While the Paid Disinformation Specialist Author Mick West Isn’t Even a Scientist, Ken Caldiera Is A Major Advocate of Geoengineering
The article posted to the right beneath the inset photo is not credible for so many reasons that it’s inconceivable that the research paper underlying it was ever even published. It especially validates an essay authored by SOTN about this very subject.
As follows:

Researchers release findings on ‘theories about atmospheric chemical spraying’
WASHINGTON – You’ve seen the contrails behind those high-flying jets – sometimes making crisscrossing patterns in the sky – above your home, your town, your city.
And you’ve heard the rumors. The government is spraying toxic chemicals, gene-altering concoctions, testing weapons of war.
But the first peer-reviewed study published on these mysterious “chemtrails,” as they are often called, found they are not the result of governments covertly conducting experiments on the public.
They’re just plain old water vapor.
Rather than “chemtrails,” say the researchers, they are actually “contrails,” which is short for condensation that produces water vapor that freezes around aerosols in the aircraft exhaust.
“We wanted to establish a scientific record on the topic of secret atmospheric spraying programs for the benefit of those in the public who haven’t made up their minds,” said lead researcher Steven Davis from the University of California, Irvine. “The experts we surveyed resoundingly rejected contrail photographs and test results as evidence of a large-scale atmospheric conspiracy.”
To find out what was going on, the team interviewed 77 scientists who should know what they’re talking about – they were either atmospheric chemists who specialize in condensation trails, or geochemists working on atmospheric deposition of dust and pollution.
Out of the group, 76 of the 77 experts said they hadn’t come across evidence of secret, large-scale spraying programs.
The evidence that the 77th had come across was “high levels of atmospheric barium in a remote area with standard low soil barium.”
The researchers were shown four images commonly circulated as “chemtrails,” and 100 percent of them said they were just ordinary contrails – and they provided peer-reviewed citations to back up their claims.
The researchers also suggested that contrails are more common these days simply because air travel is becoming more regular.
“Despite the persistence of erroneous theories about atmospheric chemical spraying programs, until now there were no peer-reviewed academic studies showing that what some people think are ‘chemtrails’ are just ordinary contrails, which are becoming more abundant as air travel expands,” said one of the researchers, Ken Caldeira from the Carnegie Institution for Science.
In other words, nothing to see up here.
Move along.
Of course, there’s a climate change tie-in. There’s always a climate-change link.
“Also, it is possible that climate change is causing contrails to persist for longer periods than they used to,” said Caldeira.
The team admits that their research probably won’t sway the opinion of anyone who already believes in “chemtrails,” but they hope that by providing a peer-reviewed study on the subject, people new to the topic will find something objective when doing their research.
“I felt it was important to definitively show what real experts in contrails and aerosols think,” said Caldeira. “We might not convince die-hard believers that their beloved secret spraying program is just a paranoid fantasy, but hopefully their friends will accept the facts.”
The research has been published in Environmental Research Letters.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2016/08/chemtrails-nothing-to-see-up-here-says-study/#QPjMzd1lBGpQyMlT.99
The authors themselves tell the true story about how such a fabricated story ever makes it to print much less to a peer-reviewed open access environmental research journal. For instance Mick West runs a website known as Metabunk.org which is dedicated to falsely debunking anything that is probably true and genuinely conspiratorial in nature. The website is a complete joke and should not be taken seriously for even a moment … about any topic whatsoever, even when they may be onto to something.
Two Disinfo Sites Run by “Just Some Guy” Named Mick West
Ken Caldiera on the other hand is an atmospheric scientist who actually pioneered the science of chemical geoengineering. And yet he is one of the principal authors of the bogus study. He has in fact been a zealous advocate of weather modification and climate engineering throughout his academic and research career. How he deigns to present himself as a chemtrail denier is as ludicrous as it is inexplicable.
