three parts, the first explains the suppressed history that has been treated as myth and fantasy, the second part explains about the Event which includes actions of the positive forces on our planet as well as the frequency shift that will accompany these actions. The third part goes into detail about what we can expect after the Event. It is the longest of the four sections, and it is a lot of information.
- Section Three:
- Contacting Leadership to Advise  Realistically speaking, your mission for contacting world leaders has already begun. Practice for the Event everyday; and contact anyone and every one who has ears to hear and eyes to see. Let your heart be invested in this practice and learn what words, what information, you share does not shut people down. Try to bring the information through clearly and concisely as possible. Do not get discouraged that you are not up to the task.
- Section Four:
- Training to Advise Leadership suggestions for those who feel called upon to take up this work and distribute this information to the leadership of the world’s life-supporting infrastructure.