“The Volunteers” Legends of the 21st century Humans (Video)


A telepathic conversation between two Oversouls. One describing what it was like to experience Earth. These frequencies are real. This shift in consciousness is really happening.


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Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. However, they are hopefully provocative. Please use discernment! Use logical thinking, your own intuition and your own connection with Source, Spirit and Natural Laws to help you determine what is true and what is not. By sharing information and seeding dialogue, it is our goal to raise consciousness and awareness of higher truths to free us from enslavement of the matrix in this material realm.


  1. I in I says it’s time..I woke and started spreading these frequencies after a period of time it seems I had to sync to them for months first by being at rest ..I was pure awareness like a samadi like state of being.i was channeling things my whole body would viberate the things and information coming threw was not something Kevin knew..but somehow I felt this to be what we all were looking for .it was weird to see the illusion of mySelf melt away in a deep way.knowing this was the mask I always wore over pure consciousness . I meet angels that nite then a silver light covered me as my consciousness. Left my body..I seen the energy that I am and seen and experience universal consiousness . I had a Kundalini awakining winter2015 and that nite was giving new eyes to see the world.. nothing has been the same..I live in Saginaw Michigan..I’m 34 I am now known here as the Shaman..I use plant medicines to reach the 5th dimension where it seems I’ve raised my viberations higher to experience a higher plane of reality..I seen the connectivity of all things..Oneness..I wish all truth seeker gl..you will find the gold at the end of the rainbow..I was giving his path and his.hat all in One hand ???️‍?????

  2. Yes moving out of judgement makes the experience more wonderful And anchoring unconditional love also a step to growing more in Joy and amusement much easier when you are surrounded by nature and beautiful waters. Divine Mother Earth wow allowing all this to happen.

  3. Not many people will understand that in 3 minutes I was crying … how much?, How hard it is… really a moving video.
    My heart sence that the event is near, but … how near?…
    Love you.

  4. Salaam , namastey, thank you so much for this beautiful information . peace and love with the Victory of the light.

  5. When the “event” happens, don’t forget to honor all those fearful humans who sacrificed themselves for this concentration death camp euphemistically called the “grand experiment.” It’s very easy to judge all those souls who couldn’t break free from the overwhelming conditioning of this 3D planet when you’re fully awake and looking at it from the safe haven of the higher dimensions. This Earth human experience is not funny at all and nothing to laugh at. The misery generated by this experiment will not easily go away, and all those higher beings observing from a safe distance owe a debt of gratitude to every soul that ever incarnated on this planet.

    • Thank you, Rhea, your words ring like a bell all around planet Earth. You sound true to your name.
      Rhea is known as a Greek Goddes ‘Ρέα is Rhea in Greek. Rhea is the Goddess of female fertility, motherhood and generation.

      Peace be with you and with planet Earth. Blessed be, Marian Baghor

  6. Ricky hello! All it takes to wake up is knowledge that allows you to answer the question- who am I?- you are not your name, body, or experiences because you were you before you were in your body, told your name or had any type of experience. So what is this you? Consciousness:). This realization has mind blowing implications as well so I will leave it here but will answer any questions:) peace

  7. You are already awake if you are here, if you were talking about yourself? I guess there are pretty much 2 kinds of awake, 1 is your a human that knows whats going on and 2 you know who you truely are, your true self, you know self. The way I see it, its not a process that is rushed, take your time with it, enjoy it I say man. especially during these times, once the earth changes, it will never be this way again.


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