The Climate Scientist Who Pioneered Geoengineering Fears It’s About to Blow Up
For the uninitiated, the comment section at the link provided at the bottom of the article presents many interesting comments from everyday folks who only use their common sense and faculty of reason. The people are much more intelligent that the supposed scientists who participated in this absurd and insulting study. They are even more aware and better informed than some of the best alternative news websites on the Internet. Why SOTT ever posted such a piece of government propaganda is difficult to comprehend.
SOTT Posts Article Attempting to Debunk Chemtrails!
State of the Nation
August 17, 2016
N.B. The following link offers a litany of mainstream acknowledgements of geoengineering and admissions of scientific/academic pursuits in all the related disciplines.
The MSM Goes After Geoengineering Conspiracy Theorists When All The Evidence Supports Chemtrails
Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.
If COBRA is for real why would he ever publish this article, which makes me question everything he wrote about The Event since there’s plenty of information to verify the existence of chemtrails, but not much about The Event that keeps coming since 2013 without a particular date. (And how would the best part of people on the planet prepare for the event who have no idea there’s such a thing.)
Here are two Government documents that talk about right the opposite to what the quoted group of scientists.
1. http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/documents/19680002906_1968002906.pdf – A Recommended National Program In Weather Modification.
2. http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/documents/Weather%20Modification%20-%20Programs,%20Problems,%20Policy,%20And%20Potential%20(May%201978,%20784%20pages).pdf Weather Modification: Programs, Problems, Policy, and Potential.
2.a https://unearthclimatechange.com/2014/12/04/weather-modification-programs-problems-policy-and-potential-may-1978/
~ Have a look at how those ‘contrail’ airplanes look from the inside. http://worldtruth.tv/photos-from-inside-chemtrail-planes-like-youve-never-seen-before/
~ Still more. https://www.metabunk.org/debunked-chemtrail-plane-interior-ballast-barrels.t661/
~ The German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s photo shoot with one one of those US ‘contrail’ airplanes. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204927773914170&set=p.10204927773914170&type=3&theater
~ Here we have a German pilot ready to testify. https://www.facebook.com/JedaNews/videos/1419924951356207/?pnref=story
~ Geoengineering Whistleblower ~ Ex-Military ~ Kristen Meghan, Hauppauge, NY, January 18th, 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHm0XhtDyZA
~ Legal Action to stop geoengineering. http://www.stopgeoengineeringlegalalliance.com ,
~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0z0VN0ZbR48 – Inside Weather Modification Planes
~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X1j58Y6B0s – NASA Expert: Chemtrails are Real and Rogue Geoengineers Could Blackmail the Earth
~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5is16A8pfw – Chemtrails, Here is your PROOF 100% Real “MUST WATCH” Rosalind Peterson in front of UN
~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPnWaBsMYnY – Pilots, Doctors & Scientists Tell Truth about Chemtrails [Excerpts]
~ Vatican’s coins worshiping the looooooooong “contrail”.
We work with Cobra but he has no say in what is posted on this site. We try to inform, educate and open people’s minds while we all figure out what is ‘really’ going on.
I posted this article in order to show the efforts of the pro-chemtrail groups to convince people that they can’t believe their eyes. There was a good effort to make sure that the article trying to debunk the idea of chem trails was isolated and the objective of the article we posted, which was talking about the supposed debunkers and their propagandist arguments that chem trails do not exist.
Sorry if this was confusing.
Spraying aerosols into the atmosphere is a global industry, with thousands of people making their living by doing it. So knowing this, it should not be hard to find a group of “scientists” and “experts” who will say that there is no such thing as “chemtrails”.
When an author sets out to write something knowing the conclusion in advance, all the supporting quotations and research will have to come from sources that agree with the predetermined conclusion.
If you have eyes in your head, you can see that some jets leave contrails and others are spraying something into the atmosphere. The difference is obvious, because the contrails disperse quickly, disappearing about ten lengths behind the plane, while chemtrails remain and in fact grow larger, spreading out and dropping toward the ground with tendrils of difficult to disperse masses falling like lugies from the sky.
Believe your eyes… and ignore the liars behind the curtain.