Click Here to See the Prepare for Change Communications Tools and Techniques Page where all the useful tools and techniques are gathered for PFC members.
This page is dedicated to information related to the Renaissance Group which is the one group in Prepare for Change devoted to the artistic side of us all. Whether architecture, painting, writing poetry or novels, dancing, acting or making music as a composer or song writer, musician or singer, the Renaissance Group is where you will meet others who are similarly talented and spiritually aware. The breadth of this group has made focus an issue, but we are recruiting new people with a love for art and spirit to give it the life to help everyone.
Finding ways to share our talents and abilities on behalf of the Change we need is a challenge for us, but several ideas are being discussed and soon they will be on the Renaissance Creative discussion list, so please join by using the link below.
New projects such as a Prepare for Change Internet Art Auction are among the ideas that we can make real on the Discussion list. An Auction can be used to enable our members to show what they can do and also help to raise money for PFC as well. The artist decides the donation and we can promote it throughout the alternative media worldwide. It is just and idea now, but some support from members can make it reality soon.
Discussion Lists for the Renaissance Group
This list is for everyone to join and discuss the role of creativity and the arts to facilitate after the Event  Organizers on are invited to contribute their techniques used to grow their Circles on this list.Â
Address your emails to:Â [email protected]
Go to the Google Groups site to read the forum threads.!forum/pfc-renaissance-creatives  Remember you need to signed up for the list to access it!
PFC Flash Mobs This is an idea that is well received, but needs some energetic and talented people to lead it. The idea is simple in concept: Find some good music, create a dance routine, make a video of a performance in a mall or park and put it n Youtube so we can share it with the world. Once this is done the potential for others to adopt this as an activity increases greatly.
This list is for everyone to join and discuss ways to express the joy and fun of participating in flash mob presentations using dance and music.
Address your emails to:Â [email protected]
Go to the Google Groups site to read the forum threads.!forum/pfc-flash-mob-efforts Remember you need to signed up for the list to access it!